def compute_chi2(flux, ferr=None): """Compute the chi2 distance matrix. Parameters ---------- flux : numpy.ndarray Array [Nspec, Npix] of spectra or templates where Nspec is the number of spectra and Npix is the number of pixels. ferr : numpy.ndarray Uncertainty spectra ccorresponding to flux (default None). Returns ------- Tuple of (chi2, amp) where: chi2 : numpy.ndarray Chi^2 matrix [Nspec, Nspec] between all combinations of spectra. amp : numpy.ndarray Amplitude matrix [Nspec, Nspec] between all combinations of spectra. """ from SetCoverPy import mathutils nspec, npix = flux.shape if ferr is None: ferr = np.ones_like(flux) chi2 = np.zeros((nspec, nspec)).astype('f4') amp = np.zeros((nspec, nspec)).astype('f4') for ii in range(nspec): if ii % 500 == 0 or ii == 0: 'Computing chi2 matrix for spectra {}-{} out of {}.'.format( (ii % 500) * 500, np.min( ((ii + 1) * (ii % 500), nspec - 1)), nspec)) xx = flux[ii, :].reshape(1, npix) xxerr = ferr[ii, :].reshape(1, npix) amp1, chi21 = mathutils.quick_amplitude(xx, flux, xxerr, ferr, niter=1) chi2[ii, :] = chi21 amp[ii, :] = amp1 return chi2, amp
newwave = tmpwave newflux = tmpflux newivar = tmpivar tmpchi2 = n.zeros((iuse.size, iuse.size)) A = n.zeros((iuse.size, iuse.size)) print("creates the matrix", time.time() - t0, 's', newflux.shape) tmp_yerr = 1. / n.sqrt(newivar[:, iuse].T.reshape(iuse.size, newwave.size)) tmp_y = newflux[:, iuse].T for i in n.arange(iuse.size): #print(i) tmp_x = newflux[:, iuse[i]].T.reshape(1, newwave.size) tmp_xerr = 1. / n.sqrt(newivar[:, iuse[i]].T.reshape(1, newwave.size)) #print(tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_xerr, tmp_yerr) A_tmp, chi2_tmp = mathutils.quick_amplitude(tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_xerr, tmp_yerr) A[i, :] = A_tmp tmpchi2[i, :] = chi2_tmp chi2 = tmpchi2 / (iuse.size - 1) # reduced chi2 #pcs = n.array([1,10,25,50,75,90,99]) #pcs = n.array([16,17,18,19,20,21,22, 23, 24]) #scrs = scoreatpercentile(n.ravel(chi2), [16,17,18,19,20,21,22, 23, 24]) #scr = scoreatpercentile(n.ravel(chi2), 20 ) scr = scoreatpercentile(n.ravel(chi2), 10) chi2_min = scr # 0.05 # the minimum distance, the only free paramter a_matrix = chi2 < chi2_min # relationship matrix cost = n.ones(iuse.size)
def make_archetype(stack, file_input, percentile=20, sn_min = 1.5): print('starts archetype for',file_input, time.time()-t0) try: out_name = 'archetype_'+os.path.basename(stack[file_input].out_file)+'_snMin_'+str(sn_min)+'_percentile_'+str(percentile) allflux = n.loadtxt(stack[file_input].out_file+'.specMatrix.dat' , unpack=True ) #, specMatrix) allsig = n.loadtxt(stack[file_input].out_file+'.specMatrixErr.dat' , unpack=True )#, specMatrixErr) allisig = allsig**(-1) masterwave = stack[file_input].wave tmploglam = n.log10(masterwave) N_wave = len(tmploglam) N_spectra = allflux.shape[1] # filter data median_sn = n.array([ n.median( (flux_el/sig_el)[((sig_el==9999)==False)] ) for flux_el, sig_el in zip(allflux.T, allsig.T) ]) #median_sn = n.median( SNR[i][nodata[i]==False], axis=0) print(median_sn) iuse = n.where( median_sn>sn_min)[0] print('iuse',iuse) # tmpchi2 = n.zeros((iuse.size, iuse.size)) A = n.zeros((iuse.size, iuse.size)) print("creates the matrix", time.time()-t0, 's', allflux.shape) tmp_yerr = 1./allisig[:, iuse].T.reshape(iuse.size, masterwave.size) tmp_y = allflux[:,iuse].T for i in n.arange(iuse.size): #print(i) tmp_x = allflux[:, iuse[i]].T.reshape(1,masterwave.size) tmp_xerr = 1./allisig[:, iuse[i]].T.reshape(1,masterwave.size) #print(tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_xerr, tmp_yerr) A_tmp, chi2_tmp = mathutils.quick_amplitude(tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_xerr, tmp_yerr) A[i,:] = A_tmp tmpchi2[i,:] = chi2_tmp chi2 = tmpchi2/(iuse.size-1) # reduced chi2 print('chi2', chi2) #pcs = n.array([1,10,25,50,75,90,99]) #pcs = n.array([16,17,18,19,20,21,22, 23, 24]) scrs = scoreatpercentile(n.ravel(chi2), [5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95])#0,16,17,18,19,20,21,22, 23, 24]) print('chi2 distribution 5,15,25,..95%', scrs) chi2_min = scoreatpercentile(n.ravel(chi2), percentile ) #print('minimum distance chi2_min', chi2_min) # 0.05 # the minimum distance, the only free paramter a_matrix = chi2<chi2_min # relationship matrix cost = n.ones(iuse.size) g = setcover.SetCover(a_matrix, cost) # I'm using greedy just for demonstration # g.greedy() # SolveSCP() should be used to generate near-optimal solution g.SolveSCP() # These are the archetypes iarchetype = n.nonzero(g.s)[0] print( chi2_min, len(iarchetype), time.time()-t0, 's') # sort archeypes against the number of spectra they represent n_rep = n.sum(a_matrix[:, iarchetype], axis=0) # how many covered by the archetype? isort = n.argsort(n_rep)[::-1] print(n_rep) archetype_median = n.zeros((iarchetype.size, masterwave.size)) # These are the archetypal composites we want to use as the initial guess for i in n.arange(iarchetype.size): itmp = a_matrix[:, iarchetype[i]] # These are the instances represented by the archetype for j in n.arange(masterwave.size): thisflux = allflux[j,iuse[itmp]] archetype_median[i, j] = n.median(thisflux[thisflux!=0]) # Only use the objects that have this wavelength covered #from _pickle import cPickle #cPickle.dum imax = n.max(isort) print('imax', imax) p.clf() fig = p.figure(figsize=(10,imax*5)) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) p.title(out_name) for i in n.arange(0,imax,1): ax = fig.add_subplot(imax,1,i+1) ax.plot(masterwave[::3], archetype_median[isort[i],:][::3] , label = 'nRep=' + str(n_rep[isort[i]]) ) ax.set_xlim(masterwave[10], masterwave[-10]) #ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 3) #ax.set_xticks([]) ax.axvline(1215, color='b', ls='dashed', label='1215 Lya') ax.axvline(1546, color='c', ls='dashed', label='1546 CIV') ax.axvline(2800, color='m', ls='dashed', label='2800 MgII') ax.axvline(3727, color='g', ls='dashed', label='3727 [OII]') ax.axvline(5007, color='r', ls='dashed', label='5007 [OIII]') ax.axvline(6565, color='k', ls='dashed', label='6565 Ha') print(i, n.count_nonzero(a_matrix[:,iarchetype[isort[i]]])) ax.grid() ax.legend(frameon=False, loc=0) p.xlabel('Angstrom') p.tight_layout() p.savefig( os.path.join(archetype_dir, "figure_archetypes_"+out_name +".png") ) p.clf() n.savetxt(os.path.join(archetype_dir, "archetypes_"+out_name+".txt") , n.vstack((masterwave, archetype_median))) f = open(os.path.join(archetype_dir, "index_archetypes_"+out_name+".pkl"), 'wb') obj = ObjIds(imax, iuse, n_rep) pickle.dump(obj, f) f.close() except(ValueError): print('ValueError')
def compute_chi2(flux, ferr=None): """Compute the chi2 distance matrix. Parameters ---------- flux : numpy.ndarray Array [Nspec, Npix] of spectra or templates where Nspec is the number of spectra and Npix is the number of pixels. ferr : numpy.ndarray Uncertainty spectra ccorresponding to flux (default None). Returns ------- Tuple of (chi2, amp) where: chi2 : numpy.ndarray Chi^2 matrix [Nspec, Nspec] between all combinations of normalized spectra. amp : numpy.ndarray Amplitude matrix [Nspec, Nspec] between all combinations of spectra. """ nspec, npix = flux.shape chi2 = np.zeros((nspec, nspec), dtype='f4') amp = np.zeros((nspec, nspec), dtype='f4') flux = flux.copy() rescale = np.sqrt(npix / np.sum(flux**2, axis=1)) flux *= rescale[:, None] if ferr is None: for ii in range(nspec): if ii % 500 == 0:'Computing chi2 matrix for spectra {}-{} out of {}.'. format( int(ii / 500) * 500, np.min(((ii + 1) * int(ii / 500), nspec - 1)), nspec)) amp1 = np.sum(flux[ii] * flux, axis=1) / npix chi2[ii, :] = npix * (1. - amp1**2) amp[ii, :] = amp1 else: from SetCoverPy import mathutils ferr = ferr.copy() ferr *= rescale[:, None] for ii in range(nspec): if ii % 500 == 0 or ii == 0:'Computing chi2 matrix for spectra {}-{} out of {}.'. format( int(ii / 500) * 500, np.min(((ii + 1) * int(ii / 500), nspec - 1)), nspec)) xx = flux[ii, :].reshape(1, npix) xxerr = ferr[ii, :].reshape(1, npix) amp[ii, :], chi2[ii, :] = mathutils.quick_amplitude(xx, flux, xxerr, ferr, niter=1) amp *= rescale[:, None] / rescale[None, :] np.fill_diagonal(chi2, 0.) np.fill_diagonal(amp, 1.) return chi2, amp