class ReplicsCounter():
    def __init__(self):
        self.cache = Storage()
        self.cache.create("articles", \
                    {"oldid":"INT UNIQUE", "name":"TEXT", "ts":"DATE", "replics": "INT"})
    def countPage(self, page):
        """Counts repics at AFI page"""
        sections = {}
        sect = None
        n = -1 # one line for header
        for s in page.getSections():
            if sect != None:
                sections[sect] = (n, s[0])
            sect = s[3]
            n = s[0]
        sections[sect] = (n, len(page.get())) # last one
        for s in sections:
            replics = -1 # one for header
            text = page.get()[sections[s][0]:sections[s][1]].splitlines()
            for line in text:
                sline = line.strip()
                if (len(sline) > 2):
                    if sline[:2] != "{{" and sline[:-2] != "}}":
                        replics += 1
                        #print "%s %s" % (replics, line)
            wikipedia.output( u"%s %s %s" % (s, sections[s], replics))
            self.cache.execute(u'UPDATE articles SET replics = %s WHERE name = "%s";' % (replics, self.cache.quote(s)))
    def countCat(self, catname):
        cat = catlib.Category(wikipedia.getSite(), catname)
        for page in cat.articles():
            print page
    def replicsPage(self, pagename):
        r = self.cache.findone('articles', {"name":pagename}, what = ["replics"])
        if r == None:
            return "-"
            return r[0]
class AllAFI:
    """module for AFI stats update"""
    def __init__(self, action):
        self.action = action
        self.site = wikipedia.getSite()
        self.afi = catlib.Category(self.site, \
            u'Категория:Википедия:Статьи для срочного улучшения')
        self.afi_list = []
        self.afi_list_title = []
        self.cache = Storage() 
    def load_all(self):
        """Loads all articles for improvement to sqlite table"""
        self.cache.create('category', {'name':'TEXT', 'cat':'TEXT'})
        self.afi_list = self.afi.articlesList()
        self.afi_list_title = [self.cache.quote(_.title(withNamespace=False)) for _ in self.afi.articlesList()]
        for a in self.afi_list:
            for cat in a.categories():
                self.cache.insert('category', (a.title(withNamespace=False), cat.title(withNamespace=False)))

        # now clear articles table from non-actual articles
        re = self.cache.cursor.execute(u"SELECT name FROM articles;")
        for l in re.fetchall():
            if l[0] not in self.afi_list_title:
                self.cache.delete('articles', {'name':l[0]})

    def update_stats(self):
        """prints stats to wikipedia page"""
        text = ""
        n1 = self.cache.cursor.execute("SELECT count(DISTINCT name) FROM category;").fetchone()[0]
        n2 = self.cache.cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM articles;").fetchone()[0]
        text += u"Всего статей на КУЛ: '''%s''', статей в базе бота '''%s''' \r\n" % (n1, n2)

        re = self.cache.cursor.execute("SELECT cat, count(*) AS c FROM category GROUP BY cat HAVING c>10 ORDER BY c DESC;")
        text += u"== Топ категорий <ref>Категории, в которых более 10 статей на улучшении, количество статей указано в скобках</ref> == \r\n"
        for l in re.fetchall():
            text += u"* [[:Категория:%s|]]: (%s) \r\n" % l

        text += u"== Самые старые статьи <ref>Учитывается самая первая номинация КУЛ</ref> == \r\n"
        re = self.cache.cursor.execute(u"SELECT name, ts FROM articles ORDER BY ts limit 20;")
        for l in re.fetchall():
            text += u"* [[%s]] (%s) \r\n" % l
        re = self.cache.cursor.execute("SELECT count(*), replics FROM articles GROUP BY replics;")
        text += u"== По количеству реплик == \r\n"
        for l in re.fetchall():
            text += u"* Обсуждения %s статей имеют %s реплик\r\n" % (l)
        re = self.cache.cursor.execute("SELECT topic, topic, n, ts FROM updates ORDER BY n DESC;")
        text += u"== Последние обновления == \r\n"
        for l in re.fetchall():
            text += u"* [[Википедия:К улучшению/Тематические обсуждения/%s|%s]]: (Статей %s, обновлена %s) \r\n" % (l)
        text += u"== Примечания ==\r\n{{примечания}}"
        P = wikipedia.Page(self.site, u"Википедия:К улучшению/Тематические обсуждения/Статистика")
        P.put(text, u"Обновление статистики", botflag = True)

    def run(self):
        """entry point"""
        if self.action == "all":