class ReciprocalExample(props.HasModel):

    sigma, sigmaMap, sigmaDeriv = props.Invertible("Electrical conductivity (S/m)")

    rho = props.PhysicalProperty("Electrical resistivity (Ohm m)")

    props.Reciprocal(sigma, rho)
class ReciprocalPropExample(props.HasModel):

    sigma = props.PhysicalProperty("Electrical conductivity (S/m)")

    rho = props.PhysicalProperty("Electrical resistivity (Ohm m)")

    props.Reciprocal(sigma, rho)
class ReciprocalMappingExample(props.HasModel):

    sigma, sigmaMap, sigmaDeriv = props.Invertible("Electrical conductivity (S/m)")

    rho, rhoMap, rhoDeriv = props.Invertible("Electrical resistivity (Ohm m)")

    props.Reciprocal(sigma, rho)
class ReciprocalPropExampleDefaults(props.HasModel):

    sigma = props.PhysicalProperty(
        "Electrical conductivity (S/m)", default=np.r_[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]

    rho = props.PhysicalProperty("Electrical resistivity (Ohm m)")

    props.Reciprocal(sigma, rho)
class Simulation3DDifferential(BaseSimulation):
    Secondary field approach using differential equations!

    # surveyPair = MAG.BaseMagSurvey
    # modelPair = MAG.BaseMagMap

    mu, muMap, muDeriv = props.Invertible("Magnetic Permeability (H/m)", default=mu_0)

    mui, muiMap, muiDeriv = props.Invertible("Inverse Magnetic Permeability (m/H)")

    props.Reciprocal(mu, mui)

    survey = properties.Instance("a survey object", Survey, required=True)

    def __init__(self, mesh, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(mesh, **kwargs)

        Pbc, Pin, self._Pout = self.mesh.getBCProjWF("neumann", discretization="CC")

        Dface = self.mesh.faceDiv
        Mc = sdiag(self.mesh.vol)
        self._Div = Mc * Dface * Pin.T * Pin

    def MfMuI(self):
        return self._MfMuI

    def MfMui(self):
        return self._MfMui

    def MfMu0(self):
        return self._MfMu0

    def makeMassMatrices(self, m):
        mu = self.muMap * m
        self._MfMui = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(1.0 / mu) / self.mesh.dim
        # self._MfMui = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(1./mu)
        # TODO: this will break if tensor mu
        self._MfMuI = sdiag(1.0 / self._MfMui.diagonal())
        self._MfMu0 = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(1.0 / mu_0) / self.mesh.dim
        # self._MfMu0 = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(1/mu_0)

    def getB0(self):
        b0 = self.survey.source_field.b0
        B0 = np.r_[
            b0[0] * np.ones(self.mesh.nFx),
            b0[1] * np.ones(self.mesh.nFy),
            b0[2] * np.ones(self.mesh.nFz),
        return B0

    def getRHS(self, m):

        .. math ::

            \mathbf{rhs} = \Div(\MfMui)^{-1}\mathbf{M}^f_{\mu_0^{-1}}\mathbf{B}_0 - \Div\mathbf{B}_0+\diag(v)\mathbf{D} \mathbf{P}_{out}^T \mathbf{B}_{sBC}

        B0 = self.getB0()

        mu = self.muMap * m
        chi = mu / mu_0 - 1

        # Temporary fix
        Bbc, Bbc_const = CongruousMagBC(self.mesh, self.survey.source_field.b0, chi)
        self.Bbc = Bbc
        self.Bbc_const = Bbc_const
        # return self._Div*self.MfMuI*self.MfMu0*B0 - self._Div*B0 +
        # Mc*Dface*self._Pout.T*Bbc
        return self._Div * self.MfMuI * self.MfMu0 * B0 - self._Div * B0

    def getA(self, m):
        GetA creates and returns the A matrix for the Magnetics problem

        The A matrix has the form:

        .. math ::

            \mathbf{A} =  \Div(\MfMui)^{-1}\Div^{T}

        return self._Div * self.MfMuI * self._Div.T

    def fields(self, m):
        Return magnetic potential (u) and flux (B)
        u: defined on the cell center [nC x 1]
        B: defined on the cell center [nG x 1]

        After we compute u, then we update B.

        .. math ::

            \mathbf{B}_s = (\MfMui)^{-1}\mathbf{M}^f_{\mu_0^{-1}}\mathbf{B}_0-\mathbf{B}_0 -(\MfMui)^{-1}\Div^T \mathbf{u}

        A = self.getA(m)
        rhs = self.getRHS(m)
        Ainv = self.solver(A, **self.solver_opts)
        u = Ainv * rhs
        B0 = self.getB0()
        B = self.MfMuI * self.MfMu0 * B0 - B0 - self.MfMuI * self._Div.T * u

        return {"B": B, "u": u}

    def Jvec(self, m, v, u=None):
            Computing Jacobian multiplied by vector

            By setting our problem as

            .. math ::

                \mathbf{C}(\mathbf{m}, \mathbf{u}) = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{u} - \mathbf{rhs} = 0

            And taking derivative w.r.t m

            .. math ::

                \\nabla \mathbf{C}(\mathbf{m}, \mathbf{u}) = \\nabla_m \mathbf{C}(\mathbf{m}) \delta \mathbf{m} +
                                                             \\nabla_u \mathbf{C}(\mathbf{u}) \delta \mathbf{u} = 0

                \\frac{\delta \mathbf{u}}{\delta \mathbf{m}} = - [\\nabla_u \mathbf{C}(\mathbf{u})]^{-1}\\nabla_m \mathbf{C}(\mathbf{m})

            With some linear algebra we can have

            .. math ::

                \\nabla_u \mathbf{C}(\mathbf{u}) = \mathbf{A}

                \\nabla_m \mathbf{C}(\mathbf{m}) =
                \\frac{\partial \mathbf{A}}{\partial \mathbf{m}}(\mathbf{m})\mathbf{u} - \\frac{\partial \mathbf{rhs}(\mathbf{m})}{\partial \mathbf{m}}

            .. math ::

                \\frac{\partial \mathbf{A}}{\partial \mathbf{m}}(\mathbf{m})\mathbf{u} =
                \\frac{\partial \mathbf{\mu}}{\partial \mathbf{m}} \left[\Div \diag (\Div^T \mathbf{u}) \dMfMuI \\right]

                \dMfMuI = \diag(\MfMui)^{-1}_{vec} \mathbf{Av}_{F2CC}^T\diag(\mathbf{v})\diag(\\frac{1}{\mu^2})

                \\frac{\partial \mathbf{rhs}(\mathbf{m})}{\partial \mathbf{m}} =  \\frac{\partial \mathbf{\mu}}{\partial \mathbf{m}} \left[
                \Div \diag(\M^f_{\mu_{0}^{-1}}\mathbf{B}_0) \dMfMuI \\right] - \diag(\mathbf{v})\mathbf{D} \mathbf{P}_{out}^T\\frac{\partial B_{sBC}}{\partial \mathbf{m}}

            In the end,

            .. math ::

                \\frac{\delta \mathbf{u}}{\delta \mathbf{m}} =
                - [ \mathbf{A} ]^{-1}\left[ \\frac{\partial \mathbf{A}}{\partial \mathbf{m}}(\mathbf{m})\mathbf{u}
                - \\frac{\partial \mathbf{rhs}(\mathbf{m})}{\partial \mathbf{m}} \\right]

            A little tricky point here is we are not interested in potential (u), but interested in magnetic flux (B).
            Thus, we need sensitivity for B. Now we take derivative of B w.r.t m and have

            .. math ::

                \\frac{\delta \mathbf{B}} {\delta \mathbf{m}} = \\frac{\partial \mathbf{\mu} } {\partial \mathbf{m} }
                \diag(\M^f_{\mu_{0}^{-1} } \mathbf{B}_0) \dMfMuI  \\
                 -  \diag (\Div^T\mathbf{u})\dMfMuI
                \\right ]

                 -  (\MfMui)^{-1}\Div^T\\frac{\delta\mathbf{u}}{\delta \mathbf{m}}

            Finally we evaluate the above, but we should remember that

            .. note ::

                We only want to evalute

                .. math ::

                    \mathbf{J}\mathbf{v} = \\frac{\delta \mathbf{P}\mathbf{B}} {\delta \mathbf{m}}\mathbf{v}

                Since forming sensitivity matrix is very expensive in that this monster is "big" and "dense" matrix!!

        if u is None:
            u = self.fields(m)

        B, u = u["B"], u["u"]
        mu = self.muMap * (m)
        dmu_dm = self.muDeriv
        # dchidmu = sdiag(1 / mu_0 * np.ones(self.mesh.nC))

        vol = self.mesh.vol
        Div = self._Div
        P = self.survey.projectFieldsDeriv(B)  # Projection matrix
        B0 = self.getB0()

        MfMuIvec = 1 / self.MfMui.diagonal()
        dMfMuI = sdiag(MfMuIvec ** 2) * self.mesh.aveF2CC.T * sdiag(vol * 1.0 / mu ** 2)

        # A = self._Div*self.MfMuI*self._Div.T
        # RHS = Div*MfMuI*MfMu0*B0 - Div*B0 + Mc*Dface*Pout.T*Bbc
        # C(m,u) = A*m-rhs
        # dudm = -(dCdu)^(-1)dCdm

        dCdu = self.getA(m)  # = A
        dCdm_A = Div * (sdiag(Div.T * u) * dMfMuI * dmu_dm)
        dCdm_RHS1 = Div * (sdiag(self.MfMu0 * B0) * dMfMuI)
        # temp1 = (Dface * (self._Pout.T * self.Bbc_const * self.Bbc))
        # dCdm_RHS2v = (sdiag(vol) * temp1) * \
        #    np.inner(vol, dchidmu * dmu_dm * v)

        # dCdm_RHSv =  dCdm_RHS1*(dmu_dm*v) +  dCdm_RHS2v
        dCdm_RHSv = dCdm_RHS1 * (dmu_dm * v)
        dCdm_v = dCdm_A * v - dCdm_RHSv

        Ainv = self.solver(dCdu, **self.solver_opts)
        sol = Ainv * dCdm_v

        dudm = -sol
        dBdmv = (
            sdiag(self.MfMu0 * B0) * (dMfMuI * (dmu_dm * v))
            - sdiag(Div.T * u) * (dMfMuI * (dmu_dm * v))
            - self.MfMuI * (Div.T * (dudm))


        return mkvc(P * dBdmv)

    def Jtvec(self, m, v, u=None):
            Computing Jacobian^T multiplied by vector.

        .. math ::

            (\\frac{\delta \mathbf{P}\mathbf{B}} {\delta \mathbf{m}})^{T} = \left[ \mathbf{P}_{deriv}\\frac{\partial \mathbf{\mu} } {\partial \mathbf{m} }
            \diag(\M^f_{\mu_{0}^{-1} } \mathbf{B}_0) \dMfMuI  \\
             -  \diag (\Div^T\mathbf{u})\dMfMuI
            \\right ]\\right]^{T}

             -  \left[\mathbf{P}_{deriv}(\MfMui)^{-1}\Div^T\\frac{\delta\mathbf{u}}{\delta \mathbf{m}} \\right]^{T}


        .. math ::

            \mathbf{P}_{derv} = \\frac{\partial \mathbf{P}}{\partial\mathbf{B}}

        .. note ::

            Here we only want to compute

            .. math ::

                \mathbf{J}^{T}\mathbf{v} = (\\frac{\delta \mathbf{P}\mathbf{B}} {\delta \mathbf{m}})^{T} \mathbf{v}

        if u is None:
            u = self.fields(m)

        B, u = u["B"], u["u"]
        mu = self.mapping * (m)
        dmu_dm = self.mapping.deriv(m)
        # dchidmu = sdiag(1 / mu_0 * np.ones(self.mesh.nC))

        vol = self.mesh.vol
        Div = self._Div
        Dface = self.mesh.faceDiv
        P = self.survey.projectFieldsDeriv(B)  # Projection matrix
        B0 = self.getB0()

        MfMuIvec = 1 / self.MfMui.diagonal()
        dMfMuI = sdiag(MfMuIvec ** 2) * self.mesh.aveF2CC.T * sdiag(vol * 1.0 / mu ** 2)

        # A = self._Div*self.MfMuI*self._Div.T
        # RHS = Div*MfMuI*MfMu0*B0 - Div*B0 + Mc*Dface*Pout.T*Bbc
        # C(m,u) = A*m-rhs
        # dudm = -(dCdu)^(-1)dCdm

        dCdu = self.getA(m)
        s = Div * (self.MfMuI.T * (P.T * v))

        Ainv = self.solver(dCdu.T, **self.solver_opts)
        sol = Ainv * s


        # dCdm_A = Div * ( sdiag( Div.T * u )* dMfMuI *dmu_dm  )
        # dCdm_Atsol = ( dMfMuI.T*( sdiag( Div.T * u ) * (Div.T * dmu_dm)) ) * sol
        dCdm_Atsol = (dmu_dm.T * dMfMuI.T * (sdiag(Div.T * u) * Div.T)) * sol

        # dCdm_RHS1 = Div * (sdiag( self.MfMu0*B0  ) * dMfMuI)
        # dCdm_RHS1tsol = (dMfMuI.T*( sdiag( self.MfMu0*B0  ) ) * Div.T * dmu_dm) * sol
        dCdm_RHS1tsol = (dmu_dm.T * dMfMuI.T * (sdiag(self.MfMu0 * B0)) * Div.T) * sol

        # temp1 = (Dface*(self._Pout.T*self.Bbc_const*self.Bbc))
        # temp1sol = (Dface.T * (sdiag(vol) * sol))
        # temp2 = self.Bbc_const * (self._Pout.T * self.Bbc).T
        # dCdm_RHS2v  = (sdiag(vol)*temp1)*np.inner(vol, dchidmu*dmu_dm*v)
        # dCdm_RHS2tsol = (dmu_dm.T * dchidmu.T * vol) * np.inner(temp2, temp1sol)

        # dCdm_RHSv =  dCdm_RHS1*(dmu_dm*v) +  dCdm_RHS2v

        # temporary fix
        # dCdm_RHStsol = dCdm_RHS1tsol - dCdm_RHS2tsol
        dCdm_RHStsol = dCdm_RHS1tsol

        # dCdm_RHSv =  dCdm_RHS1*(dmu_dm*v) +  dCdm_RHS2v
        # dCdm_v = dCdm_A*v - dCdm_RHSv

        Ctv = dCdm_Atsol - dCdm_RHStsol

        # B = self.MfMuI*self.MfMu0*B0-B0-self.MfMuI*self._Div.T*u
        # dBdm = d\mudm*dBd\mu
        # dPBdm^T*v = Atemp^T*P^T*v - Btemp^T*P^T*v - Ctv

        Atemp = sdiag(self.MfMu0 * B0) * (dMfMuI * (dmu_dm))
        Btemp = sdiag(Div.T * u) * (dMfMuI * (dmu_dm))
        Jtv = Atemp.T * (P.T * v) - Btemp.T * (P.T * v) - Ctv

        return mkvc(Jtv)

    def Qfx(self):
        if getattr(self, "_Qfx", None) is None:
            self._Qfx = self.mesh.getInterpolationMat(
                self.survey.receiver_locations, "Fx"
        return self._Qfx

    def Qfy(self):
        if getattr(self, "_Qfy", None) is None:
            self._Qfy = self.mesh.getInterpolationMat(
                self.survey.receiver_locations, "Fy"
        return self._Qfy

    def Qfz(self):
        if getattr(self, "_Qfz", None) is None:
            self._Qfz = self.mesh.getInterpolationMat(
                self.survey.receiver_locations, "Fz"
        return self._Qfz

    def projectFields(self, u):
        This function projects the fields onto the data space.
        Especially, here for we use total magnetic intensity (TMI) data,
        which is common in practice.
        First we project our B on to data location

        .. math::

            \mathbf{B}_{rec} = \mathbf{P} \mathbf{B}

        then we take the dot product between B and b_0

        .. math ::

            \\text{TMI} = \\vec{B}_s \cdot \hat{B}_0

        # TODO: There can be some different tyes of data like |B| or B
        components = self.survey.components

        fields = {}
        if "bx" in components or "tmi" in components:
            fields["bx"] = self.Qfx * u["B"]
        if "by" in components or "tmi" in components:
            fields["by"] = self.Qfy * u["B"]
        if "bz" in components or "tmi" in components:
            fields["bz"] = self.Qfz * u["B"]

        if "tmi" in components:
            bx = fields["bx"]
            by = fields["by"]
            bz = fields["bz"]
            # Generate unit vector
            B0 = self.survey.source_field.b0
            Bot = np.sqrt(B0[0] ** 2 + B0[1] ** 2 + B0[2] ** 2)
            box = B0[0] / Bot
            boy = B0[1] / Bot
            boz = B0[2] / Bot
            fields["tmi"] = bx * box + by * boy + bz * boz

        return np.concatenate([fields[comp] for comp in components])

    def projectFieldsDeriv(self, B):
        This function projects the fields onto the data space.

        .. math::

            \\frac{\partial d_\\text{pred}}{\partial \mathbf{B}} = \mathbf{P}

        Especially, this function is for TMI data type

        components = self.survey.components

        fields = {}
        if "bx" in components or "tmi" in components:
            fields["bx"] = self.Qfx
        if "by" in components or "tmi" in components:
            fields["by"] = self.Qfy
        if "bz" in components or "tmi" in components:
            fields["bz"] = self.Qfz

        if "tmi" in components:
            bx = fields["bx"]
            by = fields["by"]
            bz = fields["bz"]
            # Generate unit vector
            B0 = self.survey.source_field.b0
            Bot = np.sqrt(B0[0] ** 2 + B0[1] ** 2 + B0[2] ** 2)
            box = B0[0] / Bot
            boy = B0[1] / Bot
            boz = B0[2] / Bot
            fields["tmi"] = bx * box + by * boy + bz * boz

        return sp.vstack([fields[comp] for comp in components])

    def projectFieldsAsVector(self, B):

        bfx = self.Qfx * B
        bfy = self.Qfy * B
        bfz = self.Qfz * B

        return np.r_[bfx, bfy, bfz]