def read_latencies(input_filename, discard=20 * 60): ''' @param discard: number of seconds to discard out of the experiment beginning ''' motes = {} discard_time = 0 f = open_file(input_filename) try: for line in f: timestamp, mote_id, counter, temperature = parse_line(line) if not discard_time: discard_time = timestamp + discard if timestamp >= discard_time: mote = motes.get(mote_id, None) if mote is None: mote = {"last_timestamp": timestamp, "latencies": []} motes[mote_id] = mote else: latency = timestamp - mote["last_timestamp"] mote["latencies"].append(latency) mote["last_timestamp"] = timestamp finally: if f: f.close() return motes
def read_latencies(input_filename, discard=20*60): ''' @param discard: number of seconds to discard out of the experiment beginning ''' motes = {} discard_time = 0 f = open_file(input_filename) try: for line in f: timestamp, mote_id, counter, temperature = parse_line(line) if not discard_time: discard_time = timestamp + discard if timestamp >= discard_time: mote = motes.get(mote_id, None) if mote is None: mote = {"last_timestamp": timestamp, "latencies": []} motes[mote_id] = mote else: latency = timestamp - mote["last_timestamp"] mote["latencies"].append(latency) mote["last_timestamp"] = timestamp finally: if f: f.close() return motes
def read_intervals(input_filename, motes_to_ignore, max_latency): motes = {} if not input_filename: f = sys.stdin if f.closed: return motes else: f = open_file(input_filename, "r") try: for line in f: timestamp, mote_id, counter, temperature = parse_line(line) if mote_id not in motes_to_ignore: mote = motes.get(mote_id, None) if mote is None: motes[mote_id] = [[timestamp, timestamp]] if motes[mote_id][-1][1] - motes[mote_id][-1][0] > max_latency: ''' Close the interval ''' motes[mote_id].append([timestamp, timestamp]) else: ''' Update the end of the last interval ''' motes[mote_id][-1][1] = timestamp finally: if f: f.close() find_small_intervals(motes) return motes.values()
def main(args): if len(args) < 3: print "Usage: python %s {filename} {start} {end} [-t: range is a timestamp (default is line numbers)]" % ( args[0]) exit() filename = args[1] timestamp_mode = '-t' in args if timestamp_mode: range_start = float(args[2]) range_end = float(args[3]) else: range_start = int(args[2]) range_end = int(args[3]) f = open_file(filename) try: line_count = 0 for line in f: if timestamp_mode: timestamp, mote_id, counter, temperature = parse_line( line) #@UnusedVariable if timestamp > range_end: break if timestamp >= range_start: print line, else: if line_count > range_end: break if line_count >= range_start: print line, line_count += 1 finally: if f: f.close()
def main(args): if len(args) < 3: print "Usage: python %s {filename} {start} {end} [-t: range is a timestamp (default is line numbers)]" % (args[0]) exit() filename = args[1] timestamp_mode = '-t' in args if timestamp_mode: range_start = float(args[2]) range_end = float(args[3]) else: range_start = int(args[2]) range_end = int(args[3]) f = open_file(filename) try: line_count = 0 for line in f: if timestamp_mode: timestamp, mote_id, counter, temperature = parse_line(line) #@UnusedVariable if timestamp > range_end: break if timestamp >= range_start: print line, else: if line_count > range_end: break if line_count >= range_start: print line, line_count += 1 finally: if f: f.close()
def testParseColFile(self): gen = self.parser.parse() self.assertTrue(isinstance(gen, type((i for i in range(2))))) # test txt file output = [values for values in gen] oracle = [] f = open("trace_test.txt") try: for line in f: oracle.append(parse_line(line)) finally: f.close() self.assertEqual(oracle, output)
def main(args): if len(args) < 2: print 'Usage: python %s {input file path}' % (args[0]) exit() input_file_path = args[1] output_file_path = "%s.filled.gz" % (input_file_path) #output_file_path = "%s.filled" % (input_file_path) input_file = open_file(input_file_path, 'r') output_file = open_file(output_file_path, "w") try: motes = {} # holds last reading for each mote for line in input_file: timestamp, mote_id, counter, temperature = parse_line(line) mote = motes.get(mote_id, None) if mote is not None: prev_timestamp, prev_line = mote if timestamp < prev_timestamp: print "Timestamps out of order: %f > %f" % (prev_timestamp, timestamp) exit() time_delta = timestamp - (prev_timestamp + TIME_RESOLUTION) while time_delta > MAX_TIME_DELTA: # needs to fill data prev_timestamp += TIME_RESOLUTION time_delta -= TIME_RESOLUTION output_file.write("%f %s" % (prev_timestamp, prev_line)) motes[mote_id] = (timestamp, line[line.index(" ") + 1:] ) # line minus the timestamp # writes original data output_file.write(line) finally: if input_file: input_file.close() if output_file: output_file.close()
def main(args): if len(args) < 2: print 'Usage: python %s {input file path}' % (args[0]) exit() input_file_path = args[1] output_file_path = "%s.filled.gz" % (input_file_path) #output_file_path = "%s.filled" % (input_file_path) input_file = open_file(input_file_path, 'r') output_file = open_file(output_file_path, "w") try: motes = {} # holds last reading for each mote for line in input_file: timestamp, mote_id, counter, temperature = parse_line(line) mote = motes.get(mote_id, None) if mote is not None: prev_timestamp, prev_line = mote if timestamp < prev_timestamp: print "Timestamps out of order: %f > %f" % (prev_timestamp, timestamp) exit() time_delta = timestamp - (prev_timestamp + TIME_RESOLUTION) while time_delta > MAX_TIME_DELTA: # needs to fill data prev_timestamp += TIME_RESOLUTION time_delta -= TIME_RESOLUTION output_file.write("%f %s" % (prev_timestamp, prev_line)) motes[mote_id] = (timestamp, line[line.index(" ") + 1:]) # line minus the timestamp # writes original data output_file.write(line) finally: if input_file: input_file.close() if output_file: output_file.close()
def main(args): if len(args) < 2: print "Usage: python %s {input filename}" % (args[0]) return input_path = args[1] input_filename = os.path.basename(input_path) """ Create folder based on the filename """ dot_index = input_filename.find(".") if dot_index < 0: dot_index = len(input_filename) dir_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(input_path), input_filename[:dot_index]) if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) output_files = {} # dict that maps mote_ids into files input_file = open_file(input_path, "r") try: for line in input_file: timestamp, mote_id, counter, value = parse_line(line) #@UnusedVariable if not mote_id: print "Mote id is missing!" exit() mote_file = output_files.get(mote_id, None) if mote_file is None: mote_filename = "%s/mote_%s.txt" % (dir_path, mote_id) mote_file = open(mote_filename, "w") output_files[mote_id] = mote_file mote_file.write(line) finally: if input_file: input_file.close() for f in output_files.values(): f.close()
def main(args): if "-h" in args: print "python %s [input filename] [-s (suppress zero temperature diffs)] [-j (join zero temperature diffs)]" % (args[0]) exit() suppress_zero_diff = '-s' in args if suppress_zero_diff: args.remove('-s') join_zero_temperature_diffs = '-j' in args if join_zero_temperature_diffs: args.remove('-j') f = sys.stdin if len(args) > 1: f = open_file(args[1]) motes = {} diff_temp = -1.0 try: for line in f: timestamp, mote_id, counter, temperature = parse_line(line) mote = motes.get(mote_id, None) if not mote: motes[mote_id] = mote = {} else: diff_timestamp = timestamp - mote['ts'] diff_temp = temperature - mote['temp'] if diff_timestamp > 0.00000001 and (not suppress_zero_diff or diff_temp != 0.0): print diff_timestamp, mote_id, diff_temp / diff_timestamp if not join_zero_temperature_diffs or (diff_temp != 0.0): mote['ts'] = timestamp mote['temp'] = temperature finally: if f: f.close()
def main(args): ion() grid(True) figure(1) frame1 = plt.gca() frame1.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) frame1.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) motes = {} temp_matrix = [ [MIN_TEMP for i in range(7)] for j in range(9) ] temp_matrix[-1][-1] = MAX_TEMP positions = { \ # back 248: (1,1), 247: (2,1), 252: (3,1), 238: (1,5), 244: (2,5), 243: (3,5), # front 249: (6,1), 253: (7,1), 245: (8,1), 241: (6,5), 237: (7,5), 239: (8,5), } for mote_id, pos in positions.items(): plt.text(pos[1], pos[0], str(mote_id), fontsize=12, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', color="black") plt.text(1, 0, "Back R1", fontsize=12, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', color="white") plt.text(5, 0, "Back R2", fontsize=12, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', color="white") plt.text(1, 5, "Front R1", fontsize=12, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', color="white") plt.text(5, 5, "Front R2", fontsize=12, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='bottom', color="white") f = open_file("/home/giulio/Dropbox/Projeto Sensores/experiments/temperatura/sala_servidores/temps_25_05_12_15h09m48s.txt.gz") loaded_color_bar = False try: for line in f: #A = rand(5,5) #imshow(A, interpolation='nearest') values = parse_line(line) timestamp = values[0] mote_id = values[1] temp = values[-1] mote = motes.get(mote_id, None) if mote is None or abs(mote["temp"] - temp) > TEMP_DRAW_THRESHOLD: if mote is None: mote = {"temp": temp, "timestamp": timestamp} motes[mote_id] = mote else: mote["temp"] = temp mote["timestamp"] = timestamp pos = positions.get(mote_id, None) if pos is not None: temp_matrix[pos[0]][pos[1]] = temp print "Drawing", mote_id, time.ctime(timestamp), temp imgplot = imshow(temp_matrix, interpolation='nearest') imgplot.set_cmap('jet') if not loaded_color_bar: plt.colorbar() loaded_color_bar = True draw() #time.sleep(.1) finally: if f: f.close()
def main(args): if len(args) < 2: print "Usage: python %s {input filename} [-f (function to plot with file) mote_id]" % ( args[0]) exit() filename = args[1] ts = TimeSeries() motes = set() print "Parsing..." f = None file_contents = read_file(filename) if not file_contents: f = open_file(filename) lines_iter = iter(f) else: lines_iter = iter(file_contents) try: for line in lines_iter: timestamp, mote_id, counter, temp = parse_line(line) ts.add(timestamp, (mote_id, temp)) motes.add(mote_id) finally: if f: f.close() if file_contents: del file_contents diffs = [] for mote_id1 in motes: for mote_id2 in motes: if mote_id1 < mote_id2 and is_opposed(mote_id1, mote_id2): diff_ts = mote_diffs(ts, mote_id1, mote_id2) diffs.append( ("%d-%d (rack %s)" % (mote_id1, mote_id2, MOTE_LOCATION[mote_id1]['rack']), diff_ts)) print "Plotting..." fig = pylab.figure() pylab.grid(True) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) i = 0 for diff in diffs: temps = [] dates = [] for t, temp in diff[1]: dates.append(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)) temps.append(temp) dates = matplotlib.dates.date2num(dates) h = float(i + 1) / len(diffs) color = hsv_to_rgb(h, 0.8, 0.8) # 'b' means default (plot with lines) ax1.plot_date(dates, temps, 'b', color=color) i += 1 pylab.legend([mote_legend for mote_legend, diff_ts in diffs]) ax1.set_ylabel("Temp difference (C)") ax1.set_xlabel("Time")
def main(args): if len(args) < 2 or '-h' in args: print "Usage: python %s {temp_file} [-t topology_file] [-b battery_file] [-at artificial timestamps] [-m naive (default) | additive {min, max, incr} | deadzone {delta, max_period}]" % (args[0]) exit() if '-at' in args and '-b' in args: print 'Impossible to use -at mode with -b' exit() artificial_timestamps = '-at' in args f_temps = open_file(args[1]) batt_filename = get_option_parameters(args, '-b') mode = NAIVE_MODE mode_args = None if '-m' in args: mode_str = get_option_parameters(args, '-m') if mode_str == 'additive': mode = ADDITIVE_MODE mode_args = get_option_parameters(args, '-m', 5) if mode_args is None: raise GenericException("Missing additive parameters") del mode_args[0] elif mode_str == 'deadzone': mode = DEADZONE_MODE mode_args = get_option_parameters(args, '-m', 4) if mode_args is None: raise GenericException("Missing deadzone parameters") del mode_args[0] elif mode_str is None: raise GenericException("Could not parse arguments of -m") else: raise GenericException("Unexpected mode %s" % mode_str) output = open("output.txt", "w") if batt_filename: f_batt = open_file(batt_filename) else: f_batt = None try: basestation = BaseStation(output) topology_filename = get_option_parameters(args, '-t') if topology_filename: nodes = read_topology(topology_filename, basestation, mode, mode_args) else: ''' If a topology is not specified, the network will include the nodes as they appear in the file. ''' nodes = {} batt_info = None if f_batt: batt_line = f_batt.readline() if batt_line: batt_info = parse_line(batt_line) artificial_ts = {} for temp_line in f_temps: timestamp, node_id, counter, temperature = parse_line(temp_line) if artificial_timestamps: timestamp = artificial_ts.get(node_id, 0) if timestamp == 0: artificial_ts[node_id] = 1 else: artificial_ts[node_id] += 1 temp_reading = ReadingMessage(timestamp, node_id, temperature, counter, TEMP_READING) temp_node = nodes.get(node_id, None) if temp_node is None: if not topology_filename: temp_node = auto_update_topology(node_id, nodes, basestation, mode, mode_args) else: raise GenericException("Node %d is outside topology!" % node_id) # handle battery while batt_info and batt_info[0] < timestamp: # send another batt_info now batt_reading = ReadingMessage(batt_info[1], batt_info[0], batt_info[3], batt_info[2], VOLTAGE_READING) batt_node = nodes[batt_info[1]] batt_node.feed_reading(batt_reading) # update batt_line = f_batt.readline() if batt_line: batt_info = parse_line(batt_line) temp_node.feed_reading(temp_reading) finally: if f_temps: f_temps.close() if f_batt: f_batt.close() if output: output.close() for node in nodes.values(): print "Node %03d :" % (node.node_id), node.get_stats() print "All nodes: Sent: %d (1 message every %f seconds) Received: %d" % \ (sum( (n.sent_count for n in nodes.values()) ), \ sum( ((float(n.send_end - n.send_start) / n.sent_count) / len(nodes.values()) for n in nodes.values()) ), \ sum( (n.received_count for n in nodes.values()) ) + \ sum( (n.snooped_count for n in nodes.values()) ) )
def main(args): if len(args) < 2: print "Usage: python %s {input filename} [-f (function to plot with file) mote_id]" % (args[0]) exit() filename = args[1] ts = TimeSeries() motes = set() print "Parsing..." f = None file_contents = read_file(filename) if not file_contents: f = open_file(filename) lines_iter = iter(f) else: lines_iter = iter(file_contents) try: for line in lines_iter: timestamp, mote_id, counter, temp = parse_line(line) ts.add(timestamp, (mote_id, temp)) motes.add(mote_id) finally: if f: f.close() if file_contents: del file_contents diffs = [] for mote_id1 in motes: for mote_id2 in motes: if mote_id1 < mote_id2 and is_opposed(mote_id1, mote_id2): diff_ts = mote_diffs(ts, mote_id1, mote_id2) diffs.append(( "%d-%d (rack %s)" % (mote_id1, mote_id2, MOTE_LOCATION[mote_id1]['rack']), diff_ts)) print "Plotting..." fig = pylab.figure() pylab.grid(True) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) i = 0 for diff in diffs: temps = [] dates = [] for t, temp in diff[1]: dates.append(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)) temps.append(temp) dates = matplotlib.dates.date2num(dates) h = float(i + 1) / len(diffs) color = hsv_to_rgb(h, 0.8, 0.8) # 'b' means default (plot with lines) ax1.plot_date(dates, temps, 'b', color=color) i += 1 pylab.legend( [mote_legend for mote_legend, diff_ts in diffs] ) ax1.set_ylabel("Temp difference (C)") ax1.set_xlabel("Time")