def get_hand_position_index(name): import StudioUICharaState from System import Array try: return Array.IndexOf(StudioUICharaState.handPtnAnimeName, name) except: return None
num_obj = ZenService.Analysis.AllParticles.RegionsCount frame = ZenService.Experiment.CurrentTimePointIndex # get current stage position XY of the image center imgX = ZenService.Analysis.AllParticles.ImageStageXPosition imgY = ZenService.Analysis.AllParticles.ImageStageYPosition # get current object positions array for all detected objects #posx = ZenService.Analysis.SingleParticle.CenterX #posy = ZenService.Analysis.SingleParticle.CenterY posx = ZenService.Analysis.SingleParticle.BoundCenterXStage posy = ZenService.Analysis.SingleParticle.BoundCenterYStage intensities = ZenService.Analysis.SingleParticle.IntensityMean_EGFP # get ID of the brightest detected particle ID = Array.IndexOf(intensities, max(intensities)) # move the stage ZenService.HardwareActions.SetStagePosition(posx[ID], posy[ID]) # create strings: POSX = createstr(posx) POSY = createstr(posy) INTS = createstr(intensities) # write positions to data log file logfile = ZenService.Xtra.System.AppendLogLine( str(frame) + '\t' + str(imgX) + '\t' + str(imgY) + '\t' + str(num_obj) + '\t' + POSX + '\t' + POSY + '\t' + INTS + '\t' + str(ID + 1) + '\t' + str(round(posy[ID], 2)) + '\t' + str(round(posy[ID], 2)))