def write_config_templates(self, sender, eConfig): eTemplates = eConfig.find('IOTemplates') if eTemplates is None: eTemplates = SubElement(eConfig, 'IOTemplates') else: eTemplates.clear() for key, tpl in globals.import_templates.iteritems(): if tpl.immutable is False: logger.debug("Writing template %s" % key) eTemplate = SubElement(eTemplates, 'ImportTemplate') keylist=['blurb','importer_key','extensions','skip_options'] attrs = values_as_dict(tpl, keylist, default=None) attrs['key'] = key iohelper.set_attributes(eTemplate, attrs) iohelper.write_dict(eTemplate, 'Defaults', tpl.defaults)
def do_import(self, project, filenames, template_key=None): # try to determine template key if it is not given if template_key is None or template_key=='auto': matches = dataio.importer_template_from_filename(filenames[0]) if len(matches) > 0: template_key = matches[0] else: template_key = 'ASCII' # # Request import options # # Note that if 'skip_option' is set in the template, then # there will be no user options dialog. if globals.import_templates[template_key].skip_options is False: dialog = import_dialog.ImportOptions(template_key, previewfile=filenames[0]) try: result = if result == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: # save template as 'recently used' template = dataio.IOTemplate() template.defaults = values_as_dict(dialog.importer, dialog.importer.public_props) template.blurb = "Recently used Template" template.importer_key = dialog.template.importer_key template.write_config = True template.immutable = True globals.import_templates['recently used'] = template else: return finally: dialog.destroy() else: template = template_key self.core.import_datasets(project, filenames, template)
def toElement(project): def SIV(element, key, value): " Set If Valid -- only set element attribute if value is not None. " if value is not None: #print " KEY: %s => %s" % (key, str(value)) element.set(key, unicode(value)) eProject = Element("Project") eProject.attrib['version'] = FILEFORMAT eData = SubElement(eProject, "Datasets") for ds in project.datasets: if ds._array is None: logger.error("Empty Dataset: %s. NOT SAVED." % ds.key) continue # Table if isinstance(ds, Table): tbl = ds eTable = SubElement(eData, 'Table') # All information about the columns is stored in the # element tree. Only the actual data will later on be # written to the archive. for n in range(tbl.ncols): eColumn = SubElement(eTable, 'Column') SIV(eColumn, 'name', tbl.get_name(n)) dt = tbl.get_column_dtype(n) SIV(eColumn, 'format', '%s%s' % (dt.kind, str(dt.itemsize))) info = tbl.get_info(n) for k,v in info._values.iteritems(): if v is not None: eAttribute = SubElement(eColumn, 'Attribute') SIV(eAttribute, 'key', k) eAttribute.text = v # general information (should be there for any other kind of # Dataset as well) SIV(eTable, 'key', ds.key) SIV(eTable, 'fileformat', 'CSV' ) # write node information node_items = tbl.node_info._checks.keys() node_items.remove('metadata') iohelper.write_dict(eTable, 'NodeInfo', values_as_dict(tbl.node_info, node_items)) iohelper.write_dict(eTable, 'NodeInfo', tbl.node_info.metadata) else: logger.error("Cannot save Dataset %s of type %s" % (ds.key, ds.__class__.__name__)) ePlots = SubElement(eProject, "Plots") for plot in project.plots: ePlot = SubElement(ePlots, plot.__class__.__name__) SIV(ePlot, 'key', plot.key) SIV(ePlot, 'title', plot.get('title')) comment = plot.get('comment') if comment is not None: eComment = SubElement(ePlot, "comment") eComment.text = comment eLayers = SubElement(ePlot, "Layers") for layer in plot.layers: eLayer = SubElement(eLayers, "Layer") attrs = values_as_dict(layer, ['type', 'grid', 'title', 'visible'], default=None) iohelper.set_attributes(eLayer, attrs) # # group properties # eGroups = SubElement(eLayer, "Groups") # def groups_to_element(eGroups, keys): # for key in keys: # print "Writing group property ", key # group = layer.get_value(key) # if group is not None: # groupname = group.__class__.__name__ # eGroup = SubElement(eGroups, groupname) # # TODO: cycle_list is missing, because it is a list! # attrs = group.get_values(include=['type','value', 'range_start', 'range_stop', 'range_step'], # default=None) # iohelper.set_attributes(eGroup, attrs) # groups_to_element(eGroups, ['group_linestyle', # 'group_linemarker', # 'group_linewidth', # 'group_linecolor']) # axes for (key, axis) in layer.axes.iteritems(): eAxis = SubElement(eLayer, "Axis") attrs = values_as_dict(axis,['label', 'scale', 'start', 'end', 'format'],default=None) attrs['key'] = key iohelper.set_attributes(eAxis, attrs) # legend legend = layer.legend if legend is not None: eLegend = SubElement(eLayer, "Legend") attrs = values_as_dict(legend, ['label','position','visible','border','x','y'],default=None) iohelper.set_attributes(eLegend, attrs) # lines for line in layer.lines: eLine = SubElement(eLayer, "Line") # For the line source we must check first # if this is not a temporary source. # TODO: if it was a temporary source we either # need to ignore the source (current situation) # or add the temporary dataset to the project. if line.source is not None: if project.has_dataset(key=line.source.key): SIV(eLine, 'source', line.source.key) else: logger.warn("Invalid line source. Skipped source.") attrs = values_as_dict(line, ['width','label','style','marker','visible', 'color','marker_color', 'marker_size', 'cx','cy','row_first','row_last','cxerr','cyerr'],default=None) iohelper.set_attributes(eLine, attrs) # layer.labels if len(layer.labels) > 0: eLabels = SubElement(eLayer, "Labels") for label in layer.labels: eLabel = SubElement(eLabels, "Label") attrs = values_as_dict(label, ['x','y','system','valign','halign'],default=None) iohelper.set_attributes(eLabel, attrs) eLabel.text = label.get('text') iohelper.beautify_element(eProject) return eProject
def do_edit(self, template, key=None, allow_edit=True): """ Edit the given template. Returns the new key of the template. The method assures that the entered key is valid, i.e. its length is > 0 and it is different from existing keys. If no key is given, then a new unique key is created as suggestion. """ importer = template.new_instance() # keys = list of existing keys, needed to check for duplicates keys = [] model = self.treeview.get_model() iter = model.get_iter_first() while iter is not None: keys.append(model.get_value(iter, self.MODEL_KEY)) iter = model.iter_next(iter) # if no key was given, then the key is new and should # be constructed unique. if key is None: key = utils.unique_names(['template'], keys)[0] # # create gui elements # dlg = gtk.Dialog("Edit Template Options",None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)) key_label = gtk.Label("Template name ") key_entry = gtk.Entry() key_entry.set_text(unicode(key)) key_entry.set_activates_default(True) key_box = gtk.HBox() key_box.pack_start(key_label,False,True) key_box.pack_start(key_entry,True,True) hint = gtk.Label() factorylist = [] factory1 = checkwidgets.DisplayFactory(template) factory1.add_keys('blurb','extensions','skip_options') table1 = factory1.create_table() factory1.check_in(template) factorylist.append(factory1) factory2 = checkwidgets.DisplayFactory(importer) factory2.add_keys(importer.public_props) table2 = factory2.create_table() factory2.check_in(importer) factorylist.append(factory2) dlg.vbox.pack_start(key_box, True, True) dlg.vbox.pack_start(hint,False,True) dlg.vbox.pack_start(gtk.HSeparator(), False, True) dlg.vbox.pack_start(table1, True, True) dlg.vbox.pack_start(gtk.HSeparator(), False, True) dlg.vbox.pack_start(table2, True, True) # gray out gui items if object is immutable if allow_edit is False: hint.set_markup(MSG['template_immutable']) key_box.set_sensitive(False) table1.set_sensitive(False) table2.set_sensitive(False) dlg.show_all() try: while True: response = if response == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: # check key new_key = key_entry.get_text() try: new_key = Keyword().check(new_key) except ValueError: hint.set_markup(MSG['invalid_key']) continue # if key is equal to the suggested key, use it if key is not None and new_key == key: pass elif len(new_key) == 0: # don't allow empty keys hint.set_markup(MSG['empty_key']) continue elif new_key in keys: # otherwise check if key does not yet exist hint.set_markup(MSG['existing_key']) continue # check out for factory in factorylist: factory.check_out() # move importer data to template values = values_as_dict(importer, importer.public_props, default=None) template.set(defaults=values) return new_key raise error.UserCancel finally: dlg.destroy()