def simple_method(input1,input2=None):
    """ SUAVE.Methods.SimpleMethod(input1,input2=None)
        does something useful
            input1 - description [units]
            input2 - description [units]
            output1 - description
            output2 - description
            >> try to minimize outputs
            >> pack up outputs into Data() if needed
            if needed
    # unpack inputs
    var1 = input1.var1
    var2 = inputs.var2
    # setup
    var3 = var1 * var2
    # process
    magic = np.log(var3)
    # packup outputs
    output = Data()
    output.magic = magic
    output.var3  = var3
    return output
 def do_this(input1,input2=None):
     """ SUAVE.Attributes.Attribute.do_this(input1,input2=None)
         conditions data for some useful purpose
             input1 - description [units]
             input2 - description [units]
             output1 - description
             output2 - description
             >> try to minimize outputs
             >> pack up outputs into Data() if needed
             if needed
     # unpack inputs
     var1 = input1.var1
     var2 = inputs.var2
     # setup
     var3 = var1 * var2
     # process
     magic = np.log(var3)
     # packup outputs
     output = Data()
     output.magic = magic
     output.var3  = var3
     return output
def evaluate_field_length(vehicle):
    # ---------------------------
    # Check field performance
    # ---------------------------
    # define takeoff and landing configuration
    #print ' Defining takeoff and landing configurations'
    takeoff_config,landing_config = define_field_configs(vehicle)

    # define airport to be evaluated
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.altitude   =  0.0  * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa  =  0.0
    airport.atmosphere =  SUAVE.Attributes.Atmospheres.Earth.US_Standard_1976()

    # evaluate takeoff / landing
    #print ' Estimating takeoff performance'
    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(vehicle,takeoff_config,airport)
    #print ' Estimating landing performance'
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length(vehicle,landing_config,airport)
    fldlength      = Data()
    fldlength.TOFL = TOFL
    fldlength.LFL  = LFL
    return fldlength
def main():
    # Setup and pack inputs, test several cases
    conditions = Data()
    conditions.frames = Data()
    conditions.frames.body = Data()    
    conditions.frames.planet = Data()
    conditions.frames.inertial = Data()
    conditions.freestream = Data()
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations = np.zeros((4,3))
    conditions.frames.planet.start_time = time.strptime("Thu, Mar 20 12:00:00  2014", "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y",)
    conditions.frames.planet.latitude = np.array([[0.0],[35],[70],[0.0]])
    conditions.frames.planet.longitude = np.array([[0.0],[0.0],[0.0],[0.0]])
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations[:,0] = np.array([0.0,np.pi/10,np.pi/5,0.0]) # Phi
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations[:,1] = np.array([0.0,np.pi/10,np.pi/5,0.0]) # Theta
    conditions.frames.body.inertial_rotations[:,2] = np.array([0.0,np.pi/2,np.pi,0.0])    # Psi
    conditions.freestream.altitude = np.array([[600000.0],[0.0],[60000],[1000]])
    conditions.frames.inertial.time = np.array([[0.0],[0.0],[0.0],[43200]])
    # Call solar radiation
    rad = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Processes.Solar_Radiation()
    fluxes = rad.solar_radiation(conditions)
    print('Solar Fluxes')
    print fluxes
    truth_fluxes = [[ 1304.01069749],[ 815.02502004],[  783.55678702],[0.0]]

    max_error =  np.max(np.abs(fluxes-truth_fluxes))
    assert( max_error < 1e-5 )
def evaluate_range_from_short_field(vehicle,mission,results):

    # unpack
    airport_short_field = mission.airport_short_field
    tofl = airport_short_field.field_lenght
    takeoff_config = vehicle.configs.takeoff

    from SUAVE.Methods.Performance import find_takeoff_weight_given_tofl

    # evaluate maximum allowable takeoff weight from a short field
    tow_short_field = find_takeoff_weight_given_tofl(vehicle,takeoff_config,airport_short_field,tofl)

    # determine maximum range based in tow short_field

    from SUAVE.Methods.Performance import size_mission_range_given_weights
    # unpack
    cruise_segment_tag = 'Cruise'
    mission_payload = vehicle.mass_properties.payload
    # call function
    distance,fuel = size_mission_range_given_weights(vehicle,mission,cruise_segment_tag,mission_payload,tow_short_field)

    # pack
    short_field = Data()
    short_field.tag            = 'short_field'
    short_field.takeoff_weight = tow_short_field
    short_field.range          = distance
    short_field.fuel           = fuel

    results.short_field = short_field

    return results
def evaluate_field_length(vehicle):
    # ---------------------------
    # Check field performance
    # ---------------------------
    # define takeoff and landing configuration
    #print ' Defining takeoff and landing configurations'
    takeoff_config,landing_config = define_field_configs(vehicle)

    # define airport to be evaluated
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.altitude   =  0.0  * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa  =  0.0
    airport.atmosphere =  SUAVE.Attributes.Atmospheres.Earth.US_Standard_1976()

    # evaluate takeoff / landing
    #print ' Estimating takeoff performance'
    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(vehicle,takeoff_config,airport)
    #print ' Estimating landing performance'
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length(vehicle,landing_config,airport)
    fldlength      = Data()
    fldlength.TOFL = TOFL
    fldlength.LFL  = LFL
    return fldlength
    def do_this(input1, input2=None):
        """ SUAVE.Attributes.Attribute.do_this(input1,input2=None)
            conditions data for some useful purpose
                input1 - description [units]
                input2 - description [units]
                output1 - description
                output2 - description
                >> try to minimize outputs
                >> pack up outputs into Data() if needed
                if needed

        # unpack inputs
        var1 = input1.var1
        var2 = inputs.var2

        # setup
        var3 = var1 * var2

        # process
        magic = np.log(var3)

        # packup outputs
        output = Data()
        output.magic = magic
        output.var3 = var3

        return output
def simple_method(input1, input2=None):
    """ SUAVE.Methods.SimpleMethod(input1,input2=None)
        does something useful
            input1 - description [units]
            input2 - description [units]
            output1 - description
            output2 - description
            >> try to minimize outputs
            >> pack up outputs into Data() if needed
            if needed

    # unpack inputs
    var1 = input1.var1
    var2 = inputs.var2

    # setup
    var3 = var1 * var2

    # process
    magic = np.log(var3)

    # packup outputs
    output = Data()
    output.magic = magic
    output.var3 = var3

    return output
 def __defaults__(self):
     self.tag = 'Turbojet Variable Nozzle'
     self.thrust_sls = 0.0
     self.sfc_TF     = 0.0
     self.kwt0_eng   = 0.0
     self.type               = 0
     self.length             = 0.0
     self.cowl_length        = 0.0
     self.eng_thrt_ratio     = 0.0
     self.hilight_thrt_ratio = 0.0
     self.lip_finess_ratio   = 0.0
     self.height_width_ratio = 0.0
     self.upper_surf_shape_factor = 0.0
     self.lower_surf_shape_factor = 0.0
     self.dive_flap_ratio    = 0.0
     self.tip      = Data()
     self.inlet    = Data()
     self.diverter = Data()
     self.nozzle   = Data()
     self.analysis_type= 'pass'
     #--geometry pass like
     self.engine_dia= 0.0
     self.engine_length= 0.0
     self.nacelle_dia= 0.0
     self.inlet_length= 0.0
     self.eng_maxarea= 0.0
     self.inlet_area= 0.0   
     #newly added for 1d engine analysis
     self.diffuser_pressure_ratio = 1.0
     self.fan_pressure_ratio = 1.0
     self.fan_nozzle_pressure_ratio = 1.0
     self.lpc_pressure_ratio = 1.0
     self.hpc_pressure_ratio = 1.0
     self.burner_pressure_ratio = 1.0
     self.turbine_nozzle_pressure_ratio = 1.0
     self.Tt4 = 1400
     self.bypass_ratio = 0.0
     self.mdhc = 0.0        
     self.thrust = Data() = 1.0
     self.A2 = 0.0
     self.df = 0.0
     self.A2_5 = 0.0
     self.dhc = 0.0
     self.A7 = 0.0
     self.A5 = 0.0
     self.Ao = 0.0
     self.mdt = 0.0
     self.mlt = 0.0
     self.mdf = 0.0
     self.mdlc = 0.0     
     self.mdot_core = 0.0
    def __defaults__(self):

        # function handles for input
        self.inputs = Data()

        # function handles for output
        self.outputs = Data()

    def __call__(self,conditions):
        """ process vehicle to setup geometry, condititon and configuration
                conditions - DataDict() of aerodynamic conditions
                CL - array of lift coefficients, same size as alpha 
                CD - array of drag coefficients, same size as alpha
                linear intperolation surrogate model on Mach, Angle of Attack 
                    and Reynolds number
                locations outside the surrogate's table are held to nearest data
                no changes to initial geometry or configuration
        # unpack
        configuration = self.configuration
        geometry      = self.geometry
        q             = conditions.freestream.dynamic_pressure
        Sref          = geometry.reference_area
        # lift needs to compute first, updates data needed for drag
        CL = SUAVE.Methods.Aerodynamics.Supersonic_Zero.Lift.compute_aircraft_lift(conditions,configuration,geometry)

        # drag computes second
        CD = compute_aircraft_drag(conditions,configuration,geometry)
        # pack conditions
        conditions.aerodynamics.lift_coefficient = CL
        conditions.aerodynamics.drag_coefficient = CD        

        # pack results
        results = Data()
        results.lift_coefficient = CL
        results.drag_coefficient = CD
        N = q.shape[0]
        L = np.zeros([N,3])
        D = np.zeros([N,3])
        L[:,2] = ( -CL * q * Sref )[:,0]
        D[:,0] = ( -CD * q * Sref )[:,0]
        #if L.any < 0.0:
            #k = 1        

        results.lift_force_vector = L
        results.drag_force_vector = D        
        return results
    def __defaults__(self):

        self.tag = 'Aerodynamics'
        self.geometry = Geometry()
        self.configuration = Configuration()

        self.conditions_table = Conditions(
            angle_of_attack=np.linspace(-10., 10., 5) * Units.deg, )

        self.model = Data()
def short_period(velocity, density, S_gross_w, mac, Cm_q, Cz_alpha, mass,
                 Cm_alpha, Iy, Cm_alpha_dot):
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Flight_Dynamics.Dynamic_Stablity.Approximations.short_period(velocity, density, S_gross_w, mac, Cm_q, Cz_alpha, mass, Cm_alpha, Iy, Cm_alpha_dot)
        Calculate the natural frequency and damping ratio for the approximate short period characteristics        
            velocity - flight velocity at the condition being considered [meters/seconds]
            density - flight density at condition being considered [kg/meters**3]
            S_gross_w - area of the wing [meters**2]
            mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing [meters]
            Cm_q - coefficient for the change in pitching moment due to pitch rate [dimensionless]
            Cz_alpha - coefficient for the change in Z force due to the angle of attack [dimensionless]
            mass - mass of the aircraft [kilograms]
            Cm_alpha - coefficient for the change in pitching moment due to angle of attack [dimensionless]
            Iy - moment of interia about the body y axis [kg * meters**2]
            Cm_alpha_dot - coefficient for the change in pitching moment due to rate of change of angle of attack [dimensionless]
            output - a data dictionary with fields:
                w_n - natural frequency of the short period mode [radian/second]
                zeta - damping ratio of the short period mode [dimensionless]
            X-Z axis is plane of symmetry
            Constant mass of aircraft
            Origin of axis system at c.g. of aircraft
            Aircraft is a rigid body
            Earth is inertial reference frame
            Perturbations from equilibrium are small
            Flow is Quasisteady
            Constant forward airspeed
            Neglect Cz_alpha_dot and Cz_q
            Theta = 0
            J.H. Blakelock, "Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles" Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 1991, p 46-50.

    w_n = velocity * density * S_gross_w * mac / 2. * (
        (0.5 * Cm_q * Cz_alpha -
         2. * mass / density / S_gross_w / mac * Cm_alpha) / Iy / mass)**(0.5)
    zeta = -0.25 * (Cm_q + Cm_alpha_dot + 2. * Iy * Cz_alpha / mass /
                    (mac**2.)) * (mass * mac**2. / Iy /
                                  (Cm_q * Cz_alpha * 0.5 - 2. * mass *
                                   Cm_alpha / density / S_gross_w / mac))**0.5

    output = Data()
    output.natural_frequency = w_n
    output.damping_ratio = zeta

    return output
    def __defaults__(self):

        self.tag = 'Aerodynamics'
        self.geometry = Geometry()
        self.configuration = Configuration()

        self.conditions_table = Conditions(
            angle_of_attack=np.linspace(-10., 10., 5) * Units.deg,
            mach_number=np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 5),
            reynolds_number=np.linspace(1.e4, 1.e10, 3),

        self.model = Data()
def tail_vertical(S_v,Nult,b_v,TOW,t_c_v,sweep_v,S_gross_w,t_tail,rudder_fraction = 0.25):      
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.Tube_Wing.tail_vertical(S_v,Nult,b_v,TOW,t_c_v,sweep_v,S_gross_w,t_tail)
        Calculate the weight of the vertical fin of an aircraft without the weight of the rudder and then calculate the weight of the rudder        
            S_v - area of the vertical tail (combined fin and rudder) [meters**2]
            Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft [dimensionless]
            b_v - span of the vertical [meters]
            TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
            t_c_v - thickness-to-chord ratio of the vertical tail [dimensionless]
            sweep_v - sweep angle of the vertical tail [radians]
            S_gross_w - wing gross area [meters**2]
            t_tail - factor to determine if aircraft has a t-tail [dimensionless]
            rudder_fraction - fraction of the vertical tail that is the rudder [dimensionless]
            output - a dictionary with outputs:
                wt_tail_vertical - weight of the vertical fin portion of the vertical tail [kilograms]
                wt_rudder - weight of the rudder on the aircraft [kilograms]
            Vertical tail weight is the weight of the vertical fin without the rudder weight.
            Rudder occupies 25% of the S_v and weighs 60% more per unit area.
    # unpack inputs
    span  = b_v / Units.ft # Convert meters to ft
    sweep = sweep_v # Convert deg to radians
    area  = S_v / Units.ft**2 # Convert meters squared to ft squared
    mtow  = TOW / # Convert kg to lbs
    Sref  = S_gross_w / Units.ft**2 # Convert from meters squared to ft squared
    # process    
    # Determine weight of the vertical portion of the tail
    if t_tail == "yes": 
        T_tail_factor = 1.25 # Weight of vertical portion of the T-tail is 25% more than a conventional tail
        T_tail_factor = 1.0 
    # Calculate weight of wing for traditional aircraft vertical tail without rudder
    tail_vert_English = T_tail_factor * (2.62*area+1.5*10.**(-5.)*Nult*span**3.*(8.+0.44*mtow/Sref)/(t_c_v*(np.cos(sweep)**2.))) 
    # packup outputs    
    output = Data()
    output.wt_tail_vertical = tail_vert_English * Units.lbs # Convert from lbs to kg
    output.wt_rudder        = output.wt_tail_vertical * rudder_fraction * 1.6

    return output
def main():

    # define the problem
    additional_drag_coefficient = 0.0000
    vehicle, mission = full_setup(additional_drag_coefficient)

    # run the problem
    results = Data()
    results.mission_profile = Data()
    results.mission_profile = SUAVE.Methods.Performance.evaluate_mission(mission)

    # post process the results
 def get_final_conditions(self):
     conditions = self.conditions
     finals = Data()
     # the update function
     def pull_conditions(A,B):
         for k,v in A.iteritems():
             # recursion
             if isinstance(v,Data):
                 B[k] = Data()
             # need arrays here
             elif not isinstance(v,np.ndarray):
                 #raise ValueError , 'condition "%s" must be type np.array' % k
             # the copy
                 B[k] = A[k][-1,:][None,:]
             #: if type
         #: for each key,value
     #: def pull_conditions()
     # do the update!
     return finals
 def build_surrogate_sup(self):
     # unpack data
     conditions_table = self.conditions_table
     AoA_data = conditions_table.angle_of_attack
     CL_data  = conditions_table.lift_coefficient
     # pack for surrogate
     X_data = np.array([AoA_data]).T        
     # assign models
     X_data = np.reshape(X_data,-1)
     # assign models
     #Interpolation = Aerodynamics_1d_Surrogate.Interpolation(X_data,CL_data)
     Interpolation = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(X_data, CL_data ,1))
     #Interpolation = Fidelity_Zero.Interpolation
     self.models.lift_coefficient = Interpolation
     # assign to configuration
     self.configuration.surrogate_models_sup = Data()
     self.configuration.surrogate_models_sup.lift_coefficient = Interpolation
def short_period(velocity, density, S_gross_w, mac, Cm_q, Cz_alpha, mass, Cm_alpha, Iy, Cm_alpha_dot):
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Flight_Dynamics.Dynamic_Stablity.Approximations.short_period(velocity, density, S_gross_w, mac, Cm_q, Cz_alpha, mass, Cm_alpha, Iy, Cm_alpha_dot)
        Calculate the natural frequency and damping ratio for the approximate short period characteristics        
            velocity - flight velocity at the condition being considered [meters/seconds]
            density - flight density at condition being considered [kg/meters**3]
            S_gross_w - area of the wing [meters**2]
            mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing [meters]
            Cm_q - coefficient for the change in pitching moment due to pitch rate [dimensionless]
            Cz_alpha - coefficient for the change in Z force due to the angle of attack [dimensionless]
            mass - mass of the aircraft [kilograms]
            Cm_alpha - coefficient for the change in pitching moment due to angle of attack [dimensionless]
            Iy - moment of interia about the body y axis [kg * meters**2]
            Cm_alpha_dot - coefficient for the change in pitching moment due to rate of change of angle of attack [dimensionless]
            output - a data dictionary with fields:
                w_n - natural frequency of the short period mode [radian/second]
                zeta - damping ratio of the short period mode [dimensionless]
            X-Z axis is plane of symmetry
            Constant mass of aircraft
            Origin of axis system at c.g. of aircraft
            Aircraft is a rigid body
            Earth is inertial reference frame
            Perturbations from equilibrium are small
            Flow is Quasisteady
            Constant forward airspeed
            Neglect Cz_alpha_dot and Cz_q
            Theta = 0
            J.H. Blakelock, "Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles" Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 1991, p 46-50.
    w_n = velocity * density * S_gross_w * mac / 2. * ((0.5*Cm_q*Cz_alpha - 2. * mass / density /S_gross_w /mac * Cm_alpha) / Iy /mass)**(0.5)
    zeta = -0.25 * (Cm_q + Cm_alpha_dot + 2. * Iy * Cz_alpha / mass / (mac ** 2.)) * ( mass * mac ** 2. / Iy / (Cm_q * Cz_alpha * 0.5 - 2. * mass * Cm_alpha / density / S_gross_w / mac)) ** 0.5
    output = Data()
    output.natural_frequency = w_n
    output.damping_ratio = zeta
    return output
def dutch_roll(velocity, Cn_Beta, S_gross_w, density, span, I_z, Cn_r):
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Flight_Dynamics.Dynamic_Stablity.Approximations.dutch_roll(velocity, Cn_Beta, S_gross_w, density, span, I_z, Cn_r)
        Calculate the natural frequency and damping ratio for the approximate dutch roll characteristics       
            velocity - flight velocity at the condition being considered [meters/seconds]
            Cn_Beta - coefficient for change in yawing moment due to sideslip [dimensionless]
            S_gross_w - area of the wing [meters**2]
            density - flight density at condition being considered [kg/meters**3]
            span - wing span of the aircraft [meters]
            I_z - moment of interia about the body z axis [kg * meters**2]
            Cn_r - coefficient for change in yawing moment due to yawing velocity [dimensionless]
            output - a data dictionary with fields:
                dutch_w_n - natural frequency of the dutch roll mode [radian/second]
                dutch_zeta - damping ratio of the dutch roll mode [dimensionless]
            Major effect of rudder deflection is the generation of the Dutch roll mode.
            Dutch roll mode only consists of sideslip and yaw
            Beta = -Psi
            Phi and its derivatives are zero
            consider only delta_r input and Theta = 0
            Neglect Cy_r
            X-Z axis is plane of symmetry
            Constant mass of aircraft
            Origin of axis system at c.g. of aircraft
            Aircraft is a rigid body
            Earth is inertial reference frame
            Perturbations from equilibrium are small
            Flow is Quasisteady
            J.H. Blakelock, "Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles" Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 1991, p 132-134.
    w_n = velocity * (Cn_Beta*S_gross_w*density*span/2./I_z)**0.5 # natural frequency
    zeta = -Cn_r /8. * (2.*S_gross_w*density*span**3./I_z/Cn_Beta)**0.5 # damping ratio
    output = Data() 
    output.natural_frequency = w_n
    output.damping_ratio = zeta
    return output
def check_results(new_results):

    # check segment values
    truth = Data()
    truth.dist = [6426122.4935872, 5848398.49923247, 7044468.46851841]
    truth.fuel = [14771., 12695., 12695.]

    error = Data()
    error.dist = np.max(np.abs(new_results.dist - truth.dist))
    error.fuel = np.max(np.abs(new_results.fuel - truth.fuel))

    for k, v in error.items():
        assert (np.abs(v) < 0.001)
    def __defaults__(self):

        self.molecular_mass = 0.0
        self.composition = Data()
        self.composition.liquid = 1.0
        self.heat_of_vaporization = 0.  #heat of vaporization of water [J/kg]
        self.density = 0.  #density (kg/
        self.boiling_point = 0.  #boiling point [K]
    def logic(self, conditions, numerics):
        """ The power being sent to the battery
                payload power
                avionics power
                current to the esc
                voltage of the system
                MPPT efficiency
                power to the battery
                Many: the system voltage is constant, the maximum power
                point is at a constant voltage
        pin = self.inputs.powerin[:, 0, None]
        pavionics = self.inputs.pavionics
        ppayload = self.inputs.ppayload
        volts_motor = self.inputs.volts_motor
        volts = self.voltage()
        esccurrent = self.inputs.currentesc
        I = numerics.integrate_time

        pavail = pin * self.MPPT_efficiency

        plevel = pavail - pavionics - ppayload - volts_motor * esccurrent

        # Integrate the plevel over time to assess the energy consumption
        # or energy storage
        e =, plevel)

        # Send or take power out of the battery, Pack up
        batlogic = Data()
        batlogic.pbat = plevel
        batlogic.Ibat = (plevel / volts)
        batlogic.e = e

        # Output
        self.outputs.batlogic = batlogic

def EvaluatePASS(vehicle, mission):
    """ Compute the Pass Performance Calculations using SU AA 241 course notes 

    # unpack
    maxto = vehicle.Mass.mtow
    mzfw_ratio = vehicle.Mass.fmzfw
    sref = vehicle.Wing['Main Wing'].sref
    sfc_sfcref = vehicle.Turbo_Fan['TheTurboFan'].sfc_TF
    sls_thrust = vehicle.Turbo_Fan['TheTurboFan'].thrust_sls
    eng_type = vehicle.Turbo_Fan['TheTurboFan'].type_engine
    out = Data()

    # Calculate
    fuel_manuever = WeightManeuver(maxto)
    fuel_climb_added = WeightClimbAdded(vehicle, mission, maxto)
    reserve_fuel = FuelReserve(mission, maxto, mzfw_ratio, 0)
    out.range, fuel_cruise = CruiseRange(vehicle, mission, maxto,
                                         fuel_burn_maneuever, fuel_climb_added,
                                         reserve_fuel, sfc_sfcref, sls_thrust,
                                         eng_type, mzfw_ratio)
    out.fuel_burn = (2 * fuel_manuever) + fuel_climb_added + fuel_cruise
    out.tofl = TOFL(vehicle, mission, maxto, sref, sfc_sfcref, sls_thrust,
    out.climb_grad = ClimbGradient(vehicle, mission, maxto, sfc_sfcref,
                                   sls_thrust, eng_type)
    out.lfl = LFL(vehicle, mission, maxto, mzfw_ratio, fuel_burn_maneuever,
                  reserve_fuel, sref, sfc_sfcref, sls_thrust, eng_type)

    return out
def check_results(new_results):

    # check segment values
    truth = Data()

    truth.fuel = [14246., 12234., 12162.]
    truth.tow = [53855., 49919., 39989.]

    error = Data()
    error.fuel = np.max(np.abs(new_results.fuel - truth.fuel))
    error.tow = np.max(np.abs(new_results.tow - truth.tow))

    for k, v in error.items():
        assert (np.abs(v) < 0.5)
 def logic(self,conditions,numerics):
     """ The power being sent to the battery
             payload power
             avionics power
             current to the esc
             voltage of the system
             MPPT efficiency
             power to the battery
             Many: the system voltage is constant, the maximum power
             point is at a constant voltage
     pin         = self.inputs.powerin[:,0,None]
     pavionics   = self.inputs.pavionics
     ppayload    = self.inputs.ppayload
     volts_motor = self.inputs.volts_motor
     volts       = self.voltage()
     esccurrent  = self.inputs.currentesc
     I           = numerics.integrate_time
     pavail = pin*self.MPPT_efficiency
     plevel = pavail -pavionics -ppayload - volts_motor*esccurrent
     # Integrate the plevel over time to assess the energy consumption
     # or energy storage
     e =,plevel)
     # Send or take power out of the battery, Pack up
     batlogic      = Data()
     batlogic.pbat = plevel
     batlogic.Ibat = abs(plevel/volts)
     batlogic.e    = e
     # Output
     self.outputs.batlogic = batlogic
文件: 项目: spendres/SUAVE
 def __defaults__(self):         
     self.uknots = []  
     self.vknots = []
     self.p = 3
     self.q = 3
     self.N = 0
     self.M = 0
     self.CPs = Data()
     self.CPs.x = []; self.CPs.y = []; self.CPs.z = []; self.w = []
 def __defaults__(self):
     self.tag = 'Constant-property atmopshere'
     self.pressure = 0.0  # Pa
     self.temperature = 0.0  # K
     self.density = 0.0  # kg/m^3
     self.speed_of_sound = 0.0  # m/s
     self.dynamic_viscosity = 0.0  # Pa-s
     self.composition = Data()
     self.composition.gas = 1.0
    def __defaults__(self):
        self.tag = 'Ductedfan'
        self.thrust_sls = 0.0
        self.sfc_TF = 0.0
        self.kwt0_eng = 0.0
        self.type = 0
        self.length = 0.0
        self.cowl_length = 0.0
        self.eng_thrt_ratio = 0.0
        self.hilight_thrt_ratio = 0.0
        self.lip_finess_ratio = 0.0
        self.height_width_ratio = 0.0
        self.upper_surf_shape_factor = 0.0
        self.lower_surf_shape_factor = 0.0
        self.dive_flap_ratio = 0.0
        self.tip = Data()
        self.inlet = Data()
        self.diverter = Data()
        self.nozzle = Data()
        self.analysis_type = 'pass'
        self.battery = Battery()

        #--geometry pass like

        self.engine_dia = 0.0
        self.engine_length = 0.0
        self.nacelle_dia = 0.0
        self.inlet_length = 0.0
        self.eng_maxarea = 0.0
        self.inlet_area = 0.0

        #newly added for 1d engine analysis
        self.diffuser_pressure_ratio = 1.0
        self.fan_pressure_ratio = 1.0
        self.fan_nozzle_pressure_ratio = 1.0
        self.design_thrust = 1.0

        self.A2 = 0.0
        self.df = 0.0
        self.A7 = 0.0
        self.Ao = 0.0
        self.mdf = 0.0
        self.mdot_core = 0.0
def extrapolation(weight_landing, number_of_engines, thrust_sea_level,
    """ weight = SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.Tube_Wing.landing_gear(TOW)
        The baseline case is 101 PNdb, 25,000 lb thrust, 1 engine, 1000ft

    baseline_noise = 101
    thrust_percentage = (thrust_sea_level / Units.force_pound) / 25000 * 100.
    thrust_reduction = thrust_landing / thrust_sea_level * 100.
    noise_increase_due_to_thrust = -0.0002193 * thrust_percentage**2. + 0.09454 * thrust_percentage - 7.30116
    noise_landing = -0.0015766 * thrust_reduction**2. + 0.34882 * thrust_reduction - 19.2569
    takeoff_distance_noise = -4.  # 1500 ft altitude at 6500m from start of take-off
    sideline_distance_noise = -6.5  #1 476 ft (450m) from centerline (effective distance = 1476*1.25 = 1845ft)
    landing_distance_noise = 9.1  # 370 ft altitude at 6562 ft (2000m) from runway

    takeoff = 10. * np.log10(
        10.**(baseline_noise / 10.) * number_of_engines
    ) - 4. + takeoff_distance_noise + noise_increase_due_to_thrust
    side_line = 10. * np.log10(
        10.**(baseline_noise / 10.) * number_of_engines
    ) - 4. + sideline_distance_noise + noise_increase_due_to_thrust
    landing = 10. * np.log10(
        10.**(baseline_noise / 10.) * number_of_engines
    ) - 5. + landing_distance_noise + noise_increase_due_to_thrust + noise_landing
    airframe = 40. + 10. * np.log10(weight_landing)

    output = Data()
    output.takeoff = takeoff
    output.side_line = side_line
    output.landing = 10. * np.log10(10.**(airframe / 10.) +
                                    10.**(landing / 10.))

    return output
 def initialize(self,vehicle):
     # unpack
     conditions_table = self.conditions_table
     geometry         = self.geometry
     configuration    = self.configuration
     AoA = conditions_table.angle_of_attack
     n_conditions = len(AoA)
     # copy geometry
     for k in ['fuselages','wings','propulsors']:
         geometry[k] = deepcopy(vehicle[k])
     # reference area
     geometry.reference_area = vehicle.reference_area
     # arrays
     CL  = np.zeros_like(AoA)
     # condition input, local, do not keep
     konditions = Conditions()
     konditions.aerodynamics = Data()
     # calculate aerodynamics for table
     for i in xrange(n_conditions):
         # overriding conditions, thus the name mangling
         konditions.aerodynamics.angle_of_attack = AoA[i]
         # these functions are inherited from Aerodynamics() or overridden
         CL[i] = calculate_lift_vortex_lattice(konditions, configuration, geometry)
     # store table
     conditions_table.lift_coefficient = CL
     # build surrogate
     # calculate aerodynamics for table
     for i in xrange(n_conditions):
         # overriding conditions, thus the name mangling
         konditions.aerodynamics.angle_of_attack = AoA[i]
         # these functions are inherited from Aerodynamics() or overridden
         CL[i] = calculate_lift_linear_supersonic(konditions, configuration, geometry)
     # store table
     conditions_table.lift_coefficient = CL
     # build surrogate
def compile_results(vehicle, mission, results):

    # merge all segment conditions
    def stack_condition(a, b):
        if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
            return np.vstack([a, b])
            return None

    conditions = None
    for segment in results.mission_profile.segments:
        if conditions is None:
            conditions = segment.conditions
        conditions = conditions.do_recursive(stack_condition,

    # pack
    results.output = Data()
    results.output.stability = Data()
    results.output.weight_empty = vehicle.mass_properties.operating_empty
    results.output.fuel_burn = max(conditions.weights.total_mass[:, 0]) - min(
        conditions.weights.total_mass[:, 0])
    #results.output.max_usable_fuel = vehicle.mass_properties.max_usable_fuel
    results.output.noise = results.noise
    results.output.mission_time_min = max(
        conditions.frames.inertial.time[:, 0] / Units.min)
    results.output.max_altitude_km = max(conditions.freestream.altitude[:, 0] /
    results.output.range_nmi = results.mission_profile.segments[
        -1].conditions.frames.inertial.position_vector[-1, 0] / Units.nmi
    results.output.field_length = results.field_length
    results.output.stability.cm_alpha = max(
        conditions.aerodynamics.cm_alpha[:, 0])
    results.output.stability.cn_beta = max(conditions.aerodynamics.cn_beta[:,
    results.conditions = conditions

    #TODO: revisit how this is calculated
    results.output.second_segment_climb_rate = results.mission_profile.segments[

    return results
文件: 项目: spendres/SUAVE
 def __defaults__(self):
     self.p = 3  # degree, e.g. cubic spline: order = 4, degree = 3
     self.N = 0
     self.dims = 2
     self.w = []
     self.knots = []
     self.CPs = Data()
     self.CPs.x = []
     self.CPs.y = []
     self.CPs.z = []
文件: 项目: spendres/SUAVE
    def __defaults__(self):

        self.molecular_mass = 28.96442        # kg/kmol
        self.gas_specific_constant = 287.0528742                 # m^2/s^2-K, specific gas constant
        self.composition = Data()
        self.composition.O2 = 0.20946
        self.composition.Ar = 0.00934
        self.composition.CO2 = 0.00036
        self.composition.N2  = 0.78084
        self.composition.other = 0.00
    def __defaults__(self):

        self.mass = 0.0
        self.volume = 0.0
        self.center_of_gravity = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        self.moments_of_inertia = Data() = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        self.moments_of_inertia.tensor = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                          [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
文件: 项目: nnigam/SUAVE
    def __defaults__(self):
        self.tag = 'Fuselage'
        self.aerodynamic_center = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
        self.Sections    = Lofted_Body.Section.Container()
        self.Segments    = Lofted_Body.Segment.Container()
        self.number_coach_seats = 0.0
        self.seats_abreast = 0.0
        self.seat_pitch = 1.0

        self.areas = Data()
        self.areas.front_projected = 0.0
        self.areas.side_projected = 0.0
        self.areas.wetted = 0.0
        self.effective_diameter = 0.0
        self.width = 0.0
        self.heights = Data()
        self.heights.maximum = 0.0
        self.heights.at_quarter_length = 0.0
        self.heights.at_three_quarters_length = 0.0
        self.heights.at_wing_root_quarter_chord = 0.0
        self.lengths = Data()
        self.lengths.nose = 0.0
        self.lengths.tail = 0.0 = 0.0
        self.lengths.cabin = 0.0
        self.lengths.fore_space = 0.0
        self.lengths.aft_space = 0.0
        self.fineness = Data()
        self.fineness.nose = 0.0
        self.fineness.tail = 0.0
        self.differential_pressure = 0.0
        self.Fineness = Data()
        self.Fineness.nose = 0.0
        self.Fineness.tail = 0.0
        self.differential_pressure = 0.0
文件: 项目: spendres/SUAVE
def phugoid(g, velocity, CD, CL):
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Flight_Dynamics.Dynamic_Stablity.Approximations.phugoid(g, velocity, CD, CL)
        Calculate the natural frequency and damping ratio for the approximate phugoid characteristics       
            g - gravitational constant [meters/second**2]
            velocity - flight velocity at the condition being considered [meters/seconds]
            CD - coefficient of drag [dimensionless]
            CL - coefficient of lift [dimensionless]

            output - a data dictionary with fields:
                phugoid_w_n - natural frequency of the phugoid mode [radian/second]
                phugoid_zeta - damping ratio of the phugoid mode [dimensionless]
            constant angle of attack
            theta changes very slowly
            Inertial forces are neglected
            Neglect Cz_q
            Theta = 0
            X-Z axis is plane of symmetry
            Constant mass of aircraft
            Origin of axis system at c.g. of aircraft
            Aircraft is a rigid body
            Earth is inertial reference frame
            Perturbations from equilibrium are small
            Flow is Quasisteady 
            J.H. Blakelock, "Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles" Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 1991, p 50-53.

    w_n = g / velocity * (2.)**0.5
    zeta = CD / (CL * (2.)**0.5)

    output = Data()
    output.natural_frequency = w_n
    output.damping_ratio = zeta

    return output
def shevell(weight_landing, number_of_engines, thrust_sea_level, thrust_landing):
    """ weight = SUAVE.Methods.Noise.Correlations.shevell(weight_landing, number_of_engines, thrust_sea_level, thrust_landing)
            weight_landing - Landing weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
            number of engines - Number of engines installed on the aircraft [Dimensionless]
            thrust_sea_level - Sea Level Thrust of the Engine [Newtons]
            thrust_landing - Thrust of the aircraft coming in for landing [Newtons]
            output() - Data Class
                takeoff - Noise of the aircraft at takeoff directly along the runway centerline  (500 ft altitude at 6500m from start of take-off) [dB]
                side_line - Noise of the aircraft at takeoff at the sideline measurement station (1,476 ft (450m) from centerline (effective distance = 1476*1.25 = 1845ft)[dB]
                landing - Noise of the aircraft at landing directly along the trajectory (370 ft altitude at 6562 ft (2000m) from runway) [dB]
        The baseline case used is 101 PNdb, 25,000 lb thrust, 1 engine, 1000ft
        The noise_increase_due_to_thrust and noise_landing are equation extracted from images. 
        This is only meant to give a rough estimate compared to a DC-10 aircraft. As the aircraft configuration varies from this configuration, the validity of the method will also degrade.     
    baseline_noise  = 101 
    thrust_percentage = (thrust_sea_level/ Units.force_pound)/25000 * 100.
    thrust_reduction  = thrust_landing/thrust_sea_level * 100.
    noise_increase_due_to_thrust = -0.0002193 * thrust_percentage ** 2. + 0.09454 * thrust_percentage - 7.30116 
    noise_landing = - 0.0015766 * thrust_reduction ** 2. + 0.34882 * thrust_reduction -19.2569
    takeoff_distance_noise = -4. # 1500 ft altitude at 6500m from start of take-off
    sideline_distance_noise = -6.5 #1 476 ft (450m) from centerline (effective distance = 1476*1.25 = 1845ft)
    landing_distance_noise = 9.1 # 370 ft altitude at 6562 ft (2000m) from runway    
    takeoff   = 10. * np.log10(10. ** (baseline_noise/10.) * number_of_engines) - 4. + takeoff_distance_noise + noise_increase_due_to_thrust
    side_line = 10. * np.log10(10. ** (baseline_noise/10.) * number_of_engines) - 4. + sideline_distance_noise + noise_increase_due_to_thrust
    landing   = 10. * np.log10(10. ** (baseline_noise/10.) * number_of_engines) - 5. + landing_distance_noise + noise_increase_due_to_thrust + noise_landing
    airframe  = 40. + 10. * np.log10(weight_landing / Units.lbs)
    output = Data()
    output.takeoff   = takeoff
    output.side_line = side_line
    output.landing   = 10. * np.log10(10. ** (airframe/10.) + 10. ** (landing/10.))
    return output
文件: 项目: thearn/SUAVE
def phugoid(g, velocity, CD, CL):
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Flight_Dynamics.Dynamic_Stablity.Approximations.phugoid(g, velocity, CD, CL)
        Calculate the natural frequency and damping ratio for the approximate phugoid characteristics       
            g - gravitational constant [meters/second**2]
            velocity - flight velocity at the condition being considered [meters/seconds]
            CD - coefficient of drag [dimensionless]
            CL - coefficient of lift [dimensionless]

            output - a data dictionary with fields:
                phugoid_w_n - natural frequency of the phugoid mode [radian/second]
                phugoid_zeta - damping ratio of the phugoid mode [dimensionless]
            constant angle of attack
            theta changes very slowly
            Inertial forces are neglected
            Neglect Cz_q
            Theta = 0
            X-Z axis is plane of symmetry
            Constant mass of aircraft
            Origin of axis system at c.g. of aircraft
            Aircraft is a rigid body
            Earth is inertial reference frame
            Perturbations from equilibrium are small
            Flow is Quasisteady 
            J.H. Blakelock, "Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles" Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 1991, p 50-53.
    w_n = g/velocity * (2.)**0.5
    zeta = CD/(CL*(2.)**0.5)
    output = Data()
    output.phugoid_w_n = w_n
    output.phugoid_zeta = zeta
    return output
    def __defaults__(self):
        self.tag = 'Aerodynamics'
        self.geometry      = Geometry()
        self.configuration = Configuration()
        self.conditions_table = Conditions(
            angle_of_attack = np.linspace(-10., 10.  , 5) * Units.deg ,
        self.model = Data()
def main():

    # define the problem
    vehicle, mission = full_setup()

    # run the problem
    # defining inputs of the module
    cruise_segment_tag = 'Cruise'
    mission_payload = [11792. ,  9868. ,     0. ]
    takeoff_weight =  [54480. , 50480. , 40612. ]
    # call module
    distance,fuel = size_mission_range_given_weights(vehicle,mission,cruise_segment_tag,mission_payload,takeoff_weight)

    # check the results
    results = Data()
    results.dist = distance
    results.fuel = fuel

 def __call__(self,input1,input2=None):
     # the method used with the class is called like a function
     # document at class level
     # unpack inputs
     var1 = input1.var1
     var2 = inputs.var2
     # setup
     var3 = var1 * var2
     # process
     magic = np.log(var3)
     # packup outputs
     output = Data()
     output.magic = magic
     output.var3  = var3
     return output
 def __defaults__(self):
     self.tag = 'Aerodynamics'
     self.geometry      = Geometry()
     self.configuration = Configuration()
     self.conditions_table = Conditions(
         angle_of_attack = np.linspace(-10., 10.  , 5) * Units.deg ,
         mach_number     = np.linspace(0.0 , 1.0  , 5) ,
         reynolds_number = np.linspace(1.e4, 1.e10, 3) ,
     self.model = Data()
def evaluate_field_length(vehicle,mission,results):
    # unpack
    airport = mission.airport
    takeoff_config = vehicle.configs.takeoff
    landing_config = vehicle.configs.landing
    from SUAVE.Methods.Performance import estimate_take_off_field_length
    from SUAVE.Methods.Performance import estimate_landing_field_length    
    # evaluate
    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(vehicle,takeoff_config,airport)
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length(vehicle,landing_config,airport)
    # pack
    field_length = Data()
    field_length.takeoff = TOFL[0]
    field_length.landing = LFL[0]
    results.field_length = field_length
    return results
def main():

    # define the problem
    vehicle, mission = full_setup()

    # run the problem
    # defining inputs of the module
    cruise_segment_tag = 'Cruise'
    mission_payload =             [11792. , 9868. ,    10. ]
    target_range =  np.multiply ( [ 3470. , 3158. ,  3804. ] , 1. * Units.nautical_mile )
    # call module
    distance,fuel,tow = size_weights_given_mission_range(vehicle,mission,cruise_segment_tag,mission_payload,target_range)

    # check the results
    results = Data()
    results.dist = distance
    results.fuel = fuel
    results.tow  = tow


def check_results(new_results):

    # check segment values
    truth = Data()
    truth.dist = [6426122.4935872 ,  5848398.49923247  ,7044468.46851841]
    truth.fuel = [ 14771. ,  12695.  , 12695.]

    error = Data()
    error.dist = np.max(np.abs(new_results.dist-truth.dist))
    error.fuel = np.max(np.abs(new_results.fuel-truth.fuel))

    for k,v in error.items():
def check_results(new_results):

    # check segment values
    truth = Data()

    truth.fuel = [ 14246. , 12234. , 12162.]
    truth.tow  = [ 53855. , 49919. , 39989.]

    error = Data()
    error.fuel = np.max(np.abs(new_results.fuel-truth.fuel))
    error.tow  = np.max(np.abs(new_results.tow-truth.tow))

    for k,v in error.items():
def compute_energies(results,summary=False):

    # evaluate each segment 
    for i in range(len(results.Segments)):

        segment = results.Segments[i]
        state = Data()
        state.q  = segment.conditions.freestream.dynamic_pressure[:,0]
        state.g0 = segment.conditions.freestream.gravity[:,0]
        state.V  = segment.conditions.freestream.velocity[:,0]
        state.M  = segment.conditions.freestream.mach_number[:,0]
        state.T  = segment.conditions.freestream.temperature[:,0]
        state.p  = segment.conditions.freestream.pressure[:,0]
        segment.P_fuel, segment.P_e = segment.config.Propulsors.power_flow(eta,state)
        # time integration operator
        print segment.numerics
        I = segment.numerics.integrate_time

        # raw propellant energy consumed =,segment.P_fuel)[-1]

        # raw electrical energy consumed  =,segment.P_e)[-1]

        # energy to gravity =,segment.m*segment.g*segment.vectors.V[:,2])[-1]   # J

        # energy to drag =,segment.D*segment.V)[-1]                             # J

        if summary:
            print " "
            print "####### Energy Summary: Segment " + str(i) + " #######"
            print " "
            print "Propellant energy used = " + str( + " MJ"
            print "Electrical energy used = " + str( + " MJ"
            print "Energy lost to gravity = " + str( + " MJ"
            print "Energy lost to drag    = " + str( + " MJ"
            print " "
            print "#########################################"
            print " "
def main():

    weight_landing    = 300000 * Units.lbs
    number_of_engines = 3.
    thrust_sea_level  = 40000 * Units.force_pounds
    thrust_landing    = 0.45 * thrust_sea_level
    noise = Correlations.shevell(weight_landing, number_of_engines, thrust_sea_level, thrust_landing)
    actual = Data()
    actual.takeoff = 99.7
    actual.side_line = 97.2
    actual.landing = 105.2
    error = Data()
    error.takeoff = (actual.takeoff - noise.takeoff)/actual.takeoff
    error.side_line = (actual.side_line - noise.side_line)/actual.side_line
    error.landing = (actual.landing - noise.landing)/actual.landing
    for k,v in error.items():
def payload(TOW, empty, num_pax, wt_cargo, wt_passenger = 195.,wt_baggage = 30.):
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.Tube_Wing.payload(TOW, empty, num_pax, wt_cargo)
        Calculate the weight of the payload and the resulting fuel mass
            TOW -  [kilograms]
            wt_empty - Operating empty weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
            num_pax - number of passengers on the aircraft [dimensionless]
            wt_cargo - weight of cargo being carried on the aircraft [kilogram]
            wt_passenger - weight of each passenger on the aircraft [dimensionless]
            wt_baggage - weight of the baggage for each passenger [dimensionless]
            output - a data dictionary with fields:
                payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo [kilograms]
                pax - weight of all the passengers [kilogram]
                bag - weight of all the baggage [kilogram]
                fuel - weight of the fuel carried[kilogram]
                empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
            based on FAA guidelines for weight of passengers 
    # process
    wt_pax     = wt_passenger * num_pax *
    wt_bag     = wt_baggage * num_pax *
    wt_payload = wt_pax + wt_bag + wt_cargo
    wt_fuel    = TOW - wt_payload - empty
    # packup outputs
    output = Data()
    output.payload = wt_payload
    output.pax     = wt_pax   
    output.bag     = wt_bag
    output.fuel    = wt_fuel
    output.empty   = empty
    return output
def evaluate_PASS(vehicle,mission):
    """ Compute the Pass Performance Calculations using SU AA 241 course notes 

    # unpack
    maxto = vehicle.Mass.mtow
    mzfw_ratio = vehicle.Mass.fmzfw
    sref = vehicle.Wing['Main Wing'].sref
    sfc_sfcref = vehicle.Turbo_Fan['TheTurboFan'].sfc_TF
    sls_thrust = vehicle.Turbo_Fan['TheTurboFan'].thrust_sls
    eng_type = vehicle.Turbo_Fan['TheTurboFan'].type_engine
    out = Data()

    # Calculate
    fuel_manuever = WeightManeuver(maxto)
    fuel_climb_added = WeightClimbAdded(vehicle,mission,maxto)
    reserve_fuel = FuelReserve(mission,maxto,mzfw_ratio,0)
    out.range,fuel_cruise = CruiseRange(vehicle,mission,maxto,fuel_burn_maneuever,fuel_climb_added,reserve_fuel,sfc_sfcref,sls_thrust,eng_type,mzfw_ratio)
    out.fuel_burn = (2 * fuel_manuever) + fuel_climb_added + fuel_cruise
    out.tofl = TOFL(vehicle,mission,maxto,sref,sfc_sfcref,sls_thrust,eng_type)
    out.climb_grad = ClimbGradient(vehicle,mission,maxto,sfc_sfcref,sls_thrust,eng_type)
    out.lfl = LFL(vehicle,mission,maxto,mzfw_ratio,fuel_burn_maneuever,reserve_fuel,sref,sfc_sfcref,sls_thrust,eng_type)

    return out
def estimate_landing_field_length(vehicle,config,airport):
    """ SUAVE.Methods.Performance.estimate_landing_field_length(vehicle,config,airport):
        Computes the landing field length for a given vehicle condition in a given airport

            vehicle	 - SUAVE type vehicle

            config   - data dictionary with fields:
                Mass_Properties.landing    - Landing weight to be evaluated
                S                          - Wing Area
                Vref_VS_ratio              - Ratio between Approach Speed and Stall speed
                                             [optional. Default value = 1.23]
                maximum_lift_coefficient   - Maximum lift coefficient for the config
                                             [optional. Calculated if not informed]

    airport   - SUAVE type airport data, with followig fields:
                atmosphere                  - Airport atmosphere (SUAVE type)
                altitude                    - Airport altitude
                delta_isa                   - ISA Temperature deviation

            landing_field_length            - Landing field length

      		- Landing field length calculated according to Torenbeek, E., "Advanced
    Aircraft Design", 2013 (equation 9.25)
            - Considering average aav/g values of two-wheel truck (0.40)

    # ==============================================
        # Unpack
    # ==============================================
    atmo            = airport.atmosphere
    altitude        = airport.altitude * Units.ft
    delta_isa       = airport.delta_isa
    weight          = config.mass_properties.landing
    reference_area  = config.reference_area
        Vref_VS_ratio = config.Vref_VS_ratio
        Vref_VS_ratio = 1.23

    # ==============================================
    # Computing atmospheric conditions
    # ==============================================
    p0, T0, rho0, a0, mu0 = atmo.compute_values(0)
    p , T , rho , a , mu  = atmo.compute_values(altitude)
    T_delta_ISA = T + delta_isa
    sigma_disa = (p/p0) / (T_delta_ISA/T0)
    rho = rho0 * sigma_disa
    a_delta_ISA = atmo.fluid_properties.compute_speed_of_sound(T_delta_ISA)
    mu = 1.78938028e-05 * ((T0 + 120) / T0 ** 1.5) * ((T_delta_ISA ** 1.5) / (T_delta_ISA + 120))
    sea_level_gravity = atmo.planet.sea_level_gravity

    # ==============================================
    # Determining vehicle maximum lift coefficient
    # ==============================================
    try:   # aircraft maximum lift informed by user
        maximum_lift_coefficient = config.maximum_lift_coefficient
        # Using semi-empirical method for maximum lift coefficient calculation
        from SUAVE.Methods.Aerodynamics.Fidelity_Zero.Lift import compute_max_lift_coeff

        # Condition to CLmax calculation: 90KTAS @ 10000ft, ISA
        p_stall , T_stall , rho_stall , a_stall , mu_stall  = atmo.compute_values(10000. * Units.ft)
        conditions                      = Data()
        conditions.freestream           = Data()
        conditions.freestream.density   = rho_stall
        conditions.freestream.viscosity = mu_stall
        conditions.freestream.velocity  = 90. * Units.knots
            maximum_lift_coefficient, induced_drag_high_lift = compute_max_lift_coeff(config,conditions)
            config.maximum_lift_coefficient = maximum_lift_coefficient
            raise ValueError, "Maximum lift coefficient calculation error. Please, check inputs"

    # ==============================================
    # Computing speeds (Vs, Vref)
    # ==============================================
    stall_speed  = (2 * weight * sea_level_gravity / (rho * reference_area * maximum_lift_coefficient)) ** 0.5
    Vref         = stall_speed * Vref_VS_ratio

    # ========================================================================================
    # Computing landing distance, according to Torenbeek equation
    #     Landing Field Length = k1 + k2 * Vref**2
    # ========================================================================================

    # Defining landing distance equation coefficients
        landing_constants = config.landing_constants # user defined
    except:  # default values - According to Torenbeek book
        landing_constants = np.zeros(3)
        landing_constants[0] = 250.
        landing_constants[1] =   0.
        landing_constants[2] =   2.485  / sea_level_gravity  # Two-wheels truck : [ (1.56 / 0.40 + 1.07) / (2*sea_level_gravity) ]
##        landing_constants[2] =   2.9725 / sea_level_gravity  # Four-wheels truck: [ (1.56 / 0.32 + 1.07) / (2*sea_level_gravity) ]

    # Calculating landing field length
    landing_field_length = 0.
    for idx,constant in enumerate(landing_constants):
        landing_field_length += constant * Vref**idx

    # return
    return landing_field_length
class Aerodynamics_1d_Surrogate(Aerodynamics):
    """ SUAVE.Attributes.Aerodynamics.Aerodynamics_Surrogate
        aerodynamic model that builds a surrogate model
        this class is callable, see self.__call__
    def __defaults__(self):
        self.tag = 'Aerodynamics'
        self.geometry      = Geometry()
        self.configuration = Configuration()
        self.conditions_table = Conditions(
            angle_of_attack = np.linspace(-10., 10.  , 5) * Units.deg ,
        self.model = Data()
    def initialize(self):
        # build the conditions table
        # unpack
        conditions_table = self.conditions_table
        geometry         = self.geometry
        configuration    = self.configuration
        AoA = conditions_table.angle_of_attack
        #Ma  = conditions_table.mach_number
        #Re  = conditions_table.reynolds_number
        # check
        #assert len(AoA) == len(Ma) == len(Re) , 'condition length mismatch'
        n_conditions = len(AoA)
        # arrays
        CL  = np.zeros_like(AoA)
        CD  = np.zeros_like(AoA)
        # condition input, local, do not keep
        konditions = Conditions()
        # calculate aerodynamics for table
        for i in xrange(n_conditions):
            # overriding conditions, thus the name mangling
            konditions.angle_of_attack = AoA[i]
            #konditions.mach_number     = Ma[i]
            #konditions.reynolds_number = Re[i]
            # these functions are inherited from Aerodynamics() or overridden
            CL[i] = self.calculate_lift(konditions, configuration, geometry)
            CD[i] = self.calculate_drag(konditions, configuration, geometry)
        # store table
        conditions_table.lift_coefficient = CL
        conditions_table.drag_coefficient = CD
        # build surrogate
    #: def initialize()
    def build_conditions_table(self):
        conditions_table = self.conditions_table
        # unpack, check unique just in case
        AoA_list = np.unique( conditions_table.angle_of_attack )
        #Ma_list  = np.unique( conditions_table.mach_number     )
        #Re_list  = np.unique( conditions_table.reynolds_number )
        # mesh grid, beware of dimensionality!
        #AoA_list,Ma_list,Re_list = np.meshgrid(AoA_list,Ma_list,Re_list)
        AoA_list = np.meshgrid(AoA_list)
        # need 1D lists
        AoA_list = np.reshape(AoA_list,-1)
        #Ma_list  = np.reshape(Ma_list,-1)
        #Re_list  = np.reshape(Re_list,-1)
        # repack conditions table
        conditions_table.angle_of_attack = AoA_list
        #conditions_table.mach_number     = Ma_list
        #conditions_table.reynolds_number = Re_list
    #: def build_conditions_table()    
    def build_surrogate(self):
        # unpack data
        conditions_table = self.conditions_table
        AoA_data = conditions_table.angle_of_attack
        #Ma_data  = conditions_table.mach_number
        #Re_data  = conditions_table.reynolds_number
        CL_data  = conditions_table.lift_coefficient
        CD_data  = conditions_table.drag_coefficient
        # reynolds log10 space!
        #Re_data = np.log10(Re_data)
        # pack for surrogate
        #X_data = np.array([AoA_data,Ma_data,Re_data]).T        
        X_data = np.array([AoA_data]).T
        X_data = np.reshape(X_data,-1)
        #print X_data.ndim
        # assign models
        Interpolation = Aerodynamics_1d_Surrogate.Interpolation
        self.model.lift_coefficient = Interpolation(X_data,CL_data)
        self.model.drag_coefficient = Interpolation(X_data,CD_data)
    #: def build_surrogate()
    def __call__(self,conditions):
        """ process vehicle to setup geometry, condititon and configuration
                conditions - DataDict() of aerodynamic conditions
                CL - array of lift coefficients, same size as alpha 
                CD - array of drag coefficients, same size as alpha
                linear intperolation surrogate model on Mach, Angle of Attack 
                    and Reynolds number
                locations outside the surrogate's table are held to nearest data
                no changes to initial geometry or configuration
        # unpack conditions
        AoA = np.atleast_1d( conditions.angle_of_attack )
        #Ma  = np.atleast_1d( conditions.mach_number )
        #Re  = np.atleast_1d( conditions.reynolds_number )
        # reynolds log10 space!
        #Re = np.log10(Re)
        # pack for interpolate
        #X_interp = np.array([AoA,Ma,Re]).T  
        #X_interp = np.array([AoA]).T
        X_interp = np.array(AoA)
        # interpolate
        CL = self.model.lift_coefficient(X_interp)
        CD = self.model.drag_coefficient(X_interp)        
        return CL, CD
def lateral_directional(velocity, Cn_Beta, S_gross_w, density, span, I_z, Cn_r, I_x, Cl_p, J_xz, Cl_r, Cl_Beta, Cn_p, Cy_phi, Cy_psi, Cy_Beta, mass):
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Flight_Dynamics.Dynamic_Stablity.Full_Linearized_Equations.lateral_directional(velocity, Cn_Beta, S_gross_w, density, span, I_z, Cn_r, I_x, Cl_p, J_xz, Cl_r, Cl_Beta, Cn_p, Cy_phi, Cy_psi, Cy_Beta)
        Calculate the natural frequency and damping ratio for the full linearized dutch roll mode along with the time constants for the roll and spiral modes        
            velocity - flight velocity at the condition being considered [meters/seconds]
            Cn_Beta - coefficient for change in yawing moment due to sideslip [dimensionless] (no simple relation)
            S_gross_w - area of the wing [meters**2]
            density - flight density at condition being considered [kg/meters**3]
            span - wing span of the aircraft [meters]
            I_z - moment of interia about the body z axis [kg * meters**2]
            Cn_r - coefficient for change in yawing moment due to yawing velocity [dimensionless] ( - C_D(wing)/4 - 2 * Sv/S * (l_v/b)**2 * (dC_L/dalpha)(vert) * eta(vert))
            I_x - moment of interia about the body x axis [kg * meters**2]
            Cl_p - change in rolling moment due to the rolling velocity [dimensionless] (no simple relation for calculation)
            J_xz - products of inertia in the x-z direction [kg * meters**2] (if X and Z lie in a plane of symmetry then equal to zero)
            Cl_r - coefficient for change in rolling moment due to yawing velocity [dimensionless] (Usually equals C_L(wing)/4)
            Cl_Beta - coefficient for change in rolling moment due to sideslip [dimensionless] 
            Cn_p - coefficient for the change in yawing moment due to rolling velocity [dimensionless] (-C_L(wing)/8*(1 - depsilon/dalpha)) (depsilon/dalpha = 2/pi/e/AspectRatio dC_L(wing)/dalpha)
            Cy_phi  - coefficient for change in sideforce due to aircraft roll [dimensionless] (Usually equals C_L)
            Cy_psi - coefficient to account for gravity [dimensionless] (C_L * tan(Theta))
            Cy_Beta - coefficient for change in Y force due to sideslip [dimensionless] (no simple relation)
            mass - mass of the aircraft [kilograms]
            output - a data dictionary with fields:
                dutch_w_n - natural frequency of the dutch roll mode [radian/second]
                dutch_zeta - damping ratio of the dutch roll mode [dimensionless]
                roll_tau - approximation of the time constant of the roll mode of an aircraft [seconds] (positive values are bad)
                spiral_tau - time constant for the spiral mode [seconds] (positive values are bad)
            X-Z axis is plane of symmetry
            Constant mass of aircraft
            Origin of axis system at c.g. of aircraft
            Aircraft is a rigid body
            Earth is inertial reference frame
            Perturbations from equilibrium are small
            Flow is Quasisteady
            Zero initial conditions
            Neglect Cy_p and Cy_r
            J.H. Blakelock, "Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles" Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 1991, p 118-124.
    # constructing matrix of coefficients
    A = (0, -span * 0.5 / velocity * Cl_p, I_x/S_gross_w/(0.5*density*velocity**2)/span )  # L moment phi term
    B = (0, -span * 0.5 / velocity * Cl_r, -J_xz / S_gross_w / (0.5 * density * velocity ** 2.) / span) # L moment psi term
    C = (-Cl_Beta) # L moment Beta term
    D = (0, - span * 0.5 / velocity * Cn_p, -J_xz / S_gross_w / (0.5 * density * velocity ** 2.) / span ) # N moment phi term 
    E = (0, - span * 0.5 / velocity * Cn_r, I_z / S_gross_w / (0.5 * density * velocity ** 2.) / span ) # N moment psi term
    F = (-Cn_Beta) # N moment Beta term
    G = (-Cy_phi) # Y force phi term
    H = (-Cy_psi, mass * velocity / S_gross_w / (0.5 * density * velocity ** 2.))    
    I = (-Cy_Beta, mass * velocity / S_gross_w / (0.5 * density * velocity ** 2.))
    # Taking the determinant of the matrix ([A, B, C],[D, E, F],[G, H, I])
    EI = P.polymul(E,I)
    FH = P.polymul(F,H)
    part1 = P.polymul(A,P.polysub(EI,FH))
    DI = P.polymul(D,I)
    FG = P.polymul(F,G)
    part2 = P.polymul(B,P.polysub(FG,DI))    
    DH = P.polymul(D,H)
    GE = P.polymul(G,E)
    part3 = P.polymul(C,P.polysub(DH,GE))
    total = P.polyadd(part1,P.polyadd(part2,part3))
    poly = total / total[5]
    # Generate the time constant for the spiral and roll modes along with the damping and natural frequency for the dutch roll mode
    root = np.roots(poly)
    root = sorted(root,reverse=True)
    spiral_tau = 1 * root[0].real
    w_n = (root[1].imag**2 + root[1].real**2)**(-0.5)
    zeta = -2*root[1].real/w_n
    roll_tau = 1 * root [3].real
    output = Data()
    output.dutch_natural_frequency = w_n
    output.dutch_damping_ratio = zeta
    output.spiral_tau = spiral_tau
    output.roll_tau = roll_tau    
    return output
文件: 项目: thearn/SUAVE
    def __call__(self,conditions):

        alpha = conditions.angle_of_attack
        state = Data()
        state.M   = conditions.mach_number
        state.rho = conditions.density
        state.mew = conditions.viscosity
        state.T   = conditions.temperature
        #state.q   = conditions.dynamic_pressure
        state.Sref = self.Sref
        #N = state.M.shape[0]
        ##interpolation methods
        #f_Cl = interp1d(self.aoa_range, self.Cl_a,bounds_error=False)

        Cl_inc= self.CL0 + self.dCLdalpha*alpha  
        #print 'alpha',alpha
        #print 'Cl_inc',Cl_inc
        #print 'CL',CL
        #CD = self.CD0 + (CL**2)/(np.pi*self.AR*self.e)      # parbolic drag
        CD= self.drag(CL,state)

        results = Data()
        results.lift_coefficient = CL
        results.drag_coefficient = CD
        conditions.lift_coefficient = CL
        conditions.drag_coefficient = CD
        L = np.zeros([N,3])
        D = np.zeros([N,3])
        L[:,2] = ( -CL * state.q * state.Sref )[:,0]
        D[:,0] = ( -CD * state.q * state.Sref )[:,0]
        results.lift_force_vector = L
        results.drag_force_vector = D

        return [CL,CD]
def empty(vehicle):
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.Tube_Wing.empty(engine,wing,aircraft,fuselage,horizontal,vertical)
        This is for a standard Tube and Wing aircraft configuration.        
            engine - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
                thrust_sls - sea level static thrust of a single engine [Newtons]
            wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
                gross_area - wing gross area [meters**2]
                span - span of the wing [meters]
                taper - taper ratio of the wing [dimensionless]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the wing [dimensionless]
                sweep - sweep angle of the wing [radians]
                mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing [meters]
                r_c - wing root chord [meters]
            aircraft - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
                Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft [dimensionless]
                Nlim - limit load factor at zero fuel weight of the aircraft [dimensionless]
                TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
                zfw - maximum zero fuel weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
                num_eng - number of engines on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                num_pax - number of passengers on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                wt_cargo - weight of the bulk cargo being carried on the aircraft [kilograms]
                num_seats - number of seats installed on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                ctrl - specifies if the control system is "fully powered", "partially powered", or not powered [dimensionless]
                ac - determines type of instruments, electronics, and operating items based on types: 
                    "short-range", "medium-range", "long-range", "business", "cargo", "commuter", "sst" [dimensionless]
                w2h - tail length (distance from the airplane c.g. to the horizontal tail aerodynamic center) [meters]
            fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
                area - fuselage wetted area [meters**2]
                diff_p - Maximum fuselage pressure differential [Pascal]
                width - width of the fuselage [meters]
                height - height of the fuselage [meters]
                length - length of the fuselage [meters]                     
                area - area of the horizontal tail [meters**2]
                span - span of the horizontal tail [meters]
                sweep - sweep of the horizontal tail [radians]
                mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the horizontal tail [meters]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the horizontal tail [dimensionless]
                exposed - exposed area ratio for the horizontal tail [dimensionless]
                area - area of the vertical tail [meters**2]
                span - sweight = weight * Units.lbpan of the vertical [meters]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the vertical tail [dimensionless]
                sweep - sweep angle of the vertical tail [radians]
                t_tail - factor to determine if aircraft has a t-tail, "yes" [dimensionless]
            output - a data dictionary with fields:
                wt_payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo [kilograms]
                wt_pax - weight of all the passengers [kilogram]
                wt_bag - weight of all the baggage [kilogram]
                wt_fuel - weight of the fuel carried[kilogram]
                wt_empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
            calculated aircraft weight from correlations created per component of historical aircraft

    # Unpack inputs
    Nult       = vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load
    Nlim       = vehicle.envelope.limit_load
    TOW        = vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    wt_zf      = vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    num_pax    = vehicle.passengers

    wt_cargo   = vehicle.mass_properties.cargo
    num_seats  = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.number_coach_seats
    ctrl_type  =
    ac_type    =         
    if not vehicle.propulsors.has_key('Turbo Fan'):
        wt_engine_jet = 0.0
        wt_propulsion = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Turbo Fan Engine Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)    
        num_eng            = vehicle.propulsors['Turbo Fan'].number_of_engines
        thrust_sls         = vehicle.propulsors['Turbo Fan']
        wt_engine_jet      = Propulsion.engine_jet(thrust_sls)
        wt_propulsion      = Propulsion.integrated_propulsion(wt_engine_jet,num_eng)
    S_gross_w  = vehicle.reference_area
    #S_gross_w  = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].Areas.reference
    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('Main Wing'):
        wt_wing = 0.0
        wing_c_r = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Wing Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)
        b          = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].spans.projected
        lambda_w   = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].taper
        t_c_w      = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_w    = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].sweep
        mac_w      = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        wing_c_r   = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].chords.root
        wt_wing    = wing_main(S_gross_w,b,lambda_w,t_c_w,sweep_w,Nult,TOW,wt_zf)
        vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].mass_properties.mass = wt_wing        
    S_fus      = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.areas.wetted
    diff_p_fus = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.differential_pressure
    w_fus      = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.width
    h_fus      = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.heights.maximum
    l_fus      =
    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('Horizontal Stabilizer'):
        wt_tail_horizontal = 0.0
        S_h = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Horizontal Tail Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)
        S_h            = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_h            = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].spans.projected
        sweep_h        = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].sweep
        mac_h          = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        t_c_h          = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        h_tail_exposed = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'] / vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].areas.wetted
        l_w2h      = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].origin[0] + vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].aerodynamic_center[0] - vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].origin[0] - vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].aerodynamic_center[0] #Need to check this is the length of the horizontal tail moment arm
        wt_tail_horizontal = tail_horizontal(b_h,sweep_h,Nult,S_h,TOW,mac_w,mac_h,l_w2h,t_c_h, h_tail_exposed)                
        vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = wt_tail_horizontal        
    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('Vertical Stabilizer'):   
        output_3 = Data()
        output_3.wt_tail_vertical = 0.0
        output_3.wt_rudder = 0.0
        S_v = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Vertical Tail Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)    
        S_v        = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_v        = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].spans.projected
        t_c_v      = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_v    = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].sweep
        t_tail     = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].t_tail  
        output_3   = tail_vertical(S_v,Nult,b_v,TOW,t_c_v,sweep_v,S_gross_w,t_tail)
        vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder

    # process
    # Calculating Empty Weight of Aircraft
    wt_landing_gear    = landing_gear(TOW)
    wt_fuselage        = tube(S_fus, diff_p_fus,w_fus,h_fus,l_fus,Nlim,wt_zf,wt_wing,wt_propulsion, wing_c_r)
    output_2           = systems(num_seats, ctrl_type, S_h, S_v, S_gross_w, ac_type)
    # Calculate the equipment empty weight of the aircraft
    wt_empty           = (wt_wing + wt_fuselage + wt_landing_gear + wt_propulsion + output_2.wt_systems + \
                          wt_tail_horizontal + output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder) 
    vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.mass_properties.mass = wt_fuselage
    # packup outputs
    output             = payload(TOW, wt_empty, num_pax,wt_cargo)
    output.wing              = wt_wing
    output.fuselage          = wt_fuselage
    output.propulsion        = wt_propulsion
    output.landing_gear      = wt_landing_gear           = output_2.wt_systems
    output.wt_furnish        = output_2.wt_furnish
    output.horizontal_tail   = wt_tail_horizontal
    output.vertical_tail     = output_3.wt_tail_vertical
    output.rudder            = output_3.wt_rudder    
    return output