def __init__(self, fileName): self.fileName = fileName self._log = SimpleLogger("db.log") self._log.initialize() self.log("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) self._createEmailsTable() self._createUrlsTable()
def __init__(self, send_mail=False): self.stdin = os.devnull self.stout = os.devnull self.flagToSendMail = False self.flagToSendMail2 = False self.encodeType = "utf-8" #padrão unix self.send_mail = send_mail self.logger = SimpleLogger(logging.DEBUG)
def main(): global logger, timer, db logger = SimpleLogger("dog.log") logger.initialize() logger.log("\n\n\nRunning dog on " + str( timer = SimpleTimer() db = DB("test.db") sources = loadSources() emailsWithLinks = getEmailsWithLinks(sources) filteredEmailsWithLinks = filterEmailsWithLinks(emailsWithLinks) sendEmails(filteredEmailsWithLinks) logger.log("Done!") logger.finalize() return
class DB: def __init__(self, fileName): self.fileName = fileName self._log = SimpleLogger("db.log") self._log.initialize() self.log("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) self._createEmailsTable() self._createUrlsTable() def _createEmailsTable(self): con = sql.connect(self.fileName) with con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("create table if not exists Emails(hash text);") def _createUrlsTable(self): con = sql.connect(self.fileName) with con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("create table if not exists Urls(hash text);") def _get_hash(self, message): return sha512(message).hexdigest() def addUrl(self, url): strHash = self._get_hash(url) con = sql.connect(self.fileName) with con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select hash from Urls where hash=?", [strHash]) if cur.fetchone() == None: cur.execute("insert into Urls values(?)", [strHash]) self.log("Urls: inserted hash of " + url) else: self.log("Urls: " + url + " already in database ") return False return True def addEmail(self, email): strHash = self._get_hash(email) con = sql.connect(self.fileName) with con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select hash from Emails where hash=?", [strHash]) if cur.fetchone() == None: cur.execute("insert into Emails values(?)", [strHash]) self.log("Emails: inserted hash of " + email) else: self.log("Emails: " + email + " already in database ") return False return True def close(self): self._log.finalize() def log(self, message): print message self._log.log(message)
class Analyzer(object): ''' Class Analyzer ''' ''' Constructor ''' def __init__(self, send_mail=False): self.stdin = os.devnull self.stout = os.devnull self.flagToSendMail = False self.flagToSendMail2 = False self.encodeType = "utf-8" #padrão unix self.send_mail = send_mail self.logger = SimpleLogger(logging.DEBUG) ''' Retorna a carta do sistema @param a1: carga do sistema de 1 minuto @param a5: carga do sistema de 5 minutos @param a15: carga do sistema de 15 minutos ''' def get_load_average(self): command = ['sysctl', 'vm.loadavg'] #pipe.stdout return as byte string pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) #convert byte string to string utf-8 stringUnicode =" ") a1, a5, a15 = map(float, stringUnicode[2:5]) ''' logica do analizador a5 >= 50% ''' if a5 >= 0.5: list = self.get_process() message = "Load Average 1 Minutes: %.2f, 5 Minutes: %.2f 15 Minutes: %.2f" % (a1, a5, a15) self.logger.debug(message) process_list = self.get_process() final_string = '' for x in process_list: final_string += x.decode(self.encodeType) if self.send_mail: sender = MailSender(message + "\n================================================\n" + final_string) sender.sendmail() self.logger.debug("Email send") return "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f" % (a1, a5, a15) ''' Metodo de teste local ''' def get_temp_load_average(self): commands = ['cat', '/proc/loadavg'] pipe = subprocess.Popen(commands, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) #simulação bsd #string = "vm.loadavg: { 0.40 0.34 0.27 }" #stringFilter = string.split(" ") stringx =" ") for x in stringx: print(x) def get_load_avg_linux(self): commands = ['cat', '/proc/loadavg'] pipe = subprocess.Popen(commands, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) line =" ") a1, a5, a15 = map(float, line[0:3]) if a5 > 0.5 or a15 >= 1.0: self.logger.debug("="*30) self.logger.debug("Carga Alta [1 minute: %.2f , 5 minutes: %.2f, 15 minutes%.2f]" % (a1, a5, a15)) self.logger.debug("="*30) ''' Return process list of all users ''' def get_process(self): command = ['ps', 'aux'] list = [] pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) line = pipe.stdout.readline() while line: line = str(pipe.stdout.readline(), self.encodeType) list.append(line) return list ''' Return disk space test if disk space is 90% or 98% send mail only 1 once ''' def get_file_system(self, message="CAPACITY WARNING:"): command = ['df', '-h'] pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) #output_lines is a byte list[] output_lines = pipe.stdout.readlines() pattern1 = "9[0]%" pattern2 = "9[8]%" for line in output_lines: line = str(line.strip(), self.encodeType) if, line): if not self.flagToSendMail: if self.send_mail: sender = MailSender("%s %s" % (message, line), "CAPACITY WARNING 90%") sender.sendmail() self.flagToSendMail = True self.logger.warning("CAPACITY WARNING 90% %s %s" % (message, line)) if, line): if not self.flagToSendMail2: if self.send_mail: sender = MailSender("%s %s" % (message, line), "CAPACITY WARNING 98% Oh My God, hurry up.") sender.sendmail() self.flagToSendMail2 = True self.logger.critical("CAPACITY WARNING 98% Oh My God, hurry up. %s %s" % (message, line))
import firebase_admin from firebase_admin import credentials, firestore from SimpleLogger import SimpleLogger logger = SimpleLogger(verbose=True, loggerName=f"Background downloader") logger.log(f"Connecting to Firestore.") cred = credentials.Certificate("home-sensors-credentials.json") firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred) firestore_db = firestore.client() collection = firestore_db.collection('home_sensors_v1') # Checking the latest sample in Firestore logger.log(f"Check the latest sample in Firestore.") try: result = collection.order_by('date', direction='DESCENDING').limit(1).get() firestore_latest = result[0].to_dict()['timestamp'] logger.log(f"Latest data timestamp in Firestore: {firestore_latest}") except Exception as e: logger.log(f"Error during downloading data from Firebase: {e}", messageType="ERROR") exit() # Checking the latest sample in local database file_name = "data/home_sensors_v1.csv" logger.log(f"Checking the latest sample in local database.") try: fh = open(file_name, 'r') local_data = fh.readlines()