def _findTAF(self, stations, date): from StationParser import StationParser from TAFParser import TAFParser results = [ ] # ex: [('CYOW', TAF_LINE, TAF_HEADER_TIME, TAF_FILE, TAF_FILE_TIME), ('CYUL', ...)] sp = StationParser(PXPaths.ETC + 'stations_TAF.conf') sp.parse() for station in stations: headers = sp.headers.get(station, []) filesToParse = self._getFilesToParse(PXPaths.DB + date + '/FC/', headers) filesToParse.extend( self._getFilesToParse(PXPaths.DB + date + '/FT/', headers)) #print("In findTAF, len(filesToParse) = %d" % len(filesToParse)) theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime = self._findMoreRecentStation( TAFParser(''), filesToParse, station) if theLine: theLine += '=' results.append( (station, theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime)) return results
def _findFD(self, stations, fdtype, date): from StationParser import StationParser from FDParser import FDParser results = [ ] # ex: [('CYOW', FD_LINE, FD_HEADER_TIME, FD_FILE, FD_FILE_TIME), ('CYUL', ...)] sp = StationParser(PXPaths.ETC + 'stations_FD.conf') sp.parse() if fdtype in ['FD1', 'FD2', 'FD3']: number = fdtype[-1] else: number = '' for station in stations: headers = sp.headers.get(station, []) headers.sort() lowHeaders = [] highHeaders = [] for header in headers: if header in eval('DBSearcher.LOW' + number): lowHeaders.append(header) elif header in eval('DBSearcher.HIGH' + number): highHeaders.append(header) for header in lowHeaders + highHeaders: filesToParse = self._getFilesToParse( PXPaths.DB + date + '/FD/', [header]) #print("In findFD, len(filesToParse) = %d" % len(filesToParse)) theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime = self._findMoreRecentStation( FDParser(''), filesToParse, station) if theLine: bigTitle = FDParser('').getFDTitle(theFile) #print("BIG TITLE: \n%s" % bigTitle) #print theFile #print "theLine: %s" % theLine theLine = bigTitle + theLine results.append( (station, theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime)) if lowHeaders == highHeaders == []: results.append((station, None, 0, None, 0)) return results
def __init__(self, logger=None, sourlient=None, reloadMode=False): AFTNPaths.normalPaths( PXPaths.normalPaths() self.logger = logger # Logger object self.sourlient = sourlient # Sourlient object = # Transceiver's name self.stationID = sourlient.stationID # Value read from config. file self.otherStationID = sourlient.otherStationID # Provider (MHS) Station ID self.address = sourlient.address # 8-letter group identifying the message originator (CYHQUSER) self.otherAddress = sourlient.otherAddress # 8-letter group identifying the provider's address (CYHQMHSN) self.routingTable = sourlient.routingTable # Routing table name self.subscriber = sourlient.subscriber # Boolean indicating if this is a subscriber or a provider self.bullManager = bulletinManager(PXPaths.RXQ +, self.logger, PXPaths.RXQ +, 9999, '\n', self.sourlient.extension, self.routingTable, None, self.sourlient, True) self.drp = self.bullManager.drp self.sp = StationParser(PXPaths.STATION_TABLE, logger) self.sp.parse() self.priorities = {'1':'FF', '2':'FF', '3':'GG', '4':'GG', '5':'GG'} if not reloadMode: self.afterInit()
def _findFD(self, stations, fdtype, date): from StationParser import StationParser from FDParser import FDParser results = [] # ex: [('CYOW', FD_LINE, FD_HEADER_TIME, FD_FILE, FD_FILE_TIME), ('CYUL', ...)] sp = StationParser(PXPaths.ETC + 'stations_FD.conf') sp.parse() if fdtype in ['FD1', 'FD2', 'FD3']: number = fdtype[-1] else: number = '' for station in stations: headers = sp.headers.get(station, []) headers.sort() lowHeaders = [] highHeaders = [] for header in headers: if header in eval('DBSearcher.LOW' + number): lowHeaders.append(header) elif header in eval('DBSearcher.HIGH' + number): highHeaders.append(header) for header in lowHeaders + highHeaders: filesToParse = self._getFilesToParse(PXPaths.DB + date + '/FD/', [header]) #print("In findFD, len(filesToParse) = %d" % len(filesToParse)) theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime = self._findMoreRecentStation(FDParser(''), filesToParse, station) if theLine: bigTitle = FDParser('').getFDTitle(theFile) #print("BIG TITLE: \n%s" % bigTitle) #print theFile #print "theLine: %s" % theLine theLine = bigTitle + theLine results.append((station, theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime)) if lowHeaders == highHeaders == []: results.append((station, None, 0, None, 0)) return results
def _findTAF(self, stations, date): from StationParser import StationParser from TAFParser import TAFParser results = [] # ex: [('CYOW', TAF_LINE, TAF_HEADER_TIME, TAF_FILE, TAF_FILE_TIME), ('CYUL', ...)] sp = StationParser(PXPaths.ETC + 'stations_TAF.conf') sp.parse() for station in stations: headers = sp.headers.get(station, []) filesToParse = self._getFilesToParse(PXPaths.DB + date + '/FC/', headers) filesToParse.extend(self._getFilesToParse(PXPaths.DB + date + '/FT/', headers)) #print("In findTAF, len(filesToParse) = %d" % len(filesToParse)) theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime = self._findMoreRecentStation(TAFParser(''), filesToParse, station) if theLine: theLine += '=' results.append((station, theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime)) return results
def __init__(self, logger=None, sourlient=None, reloadMode=False): AFTNPaths.normalPaths( PXPaths.normalPaths() self.logger = logger # Logger object self.sourlient = sourlient # Sourlient object = # Transceiver's name self.stationID = sourlient.stationID # Value read from config. file self.otherStationID = sourlient.otherStationID # Provider (MHS) Station ID self.address = sourlient.address # 8-letter group identifying the message originator (CYHQUSER) self.otherAddress = sourlient.otherAddress # 8-letter group identifying the provider's address (CYHQMHSN) self.routingTable = sourlient.routingTable # Routing table name self.subscriber = sourlient.subscriber # Boolean indicating if this is a subscriber or a provider self.bullManager = bulletinManager(PXPaths.RXQ +, self.logger, PXPaths.RXQ +, 9999, '\n', self.sourlient.extension, self.routingTable, None, self.sourlient, True) self.drp = self.bullManager.drp self.sp = StationParser(PXPaths.STATION_TABLE, logger) self.sp.parse() self.priorities = { '1': 'FF', '2': 'FF', '3': 'GG', '4': 'GG', '5': 'GG' } if not reloadMode: self.afterInit()
headers.sort() for header in headers: # print "%s: %s" % (header, self.stations[header]) stations = "" for station in self.stations[header]: if stations: stations += " " + station else: stations = station coll = "" if self.stationsColl: if self.stationsColl.has_key(header): coll = "COLL" line = "%s:%s:%s:\n" % (header, coll, stations) self.file.write(line) if __name__ == "__main__": from StationParser import StationParser sp = StationParser("/apps/px/etc/stations.conf") sp.parse() sfc = StationFileCreator(stations=sp.stations, stationsColl=sp.stationsColl) # sfc.appendToFile() # sfc.closeFile()
def _findSA(self, stations, date): # Partial header request (Type + station(s)) # ex: SA CYOW CYUL # Note: Once we find the better match, we take the header we found (ex: SACN31 CWAO) and we replace the # A by a P (ex: SPCN31 CWAO) and try to find a speci for the station. The speci must be between the full # hour of the SA and the request time. from StationParser import StationParser from SAParser import SAParser results = [] # ex: [('CYOW', SA_LINE, SA_HEADER_TIME, SA_FILE, SA_FILE_TIME, SP_LINE, SP_HEADER_TIME, SP_FILE, SP_FILE_TIME), ('CYUL', ...)] sp = StationParser(PXPaths.ETC + 'stations_SA.conf') sp.parse() for station in stations: threeCharHeaders = [] if len(station) == 3: #print ("%s => we will search for %s first, if we obtain no results, we will search for %s" % (station, 'C' + station, station)) threeCharHeaders = sp.headers.get(station, []) station = 'C' + station headers = sp.headers.get(station, []) elif station[0] == 'C': #print("%s is a canadian station" % station) headers = sp.headers.get(station, []) elif station[0] == 'K': #print("%s is an american station" % station) headers = sp.headers.get(station, []) else: #print("%s is an international station" % station) headers = sp.headers.get(station, []) filesToParse = self._getFilesToParse(PXPaths.DB + date + '/SA/', headers, DBSearcher.EXCLUDED_SOURCES) theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime = self._findMoreRecentStation(SAParser(''), filesToParse, station) if not theLine and threeCharHeaders: # If not successful at finding the 4 chars station when the original request was for a 3 chars station # we try the 3 chars case #print 'We are searching for the 3 chars station' station = station[1:] filesToParse = self._getFilesToParse(PXPaths.DB + date + '/SA/', threeCharHeaders, DBSearcher.EXCLUDED_SOURCES) theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime = self._findMoreRecentStation(SAParser(''), filesToParse, station) if theLine: theLine += '=' parts = os.path.basename(theFile).split('_') header = parts[0] + ' ' + parts[1] speciLine, speciHeaderTime, speciFile, speciFileTime = self._findSpeci(station, header, bestHeaderTime, date) if speciHeaderTime and (speciHeaderTime < bestHeaderTime): surround = 30*'=' #print 'Speci found has been rejected (%s < %s)' % (speciHeaderTime, bestHeaderTime) speciLine, speciHeaderTime, speciFile, speciFileTime = None, 0, None, 0 #print "%s END SPECI INFOS %s\n" % (surround, surround) else: speciLine, speciHeaderTime, speciFile, speciFileTime = None, 0, None, 0 results.append((station, theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime, speciLine, speciHeaderTime, speciFile, speciFileTime)) return results
class MessageManager: """ A typical message: <SOH> ABC0003 14033608<CR><LF> <-- Heading line GG CYYCYFYX EGLLZRZX<CR><LF> <-- Destination address line 140335 CYEGYFYX<CR><LF> <-- Origin address line <STX>040227 NOTAMN CYYC CALGARY INTL<CR><LF> <-- Start of text signal (<STX>) CYYC ILS 16 AND 34 U/S 0409141530<CR><LF> <-- Message text TIL 0409141800<CR><LF> <VT><ETX> <-- End of message signal """ def __init__(self, logger=None, sourlient=None, reloadMode=False): AFTNPaths.normalPaths( PXPaths.normalPaths() self.logger = logger # Logger object self.sourlient = sourlient # Sourlient object = # Transceiver's name self.stationID = sourlient.stationID # Value read from config. file self.otherStationID = sourlient.otherStationID # Provider (MHS) Station ID self.address = sourlient.address # 8-letter group identifying the message originator (CYHQUSER) self.otherAddress = sourlient.otherAddress # 8-letter group identifying the provider's address (CYHQMHSN) self.routingTable = sourlient.routingTable # Routing table name self.subscriber = sourlient.subscriber # Boolean indicating if this is a subscriber or a provider self.bullManager = bulletinManager(PXPaths.RXQ +, self.logger, PXPaths.RXQ +, 9999, '\n', self.sourlient.extension, self.routingTable, None, self.sourlient, True) self.drp = self.bullManager.drp self.sp = StationParser(PXPaths.STATION_TABLE, logger) self.sp.parse() self.priorities = {'1':'FF', '2':'FF', '3':'GG', '4':'GG', '5':'GG'} if not reloadMode: self.afterInit() def afterInit(self): self.messageIn = None # Last AFTN message received self.messageOut = None # Last AFTN message sent self.fromDisk = True # Changed to False for Service Message created on the fly self.filenameToSend = None # Filename of the file we want to send or just sent self.filenameToErase = None # Path + filename of the file we want to erase (ack just received) self.type = None # Message type. Value must be in ['AFTN', 'SVC', 'RF', 'RQ', 'PRI_DESTADD_TEXT', None] self.header = None # Message WMO Header self.priority = None # Priority indicator (SS, DD, FF, GG or KK) self.destAddress = [] # 8-letter group, max. 21 addresses self.CSNJustReset = False try: self.CSN = self.state.CSN"CSN (%s) has been taken from AFTN State" % self.CSN) except: self.CSN = '0000' # Channel sequence number, 4 digits (ex: 0003) self.filingTime = None # 6-digits DDHHMM (ex:140335) indicating date and time of filing the message for transmission. self.dateTime = None # 8-digits DDHHMMSS (ex:14033608) self.readBuffer = '' # Buffer where we put stuff read from the socket # Queueing Service Messages when waiting for an ack before sending self.serviceQueue = [] # Big message support (sending) self.partsToSend = [] # Text parts of the broken message self.numberOfParts = len(self.partsToSend) # Number of parts in which a long message has been divided. self.nextPart = 0 # Always 0 for message that are not bigger than the defined max. # Big message support (receiving) self.receivedParts = [] self.notCompletelyReceived = False self.generalPartsRegex = re.compile(r"//END PART \d\d//") self.lastPartRegex = re.compile(r"//END PART \d\d/\d\d//") # Ack support (ack we receive because of the message we have sent) try: self.lastAckReceived = self.state.lastAckReceived"lastAckReceived (%s) has been taken from AFTN State" % self.lastAckReceived) self.waitingForAck = self.state.waitingForAck"waitingForAck (%s) has been taken from AFTN State" % self.waitingForAck) except: self.lastAckReceived = None # None or the transmitID self.waitingForAck = None # None or the transmitID self.sendingInfos = (0, None) # Number of times a message has been sent and the sending time. self.maxAckTime = self.sourlient.maxAckTime # Maximum time (in seconds) we wait for an ack, before resending. self.maxSending = 1 # Maximum number of sendings of a message self.ackUsed = self.sourlient.ackUsed # We can use ack or not (testing purposes only) self.totAck = 0 # Count the number of ack (testing purpose only) # CSN verification (receiving) try: self.waitedTID = self.state.waitedTID except: self.waitedTID = self.otherStationID + '0001' # Initially (when the program start) we are not sure what TID is expected # Functionnality testing switches self.resendSameMessage = True # Read Buffer management self.unusedBuffer = '' # Part of the buffer that was not used # Persistent state min = 60 now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) if self.subscriber: try: lastUpdate = os.stat(AFTNPaths.STATE)[8] diff = now - lastUpdate if diff < 60 * min: self.state = self.unarchiveObject(AFTNPaths.STATE) self.updateFromState(self.state) else: self.logger.warning("Archive state not read because too old (%i minutes)" % int(diff/60)) raise except: self.state = StateAFTN() self.state.fill(self) self.archiveObject(AFTNPaths.STATE, self.state) else: try: self.state = self.unarchiveObject(AFTNPaths.STATE) self.updateFromState(self.state) except: self.state = StateAFTN() self.state.fill(self) self.archiveObject(AFTNPaths.STATE, self.state) def resetCSN(self): hhmm = dateLib.getTodayFormatted('%H%M') hh = hhmm[:2] mm = hhmm[2:] if hh == '00' and mm <= '05' and not self.CSNJustReset: self.CSN = '0000' self.CSNJustReset = True'CSN has been reset to 0001') elif mm > '05': self.CSNJustReset = False def updateFromState(self, state): self.CSN = state.CSN self.waitedTID = state.waitedTID self.lastAckReceived = state.lastAckReceived self.waitingForAck = state.waitingForAck def ingest(self, bulletin): self.bullManager.writeBulletinToDisk(bulletin) def completeHeader(self, message): import dateLib wmoMessage = '' theHeader = '' allLines = [] # We remove blank lines for line in message.textLines: if line: allLines.append(line) # We don't have enough lines if len(allLines) < 2: return ['\n'.join(message.textLines) + '\n'] messageType = allLines[0][:2] station = allLines[1].split()[0] headers = self.sp.headers.get(station, []) for header in headers: if header[:2] == messageType: theHeader = header if theHeader: BBB = '' firstLine = allLines[0].split() timestamp = firstLine[1] if len(firstLine) >= 3: BBB = firstLine[2] self.logger.debug("Type: %s, Station: %s, Headers: %s, TheHeader: %s, Timestamp: %s, BBB = %s" % (messageType, station, headers, theHeader, timestamp, BBB)) allLines[0] = theHeader + ' ' + timestamp if BBB: allLines[0] += ' ' + BBB allLines.insert(1, 'AAXX ' + timestamp[:4] + '4') else: return ['\n'.join(message.textLines) + '\n'] return ['\n'.join(allLines) + '\n'] def addHeaderToMessage(self, message, textLines=None): """ When no WMO header is present in the text part of an AFTN Message, we will create one for each destination address in the message. ex: if self.drp.aftnMap['CWAOWXYZ'] == 'SACN32', the header will be 'SACN32 CWAO YYGGgg' where YY= day of the month, GG=hours and gg=minutes This method is only used at reception. textLines is not None for big messages (text is not in the message, but in a supplementary variable. """ import dateLib wmoMessages = [] addresses = message.destAddress default = self.drp.aftnMap.get('DEFAULT') timestamp = dateLib.getYYGGgg() destLine = message.createDestinationAddressLine().strip() originLine = message.createOriginAddressLine().strip() destOriginLines = [destLine, originLine] self.logger.debug("Addresses: %s" % addresses) for address in addresses: header = self.drp.aftnMap.get(address, default) + " " + address[0:4] + " " + timestamp headerBlock = [header] + destOriginLines"Header in addHeader: %s" % header) if textLines: wmoMessages.append('\n'.join(headerBlock + textLines) + '\n') else: wmoMessages.append('\n'.join(headerBlock + message.textLines) + '\n') return wmoMessages def doSpecialOrders(self, path): # Stop, restart, reload, deconnect, connect could be put here? reader = DiskReader(path) dataFromFiles = reader.getFilenamesAndContent() for index in range(len(dataFromFiles)): words = dataFromFiles[index][0].strip().split()"Special Order: %s" % (dataFromFiles[index][0].strip())) if words[0] == 'outCSN': if words[1] == '+': self.nextCSN()"CSN = %s" % self.CSN) elif words[1] == '-': # This case is only done for testing purpose. It is not complete and not correct when CSN # value is 0 or 1 self.nextCSN(str(int(self.CSN) - 2))"CSN = %s" % self.CSN) elif words[1] == 'print':"CSN = %s" % self.CSN) else: # We suppose it's a number, we don't verify!! self.nextCSN(words[1])"CSN = %s" % self.CSN) elif words[0] == 'inCSN': if words[1] == '+': self.calcWaitedTID(self.waitedTID)"Waited TID = %s" % self.waitedTID) elif words[1] == '-': # This case is only done for testing purpose. It is not complete and not correct when waited TID # value is 0 or 1 self.calcWaitedTID(self.otherStationID + "%04d" % (int(self.waitedTID[3:]) - 2))"Waited TID = %s" % self.waitedTID) elif words[1] == 'print':"Waited TID = %s" % self.waitedTID) else: # We suppose it's a number, we don't verify!! self.calcWaitedTID(self.otherStationID + "%04d" % int(words[1]))"Waited TID = %s" % self.waitedTID) elif words[0] == 'ackWaited': if words[1] == 'print':"Waiting for ack: %s" % self.getWaitingForAck()) else: self.setWaitingForAck(words[1]) self.incrementSendingInfos() elif words[0] == 'ackNotWaited': self.setWaitingForAck(None) self.resetSendingInfos() self.updatePartsToSend() elif words[0] == 'ackUsed': self.ackUsed = words[1] == 'True' or words[1] == 'true' elif words[0] == 'printState': else: pass try: os.unlink(dataFromFiles[0][1]) self.logger.debug("%s has been erased", os.path.basename(dataFromFiles[index][1])) except OSError, e: (type, value, tb) = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error("Unable to unlink %s ! Type: %s, Value: %s" % (dataFromFiles[index][1], type, value))
class MessageManager: """ A typical message: <SOH> ABC0003 14033608<CR><LF> <-- Heading line GG CYYCYFYX EGLLZRZX<CR><LF> <-- Destination address line 140335 CYEGYFYX<CR><LF> <-- Origin address line <STX>040227 NOTAMN CYYC CALGARY INTL<CR><LF> <-- Start of text signal (<STX>) CYYC ILS 16 AND 34 U/S 0409141530<CR><LF> <-- Message text TIL 0409141800<CR><LF> <VT><ETX> <-- End of message signal """ def __init__(self, logger=None, sourlient=None, reloadMode=False): AFTNPaths.normalPaths( PXPaths.normalPaths() self.logger = logger # Logger object self.sourlient = sourlient # Sourlient object = # Transceiver's name self.stationID = sourlient.stationID # Value read from config. file self.otherStationID = sourlient.otherStationID # Provider (MHS) Station ID self.address = sourlient.address # 8-letter group identifying the message originator (CYHQUSER) self.otherAddress = sourlient.otherAddress # 8-letter group identifying the provider's address (CYHQMHSN) self.routingTable = sourlient.routingTable # Routing table name self.subscriber = sourlient.subscriber # Boolean indicating if this is a subscriber or a provider self.bullManager = bulletinManager(PXPaths.RXQ +, self.logger, PXPaths.RXQ +, 9999, '\n', self.sourlient.extension, self.routingTable, None, self.sourlient, True) self.drp = self.bullManager.drp self.sp = StationParser(PXPaths.STATION_TABLE, logger) self.sp.parse() self.priorities = { '1': 'FF', '2': 'FF', '3': 'GG', '4': 'GG', '5': 'GG' } if not reloadMode: self.afterInit() def afterInit(self): self.messageIn = None # Last AFTN message received self.messageOut = None # Last AFTN message sent self.fromDisk = True # Changed to False for Service Message created on the fly self.filenameToSend = None # Filename of the file we want to send or just sent self.filenameToErase = None # Path + filename of the file we want to erase (ack just received) self.type = None # Message type. Value must be in ['AFTN', 'SVC', 'RF', 'RQ', 'PRI_DESTADD_TEXT', None] self.header = None # Message WMO Header self.priority = None # Priority indicator (SS, DD, FF, GG or KK) self.destAddress = [] # 8-letter group, max. 21 addresses self.CSNJustReset = False try: self.CSN = self.state.CSN"CSN (%s) has been taken from AFTN State" % self.CSN) except: self.CSN = '0000' # Channel sequence number, 4 digits (ex: 0003) self.filingTime = None # 6-digits DDHHMM (ex:140335) indicating date and time of filing the message for transmission. self.dateTime = None # 8-digits DDHHMMSS (ex:14033608) self.readBuffer = '' # Buffer where we put stuff read from the socket # Queueing Service Messages when waiting for an ack before sending self.serviceQueue = [] # Big message support (sending) self.partsToSend = [] # Text parts of the broken message self.numberOfParts = len( self.partsToSend ) # Number of parts in which a long message has been divided. self.nextPart = 0 # Always 0 for message that are not bigger than the defined max. # Big message support (receiving) self.receivedParts = [] self.notCompletelyReceived = False self.generalPartsRegex = re.compile(r"//END PART \d\d//") self.lastPartRegex = re.compile(r"//END PART \d\d/\d\d//") # Ack support (ack we receive because of the message we have sent) try: self.lastAckReceived = self.state.lastAckReceived "lastAckReceived (%s) has been taken from AFTN State" % self.lastAckReceived) self.waitingForAck = self.state.waitingForAck "waitingForAck (%s) has been taken from AFTN State" % self.waitingForAck) except: self.lastAckReceived = None # None or the transmitID self.waitingForAck = None # None or the transmitID self.sendingInfos = ( 0, None ) # Number of times a message has been sent and the sending time. self.maxAckTime = self.sourlient.maxAckTime # Maximum time (in seconds) we wait for an ack, before resending. self.maxSending = 1 # Maximum number of sendings of a message self.ackUsed = self.sourlient.ackUsed # We can use ack or not (testing purposes only) self.totAck = 0 # Count the number of ack (testing purpose only) # CSN verification (receiving) try: self.waitedTID = self.state.waitedTID except: self.waitedTID = self.otherStationID + '0001' # Initially (when the program start) we are not sure what TID is expected # Functionnality testing switches self.resendSameMessage = True # Read Buffer management self.unusedBuffer = '' # Part of the buffer that was not used # Persistent state min = 60 now = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) if self.subscriber: try: lastUpdate = os.stat(AFTNPaths.STATE)[8] diff = now - lastUpdate if diff < 60 * min: self.state = self.unarchiveObject(AFTNPaths.STATE) self.updateFromState(self.state) else: self.logger.warning( "Archive state not read because too old (%i minutes)" % int(diff / 60)) raise except: self.state = StateAFTN() self.state.fill(self) self.archiveObject(AFTNPaths.STATE, self.state) else: try: self.state = self.unarchiveObject(AFTNPaths.STATE) self.updateFromState(self.state) except: self.state = StateAFTN() self.state.fill(self) self.archiveObject(AFTNPaths.STATE, self.state) def resetCSN(self): hhmm = dateLib.getTodayFormatted('%H%M') hh = hhmm[:2] mm = hhmm[2:] if hh == '00' and mm <= '05' and not self.CSNJustReset: self.CSN = '0000' self.CSNJustReset = True'CSN has been reset to 0001') elif mm > '05': self.CSNJustReset = False def updateFromState(self, state): self.CSN = state.CSN self.waitedTID = state.waitedTID self.lastAckReceived = state.lastAckReceived self.waitingForAck = state.waitingForAck def ingest(self, bulletin): self.bullManager.writeBulletinToDisk(bulletin) def completeHeader(self, message): import dateLib wmoMessage = '' theHeader = '' allLines = [] # We remove blank lines for line in message.textLines: if line: allLines.append(line) # We don't have enough lines if len(allLines) < 2: return ['\n'.join(message.textLines) + '\n'] messageType = allLines[0][:2] station = allLines[1].split()[0] headers = self.sp.headers.get(station, []) for header in headers: if header[:2] == messageType: theHeader = header if theHeader: BBB = '' firstLine = allLines[0].split() timestamp = firstLine[1] if len(firstLine) >= 3: BBB = firstLine[2] self.logger.debug( "Type: %s, Station: %s, Headers: %s, TheHeader: %s, Timestamp: %s, BBB = %s" % (messageType, station, headers, theHeader, timestamp, BBB)) allLines[0] = theHeader + ' ' + timestamp if BBB: allLines[0] += ' ' + BBB allLines.insert(1, 'AAXX ' + timestamp[:4] + '4') else: return ['\n'.join(message.textLines) + '\n'] return ['\n'.join(allLines) + '\n'] def addHeaderToMessage(self, message, textLines=None): """ When no WMO header is present in the text part of an AFTN Message, we will create one for each destination address in the message. ex: if self.drp.aftnMap['CWAOWXYZ'] == 'SACN32', the header will be 'SACN32 CWAO YYGGgg' where YY= day of the month, GG=hours and gg=minutes This method is only used at reception. textLines is not None for big messages (text is not in the message, but in a supplementary variable. """ import dateLib wmoMessages = [] addresses = message.destAddress default = self.drp.aftnMap.get('DEFAULT') timestamp = dateLib.getYYGGgg() destLine = message.createDestinationAddressLine().strip() originLine = message.createOriginAddressLine().strip() destOriginLines = [destLine, originLine] self.logger.debug("Addresses: %s" % addresses) for address in addresses: header = self.drp.aftnMap.get( address, default) + " " + address[0:4] + " " + timestamp headerBlock = [header] + destOriginLines"Header in addHeader: %s" % header) if textLines: wmoMessages.append('\n'.join(headerBlock + textLines) + '\n') else: wmoMessages.append('\n'.join(headerBlock + message.textLines) + '\n') return wmoMessages def doSpecialOrders(self, path): # Stop, restart, reload, deconnect, connect could be put here? reader = DiskReader(path) dataFromFiles = reader.getFilenamesAndContent() for index in range(len(dataFromFiles)): words = dataFromFiles[index][0].strip().split()"Special Order: %s" % (dataFromFiles[index][0].strip())) if words[0] == 'outCSN': if words[1] == '+': self.nextCSN()"CSN = %s" % self.CSN) elif words[1] == '-': # This case is only done for testing purpose. It is not complete and not correct when CSN # value is 0 or 1 self.nextCSN(str(int(self.CSN) - 2))"CSN = %s" % self.CSN) elif words[1] == 'print':"CSN = %s" % self.CSN) else: # We suppose it's a number, we don't verify!! self.nextCSN(words[1])"CSN = %s" % self.CSN) elif words[0] == 'inCSN': if words[1] == '+': self.calcWaitedTID(self.waitedTID)"Waited TID = %s" % self.waitedTID) elif words[1] == '-': # This case is only done for testing purpose. It is not complete and not correct when waited TID # value is 0 or 1 self.calcWaitedTID(self.otherStationID + "%04d" % (int(self.waitedTID[3:]) - 2))"Waited TID = %s" % self.waitedTID) elif words[1] == 'print':"Waited TID = %s" % self.waitedTID) else: # We suppose it's a number, we don't verify!! self.calcWaitedTID(self.otherStationID + "%04d" % int(words[1]))"Waited TID = %s" % self.waitedTID) elif words[0] == 'ackWaited': if words[1] == 'print':"Waiting for ack: %s" % self.getWaitingForAck()) else: self.setWaitingForAck(words[1]) self.incrementSendingInfos() elif words[0] == 'ackNotWaited': self.setWaitingForAck(None) self.resetSendingInfos() self.updatePartsToSend() elif words[0] == 'ackUsed': self.ackUsed = words[1] == 'True' or words[1] == 'true' elif words[0] == 'printState': else: pass try: os.unlink(dataFromFiles[0][1]) self.logger.debug("%s has been erased", os.path.basename(dataFromFiles[index][1])) except OSError, e: (type, value, tb) = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error("Unable to unlink %s ! Type: %s, Value: %s" % (dataFromFiles[index][1], type, value))
def _appendToFile(self): headers = self.stations.keys() headers.sort() for header in headers: #print "%s: %s" % (header, self.stations[header]) stations = '' for station in self.stations[header]: if stations: stations += ' ' + station else: stations = station coll = '' if self.stationsColl: if self.stationsColl.has_key(header): coll = 'COLL' line = "%s:%s:%s:\n" % (header, coll, stations) self.file.write(line) if __name__ == '__main__': from StationParser import StationParser sp = StationParser('/apps/px/etc/stations.conf') sp.parse() sfc = StationFileCreator(stations=sp.stations, stationsColl=sp.stationsColl) #sfc.appendToFile() #sfc.closeFile()
def _findSA(self, stations, date): # Partial header request (Type + station(s)) # ex: SA CYOW CYUL # Note: Once we find the better match, we take the header we found (ex: SACN31 CWAO) and we replace the # A by a P (ex: SPCN31 CWAO) and try to find a speci for the station. The speci must be between the full # hour of the SA and the request time. from StationParser import StationParser from SAParser import SAParser results = [ ] # ex: [('CYOW', SA_LINE, SA_HEADER_TIME, SA_FILE, SA_FILE_TIME, SP_LINE, SP_HEADER_TIME, SP_FILE, SP_FILE_TIME), ('CYUL', ...)] sp = StationParser(PXPaths.ETC + 'stations_SA.conf') sp.parse() for station in stations: threeCharHeaders = [] if len(station) == 3: #print ("%s => we will search for %s first, if we obtain no results, we will search for %s" % (station, 'C' + station, station)) threeCharHeaders = sp.headers.get(station, []) station = 'C' + station headers = sp.headers.get(station, []) elif station[0] == 'C': #print("%s is a canadian station" % station) headers = sp.headers.get(station, []) elif station[0] == 'K': #print("%s is an american station" % station) headers = sp.headers.get(station, []) else: #print("%s is an international station" % station) headers = sp.headers.get(station, []) filesToParse = self._getFilesToParse(PXPaths.DB + date + '/SA/', headers, DBSearcher.EXCLUDED_SOURCES) theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime = self._findMoreRecentStation( SAParser(''), filesToParse, station) if not theLine and threeCharHeaders: # If not successful at finding the 4 chars station when the original request was for a 3 chars station # we try the 3 chars case #print 'We are searching for the 3 chars station' station = station[1:] filesToParse = self._getFilesToParse( PXPaths.DB + date + '/SA/', threeCharHeaders, DBSearcher.EXCLUDED_SOURCES) theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime = self._findMoreRecentStation( SAParser(''), filesToParse, station) if theLine: theLine += '=' parts = os.path.basename(theFile).split('_') header = parts[0] + ' ' + parts[1] speciLine, speciHeaderTime, speciFile, speciFileTime = self._findSpeci( station, header, bestHeaderTime, date) if speciHeaderTime and (speciHeaderTime < bestHeaderTime): surround = 30 * '=' #print 'Speci found has been rejected (%s < %s)' % (speciHeaderTime, bestHeaderTime) speciLine, speciHeaderTime, speciFile, speciFileTime = None, 0, None, 0 #print "%s END SPECI INFOS %s\n" % (surround, surround) else: speciLine, speciHeaderTime, speciFile, speciFileTime = None, 0, None, 0 results.append( (station, theLine, bestHeaderTime, theFile, bestFileTime, speciLine, speciHeaderTime, speciFile, speciFileTime)) return results