def save(document, file, filename, options={}): if options.get('box'): bbox = document.BoundingRect(visible=0, printable=1) else: bbox = document.PageRect() bbox = tuple(bbox) llx, lly, urx, ury = bbox resolution = config.preferences.pdf_export_resolution compat = config.preferences.pdf_compatibility_level width = (urx - llx) * resolution / 72 height = (ury - lly) * resolution / 72 offx = -llx offy = -lly if options.get('images'): imfilter = "-dAutoFilterColorImages=false -sColorImageFilter=FlateEncode" else: imfilter = '' filename = util.sh_quote(filename) file = os.popen(gs_command % locals(), 'w') ps = PostScriptDevice(file, document=document, as_eps=1, embed_fonts=1, bounding_box=bbox, Title=os.path.basename(filename), For=util.get_real_username(), CreationDate=util.current_date()) document.Draw(ps) ps.Close() file.close()
def main(): import Sketch Sketch.init_lib() draw_printable = 1 draw_visible = 0 embed_fonts = 0 eps_for = util.get_real_username() eps_date = util.current_date() eps_title = None rotate = 0 import getopt opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hprved:f:t:', [ 'help', 'noprintable', 'rotate', 'visible', 'embed-fonts', 'for=', 'date=', 'title=' ]) for optchar, value in opts: if optchar == '-h' or optchar == '--help': print_usage() return -1 elif optchar == '-p' or optchar == '--noprintable': draw_printable = 0 elif optchar == '-v' or optchar == '--visible': draw_visible = 1 elif optchar == '-d' or optchar == '--date': eps_date = value elif optchar == '-f' or optchar == '--for': eps_for = value elif optchar == '-r' or optchar == '--rotate': rotate = 1 elif optchar == '-t' or optchar == '--title': eps_title = value elif optchar == '-e' or optchar == '--embed-fonts': embed_fonts = 1 if len(args) not in (1, 2): print_usage() return -1 filename = args[0] if len(args) > 1: psfile = args[1] else: psfile = sys.stdout if eps_title is None: eps_title = os.path.basename(filename) sk2ps(filename, psfile, printable=draw_printable, visible=draw_visible, For=eps_for, CreationDate=eps_date, Title=eps_title, rotate=rotate, embed_fonts=embed_fonts)
def save(document, file, filename, options = {}): bbox = tuple(document.BoundingRect(visible = 0, printable = 1)) ps = PostScriptDevice(file, document = document, as_eps = 1, bounding_box = bbox, Title = os.path.basename(filename), For = util.get_real_username(), CreationDate = util.current_date()) document.Draw(ps) ps.Close()
def do_print(self): app = self.main_window.application bbox = self.document.BoundingRect(visible=0, printable=1) if bbox is None: app.MessageBox(title=_("Save As PostScript"), message=_("The document doesn't have " "any printable layers."), icon="warning") return try: filename = '' file = None if self.print_dest.get() == 'file': # print to file filename = self.print_filename.get() # use filename as file just in case the user is trying # to save into an EPS that is referenced by the # document. The psdevice knows how to handle such cases. file = filename title = os.path.basename(filename) else: file = os.popen(self.print_command.get(), 'w') title = 'sketch' try: dev = Sketch.PostScriptDevice ps_dev = dev(file, as_eps=1, bounding_box=tuple(bbox), rotate=self.var_rotate.get(), embed_fonts=self.var_embfnt.get(), For=util.get_real_username(), CreationDate=util.current_date(), Title=title, document=self.document) self.document.Draw(ps_dev) ps_dev.Close() if filename: self.document.meta.ps_filename = filename self.document.meta.ps_directory = os.path.split( filename)[0] finally: # close the file. Check for the close attribute first # because file can be either a string or a file object. if hasattr(file, "close"): file.close() except IOError, value: app.MessageBox(title = _("Save As PostScript"), message = _("Cannot save %(filename)s:\n" "%(message)s") \ % {'filename':`os.path.split(filename)[1]`, 'message':value[1]}, icon = 'warning') return
def main(): import Sketch Sketch.init_lib() draw_printable = 1 draw_visible = 0 embed_fonts = 0 eps_for = util.get_real_username() eps_date = util.current_date() eps_title = None rotate = 0 import getopt opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hprved:f:t:', ['help', 'noprintable', 'rotate', 'visible', 'embed-fonts', 'for=', 'date=', 'title=']) for optchar, value in opts: if optchar == '-h' or optchar == '--help': print_usage() return -1 elif optchar == '-p' or optchar == '--noprintable': draw_printable = 0 elif optchar == '-v' or optchar == '--visible': draw_visible = 1 elif optchar == '-d' or optchar == '--date': eps_date = value elif optchar == '-f' or optchar == '--for': eps_for = value elif optchar == '-r' or optchar == '--rotate': rotate = 1 elif optchar == '-t' or optchar == '--title': eps_title = value elif optchar == '-e' or optchar == '--embed-fonts': embed_fonts = 1 if len(args) not in (1, 2): print_usage() return -1 filename = args[0] if len(args) > 1: psfile = args[1] else: psfile = sys.stdout if eps_title is None: eps_title = os.path.basename(filename) sk2ps(filename, psfile, printable= draw_printable, visible = draw_visible, For = eps_for, CreationDate = eps_date, Title = eps_title, rotate = rotate, embed_fonts = embed_fonts)
def do_print(self): app = self.main_window.application bbox = self.document.BoundingRect(visible = 0, printable = 1) if bbox is None: app.MessageBox(title = _("Save As PostScript"), message = _("The document doesn't have " "any printable layers."), icon = "warning") return try: filename = '' file = None if self.print_dest.get() == 'file': # print to file filename = self.print_filename.get() # use filename as file just in case the user is trying # to save into an EPS that is referenced by the # document. The psdevice knows how to handle such cases. file = filename title = os.path.basename(filename) else: file = os.popen(self.print_command.get(), 'w') title = 'sketch' try: dev = Sketch.PostScriptDevice ps_dev = dev(file, as_eps = 1, bounding_box = tuple(bbox), rotate = self.var_rotate.get(), embed_fonts = self.var_embfnt.get(), For = util.get_real_username(), CreationDate = util.current_date(), Title = title, document = self.document) self.document.Draw(ps_dev) ps_dev.Close() if filename: self.document.meta.ps_filename = filename self.document.meta.ps_directory =os.path.split(filename)[0] finally: # close the file. Check for the close attribute first # because file can be either a string or a file object. if hasattr(file, "close"): file.close() except IOError, value: app.MessageBox(title = _("Save As PostScript"), message = _("Cannot save %(filename)s:\n" "%(message)s") \ % {'filename':`os.path.split(filename)[1]`, 'message':value[1]}, icon = 'warning') return
def save(document, file, filename, options = {}): bbox = tuple(document.PageRect()) llx, lly, urx, ury = bbox resolution = config.preferences.pdf_export_resolution compat = config.preferences.pdf_compatibility_level width = (urx-llx)*resolution/72 height = (ury-lly)*resolution/72 filename = util.sh_quote(filename) file = os.popen(gs_command % locals(),'w') ps = PostScriptDevice(file, document = document, as_eps = 0, embed_fonts = 1, bounding_box = bbox, Title = os.path.basename(filename), For = util.get_real_username(), CreationDate = util.current_date()) document.Draw(ps) ps.Close() file.close()
def main(): import Sketch global doc global tbase_style Sketch.init_lib() draw_printable = 1 draw_visible = 0 embed_fonts = 0 eps_for = util.get_real_username() eps_date = util.current_date() eps_title = None rotate = 0 #doc = load.load_drawing('') # from self.SetDocument(Document(create_layer = 1)) doc = Document(create_layer = 1) # get font info first Graphics.font.read_font_dirs() # indicate start of coord system first # coord system:: + goes upward / rightward # from RectangleCreator: trafo = Trafo(off.x, 0, 0, off.y, end.x, end.y) # actually, there 'end' seems to correspond to start (llc: lower left corner of rectangle) - and 'off' to the length extended in each direction (i.e. width, height - but can be negative) ; so instead of 'end' - calling it 'start' start_x = 5 start_y = 5 off_x = -10 off_y = -10 trec = Rectangle(trafo = Trafo(off_x, 0, 0, off_y, start_x, start_y)) trec.update_rects() doc.Insert(trec) # from textfld = SimpleText(Translation(50, 50), "xyzzy") textfld.SetProperties(fill_pattern = SolidPattern(, font = GetFont('Courier-Bold'),#('Times-Bold'), font_size = 36) #copy textfld textfld2 = textfld.Duplicate() textfld2.SetProperties(fill_pattern = SolidPattern( # change color only # rotate textfld angleDeg = 45 angleRad = pi*(angleDeg/180.0) # ensure float op - could use math.radians instead textfld.Transform(Rotation(angleRad)) # Rotation(angle, center) textfld.update_rects() # probably a good idea # change textfld's text with the current width (that we see) # get bounding box of text a = llx, lly, urx, ury = a.font.TextBoundingBox(textfld.text, a.font_size) # calculate width - its of UNTRANSFORMED text twidth = urx - llx # insert this width as text in textbox now: #~ textfld.text = str(twidth) #~ textfld.update_rects() # probably a good idea - again # get textfield as bezier textbez = textfld.AsBezier() #~ print textbez # returns; subclass of EditableCompound # the bounding rectangle - from Compound (type is Rect): textbez_bRect = textbez.bounding_rect # calc width now t2width = textbez_bRect.right - textbez_bRect.left # insert this width as text in textbox now: textfld.text = str(t2width) textfld.update_rects() # probably a good idea - again #~ doc.Insert(textfld) # create a line # using technique below (see syntax note #(A1)) tpath = CreatePath() # Note - apparently, the first appended point is "moveTo"; # .. the ubsequent ones being "LineTo" tp = Point(textbez_bRect.left,textbez_bRect.bottom) tpath.AppendLine(tp) # moveto tp = Point(textbez_bRect.left, tpath.AppendLine(tp) # lineto tp = Point(textbez_bRect.right, tpath.AppendLine(tp) # lineto tp = Point(textbez_bRect.right,textbez_bRect.bottom) tpath.AppendLine(tp) # lineto tline = PolyBezier((tpath,)) tline.AddStyle(tbase_style) # of (also in compound, document) - seems to add a 'layer' if dynamic; else seems to 'replace' ?! #~ doc.Insert(tline) # group tline and textfld ... # has Group(foot_prints = []) tgrp = Group([textfld, textfld2, tline]) tgrp.update_rects() doc.Insert(tgrp) # add a box.. around textfld2 # use radius1, radius2 != 0 AND 1 (logarithmic) to get RoundedRectangle (best between 0.0 and 1.0) tfbr = textfld2.bounding_rect start_x = tfbr.left start_y = tfbr.bottom off_x = tfbr.right - tfbr.left off_y = - tfbr.bottom twid = abs(off_x - start_x) thei = abs(off_y - start_y) radfact = 1.2*twid/thei tradius = 0.05 # if we want to specify a single one, then the actual look will depend on the dimesions of the rectangle - so must 'smooth' it with radfact... trec = Rectangle(trafo = Trafo(off_x, 0, 0, off_y, start_x, start_y), radius1 = tradius, radius2 = tradius*radfact) trec.update_rects() doc.Insert(trec) # add another box - any where start_x = 100.0 start_y = 100.0 off_x = 50.0 off_y = 50.0 trec2 = Rectangle(trafo = Trafo(off_x, 0, 0, off_y, start_x, start_y)) trec2.update_rects() doc.Insert(trec2) # try change props post insert - OK trec2.SetProperties(fill_pattern = SolidPattern(StandardColors.yellow), line_width = 2.0, line_pattern = SolidPattern(CreateRGBColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.7))) # try move the group as a whole (Translate - syntax: # say, align the right edge of tline to left edge of trec2 (x direction) # NOTE: group does not define own .AsBezier(self); # but it has tgrp.bounding_rect (although python doesn't show it in dir(tgrp)) # also there is Rectangle.bounding_rect # NOTE though - it seems bounding_rect is somehow padded, with (at least) 10 units in each direction! (also, bounding rect of line will include the arrow) xmove = (trec2.bounding_rect.left+10)-(tline.bounding_rect.right-10) #~ print xmove, trec2.bounding_rect.left, tline.bounding_rect.right tgrp.Translate(Point(xmove, 0)) tgrp.update_rects() # add temporary line to indicate bounding boxes # and effect of padding (may cover the very first trec) tmpbr = trec2.bounding_rect doc.Insert( getQuickLine( (0,0), (trec2.bounding_rect.left+10, ) ) # end of draw - generate output file filename = '' psfile = '' sk2ps(filename, psfile, printable= draw_printable, visible = draw_visible, For = eps_for, CreationDate = eps_date, Title = eps_title, rotate = rotate, embed_fonts = embed_fonts)
align_distance = 6 align_length = 12 grow = align_length + align_distance llx, lly, urx, ury = doc_bbox ps_bbox = (llx - grow, lly - grow, urx + grow, ury + grow) for color in colors: separator = CreateSeparation(color) try: # do this in a try-finall to make sure the document colors # get restored even if something goes wrong doc.WalkHierarchy(separator.change_color) filename = basename + '-' + hexcolor(color) + '.ps' ps_dev = PostScriptDevice(filename, as_eps = 1, bounding_box = ps_bbox, For = util.get_real_username(), CreationDate = util.current_date(), Title = os.path.basename(filename), document = doc) doc.Draw(ps_dev) draw_alignment_marks(ps_dev, doc_bbox, align_length, align_distance) ps_dev.Close() finally: separator.undo_changes() import Sketch.Scripting Sketch.Scripting.AddFunction('simple_separation', _("Simple Separation"), simple_separation, script_type = Sketch.Scripting.AdvancedScript)
align_length = 12 grow = align_length + align_distance llx, lly, urx, ury = doc_bbox ps_bbox = (llx - grow, lly - grow, urx + grow, ury + grow) for color in colors: separator = CreateSeparation(color) try: # do this in a try-finall to make sure the document colors # get restored even if something goes wrong doc.WalkHierarchy(separator.change_color) filename = basename + '-' + hexcolor(color) + '.ps' ps_dev = PostScriptDevice(filename, as_eps=1, bounding_box=ps_bbox, For=util.get_real_username(), CreationDate=util.current_date(), Title=os.path.basename(filename), document=doc) doc.Draw(ps_dev) draw_alignment_marks(ps_dev, doc_bbox, align_length, align_distance) ps_dev.Close() finally: separator.undo_changes() import Sketch.Scripting Sketch.Scripting.AddFunction('simple_separation', _("Simple Separation"), simple_separation, script_type=Sketch.Scripting.AdvancedScript)
def main(): import Sketch global doc, psfile global tbase_style, courfont Sketch.init_lib() draw_printable = 1 draw_visible = 0 embed_fonts = 0 eps_for = util.get_real_username() eps_date = util.current_date() eps_title = None rotate = 0 doc = Document(create_layer=1) ## ***************************** # start of drawing # indicate start of coord system first: + goes upward / rightward trec = getQuickRect(5, 5, -10, -10) doc.Insert(trec) # from textfld = SimpleText(Translation(0, 0), "24pt") textfld.SetProperties(font=courfont, font_size=24) doc.Insert(textfld) ## add struct box nodes structNodeA = getStructBoxnode( "struct1", # title label ("*pnt1", "*pointer2", "*point3"), ("var1", "variable2", "Varib3")) structNodeB = getStructBoxnode( "str2", # title label ( "*pnt1", "*pnt2", "*pnt3", "*pnt4", "*pnt5", "*pnt6", ), ("var1", "var2", "var3", "var4", "var5", "var6", "var7", "var8", "var9")) structNodeC = getStructBoxnode( "str3", # title label ("*pnt1", ), ()) snAgrp = structNodeA[0] snBgrp = structNodeB[0] snCgrp = structNodeC[0] ## position nodes # place node A snAgrp.Translate(Point(100, 200)) snAgrp.update_rects() # place node B - 'below left' of node A # (i.e. find lower right corner of A group; # align upper left corner of B with that) sabr = snAgrp.bounding_rect sbbr = snBgrp.bounding_rect xtran = sabr.right - sbbr.left ytran = sabr.bottom - snBgrp.Translate(Point(xtran, ytran)) snBgrp.update_rects() sbbr = snBgrp.bounding_rect # place node C - below, left aligned to node B scbr = snCgrp.bounding_rect xtran = sbbr.left - scbr.left ytran = sbbr.bottom - snCgrp.Translate(Point(xtran, ytran)) snCgrp.update_rects() scbr = snCgrp.bounding_rect # show struct nodes on drawing doc.Insert(snAgrp) doc.Insert(snBgrp) doc.Insert(snCgrp) # display the bounding boxes of struct nodes trecA = getQuickRect(sabr.left, sabr.bottom, sabr.right - sabr.left, - sabr.bottom) trecA.SetProperties(line_pattern=SolidPattern( trecB = getQuickRect(sbbr.left, sbbr.bottom, sbbr.right - sbbr.left, - sbbr.bottom) trecB.SetProperties(line_pattern=SolidPattern( trecC = getQuickRect(scbr.left, scbr.bottom, scbr.right - scbr.left, - scbr.bottom) trecC.SetProperties(line_pattern=SolidPattern( doc.Insert(trecA) doc.Insert(trecB) doc.Insert(trecC) # make a connection # get dicts first snAdct = structNodeA[1] snBdct = structNodeB[1] snCdct = structNodeC[1] # put a rect around snBdct['box'] # since grown(-10) aligns to box; shows that theres 10 units padding! tbr = snBdct['box'].bounding_rect.grown(-10) trecC = getQuickRect(tbr.left, tbr.bottom, tbr.right - tbr.left, - tbr.bottom) trecC.SetProperties(line_pattern=SolidPattern( doc.Insert(trecC) # for easier calc after: yjump = abs(snAdct['ptfl_1'] - snBdct['box'] / 2 # 'standard' connection: # start from 2nd [1] pointer of structNodeA - end in 'input' (left) of box of structNodeB # so, from dict we need:: structNodeA:'ptfl_1'; and structNodeB:'box' tconnline = getStdConnLine( snAdct['ptfl_1'], # from (startpoint - moveto) snBdct['box'], # to (endpoint) # here optional arguments for 'in-between' points; # (ordered) tuple of dict, where key is command: # like in tikz:: '|' means along y , '-' means along x # (last {'-':-10}, is not needed - endpoint specifies it ({ '-': 30 }, { '|': -yjump }, { '-': -40 }, { '|': -yjump })) doc.Insert(tconnline) # for easier calc after - # we won't use the "half-the-distance" directly, so we don't divide /2 here yjumpAC = abs(snAdct['ptfl_2'] - snCdct['box'] tconnlineAC = getStdConnLine( snAdct['ptfl_2'], # from (startpoint - moveto) snCdct['box'], # to (endpoint) ({ '-': 20 }, { '|': -(yjump - 30) }, { '-': -40 }, { '|': -(yjumpAC - (yjump - 30)) })) doc.Insert(tconnlineAC) ## ***************************** # end of drawing - generate output file filename = '' # was .sk filename to convert sk2ps(filename, thisfilename, printable=draw_printable, visible=draw_visible, For=eps_for, CreationDate=eps_date, Title=eps_title, rotate=rotate, embed_fonts=embed_fonts)