def QS(l):
     pivot = len(l) - 1
     lo = 0
     if (lo == pivot or pivot < 0):
         return l
         lo = QuickSort.findGreaterValue(lo, pivot, l)
         while (pivot != lo):
             Sort.switchIndices(pivot - 1, lo, l)
             lo = QuickSort.findGreaterValue(lo, pivot, l)
             Sort.switchIndices(pivot, pivot - 1, l)
             pivot -= 1
         temp = []
         pList = QuickSort.partitionList(l, pivot)
         return (QuickSort.QS(pList[0]) + temp + QuickSort.QS(pList[1]))
 def IS(l):
     frameList = []
     x = 1
     #While there exists unordered list elements
     while (x < len(l)):
         tempx = x
         a = x - 1
         #Move elements left-to-right to find sorted place for current index
         while (l[tempx] < l[a] and a >= 0):
             Sort.switchIndices(tempx, a, l)
             tempx = a
             a -= 1
         x += 1  #next index
     return frameList