def _readDihedralParameters(self, file): format = FortranFormat('A2,1X,A2,1X,A2,1X,A2,I4,3F15.2') append = None while 1: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name1 = _normalizeName(l[0]) name2 = _normalizeName(l[1]) name3 = _normalizeName(l[2]) name4 = _normalizeName(l[3]) name1, name2, name3, name4 = _sort4(name1, name2, name3, name4) if append is not None: append.addTerm(l[4], l[5], l[6], l[7]) if l[7] >= 0: append = None else: p = AmberDihedralParameters(self.atom_types[name1], self.atom_types[name2], self.atom_types[name3], self.atom_types[name4], l[4], l[5], l[6], l[7]) if name1 == 'X' and name4 == 'X': self.dihedrals_2[(name2, name3)] = p else: self.dihedrals[(name1, name2, name3, name4)] = p if l[7] < 0: append = p
def _readAtomTypes(self, file): format = FortranFormat('A2,1X,F10.2') while 1: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name = _normalizeName(l[0]) self.atom_types[name] = AmberAtomType(name, l[1])
def _readAtomTypes(self, file): format = FortranFormat('A2,1X,F10.2') while True: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name = _normalizeName(l[0]) self.atom_types[name] = AmberAtomType(name, l[1])
def _readLJParameters(self, file, ljpar_set): format = FortranFormat('2X,A2,6X,3F10.6') while 1: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name = _normalizeName(l[0]) ljpar_set.addEntry(name, l[1], l[2], l[3])
def _readImproperParameters(self, file): format = FortranFormat('A2,1X,A2,1X,A2,1X,A2,I4,3F15.2') while True: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name1 = _normalizeName(l[0]) name2 = _normalizeName(l[1]) name3 = _normalizeName(l[2]) name4 = _normalizeName(l[3]) if name1 == 'X': if name2 == 'X': name1 = name3 name2 = name4 name3 = 'X' name4 = 'X' else: name1 = name3 name2, name3 = _sort(name2, name4) name4 = 'X' else: name1, name2, name3, name4 = \ (name3, ) + _sort3(name1, name2, name4) p = AmberImproperParameters(self.atom_types[name1], self.atom_types[name2], self.atom_types[name3], self.atom_types[name4], l[4], l[5], l[6], l[7]) if name4 == 'X': if name3 == 'X': self.impropers_2[(name1, name2)] = p else: self.impropers_1[(name1, name2, name3)] = p else: self.impropers[(name1, name2, name3, name4)] = p
def _readLJParameters(self, file, ljpar_set): format = FortranFormat('2X,A2,6X,3F10.6') while True: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name = _normalizeName(l[0]) ljpar_set.addEntry(name, l[1], l[2], l[3])
def _readImproperParameters(self, file): format = FortranFormat('A2,1X,A2,1X,A2,1X,A2,I4,3F15.2') while 1: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name1 = _normalizeName(l[0]) name2 = _normalizeName(l[1]) name3 = _normalizeName(l[2]) name4 = _normalizeName(l[3]) if name1 == 'X': if name2 == 'X': name1 = name3 name2 = name4 name3 = 'X' name4 = 'X' else: name1 = name3 name2, name3 = _sort(name2, name4) name4 = 'X' else: name1, name2, name3, name4 = \ (name3, ) + _sort3(name1, name2, name4) p = AmberImproperParameters(self.atom_types[name1], self.atom_types[name2], self.atom_types[name3], self.atom_types[name4], l[4], l[5], l[6], l[7]) if name4 == 'X': if name3 == 'X': self.impropers_2[(name1, name2)] = p else: self.impropers_1[(name1, name2, name3)] = p else: self.impropers[(name1, name2, name3, name4)] = p
def writeTrajectory(self, trajectory_name, block_size=1): trajectory = Trajectory(self.universe, trajectory_name, 'w', self.title, block_size=block_size) actions = [TrajectoryOutput(trajectory, ["all"], 0, None, 1)] snapshot = SnapshotGenerator(self.universe, actions=actions) conf = self.universe.configuration() vel = self.universe.velocities() grad = ParticleVector(self.universe) try: while 1: line = self.history.readline() if not line: break data = FortranLine(line, history_timestep_line) step = data[1] natoms = data[2] nvectors = data[3]+1 pbc = data[4] dt = data[5] step_data = {'time': step*dt} if nvectors > 2: step_data['gradients'] = grad if pbc: data = FortranLine(self.history.readline(), history_pbc_line) box_x = data[0]*Units.Ang #if data[1] != 0. or data[2] != 0.: # raise ValueError, "box shape not supported" data = FortranLine(self.history.readline(), history_pbc_line) box_y = data[1]*Units.Ang #if data[0] != 0. or data[2] != 0.: # raise ValueError, "box shape not supported" data = FortranLine(self.history.readline(), history_pbc_line) box_z = data[2]*Units.Ang #if data[0] != 0. or data[1] != 0.: # raise ValueError, "box shape not supported" self.universe.setSize((box_x, box_y, box_z)) for i in range(natoms): self.history.readline() conf.array[i] = map(float, string.split(self.history.readline())) if nvectors > 1: vel.array[i] = map(float, string.split(self.history.readline())) if nvectors > 2: grad.array[i] = map(float, string.split(self.history.readline())) Numeric.multiply(conf.array, Units.Ang, conf.array) if nvectors > 1: Numeric.multiply(vel.array, Units.Ang/, vel.array) if nvectors > 2: Numeric.multiply(grad.array, -Units.amu*Units.Ang/**2, grad.array) snapshot(data=step_data) finally: trajectory.close()
def _readHbondParameters(self, file): format = FortranFormat('2X,A2,2X,A2,2X,2F10.2') while True: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name1 = _normalizeName(l[0]) name2 = _normalizeName(l[1]) name1, name2 = _sort(name1, name2) self.hbonds[(name1, name2)] = \ AmberHbondParameters(self.atom_types[name1], self.atom_types[name2], l[2], l[3])
def _readHbondParameters(self, file): format = FortranFormat('2X,A2,2X,A2,2X,2F10.2') while 1: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name1 = _normalizeName(l[0]) name2 = _normalizeName(l[1]) name1, name2 = _sort(name1, name2) self.hbonds[(name1, name2)] = \ AmberHbondParameters(self.atom_types[name1], self.atom_types[name2], l[2], l[3])
def _readAngleParameters(self, file): format = FortranFormat('A2,1X,A2,1X,A2,2F10.2') while 1: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name1 = _normalizeName(l[0]) name2 = _normalizeName(l[1]) name3 = _normalizeName(l[2]) name1, name3 = _sort(name1, name3) self.bond_angles[(name1, name2, name3)] = \ AmberBondAngleParameters(self.atom_types[name1], self.atom_types[name2], self.atom_types[name3], l[3], l[4])
def _readAngleParameters(self, file): format = FortranFormat('A2,1X,A2,1X,A2,2F10.2') while True: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name1 = _normalizeName(l[0]) name2 = _normalizeName(l[1]) name3 = _normalizeName(l[2]) name1, name3 = _sort(name1, name3) self.bond_angles[(name1, name2, name3)] = \ AmberBondAngleParameters(self.atom_types[name1], self.atom_types[name2], self.atom_types[name3], l[3], l[4])
def write_bgf(atoms,description=None): uc = atoms.get_cell() a,b,c = [Vector(x) for x in uc] A = a.length() B = b.length() C = c.length() rad2deg = 360./(2*math.pi) alpha = b.angle(c)*rad2deg beta = a.angle(c)*rad2deg gamma = a.angle(b)*rad2deg crstx = str(FortranLine(('CRYSTX', A, B, C, alpha, beta, gamma), FortranFormat('a6,1x,6f11.5'))) atom_lines = [] fmt = FortranFormat('a6,1x,i5,1x,a5,1x,a3,1x,a1,1x,a5,3f10.5,1x,a5,i3,i2,1x,f8.5') for i,atom in enumerate(atoms): line = str(FortranLine(('HETATM', i, atom.symbol, '', '', '', atom.x, atom.y, atom.z, atom.symbol, 1, 1, 0.0), fmt)) atom_lines.append(line) # energy in kcal energy = atoms.get_potential_energy()*23.061 bgf = Template(bgf_template, searchList=[locals()]) return bgf.respond()
def readCAlphaPositions(filename): positions = [] chains = [positions] for line in TextFile(filename): record_type = FortranLine(line, generic_format)[0] if record_type == 'ATOM ' or record_type == 'HETATM': data = FortranLine(line, atom_format) atom_name = string.strip(data[2]) position = N.array(data[8:11]) if atom_name == 'CA': positions.append(position) elif atom_name == 'OXT': positions = [] chains.append(positions) if len(chains[-1]) == 0: del chains[-1] return chains
def __init__(self, directory): = directory self.history = open(os.path.join(, 'HISTORY')) self.title = string.strip(self.history.readline()) info = FortranLine(self.history.readline(), '2I10') if info[1] > 3: raise ValueError, "box shape not implemented" nvectors = info[0] + 1 self.makeUniverse(info[1], self.readField()) if nvectors > 1: self.universe.initializeVelocitiesToTemperature(0.)
def __init__(self,species,historyFile): = directory self.history = open(historyFile) self.title = string.strip(self.history.readline()) info = FortranLine(self.history.readline(), '2I10') if info[1] > 3: raise ValueError, "box shape not implemented" nvectors = info[0]+1 self.makeUniverse(info[1], species) if nvectors > 1: self.universe.initializeVelocitiesToTemperature(0.)
def writeXPlor(self, filename): from Scientific.IO.FortranFormat import FortranFormat, FortranLine file = open(filename, 'w') file.write('\n 1 !NTITLE\n') file.write('REMARKS Electronic density map\n') data = [[0], 1,[0],[1], 1,[1],[2], 1,[2] ] file.write(str(FortranLine(data, '9I8')) + '\n') x = (self.x_axis[-1] - self.x_axis[0]) / Units.Ang y = (self.y_axis[-1] - self.y_axis[0]) / Units.Ang z = (self.z_axis[-1] - self.z_axis[0]) / Units.Ang data = [x, y, z] + 3 * [90.] file.write(str(FortranLine(data, '6E12.5')) + '\n') file.write('ZYX\n') map_data = N.ravel( map_data = map_data / N.maximum.reduce(map_data) average = N.sum(map_data) / len(map_data) sd = N.sqrt(N.sum((map_data - average)**2) / len(map_data)) map_data.shape = for i in range([2]): file.write(str(FortranLine([i], 'I8')) + '\n') data = list(N.ravel(N.transpose(map_data[:, :, i]))) while data: file.write(str(FortranLine(data[:6], '%dE12.5' % min(6, len(data)))) \ + '\n') data = data[6:] file.write(str(FortranLine([-9999], 'I8')) + '\n') file.write(str(FortranLine([average, sd], '2(E12.4,1X)')) + '\n') file.close()
def readField(self): filename = os.path.join(, 'FIELD') lines = open(filename).readlines() while 1: if self.checkDirective(lines[0], 'MOLECULES'): nspecies = string.atoi(string.split(lines[0])[1]) break if self.checkDirective(lines[0], 'MOLECULAR TYPES'): nspecies = string.atoi(string.split(lines[0])[2]) break lines = lines[1:] lines = lines[1:] species = [] for i in range(nspecies): name = string.strip(lines[0]) n = string.atoi(string.split(lines[1])[1]) natoms = string.atoi(string.split(lines[2])[1]) lines = lines[3:] atoms = [] while natoms > 0: data = FortranLine(lines[0], field_atom_line) lines = lines[1:] atom_name = string.strip(data[0]) element = string.lower(atom_name[:2]) if element not in _elements2: element = element[0] nrepeat = max(data[3], 1) for j in range(nrepeat): atoms.append((element, atom_name)) natoms = natoms - nrepeat while (not self.checkDirective(lines[0], 'FINISH')) \ and (not self.checkDirective(lines[0], 'CONSTRAINTS')): lines = lines[1:] constraints = [] if self.checkDirective(lines[0], 'CONSTRAINTS'): nc = string.atoi(string.split(lines[0])[1]) lines = lines[1:] while nc > 0: l = string.split(lines[0]) i1 = int(l[0]) - 1 i2 = int(l[1]) - 1 d = float(l[2]) * Units.Ang constraints.append((i1, i2, d)) lines = lines[1:] nc = nc - 1 while not self.checkDirective(lines[0], 'FINISH'): lines = lines[1:] lines = lines[1:] species.append([name, n, atoms, constraints]) return species
def __init__(self,atoms,outfile=None): unitcell = atoms.get_cell() A = Vector(unitcell[0]) B = Vector(unitcell[1]) C = Vector(unitcell[2]) # lengths of the vectors a = A.length()#*angstroms2bohr b = B.length()#*angstroms2bohr c = C.length()#*angstroms2bohr # angles between the vectors rad2deg = 360./(2.*math.pi) alpha = B.angle(C)*rad2deg beta = A.angle(C)*rad2deg gamma = A.angle(B)*rad2deg # scaledpositions = atoms.get_scaled_positions() # chemicalsymbols = [atom.get_symbol() for atom in atoms] input = '' input += '%1.3f %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f\n' % (a,b,c, alpha,beta,gamma) input += '1 1 0.1 0.1\n' for atom in atoms: sym = atom.get_symbol() group = 1 x,y,z = atom.get_position() #format(a6,i2,6f9.5) input += str(FortranLine((sym, group, x,y,z), FortranFormat('a6,i2,3f9.5')))+'\n' pin,pout = os.popen2('symmol') pin.writelines(input) pin.close() self.output = pout.readlines() pout.close() if outfile: f = open(outfile,'w') f.writelines(self.output) f.close() if os.path.exists('symmol.log'): os.remove('symmol.log')
def apply(self): try: # pid = the pid number for the job pid = os.getpid() suffix = '.'.join(['', str(pid), 'pdb', 'nmoldyn']) # This just creates a unique temporary directory. dirName = mkdtemp(suffix) outputFile = open(self.pdbFile, 'w') for f in self.selectedFrames: pdbFrame = os.path.join(dirName, ''.join(['Frame', str(f), '.pdb'])) if self.outputStyle.getValue().lower() == "mmtk": # This MMTK function write a PDB file given a trajectory and a selected frame index. PDBOutputFile(pdbFrame).write( self.trajectory.universe, self.trajectory.configuration[f - 1]) else: pdbFile = open(pdbFrame, 'w') resNum = 0 atNum = 0 for obj in self.trajectory.universe.objectList(): resNum += 1 data = {} for at in obj.atomList(): atNum += 1 try: occ = at.occupancy except AttributeError: occ = 0.0 try: temp = at.temperature_factor except AttributeError: temp = 0.0 type = 'ATOM' data['name'] = p = at.position( self.trajectory.configuration[f - 1]) / Units.Ang data['serial_number'] = atNum % 100000 data['residue_number'] = resNum data['residue_name'] = at.topLevelChemicalObject( ).name data['alternate'] = "" data['occupancy'] = occ data['temperature_factor'] = temp data['element'] = at.type.symbol line = [type] line = line + [ data.get('serial_number', 1), data.get('name'), data.get('alternate', ''), data.get('residue_name', '').rjust(3), data.get('chain_id', ''), data.get('residue_number', 1), data.get('insertion_code', ''), p[0], p[1], p[2], data.get('occupancy', 0.), data.get('temperature_factor', 0.), data.get('segment_id', ''), data.get('element', '').rjust(2), data.get('charge', '') ] pdbFile.write( str(FortranLine(line, atom_format)) + '\n') pdbFile.close() pdbFile = open(pdbFrame, 'r') data = pdbFile.close() os.unlink(pdbFrame) outputFile.write('REMARK Frame %d\n' % (f, )) outputFile.write(data) outputFile.close() LogMessage('info', 'Frame extraction successful', ['gui']) except: raise Error('Error when extracting PDB frame.')
def __init__(self, file, modifications=[]): if isinstance(file, basestring): file = TextFile(file) title = file.readline()[:-1] self.atom_types = DictWithDefault(None) self._readAtomTypes(file) format = FortranFormat('20(A2,2X)') done = False while not done: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) for entry in l: name = _normalizeName(entry) if len(name) == 0: done = True break try: # ignore errors for now self.atom_types[name].hydrophylic = True except: pass self.bonds = {} self._readBondParameters(file) self.bond_angles = {} self._readAngleParameters(file) self.dihedrals = {} self.dihedrals_2 = {} self._readDihedralParameters(file) self.impropers = {} self.impropers_1 = {} self.impropers_2 = {} self._readImproperParameters(file) self.hbonds = {} self._readHbondParameters(file) self.lj_equivalent = {} format = FortranFormat('20(A2,2X)') while True: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name1 = _normalizeName(l[0]) for s in l[1:]: name2 = _normalizeName(s) self.lj_equivalent[name2] = name1 self.ljpar_sets = {} while True: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], 'A4,6X,A2') if l[0] == 'END ': break set_name = _normalizeName(l[0]) ljpar_set = AmberLJParameterSet(set_name, l[1]) self.ljpar_sets[set_name] = ljpar_set self._readLJParameters(file, ljpar_set) file.close() for mod, ljname in modifications: if isinstance(mod, basestring): file = TextFile(mod) else: file = mod title = file.readline()[:-1] blank = file.readline()[:-1] while True: keyword = file.readline() if not keyword: break keyword = keyword.strip()[:4] if keyword == 'MASS': self._readAtomTypes(file) elif keyword == 'BOND': self._readBondParameters(file) elif keyword == 'ANGL': self._readAngleParameters(file) elif keyword == 'DIHE': self._readDihedralParameters(file) elif keyword == 'IMPR': self._readImproperParameters(file) elif keyword == 'HBON': self._readHbondParameters(file) elif keyword == 'NONB': self._readLJParameters(file, self.ljpar_sets[ljname])
def write_bgf(atoms, geofile=None): ''' prepares a bgf entry from an atoms object and writes it to the geofile ''' if geofile is None: geofile = 'geo' # create the geofile if it does not already exist if not os.path.exists(geofile): f = open(geofile, 'w') f.close() # get descriptions to make sure they are all unique. f = open(geofile, 'r') DESCRIPTIONS = [] for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith('DESCRP'): DESCRIPTIONS.append(line[6:].strip()) f.close() # we need a hash of something to check for uniqueness of the atoms. description = reax_hash(atoms) if description in DESCRIPTIONS: raise Exception, 'Non-unique description "%s" in geofile' % description # now prepare the unit cell information for the CRYSTX line uc = atoms.get_cell() a, b, c = [Vector(x) for x in uc] A = a.length() B = b.length() C = c.length() rad2deg = 360. / (2 * math.pi) alpha = b.angle(c) * rad2deg beta = a.angle(c) * rad2deg gamma = a.angle(b) * rad2deg crstx = str( FortranLine(('CRYSTX', A, B, C, alpha, beta, gamma), FortranFormat('a6,1x,6f11.5'))) # now we prepare each atom line. These are printed in the template. atom_lines = [] reax_coords = reax_coordinates(atoms) fmt = FortranFormat( 'a6,1x,i5,1x,a5,1x,a3,1x,a1,1x,a5,3f10.5,1x,a5,i3,i2,1x,f8.5') for i, atom in enumerate(atoms): x, y, z = reax_coords[i] line = FortranLine(('HETATM', i, atom.symbol, '', '', '', x, y, z, atom.symbol, 1, 1, 0.0), fmt) atom_lines.append(line) # energy in kcal calc = atoms.get_calculator() if calc is not None: directory = os.path.abspath(calc.vaspdir) energy = atoms.get_potential_energy() * 23.061 else: directory = 'None' energy = 'None' bgf = Template(bgf_template, searchList=[locals()]) entry = bgf.respond() if geofile is None: geofile = 'geo' f = open(geofile, 'a') f.write(entry) f.close()
def writeLine(self, type, data): """Writes a line using record type and data dictionary in the same format as returned by readLine(). Default values are provided for non-essential information, so the data dictionary need not contain all entries. """ if self.export_filter is not None: type, data = self.export_filter.processLine(type, data) if type is None: return line = [type] if type == 'ATOM' or type == 'HETATM': format = atom_format position = data['position'] line = line + [ data.get('serial_number', 1), data.get('name'), data.get('alternate', ''), string.rjust(data.get('residue_name', ''), 3), data.get('chain_id', ''), data.get('residue_number', 1), data.get('insertion_code', ''), position[0], position[1], position[2], data.get('occupancy', 0.), data.get('temperature_factor', 0.), data.get('segment_id', ''), string.rjust(data.get('element', ''), 2), data.get('charge', '') ] elif type == 'ANISOU': format = anisou_format u = 1.e4 * data['u'] u = [ int(u[0, 0]), int(u[1, 1]), int(u[2, 2]), int(u[0, 1]), int(u[0, 2]), int(u[1, 2]) ] line = line + [data.get('serial_number', 1), data.get('name'), data.get('alternate', ''), string.rjust(data.get('residue_name'), 3), data.get('chain_id', ''), data.get('residue_number', 1), data.get('insertion_code', '')] \ + u \ + [data.get('segment_id', ''), string.rjust(data.get('element', ''), 2), data.get('charge', '')] elif type == 'TER': format = ter_format line = line + [ data.get('serial_number', 1), string.rjust(data.get('residue_name'), 3), data.get('chain_id', ''), data.get('residue_number', 1), data.get('insertion_code', '') ] elif type == 'CONECT': format = conect_format line = line + [data.get('serial_number')] line = line + (data.get('bonded', []) + 4 * [None])[:4] line = line + (data.get('hydrogen_bonded', []) + 4 * [None])[:4] line = line + (data.get('salt_bridged', []) + 2 * [None])[:2] elif type == 'MODEL': format = model_format line = line + [data.get('serial_number')] elif type == 'HEADER': format = header_format line = line + [ data.get('compound', ''), data.get('date', ''), data.get('pdb_code') ] else: format = generic_format line = line + [data] self.file.write(str(FortranLine(line, format)) + '\n')
def readLine(self): """Returns the contents of the next non-blank line (= record). The return value is a tuple whose first element (a string) contains the record type. For supported record types (HEADER, ATOM, HETATM, ANISOU, TERM, MODEL, CONECT), the items from the remaining fields are put into a dictionary which is returned as the second tuple element. Most dictionary elements are strings or numbers; atom positions are returned as a vector, and anisotropic temperature factors are returned as a rank-2 tensor, already multiplied by 1.e-4. White space is stripped from all strings except for atom names, whose correct interpretation can depend on an initial space. For unsupported record types, the second tuple element is a string containing the remaining part of the record. """ while 1: line = self.file.readline() if not line: return ('END', '') if line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1] line = string.strip(line) if line: break line = string.ljust(line, 80) type = string.strip(line[:6]) if type == 'ATOM' or type == 'HETATM': line = FortranLine(line, atom_format) data = { 'serial_number': line[1], 'name': line[2], 'alternate': string.strip(line[3]), 'residue_name': string.strip(line[4]), 'chain_id': string.strip(line[5]), 'residue_number': line[6], 'insertion_code': string.strip(line[7]), 'position': Vector(line[8:11]), 'occupancy': line[11], 'temperature_factor': line[12], 'segment_id': string.strip(line[13]), 'element': string.strip(line[14]), 'charge': string.strip(line[15]) } return type, data elif type == 'ANISOU': line = FortranLine(line, anisou_format) data = { 'serial_number': line[1], 'name': line[2], 'alternate': string.strip(line[3]), 'residue_name': string.strip(line[4]), 'chain_id': string.strip(line[5]), 'residue_number': line[6], 'insertion_code': string.strip(line[7]), 'u': 1.e-4 * Tensor([[line[8], line[11], line[12]], [line[11], line[9], line[13]], [line[12], line[13], line[10]]]), 'segment_id': string.strip(line[14]), 'element': string.strip(line[15]), 'charge': string.strip(line[16]) } return type, data elif type == 'TER': line = FortranLine(line, ter_format) data = { 'serial_number': line[1], 'residue_name': string.strip(line[2]), 'chain_id': string.strip(line[3]), 'residue_number': line[4], 'insertion_code': string.strip(line[5]) } return type, data elif type == 'CONECT': line = FortranLine(line, conect_format) data = { 'serial_number': line[1], 'bonded': filter(lambda i: i > 0, line[2:6]), 'hydrogen_bonded': filter(lambda i: i > 0, line[6:10]), 'salt_bridged': filter(lambda i: i > 0, line[10:12]) } return type, data elif type == 'MODEL': line = FortranLine(line, model_format) data = {'serial_number': line[1]} return type, data elif type == 'HEADER': line = FortranLine(line, header_format) data = {'compound': line[1], 'date': line[2], 'pdb_code': line[3]} return type, data else: return type, line[6:]
def __init__(self, file, modifications=[]): if isinstance(file, str): file = TextFile(file) title = file.readline()[:-1] self.atom_types = DictWithDefault(None) self._readAtomTypes(file) format = FortranFormat('20(A2,2X)') done = 0 while not done: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) for entry in l: name = _normalizeName(entry) if len(name) == 0: done = 1 break try: # ignore errors for now self.atom_types[name].hydrophylic = 1 except: pass self.bonds = {} self._readBondParameters(file) self.bond_angles = {} self._readAngleParameters(file) self.dihedrals = {} self.dihedrals_2 = {} self._readDihedralParameters(file) self.impropers = {} self.impropers_1 = {} self.impropers_2 = {} self._readImproperParameters(file) self.hbonds = {} self._readHbondParameters(file) self.lj_equivalent = {} format = FortranFormat('20(A2,2X)') while 1: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format) if l.isBlank(): break name1 = _normalizeName(l[0]) for s in l[1:]: name2 = _normalizeName(s) self.lj_equivalent[name2] = name1 self.ljpar_sets = {} while 1: l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], 'A4,6X,A2') if l[0] == 'END ': break set_name = _normalizeName(l[0]) ljpar_set = AmberLJParameterSet(set_name, l[1]) self.ljpar_sets[set_name] = ljpar_set self._readLJParameters(file, ljpar_set) file.close() for mod, ljname in modifications: if isinstance(mod, str): file = TextFile(mod) else: file = mod title = file.readline()[:-1] blank = file.readline()[:-1] while 1: keyword = file.readline() if not keyword: break keyword = string.strip(keyword)[:4] if keyword == 'MASS': self._readAtomTypes(file) elif keyword == 'BOND': self._readBondParameters(file) elif keyword == 'ANGL': self._readAngleParameters(file) elif keyword == 'DIHE': self._readDihedralParameters(file) elif keyword == 'IMPR': self._readImproperParameters(file) elif keyword == 'HBON': self._readHbondParameters(file) elif keyword == 'NONB': self._readLJParameters(file, self.ljpar_sets[ljname])