if options.lheHTCut: try: float(options.lheHTCut) except: sys.exit("Float conversion of option lheHTCut failed. Got this: %s" % options.lheHTCut) sample.name += "_lheHT" + options.lheHTCut skimCond += "&&lheHTIncoming<" + options.lheHTCut if "Run2015D" in sample.name and not hasattr(sample, "vetoList"): sys.exit( "ERROR. Sample %s seems to be data but no vetoList was provided!!" % sample.name) vetoList_ = vetoList(sample.vetoList) if hasattr(sample, "vetoList") else None outDir = os.path.join(options.targetDir, options.skim, sample.name) if os.path.exists(outDir): existingFiles = [ outDir + '/' + f for f in os.listdir(outDir) if f.endswith('.root') ] hasBadFile = any([ not checkRootFile(f, checkForObjects=["Events"]) for f in existingFiles ]) else: existingFiles = [] hasBadFile = False #print "Found bad file? %r"%hasBadFile if os.path.exists(outDir) and len(existingFiles) > 0 and (
elif args.mode == "muEle": data_sample = fromHeppySample( "MuonEG_Run2015D_16Dec", data_path='/scratch/rschoefbeck/cmgTuples/763', maxN=maxN) data_sample.style = styles.errorStyle(ROOT.kBlack) #lumi_scale = data_sample.lumi/1000 import StopsDilepton.tools.vetoList as vetoList_ # MET group veto lists from 74X fileNames = [ 'Run2015D/csc2015_Dec01.txt.gz', 'Run2015D/ecalscn1043093_Dec01.txt.gz' ] vetoList = vetoList_.vetoList( [os.path.join(user.veto_lists, f) for f in fileNames]) from FWCore.PythonUtilities.LumiList import LumiList # Apply golden JSON json = '$CMSSW_BASE/src/CMGTools/TTHAnalysis/data/json/Cert_13TeV_16Dec2015ReReco_Collisions15_25ns_JSON_v2.txt' lumiList = LumiList(os.path.expandvars(json)) from StopsDilepton.samples.color import color DYJetsToLL_M50.color = color.DY TTJets.color = color.TTJets TToLeptons_tch_amcatnlo.color = color.singleTop TBarToLeptons_tch_powheg.color = color.singleTop TBar_tWch.color = color.singleTop T_tWch.color = color.singleTop noTT = [TToLeptons_tch_amcatnlo, TBarToLeptons_tch_powheg, TBar_tWch, T_tWch]
if args.mode=="doubleMu": data_sample = fromHeppySample("DoubleMuon_Run2015D_16Dec", data_path = '/scratch/rschoefbeck/cmgTuples/763', maxN = maxN) elif args.mode=="doubleEle": data_sample = fromHeppySample("DoubleEG_Run2015D_16Dec", data_path = '/scratch/rschoefbeck/cmgTuples/763', maxN = maxN) elif args.mode=="muEle": data_sample = fromHeppySample("MuonEG_Run2015D_16Dec", data_path = '/scratch/rschoefbeck/cmgTuples/763', maxN = maxN) data_sample.style = styles.errorStyle( ROOT.kBlack ) #lumi_scale = data_sample.lumi/1000 import StopsDilepton.tools.vetoList as vetoList_ # MET group veto lists from 74X fileNames = ['Run2015D/csc2015_Dec01.txt.gz', 'Run2015D/ecalscn1043093_Dec01.txt.gz'] vetoList = vetoList_.vetoList( [os.path.join(user.veto_lists, f) for f in fileNames] ) from FWCore.PythonUtilities.LumiList import LumiList # Apply golden JSON json = '$CMSSW_BASE/src/CMGTools/TTHAnalysis/data/json/Cert_13TeV_16Dec2015ReReco_Collisions15_25ns_JSON_v2.txt' lumiList = LumiList(os.path.expandvars(json)) from StopsDilepton.samples.color import color DYJetsToLL_M50.color = color.DY TTJets.color = color.TTJets TToLeptons_tch_amcatnlo.color = color.singleTop TBarToLeptons_tch_powheg.color = color.singleTop TBar_tWch.color = color.singleTop T_tWch.color = color.singleTop noTT = [ TToLeptons_tch_amcatnlo, TBarToLeptons_tch_powheg, TBar_tWch, T_tWch ]
maxMultBTagWeight = 2 btagEff_1b = btagEfficiency(method='1b', fastSim = options.fastSim) if options.lheHTCut: try: float(options.lheHTCut) except: sys.exit("Float conversion of option lheHTCut failed. Got this: %s"%options.lheHTCut) sample.name+="_lheHT"+options.lheHTCut skimCond+="&&lheHTIncoming<"+options.lheHTCut if "Run2015D" in sample.name and not hasattr(sample, "vetoList"): sys.exit("ERROR. Sample %s seems to be data but no vetoList was provided!!" %sample.name) vetoList_ = vetoList(sample.vetoList) if hasattr(sample, "vetoList") else None outDir = os.path.join(options.targetDir, options.skim, sample.name) if os.path.exists(outDir): existingFiles = [outDir+'/'+f for f in os.listdir(outDir) if f.endswith('.root')] hasBadFile = any([not checkRootFile(f, checkForObjects=["Events"]) for f in existingFiles]) else: existingFiles = [] hasBadFile = False #print "Found bad file? %r"%hasBadFile if os.path.exists(outDir) and len(existingFiles)>0 and (not hasBadFile) and not options.overwrite: print "Found non-empty directory: %s -> skipping! (found a bad file? %r.)"%(outDir, hasBadFile) sys.exit(0) else: tmpDir = os.path.join(outDir,'tmp')