CMSSW_VERSION = os.getenv('CMSSW_VERSION', 'CMSSW_VERSION') if CMSSW_VERSION == 'CMSSW_VERSION': print 'please setup your CMSSW environement' sys.exit(0) if len(sys.argv) == 1: print "Please pass in argument a number between 0 and 2" sys.exit() elif sys.argv[1] == '0': print 'Build Efficiency maps' FarmDirectory = "FARM" JobName = "HscpBuildEffMaps" LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_RunHere = 1 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) for m in SStauMassPoints: LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "FWLITE", os.getcwd() + "/GetEfficiencyMaps.C", '"SStau' + str(m) + '"', "1", '"root://eoscms//eos/cms/store/user/querten/ModelIndepSept/ModelIndep_SingleStau' + str(m) + '.root"' ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit() elif sys.argv[1] == '1': print 'Merge efficiencies' fileList = '' for m in SStauMassPoints: fileList += ' pictures/Histos_SStau' + str(m) + '.root' os.system('hadd -f pictures/Histos.root' + fileList)
'mkdir -p ~/x509_user_proxy; voms-proxy-init --voms cms -valid 192:00 --out ~/x509_user_proxy/x509_proxy' ) #all must be done in the same command to avoid environement problems. Note that the first sourcing is only needed in Louvain if sys.argv[1] == '1': if UseRemoteSamples: initProxy() print("compile the Stability code") os.system("sh " + os.getcwd() + "/ ") #just compile print 'STABILITY' FarmDirectory = "FARM" JobName = "HSCPStability" LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_RunHere = 0 LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Queue = "8nh" LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) #LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["FWLITE", os.getcwd()+"/StabilityCheck.C", '"ANALYSE"']) #LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["BASH", "sh " + os.getcwd()+"/ " + os.getcwd()+"/pictures"]) #NJobs = 500 #for Job in range(0,NJobs) : # LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push(["BASH", "sh " + os.getcwd()+"/ " + os.getcwd()+"/pictures " + str(Job) +" " + str(NJobs)]) #LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit() cwd = '%s/src/SUSYBSMAnalysis/HSCP/test/UsefulScripts/StabilityCheck' % os.environ[ 'CMSSW_BASE'] f = open('%s/../../AnalysisCode/Analysis_Samples.txt' % cwd, 'r') # f= open('Analysis_Samples_tmp.txt','r') index = -1 for line in f: index += 1
FarmDirectory = "MERGECrab" MergeTemplateName = "" EndPath = "" if TransferDirectlyToStorage: print "Grid certificate is needed for the final lcg-cp command ..." initProxy() EndPath = "%s/HSCP2016" % StorageDir else: EndPath = "%s/%s/outputs" % (os.getcwd(), FarmDirectory) if not os.path.isdir(EndPath): os.system("mkdir -p %s" % EndPath) runs = getRunList(AllLumisFile) createMergeConfigTemplate(MergeTemplateName) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, "HSCPEdmMerge") for run in runs: paths = ["%s/DoubleMuon/crab_Run%s_DoubleMuon/*/0000/" % (StorageDir, run), "%s/MET/crab_Run%s_MET/*/0000/" % (StorageDir, run), "%s/SingleMuon/crab_Run%s_SingleMuon/*/0000/" % (StorageDir, run)] createToMergeList(paths) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_InitCmds = ['export HOME=%s' % os.environ['HOME'], 'export X509_USER_PROXY=$HOME/x509_user_proxy/x509_proxy'] LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_FinalCmds = ['rm -f %s/Run2016_%s.root' % (EndPath, run)] if TransferDirectlyToStorage: LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_FinalCmds += ["lcg-cp -v -n 10 -D srmv2 -b file://${PWD}/Run2016_%s.root srm://\?SFN=%s/Run2016_%s.root && rm -f Run2016_%s.root" % (run, EndPath, run, run)] # if you do not use zsh, change '\?' to '?' else: LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_FinalCmds += ["mv Run2016_%s.root %s" % (run, EndPath)]
) initProxy() datasetList = [] for DATASETMASK in DATASETMASKS: command_out = commands.getstatusoutput( 'das_client --limit=0 --query "dataset=' + DATASETMASK + '"') print 'das_client --limit=0 --query "dataset=' + DATASETMASK + '"' print command_out datasetList += command_out[1].split() #get the list of samples to process from a local file #datasetList= open('DatasetList','r') JobName = "HSCPEdmProd" FarmDirectory = "FARM" LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Queue = '8nh' os.system("mkdir -p out") for DATASET in datasetList: DATASET = DATASET.replace('\n', '') FILELIST = filesFromDataset(DATASET) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_InitCmds = [] if (not ISLOCAL): LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_InitCmds = [ 'export HOME=%s' % os.environ['HOME'], 'export X509_USER_PROXY=~/x509_user_proxy/x509_proxy; voms-proxy-init --noregen;' ] print DATASET + " : " for RUN in FILELIST:
command_out = commands.getstatusoutput( ' --limit=0 --query "dataset=' + DATASETMASK + '"') datasetList = command_out[1].split() #get the list of samples to process from a local file #datasetList= open('DatasetList','r') for DATASET in datasetList: DATASET = DATASET.replace('\n', '') NAME = nameFromDataset(DATASET) FILELIST = filesFromDataset(DATASET) print DATASET + " --> " + NAME + " --> " + str(FILELIST) JobName = NAME FarmDirectory = "FARM_EDM" LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_InitCmds = [] if (not ISLOCAL): LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_InitCmds = [ 'export X509_USER_PROXY=~/x509_user_proxy/x509_proxy; voms-proxy-init --noregen;' ] f = open("", "w") f.write("import sys, os\n") f.write("import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n") f.write("\n") if ('HSCP' in DATASET): f.write("isSignal = True\n") f.write("isBckg = False\n") else: f.write("isSignal = False\n")
import SUSYBSMAnalysis.HSCP.LaunchOnCondor as LaunchOnCondor SAMPLES = [ 'MU', 'MET', 'ELEC', 'Gluino300', 'Gluino1000', 'Gluino1500', 'GMStau126', 'GMStau494' ] PT = [20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 100] NH = [3, 5, 7] DEDX = [2.7, 3.0, 3.3] if sys.argv[1] == '1': JobName = "SkimEff" FarmDirectory = "FARM_SkimEff" LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_NEvent = 100000 LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Skip = 0 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) for s in SAMPLES: for p in PT: for n in NH: for d in DEDX: LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "CMSSW", "", "XXX_SAMPLE_XXX", str(s), "XXX_PT_XXX", str(p), "XXX_NH_XXX", str(n), "XXX_DEDX_XXX", str(d) ]) LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit() if sys.argv[1] == '2': #LaunchOnCondor.runInteractively = True
f.write("\n") f.write("InputFileList.extend(['file:" + "step2.root" + "'])\n") f.write("\n") f.write( "#main EDM tuple cfg that depends on the above parameters\n") f.write( "execfile( os.path.expandvars('${CMSSW_BASE}/src/SUSYBSMAnalysis/HSCP/test/MakeEDMtuples/') )\n" ) f.close() JobName = S[0] + "_SIMEDM" FarmDirectory = "FARM_" + JobName LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_NEvent = S[3] LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Skip = 0 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_InitCmds = [ 'export X509_USER_PROXY=~/x509_user_proxy/x509_proxy; voms-proxy-init --noregen;' ] for i in range(0, S[2]): LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Count = i LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Skip += LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_NEvent LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push([ "CMSSW", [ "", "", "" ] ]) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_FinalCmds = ['rm step1.root; rm step2.root'] LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit()
initProxy() print("compile the MuonTimingStudy code") os.system("sh " + os.getcwd() + "/ ") #just compile command_out = commands.getstatusoutput( 'das_client --limit=0 --query "dataset=' + DATASETMASK + '"') print 'das_client --limit=0 --query "dataset=' + DATASETMASK + '"' print command_out datasetList = command_out[1].split() #get the list of samples to process from a local file #datasetList= open('DatasetList','r') JobName = "CSCTimeStudy" FarmDirectory = "FARM_TEMP" LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Queue = '8nh' os.system("mkdir -p out") for DATASET in datasetList: DATASET = DATASET.replace('\n', '') FILELIST = filesFromDataset(DATASET) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_InitCmds = [] if (not ISLOCAL): LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_InitCmds = [ 'export X509_USER_PROXY=~/x509_user_proxy/x509_proxy; voms-proxy-init --noregen;' ] print DATASET + " : " for RUN in FILELIST: print str(RUN) + " --> %i files to process" % len(FILELIST[RUN])
LoadJson(JSON) if args.STEP == 0: os.system("rm -f *.d *.so *.pcm *.root *.pyc") os.system("rm -rdf FARM_TEMP out pictures") if args.STEP == 1: print 'proxy initialization..\n===============' #initProxy() print 'splitting json by run....\n==============' splitLumiFileByRuns(JSON) os.system("mkdir -p out") JobName = "HSCPEdmProd" FarmDirectory = "FARM" LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Queue = '8nh' LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_InitCmds = [] for lumiFile in LumiFiles: matchedDatasets = findDatasetsForRun(lumiFile, PrimaryDatasetsToMatch) matchedDatasets.sort() runN = getRunNum(lumiFile) print matchedDatasets FilesByRun = [] for dataset in matchedDatasets: filesFromDaset(dataset) if (not ISLOCAL): LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_InitCmds = [
run, MET, correctMET, singleMuon, correctSingleMuon, doubleMuon, correctDoubleMuon ]) if not printNumberOfFiles: for entry in runsToPrint: print entry[0], finalJudgementString else: for entry in runsToPrint: print "Run %s %s: MET (%i/%i), SingleMuon (%i/%i), DoubleMuon (%i/%i)" % ( entry[0], finalJudgementString, entry[1], entry[2], entry[3], entry[4], entry[5], entry[6]) if printOnlySuccess and mergeAvailableRuns: FarmDirectory = 'MERGEAvailable' LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, "HSCPEdmMergeAvail") LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Queue = '8nh' AlreadyMergingRuns = [] if mergeOnTheFly: runningScripts = os.popen( 'condor_q %s -long | grep Cmd | grep HSCPEdmMergeAvail' % (os.environ['USER'])).read() runningScripts = runningScripts.split('\n') runningScripts.pop() for script in runningScripts: if script.find(os.getcwd()) == -1: continue script = script.split('=')[1] script = script.replace('"', '') script = script.split('/')[len(script.split('/')) - 1] script = script.split('_')[2]
isLocal = False #allow to access data in Louvain from remote sites if(commands.getstatusoutput("hostname -f")[1].find("")!=-1): isLocal = True os.system('rm -rf ~/x509_user_proxy/x509_proxy') if sys.argv[1]=='1': os.system("sh " + os.getcwd() + "/ ") #just compile for DATASET in datasetList : outdir = os.getcwd() + "/Histos/"+DATASET[0]+"/" os.system('mkdir -p ' + outdir) JobName = "DEDXHISTO_"+DATASET[0] FarmDirectory = "FARM_DEDXHISTO_"+DATASET[0] LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Queue = '8nh' LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) FILELIST = [] if(DATASET[1][-1]=='/'): #file path is a directory, consider all files from the directory if(isLocal): FILELIST = LaunchOnCondor.GetListOfFiles('', DATASET[1]+'/*.root', '') else: initProxy() initCommand = 'export X509_USER_PROXY=~/x509_user_proxy/x509_proxy; voms-proxy-init --noregen;' LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_InitCmds = [initCommand] print initCommand+'lcg-ls -b -D srmv2 "srm://'+DATASET[1]+'" | xargs -I {} basename {}' print commands.getstatusoutput(initCommand+'lcg-ls -b -D srmv2 "srm://'+DATASET[1]+'" | xargs -I {} basename {}') LocalFileList = commands.getstatusoutput(initCommand+'lcg-ls -b -D srmv2 "srm://'+DATASET[1]+'" | xargs -I {} basename {}')[1].split('\n') for f in LocalFileList: if(f[-5:].find('.root')==-1):continue #only .root file considered FILELIST += ["root://"+DATASET[1].replace('/storage/data/cms/store/','/store/')+f]
or ((time.time() - os.path.getmtime( os.path.expanduser('~/x509_user_proxy/x509_proxy'))) > 600)): print "You are going to run on a sample over grid using either CRAB or the AAA protocol, it is therefore needed to initialize your grid certificate" os.system( 'mkdir -p ~/x509_user_proxy; voms-proxy-init --voms cms -valid 192:00 --out ~/x509_user_proxy/x509_proxy' ) #all must be done in the same command to avoid environement problems. Note that the first sourcing is only needed in Louvain if sys.argv[1] == '1': if UseRemoteSamples: initProxy() print 'ANALYSIS' FarmDirectory = "FARM" JobName = "HscpAnalysis" LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_RunHere = 0 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) f = open('Analysis_Samples.txt', 'r') index = -1 for line in f: index += 1 if (line.startswith('#')): continue vals = line.split(',') if ((vals[0].replace('"', '')) in CMSSW_VERSION): for Type in AnalysesToRun: #LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_FinalCmds = ['mv *.root %s/src/SUSYBSMAnalysis/HSCP/test/AnalysisCode/Results/Type%i/' % (os.environ['CMSSW_BASE'], Type)] LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_FinalCmds = [ 'cp -r Results %s/src/SUSYBSMAnalysis/HSCP/test/AnalysisCode/ && rm -rf Results' % (os.environ['CMSSW_BASE']) ] if (UseRemoteSamples): LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_InitCmds = [
#["RunD_*_204801_205100","RunD_204801_205100"], #["RunD_*_205101_205400","RunD_205101_205400"], #["RunD_*_205401_205700","RunD_205401_205700"], #["RunD_*_205701_206000","RunD_205701_206000"], #["RunD_*_206001_206300","RunD_206001_206300"], #["RunD_*_206301_206600","RunD_206301_206600"], #["RunD_*_206601_206900","RunD_206601_206900"], #["RunD_*_206901_207200","RunD_206901_207200"], #["RunD_*_207201_207500","RunD_207201_207500"], #["RunD_*_207501_207800","RunD_207501_207800"], #["RunD_*_207801_208100","RunD_207801_208100"], #["RunD_*_208101_208357","RunD_208101_208357"], ["RunD_*_208358_208686", "RunD_208358_208686"] ] FarmDirectory = "MERGE" for j in Jobs: LaunchOnCondor.ListToFile( LaunchOnCondor.GetListOfFiles( '"dcache:', '/pnfs/cms/WAX/11/store/user/farrell3/HSCPEDMUpdateData2012_30Nov2012/' + j[0] + '/HSCP_*.root', '",'), FarmDirectory + "InputFile.txt") #LaunchOnCondor.SendCMSJobs(FarmDirectory, j[1], "", FarmDirectory + "InputFile.txt", 1, ['XXX_SAVEPATH_XXX','file:/storage/data/cms/users/quertenmont/HSCP/CMSSW_4_2_8/12_08_16/']) LaunchOnCondor.SendCMSJobs( FarmDirectory, j[1], "", FarmDirectory + "InputFile.txt", 1, [ 'XXX_SAVEPATH_XXX', '/uscmst1b_scratch/lpc1/3DayLifetime/farrell/2012Data_04Sep2012' ]) os.system("rm " + FarmDirectory + "InputFile.txt")
repla += '\n' repla += '# Path and EndPath definitions\n' lines = lines.replace('# Path and EndPath definitions', repla) lines = lines.replace('cms.Path(process.psim)', 'cms.Path(process.psim * process.shifter)') with open("", "w") as f: f.write(lines) f.close() JobName = S[0] + "_SIMAOD" FarmDirectory = "FARM_" + JobName LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_NEvent = S[3] LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Skip = 0 LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) for i in range(0, S[2]): LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Count = i LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_Skip += LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_NEvent LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Push( ["CMSSW", ["", ""]]) #LaunchOnCondor.Jobs_FinalCmds = ['mv step1.root ' + os.getcwd()+"/FARM_"+S[0]+"_SIMAOD/outputs/"+S[0]+"_SIM_%04i.root" % i] LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Submit() elif sys.argv[1] == '2': #AOD --> EDM files for S in samples: JobName = S[0] FarmDirectory = "FARM_EDM" LaunchOnCondor.SendCluster_Create(FarmDirectory, JobName) f = open("", "w")