def convert(self, edit): """Convert the read data to the desired format.""" errors = False try: if not errors: # Convert Python dict to JSON buffer. default_flow_style = None flow_setting = self.settings.get("yaml_default_flow_style", None) if flow_setting == "true": default_flow_style = True elif flow_setting == "false": default_flow_style = False self.output = yaml.yaml_dumps( self.json, default_flow_style=default_flow_style, indent=self.settings.get("yaml_indent", 4), strip_tabs=self.strip_tabs, detect_timestamp=self.settings.get("yaml_detect_timestamp", True) ) self.json = None except Exception: errors = True error_msg(self.errors["json2yaml"], traceback.format_exc()) return errors
def read_source(self): """Read the source.""" errors = False ext_tbl = self.settings.get("yaml_strip_tabs_from", []) filename = self.view.file_name() self.strip_tabs = False if filename is not None: for ext in ext_tbl: m = re.match("^(.*)\\." + re.escape(ext) + "$", filename, re.IGNORECASE) if m is not None: self.strip_tabs = True break try: # Ensure view buffer is in a UTF8 format. # Wrap string in a file structure so it can be accessed by readPlist # Read view buffer as PLIST and dump to Python dict if self.binary and self.view.encoding() == 'Hexadecimal': self.plist = plist.read_plist_from_hex_view(self.view) elif self.binary and filename is not None and os.path.exists(filename): self.plist = plist.read_plist_from_file(filename) else: self.plist = plist.read_plist_from_view(self.view) except Exception: errors = True error_type = 'view2bplist' if self.binary else 'view2plist' error_msg(self.errors[error_type], traceback.format_exc()) return errors
def write_file(self, edit, show_file): """Write data to a file if a location can be acquired else save to a view buffer.""" errors = False if self.save_filename is not None and os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.save_filename)): # Save content to UTF file try: if self.save_binary: with open(self.save_filename, "wb") as f: f.write(self.output) else: with, "w", "utf-8") as f: f.write(self.output) self.output = None if show_file: self.output_view = self.view.window().open_file(self.save_filename) except Exception: errors = True error_msg(self.errors["filewrite"], traceback.format_exc()) if not errors and show_file: self.set_syntax() else: # Could not acquire a name that exists on disk # Fallback to buffer write self.write_buffer(edit, force_new_buffer=True)
def read_source(self): """Read the source.""" errors = False try: # Strip comments and dangling commas from view buffer # Read view buffer as JSON # Dump data to Python dict self.yaml = yaml.read_yaml_from_view(self.view) except Exception: errors = True error_msg(self.errors["view2yaml"], traceback.format_exc()) return errors
def convert(self, edit): """Convert the read data to the desired format.""" errors = False try: # Convert Python dict to PLIST buffer self.output = json.json_dumps( self.yaml, preserve_binary=self.settings.get("json_preserve_binary_data", True) ) self.yaml = None except Exception: errors = True error_msg(self.errors["yaml2json"], traceback.format_exc()) return errors
def write_buffer(self, edit, force_new_buffer=False): """Write the data to a view buffer.""" errors = False new_buffer = bool(self.settings.get("open_in_new_buffer", False)) # Save content to view buffer try: self.output_view = self.view.window().new_file() if new_buffer or force_new_buffer else self.view if self.save_binary: self.output_view.set_encoding('Hexadecimal') bin_output = [] count = 0 for b in self.output: if count % 16 == 0 and count != 0: bin_output += ['\n', to_hex(b)] else: if count % 2 == 0 and count != 0: bin_output += [' ', to_hex(b)] else: bin_output.append(to_hex(b)) count += 1 self.output = None self.output_view.replace( edit, sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()), ''.join(bin_output) ) bin_output = None else: self.output_view.set_encoding('UTF-8') self.output_view.replace( edit, sublime.Region(0, self.view.size()), self.output ) self.output = None except Exception: errors = True error_msg(self.errors["bufferwrite"], traceback.format_exc()) if not errors: if new_buffer or force_new_buffer: # If a name can be acquired from the original view, # give buffer a modified derivative of the name. if self.save_filename is not None: self.output_view.set_name(os.path.basename(self.save_filename)) self.set_syntax()
def convert(self, edit): """Convert the read data to the desired format.""" errors = False try: if not errors: self.output = json.json_dumps( self.plist, preserve_binary=self.settings.get("json_preserve_binary_data", True) ) self.plist = None except Exception: errors = True error_type = 'bplist2json' if self.binary else 'plist2json' error_msg(self.errors[error_type], traceback.format_exc()) return errors
def read_source(self): """Read the source.""" errors = False try: # Ensure view buffer is in a UTF8 format. # Wrap string in a file structure so it can be accessed by readPlist # Read view buffer as PLIST and dump to Python dict filename = self.view.file_name() if self.binary and self.view.encoding() == 'Hexadecimal': self.plist = plist.read_plist_from_hex_view(self.view) elif self.binary and filename is not None and os.path.exists(filename): self.plist = plist.read_plist_from_file(filename) else: self.plist = plist.read_plist_from_view(self.view) except Exception: errors = True error_type = 'view2bplist' if self.binary else 'view2plist' error_msg(self.errors[error_type], traceback.format_exc()) return errors
def read_source(self): """Read the source.""" errors = False ext_tbl = self.settings.get("yaml_strip_tabs_from", []) filename = self.view.file_name() self.strip_tabs = False if filename is not None: for ext in ext_tbl: m = re.match("^(.*)\\." + re.escape(ext) + "$", filename, re.IGNORECASE) if m is not None: self.strip_tabs = True break try: # Ensure view buffer is in a UTF8 format. # Wrap string in a file structure so it can be accessed by readPlist # Read view buffer as PLIST and dump to Python dict self.json = json.read_json_from_view(self.view) except Exception: errors = True error_msg(self.errors["view2json"], traceback.format_exc()) return errors
def convert(self, edit): """Convert the read data to the desired format.""" errors = False try: # Convert Python dict to PLIST buffer if self.save_binary: self.output = plist.plist_binary_dumps( self.plist, detect_timestamp=self.settings.get("plist_detect_timestamp", True), none_handler=self.settings.get("plist_none_handler", "fail") ) else: self.output = plist.plist_dumps( self.plist, detect_timestamp=self.settings.get("plist_detect_timestamp", True), none_handler=self.settings.get("plist_none_handler", "fail") ) self.plist = None except Exception: errors = True error_type = "bplist2plist" if self.binary else 'plist2bplist' error_msg(self.errors[error_type], traceback.format_exc()) return errors