class SwapParam:
    Generic SWAP parameter, integrated into a SWAP register
    def getRegAddress(self):
        Return register address of the current parameter
        @return Register address
        return self.register.getAddress()

    def getRegId(self):
        Return register ID of the current parameter
        @return Register ID
        return self.register.id
    def update(self):
        Update parameter's value, posibly after a change in its parent register
        self.valueChanged = False
        if self.register is None:
            raise SwapException("Register not specified for current endpoint")

        # Current register value converted to list
        lstRegVal = self.register.value.toList()
        # Total bits to be copied
        indexReg = self.bytePos
        shiftReg = 7 - self.bitPos
        bitsToCopy = self.byteSize * 8 + self.bitSize
        # Current parameter value in list format
        lstParamVal = self.value.toList()

        if len(lstParamVal) == 0:

        # Keep old value
        oldParamVal = self.value.clone()
        indexParam = 0
        shiftParam = self.bitSize - 1

        if shiftParam < 0:
            shiftParam = 7
        for i in range(bitsToCopy):
            if indexReg >= len(lstRegVal):
            if (lstRegVal[indexReg] >> shiftReg) & 0x01 == 0:
                mask = ~(1 << shiftParam)
                lstParamVal[indexParam] &= mask
                mask = 1 << shiftParam
                lstParamVal[indexParam] |= mask

            shiftReg -= 1
            shiftParam -= 1

            # Register byte over?
            if shiftReg < 0:
                indexReg += 1
                shiftReg = 7

            # Parameter byte over?
            if shiftParam < 0:
                indexParam += 1
                shiftParam = 7

        # Did the value change?
        if not self.value.isEqual(oldParamVal):
            self.valueChanged = True
        # Update time stamp
        self.lastupdate = time.time()

    def setValue(self, value):
        Set parameter value

        @param value: New parameter value
        # Convert to SwapValue
        if value.__class__ is SwapValue:
            # Incorrect length?
            if self.value.getLength() != value.getLength():
            self.value = value
            # Byte length
            length = self.byteSize
            if self.bitSize > 0:
                length += 1
            if type(value) is list:
                res = value
            elif type(value) in [str, unicode]:
                if self.type == SwapType.NUMBER:
                        # Possible integer number
                        res = int(value)
                    except ValueError:
                            # Possible float number
                            res = float(value)
                        except ValueError:
                            raise SwapException(value + " is not a valid numeric value for " + self.name)
                elif self.type == SwapType.BINARY:
                    if value.lower() in ["on", "open", "1", "true", "enabled"]:
                        res = 1
                        res = 0
                else:   # SwapType.STRING
                    res = value
                res = value
            if type(res) in [int, float]:
                if self.unit is not None:
                    res -= self.unit.offset
                    res /= self.unit.factor
                    # Convert to integer
                    res = int(res)
            self.value = SwapValue(res, length)
        # Update current value
        self.value = SwapValue(res, length)
        # Update time stamp
        self.lastupdate = time.time()

        # Update register value
    def getValueInAscii(self):
        Return value in ASCII string format
        @return Value in ASCII format
        if self.type == SwapType.NUMBER:
            val = self.value.toInteger()
            # Add units
            if self.unit is not None:                
                if self.unit.calc is not None:
                    oper = self.unit.calc.replace("${val}", str(val))
                        val = eval("math." + oper)
                    except ValueError as ex:
                        raise SwapException("Math exception for " + oper + ". " + str(ex))
                strVal = str(val * self.unit.factor + self.unit.offset)
                strVal = str(val)
        elif self.type == SwapType.BINARY:
            strVal = self.value.toAscii()
            if strVal == "1":
                strVal = "on"
            elif strVal == "0":
                strVal = "off"
            strVal = self.value.toAsciiStr()
        return strVal
    def setUnit(self, strunit):
        Set unit for the current parameter
        @param strunit: new unit in string format
        if self.lstunits is None:
            raise SwapException("Parameter " + self.name + " does not support units")
        for unit in self.lstunits:
            if unit.name == strunit:
                self.unit = unit
        raise SwapException("Unit " + strunit + " not found")
    def __init__(self, register=None, pType=SwapType.NUMBER, direction=SwapType.INPUT, name="", position="0", size="1", default=None, verif=None, units=None):
        Class constructor

        @param register: Register containing this parameter
        @param pType: Type of SWAP endpoint (see SwapDefs.SwapType)
        @param direction: Input or output (see SwapDefs.SwapType)
        @param name: Short description about the parameter
        @param position: Position in bytes.bits within the parent register
        @param size: Size in bytes.bits
        @param default: Default value in string format
        @param verif: Verification string
        @param units: List of units
        ## Parameter name
        self.name = name
        ## Register where the current parameter belongs to
        self.register = register
        ## Data type (see SwapDefs.SwapType for more details)
        self.type = pType       
        ## Direction (see SwapDefs.SwapType for more details)
        self.direction = direction
        ## Position (in bytes) of the parameter within the register
        self.bytePos = 0
        ## Position (in bits) after bytePos
        self.bitPos = 0
        # Get true positions
        dot = position.find('.')
        if dot > -1:
            self.bytePos = int(position[:dot])
            self.bitPos = int(position[dot+1:])
            self.bytePos = int(position)

        ## Size (in bytes) of the parameter value
        self.byteSize = 1
        ## Size in bits of the parameter value after byteSize
        self.bitSize = 0
        # Get true sizes
        dot = size.find('.')
        if dot > -1:
            self.byteSize = int(size[:dot])
            self.bitSize = int(size[dot+1:])
            self.byteSize = int(size)

        ## Current value
        self.value = None
        ## Time stamp of the last update
        self.lastupdate = None
        ## List of units
        self.lstunits = units
        ## Selected unit
        self.unit = None
        if self.lstunits is not None and len(self.lstunits) > 0:
            self.unit = self.lstunits[0]

        # Set initial value
        if default is not None:

        ## Flag that tells us whether this parameter changed its value during the last update or not
        self.valueChanged = False
        ## Verification string. This can be a macro or a regular expression
        self.verif = verif
        ## Display this parameter from master app
        self.display = True
class SwapParam:
    Generic SWAP parameter, integrated into a SWAP register
    def getRegAddress(self):
        Return register address of the current parameter
        @return Register address
        return self.register.getAddress()

    def getRegId(self):
        Return register ID of the current parameter
        @return Register ID
        return self.register.id
    def update(self):
        Update parameter's value, posibly after a change in its parent register
        self.valueChanged = False
        if self.register is None:
            raise SwapException("Register not specified for current endpoint")

        # Keep old value
        oldParamVal = self.value.clone()
        # This is a particular case: endpoint is an ASCII string taking all the
        # register space
        if self.type in [SwapType.STRING, SwapType.BSTRING]:
            self.value = self.register.value
            # Current register value converted to list
            lstRegVal = self.register.value.toList()
            # Total bits to be copied
            indexReg = self.bytePos
            shiftReg = 7 - self.bitPos
            bitsToCopy = self.byteSize * 8 + self.bitSize
            # Current parameter value in list format
            lstParamVal = self.value.toList()
            if len(lstParamVal) == 0:
            indexParam = 0
            shiftParam = self.bitSize - 1
            if shiftParam < 0:
                shiftParam = 7
            for i in range(bitsToCopy):
                if indexReg >= len(lstRegVal):
                if (lstRegVal[indexReg] >> shiftReg) & 0x01 == 0:
                    mask = ~(1 << shiftParam)
                    lstParamVal[indexParam] &= mask
                    mask = 1 << shiftParam
                    lstParamVal[indexParam] |= mask
                shiftReg -= 1
                shiftParam -= 1
                # Register byte over?
                if shiftReg < 0:
                    indexReg += 1
                    shiftReg = 7
                # Parameter byte over?
                if shiftParam < 0:
                    indexParam += 1
                    shiftParam = 7
        # Did the value change?
        if not self.value.isEqual(oldParamVal):
            self.valueChanged = True
        # Update time stamp
        self.lastupdate = time.time()

    def setValue(self, value):
        Set parameter value

        @param value: New parameter value
        # Convert to SwapValue
        if value.__class__ is SwapValue:
            # Incorrect length?
            if self.value.getLength() != value.getLength():
            self.value = value
            # Byte length
            length = self.byteSize
            if self.bitSize > 0:
                length += 1
            if type(value) is list:
                res = value
            elif type(value) in [str, unicode]:
                if self.type == SwapType.NUMBER:
                        # Possible integer number
                        res = int(value)
                    except ValueError:
                            # Possible float number
                            res = float(value)
                        except ValueError:
                            raise SwapException(value + " is not a valid numeric value for " + self.name)
                elif self.type == SwapType.BINARY:
                    if value.lower() in ["on", "open", "1", "true", "enabled"]:
                        res = 1
                        res = 0
                else:   # SwapType.STRING, SwapType.BSTRING
                    res = value
                res = value
            if type(res) in [int, float]:
                if self.unit is not None:
                    res -= self.unit.offset
                    res /= self.unit.factor
                    # Convert to integer
                    res = int(res)
            self.value = SwapValue(res, length)
        # Update current value
        self.value = SwapValue(res, length)
        # Update time stamp
        self.lastupdate = time.time()

        # Update register value
    def getValueInAscii(self):
        Return value in ASCII string format
        @return Value in ASCII format
        if self.type == SwapType.NUMBER:
            val = self.value.toInteger()
            # Add units
            if self.unit is not None:                
                if self.unit.calc is not None:
                    oper = self.unit.calc.replace("${val}", str(val))
                        val = eval("math." + oper)
                    except ValueError as ex:
                        raise SwapException("Math exception for " + oper + ". " + str(ex))
                strVal = str(val * self.unit.factor + self.unit.offset)
                strVal = str(val)
        elif self.type == SwapType.BINARY:
            strVal = self.value.toAscii()
            if strVal == "1":
                strVal = "on"
            elif strVal == "0":
                strVal = "off"
        elif self.type == SwapType.BSTRING:
            strVal = self.value.toAsciiHex()
            strVal = self.value.toAsciiStr()
        return strVal
    def setUnit(self, strunit):
        Set unit for the current parameter
        @param strunit: new unit in string format
        if self.lstunits is None:
            raise SwapException("Parameter " + self.name + " does not support units")
        for unit in self.lstunits:
            if unit.name == strunit:
                self.unit = unit
        raise SwapException("Unit " + strunit + " not found")
    def __init__(self, register=None, pType=SwapType.NUMBER, direction=SwapType.INPUT, name="", position="0", size="1", default=None, verif=None, units=None):
        Class constructor

        @param register: Register containing this parameter
        @param pType: Type of SWAP endpoint (see SwapDefs.SwapType)
        @param direction: Input or output (see SwapDefs.SwapType)
        @param name: Short description about the parameter
        @param position: Position in bytes.bits within the parent register
        @param size: Size in bytes.bits
        @param default: Default value in string format
        @param verif: Verification string
        @param units: List of units
        ## Parameter name
        self.name = name
        ## Register where the current parameter belongs to
        self.register = register
        ## Data type (see SwapDefs.SwapType for more details)
        self.type = pType       
        ## Direction (see SwapDefs.SwapType for more details)
        self.direction = direction
        ## Position (in bytes) of the parameter within the register
        self.bytePos = 0
        ## Position (in bits) after bytePos
        self.bitPos = 0
        # Get true positions
        dot = position.find('.')
        if dot > -1:
            self.bytePos = int(position[:dot])
            self.bitPos = int(position[dot+1:])
            self.bytePos = int(position)

        ## Size (in bytes) of the parameter value
        self.byteSize = 1
        ## Size in bits of the parameter value after byteSize
        self.bitSize = 0
        # Get true sizes
        dot = size.find('.')
        if dot > -1:
            self.byteSize = int(size[:dot])
            self.bitSize = int(size[dot+1:])
            self.byteSize = int(size)

        ## Current value
        self.value = None
        ## Time stamp of the last update
        self.lastupdate = None
        ## List of units
        self.lstunits = units
        ## Selected unit
        self.unit = None
        if self.lstunits is not None and len(self.lstunits) > 0:
            self.unit = self.lstunits[0]

        # Set initial value
        if default is not None:

        ## Flag that tells us whether this parameter changed its value during the last update or not
        self.valueChanged = False
        ## Verification string. This can be a macro or a regular expression
        self.verif = verif
        ## Display this parameter from master app
        self.display = True