def check_completeness(self): """ Check if the Gipp-folder exists already :return: True if existing. False if not. """ from StartMaja.Common import FileSystem n_files_per_lut = 4 try: found_models = sorted(self.get_models()) n_models = len(found_models) except ValueError: return False if not os.path.isdir(self.out_path): return False if found_models not in self.expected_models: return False try: hdrs = FileSystem.find("*.HDR", self.out_path) dbls = FileSystem.find("*.DBL.DIR", self.out_path) eefs = FileSystem.find("*.EEF", self.out_path) except ValueError: return False if len(eefs) < 4: return False # LUTs = 4 (TOCR, DIRT, DIFT, ALBD) + 1 constant for WATV per satellite if len(hdrs) != len( dbls ) != n_files_per_lut * self.n_sat * n_models + 1 * self.n_sat: return False return True
def link(self, dest): """ Symlink a set of Gipps to a given destination :param dest: The destination directory :return: """ from StartMaja.Common import FileSystem eefs = FileSystem.find(GIPPFile.regex, self.out_path) dbls = FileSystem.find(GIPPFile.regex_dbl, self.out_path) for f in eefs + dbls: base = os.path.basename(f) FileSystem.symlink(f, os.path.join(dest, base))
def test_get_file_full(self): expected = os.path.join(self.root, "b.jpg") dirnames_e = p.normpath(expected).split(os.sep) calculated = FileSystem.find(path=self.root, pattern="b.jpg", depth=1) calculated2 = FileSystem.find(path=self.root, pattern="b.jpg", depth=1, ftype="file") self.assertEqual(calculated, calculated2) self.assertEqual(len(calculated), 1) dirnames_c = p.normpath(calculated[0]).split(os.sep) for exp, calc in zip(dirnames_c[-1:], dirnames_e[-1:]): self.assertEqual(exp[:-1], calc[:-1]) self.assertEqual(expected, calculated[0])
def get_dtm(self, type_dem): """ Find DTM folder for tile and search for associated HDR and DBL files A DTM folder has the following naming structure: *_AUX_REFDE2_TILEID_*DBL.DIR with TILEID e.g. T31TCH, KHUMBU ... A single .HDR file and an associated .DBL.DIR file has to be found. OSError is thrown otherwise. :param type_dem: The DEM-type as str, e.g. 'srtm' :return: The full path to the hdr and dbl.dir. None if they're not found. """ regexes = [ "%s%s_%s.DBL(.DIR)?$" % (AuxFile.DTMFile.get_specifiable_regex(), self.tile, nbr) for nbr in AuxFile.DTMFile.mnt_version[type_dem] ] mnt_folders = [] for regex in regexes: try: mnt_folders += FileSystem.find(regex, self.rep_mnt) except ValueError: pass if not mnt_folders: return None mnts = [AuxFile.DTMFile(mnt) for mnt in mnt_folders] mnts = [mnt for mnt in mnts if mnt is not None] return mnts[0]
def test_get_folder(self): expected = os.path.join(self.root, "subdir0") dirnames_e = p.normpath(expected).split(os.sep) filename = p.basename(expected) calculated = FileSystem.find(path=self.root, pattern="subdir0", depth=1) calculated2 = FileSystem.find(path=self.root, pattern="subdir0", depth=1, ftype="folder") self.assertEqual(calculated, calculated2) self.assertEqual(len(calculated), 1) dirnames_c = p.normpath(calculated[0]).split(os.sep) for exp, calc in zip(dirnames_c[-1:], dirnames_e[-1:]): self.assertEqual(exp[:-1], calc[:-1]) self.assertEqual(filename, p.basename(calculated[0]))
def test_cams_date(self): from StartMaja.Common import FileSystem dbl = FileSystem.find("*EXO_CAMS*DBL.DIR", self.cams_dir)[0] c = CAMSFile(dbl) base = os.path.basename(dbl).split(".")[0] date = datetime.strptime(base.split("_")[-2], "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") self.assertEqual(c.get_date(), date)
def test_download_s2_muscate_nocams(self): from StartMaja.Common import FileSystem g = GippSet(self.root, "sentinel2", "muscate") self.assertFalse(g.check_completeness()) self.assertTrue(g.check_completeness()) n_l2comm = len(FileSystem.find("*L2COMM*", g.out_path)) self.assertEqual(n_l2comm, 2) n_qltl = len(FileSystem.find("*CKQLTL*", g.out_path)) self.assertEqual(n_qltl, 2) n_extl = len(FileSystem.find("*CKEXTL*", g.out_path)) self.assertEqual(n_extl, 2) n_extl = len(FileSystem.find("*EEF", g.out_path)) self.assertEqual(n_extl, 9) FileSystem.remove_file(os.path.join(self.root, "wget-log")) if not os.getcwd() == g.out_path: FileSystem.remove_directory(g.out_path) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(g.out_path))
def test_get_file_ending(self): expected = os.path.join(self.root, "c.xml") dirnames_e = p.normpath(expected).split(os.sep) calculated = FileSystem.find(path=self.root, pattern="*xml", depth=1) self.assertEqual(len(calculated), 1) dirnames_c = p.normpath(calculated[0]).split(os.sep) for exp, calc in zip(dirnames_c[-1:], dirnames_e[-1:]): self.assertEqual(exp[:-1], calc[:-1]) self.assertEqual(expected, calculated[0])
def test_symlink(self): from StartMaja.Common import FileSystem g = GippSet(self.root, "sentinel2", "tm") self.assertFalse(g.check_completeness()) self.assertTrue(g.check_completeness()) symlink_dir = os.path.join(self.root, "symlinks") FileSystem.create_directory(symlink_dir) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.assertTrue(len(FileSystem.find("*EEF", symlink_dir)), 0) self.assertEqual(len(FileSystem.find("*EEF", symlink_dir)), 15) FileSystem.remove_directory(symlink_dir) self.assertFalse(os.path.isdir(symlink_dir)) FileSystem.remove_file(os.path.join(self.root, "wget-log")) if not os.getcwd() == g.out_path: FileSystem.remove_directory(g.out_path) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(g.out_path))
def test_get_file_depth2(self): expected = os.path.join(self.root, "subdir1", "a") dirnames_e = p.normpath(expected).split(os.sep) calculated = FileSystem.find(path=self.root, pattern="^a$", depth=2) self.assertEqual(len(calculated), 3) dirnames_c = p.normpath(calculated[0]).split(os.sep) for exp, calc in zip(dirnames_c[-1:], dirnames_e[-1:]): self.assertEqual(exp[:-1], calc[:-1]) self.assertEqual(expected, sorted(calculated)[-1])
def test_cams_creation(self): from StartMaja.Common import FileSystem dbl = FileSystem.find("DBL.DIR", self.cams_dir)[0] c = CAMSFile(dbl) self.assertIsNotNone(c) base = os.path.basename(dbl).split(".")[0] hdr = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dbl), base + ".HDR") self.assertEqual(hdr, c.hdr)
def get_models(self): """ Get the list of models present in the gipp-set. :return: List of models in alphabetical order. """ from StartMaja.Common import FileSystem import re hdr_reg = os.path.splitext(GIPPFile.regex)[0] + ".HDR" hdrs = FileSystem.find(hdr_reg, self.out_path, depth=1) raw_models = [, h).group(3).replace("_", "").upper() for h in hdrs ] models = list(set(raw_models)) return sorted(models)
def get_list_of_cams_files(input_dir): """ Get all available cams files inside a directory tree sorting out the duplicates. :return: The list of available cams files. """ from StartMaja.Common import FileSystem regex = r"CAMS_(AOT|MR|RH)_(\d{8}UTC\d{6})\.nc$" raw_files = FileSystem.find(regex, input_dir) unique_files, basenames = [], [] # Sort out duplicates by basename for i in raw_files: bname = os.path.basename(i) if bname not in basenames: basenames.append(bname) unique_files.append(i) return unique_files
def run_tiling(ds_or_path, **kwargs): """ Run the tiling process :param ds_or_path: The :class:`gdal.Dataset` or a path to a file on disk to be tiled :type ds_or_path: :class:`gdal.Dataset` or str :param kwargs: Optional arguments. :return: Creates the tiles in the given location. """ cmd_dict = {"Verbose": "-v", "Quiet": "-q", "CreationOptions": "-co", "TileSize": "-ps", "Overlap": "-overlap", "Format": "-of", "BandType": "-ot", "TileIndexFieldName": "-tileIndexField", "TileIndexName": "-tileIndex", "CsvDelimiter": "-csvDelim", "Source_SRS": "-s_srs", "TargetDir": "-targetDir", "-ResamplingMethod": "-r", "Levels": "-levels", "PyramidOnly": "-pyramidOnly", "UseDirForEachRow": "-useDirForEachRow"} gdal.AllRegister() gdal.UseExceptions() options = [] if type(ds_or_path) != str: tmppath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), next(tempfile._get_candidate_names())) ds_or_path.write(tmppath) del_tmp = True else: tmppath = ds_or_path del_tmp = False tx, ty = None, None for key in kwargs.keys(): if key == "TileWidth": ty = kwargs[key] elif key == "TileHeight": tx = kwargs[key] else: options += [cmd_dict[key], kwargs[key]] if not tx or not ty: raise ValueError("Must provide tile width and height: (%s, %s)" % (ty, tx)) options += [cmd_dict["TileSize"], "%s %s" % (ty, tx)] options += [tmppath] assert FileSystem.run_external_app("", options) == 0, "Error running gdal_retile" bname = os.path.basename(tmppath) outpath = kwargs["TargetDir"] # TODO Discard previously written files from `find`: files_written = sorted(FileSystem.find(r"%s_\d+_\d+.tif" % bname, path=outpath)) if del_tmp: FileSystem.remove_file(tmppath) return files_written
def get_cams_files(self): """ Find all associated CAMS- HDR and DBL files A CAMS folder has the following naming structure: MMM_TEST_EXO_CAMS_YYYYMMDDThhmmss_YYYYMMDDThhmmss with MMM = mission (see regex tests) For each CAMS a single .HDR file and an associated .DBL.DIR/.DBL file has to be found. Otherwise it gets discarded """ try: cams_folders = FileSystem.find(AuxFile.CAMSFile.regex, self.rep_cams) except ValueError: return [] cams = [AuxFile.CAMSFile(c) for c in cams_folders] cams = [c for c in cams if c is not None] return cams
def test_wrong_cams_creation(self): from StartMaja.Common import FileSystem dbl = FileSystem.find("*AUX_REFDE2*DBL.DIR", self.root)[0] self.assertIsNone(CAMSFile(dbl))
def test_wrong_mnt_creation(self): from StartMaja.Common import FileSystem dbl = FileSystem.find("DBL.DIR", self.cams_dir)[0] self.assertIsNone(DTMFile(dbl))
def test_find_get_subsubfolder(self): expected = "subdir1" calculated = FileSystem.find(path=self.root, pattern=expected) self.assertEqual(expected, p.basename(calculated[0]))
def test_find_get_file(self): expected = "a.jpg" calculated = FileSystem.find(path=self.root, pattern=expected) self.assertEqual(expected, p.basename(calculated[0]))