def systemInfo(): verInfo = r"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" psKey = r"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\PowerShellEngine" sysPolKey = r"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" sysSummary = printHeader("SYSTEM INFORMATION") sysSummary += "{0:<10}: {1}\n".format("Host", Env.MachineName) sysSummary += "{0:<10}: {1} {2}\n".format("OS", Registry.GetValue(verInfo, "ProductName", "Windows"), Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Env.SystemDirectory + "\\kernel32.dll").ProductVersion) sysSummary += "{0:<10}: {1}\n".format("64-Bit", Env.Is64BitOperatingSystem) sysSummary += "{0:<10}: {1}\n".format("Date", DateTime.Now.ToString()) sysSummary += "{0:<10}: {1}\n\n".format("Uptime", DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now).AddMilliseconds(-Env.TickCount).LocalDateTime) sysSummary += "{0:<14}: {1}\{2}\n".format("Username", Env.UserDomainName, Env.UserName) sysSummary += "{0:<14}: {1}\n\n".format("Logon Server", Env.GetEnvironmentVariable("LOGONSERVER")) sysSummary += "{0:<22}: {1}\n".format("PowerShell Version", Registry.GetValue(psKey, "PowerShellVersion", "N/A - Likely 2.0")) sysSummary += "{0:<22}: {1}\n".format("PowerShell Compat", Registry.GetValue(psKey, "PSCompatibleVersion", "N/A - Likely 1.0, 2.0")) sysSummary += "{0:<22}: {1}\n".format("PS Script Block Log", Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ScriptBlockLogging", "EnableScriptBlockLogging", "N/A")) sysSummary += "{0:<22}: {1}\n".format("PS Transcription", Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\Transcription", "EnableTranscripting", "N/A")) sysSummary += "{0:<22}: {1}\n".format("PS Transcription Dir", Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\Transcription", "OutputDirectory", "N/A")) sysSummary += "{0:<22}: {1}\n\n".format("PS Module Logging", Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ModuleLogging", "EnableModuleLogging", "N/A")) sysSummary += "{0:<27}: {1}\n".format("UAC Enabled", Convert.ToBoolean(Registry.GetValue(sysPolKey, "EnableLUA", "N/A"))) sysSummary += "{0:<27}: {1}\n".format("High Integrity", WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()).IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator)) sysSummary += "{0:<27}: {1}\n".format("UAC Token Filter Disabled", Registry.GetValue(sysPolKey, "LocalAccount", False)) sysSummary += "{0:<27}: {1}\n".format("UAC Admin Filter Enabled", Registry.GetValue(sysPolKey, "FilterAdministratorToken", False)) sysSummary += "{0:<27}: {1}\n".format("Local Admin Pass Solution", Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft Services\AdmPwd", "AdmPwdEnabled", "N/A")) sysSummary += "{0:<27}: {1}\n".format("LSASS Protection", Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa", "RunAsPPL", "N/A")) sysSummary += "{0:<27}: {1}\n".format("Deny RDP Connections", Convert.ToBoolean(Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server", "FDenyTSConnections", "N/A"))) return sysSummary
def _get_map_value2(map, key, format=None): try: if str(type(map[key])) == "<type 'NSData'>": if format == 'str': return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(map[key].Bytes) if format == 'bool': return Convert.ToBoolean(map[key].Bytes) if format == 'int': return Convert.ToInt32(map[key].Bytes) return map[key].Bytes if format == 'data': return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str(map[key])) if format == 'bool': return bool(map[key]) if format == 'int': return int(str(map[key])) return str(map[key]) except: if format == 'bool': return False elif format == 'int': return 0 elif format == 'str': return "" elif format == 'data': return bytes(0)
def firewallStatus(): fwKey = r"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\ControlSet001\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy" fwSummary = printHeader("FIREWALL STATUS") fwSummary += "Standard: {0}\n".format( Convert.ToBoolean( Registry.GetValue(fwKey + "\StandardProfile", "EnableFirewall", "N/A"))) fwSummary += "Domain: {0}\n".format( Convert.ToBoolean( Registry.GetValue(fwKey + "\DomainProfile", "EnableFirewall", "N/A"))) fwSummary += "Public: {0}\n".format( Convert.ToBoolean( Registry.GetValue(fwKey + "\PublicProfile", "EnableFirewall", "N/A"))) #MAYBE TO-DO: Parse/print firewall rules '''rulesKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("System\ControlSet001\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\FirewallRules") rules = rulesKey.GetValueNames() for rule in rules: value = rulesKey.GetValue(rule) if "Active=TRUE" in value: valueDict = {} settings = value.split("|") for s in settings[1:-1]: k = s.split("=")[0] v = s.split("=")[1] valueDict[k] = v if 'LPort' in valueDict: print valueDict #fwSummary += "{0:<40}: {1}\n".format(rule, value)''' print fwSummary
def encode_job(self, job): random_bytes = Array.CreateInstance(Byte, 2) Random().NextBytes(random_bytes) data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(job)) with MemoryStream(data.Length) as initialStream: initialStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length) initialStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) with MemoryStream() as resultStream: with GZipStream(resultStream, CompressionMode.Compress) as zipStream: buffer = Array.CreateInstance(Byte, 4096) bytesRead = initialStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) zipStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead) while bytesRead != 0: bytesRead = initialStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) zipStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead) result = resultStream.ToArray() result[:2] = random_bytes return { Convert.ToBase64String(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray()).Substring( 0, 8): Convert.ToBase64String(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray()), "data": Convert.ToBase64String(result) }
def firewallStatus(): fwKey = r"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\ControlSet001\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy" fwSummary = printHeader("FIREWALL STATUS") fwSummary += "Standard: {0}\n".format(Convert.ToBoolean(Registry.GetValue(fwKey + "\StandardProfile", "EnableFirewall", "N/A"))) fwSummary += "Domain: {0}\n".format(Convert.ToBoolean(Registry.GetValue(fwKey + "\DomainProfile", "EnableFirewall", "N/A"))) fwSummary += "Public: {0}\n".format(Convert.ToBoolean(Registry.GetValue(fwKey + "\PublicProfile", "EnableFirewall", "N/A"))) return fwSummary
def urlEncode(value): unreserved = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_.~" sb = StringBuilder() bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value) for b in bytes: if b < 0x80 and unreserved.IndexOf(Convert.ToChar(b)) != -1: sb.Append(Convert.ToChar(b)) else: sb.Append('%' + String.Format("{0:X2}", Convert.ToInt32(b))) return sb.ToString()
def getFileLocation(f): filemd = get_quicktime_md(f) for key in filemd: if not key[-7:] == '_source': f.MetaData.Add(key, filemd [key], "Quicktime Metadata") mdDefGroup = MetaData.EXPORT_METADATA_GROUP_NAME if key == '': f.MetaData.Add("Record Time", TimeStamp(Convert.ToDateTime(filemd[key]), True).ToString(), mdDefGroup) elif key == '': f.MetaData.Add ("Camera Make", filemd [key], mdDefGroup) elif key == '': f.MetaData.Add ("Camera Model", filemd [key], mdDefGroup) elif key == '': f.MetaData.Add ("Camera Software", filemd [key], mdDefGroup) elif key == '': f.MetaData.Add ("Camera Identifier", filemd [key], mdDefGroup) elif key == '': f.MetaData.Add ("User Comment", filemd[key], mdDefGroup) elif key == '': f.MetaData.Add ("Location Name", filemd[key], mdDefGroup) if key == '': locval = parseLocation(filemd[key]) if locval is None: continue if '' in filemd: src_ind = filemd[''][0] mdSrc = f.Data.GetSubRange(src_ind, sum(map(len, locval))) if mdSrc is None: msSrc = MemoryRange() f.MetaData.Add("Lat/Lon/Elev", "%s/%s/%s" % tuple(locval), mdSrc, mdDefGroup) cLoc = Base.Location() cLoc.Deleted = f.Deleted cLoc.SourceType = LocationSourceType.Media cLoc.Coordinate = Base.Coordinate(float(locval[0]), float(locval[1]), float(locval[2])) cLoc.SourceFile = f.AbsolutePath # LinkModels(cLoc, f) if '' in filemd: src_ind = filemd[''][0] src_ind += len(locval[0]) if locval[2] is not None and len(locval[2]) > 1: src_ind += len(locval[1]) if '' in filemd: tsStr = filemd[''] cLoc.Time = TimeStamp(Convert.ToDateTime(tsStr), True) if '' in filemd: src = filemd[''] return cLoc return None
def check_key(key, src): rm = RijndaelManaged() rm.Key = Convert.FromBase64String(base64.b64encode(key)) rm.Mode = CipherMode.ECB rm.Padding = PaddingMode.None tr = rm.CreateDecryptor() data = src.Data bts = bts = Convert.FromBase64String(base64.b64encode(bts)) t_r = tr.TransformFinalBlock(bts, 0, 16) name = str(bytes(t_r)) print name if name != "SQLite format 3\0": return False return True
def combinedatetime(isdatei=None, istimei=None): import clr from System import DateTime from System import Convert dt = Convert.ToDateTime(isdatei + " " + istimei) return dt
def load_bool_from_xml(self, xmldoc, name): """Loads a bool with a specified node name from an XmlDocument and saves it to the attribute. The bool should be saved as: <name>true/false</name> xmldoc->The XmlDocment to load from. name->The attribute to save to and the root node name to load the bool from.""" if xmldoc.SelectSingleNode(name) is not None: setattr(self, name, Convert.ToBoolean(xmldoc.SelectSingleNode(name).InnerText))
def aes_decrypt(src, dst, key): rm = RijndaelManaged() rm.Key = Convert.FromBase64String(base64.b64encode(key)) rm.Mode = CipherMode.ECB rm.Padding = PaddingMode.None tr = rm.CreateDecryptor() f = open(dst, 'wb') data = src.Data sz = src.Size idx = 0 while idx < sz: bts = bts = Convert.FromBase64String(base64.b64encode(bts)) t_r = tr.TransformFinalBlock(bts, 0, 16) f.write(t_r) idx += 16 f.close()
def _get_map_value(map, key, format=None): try: if map.ContainsKey(key) == False: if format == 'bool': return False elif format == 'int': return 0 elif format == 'str': return "" elif format == 'data': return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("0") if hasattr(map[key], "Bytes"): if format == 'str': return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(map[key].Bytes) if format == 'bool': return Convert.ToBoolean(map[key].Bytes) if format == 'int': return Convert.ToInt32(map[key].Bytes) return map[key].Bytes if format == 'data': if hasattr(map[key], "Bytes"): return map[key].Bytes else: return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(map[key].ToString()) if format == 'bool': if hasattr(map[key], "ToBool"): return map[key].ToBool() else: return bool(map[key]) if format == 'int': if hasattr(map[key], "ToInt"): return map[key].ToInt() else: return Convert.ToInt32(map[key]) return map[key].ToString() except: if format == 'bool': return False elif format == 'int': return 0 elif format == 'str': return "" elif format == 'data': return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("0")
def run_script(self, data): script = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(data)) stream = MuhStream() engine = Python.CreateEngine() engine.Runtime.IO.SetOutput(stream, Encoding.UTF8) engine.Runtime.IO.SetErrorOutput(stream, Encoding.UTF8) #scope = engine.CreateScope() #scope.SetVariable("client", self) engine.Execute(script) return stream.string
def test_str_of_exception(): """Test the str() representation of an exception.""" from System import NullReferenceException, Convert, FormatException e = NullReferenceException('') assert str(e) == '' e = NullReferenceException('Something bad happened') assert str(e).startswith('Something bad happened') with pytest.raises(FormatException) as cm: Convert.ToDateTime('this will fail')
def getDate(val): try: if isinstance(val, DateTime): formatval = val else: formatval = Convert.ToDateTime(val) ModeDBG.say('\tval {0} formated: {1}'.format(val, formatval)) except: formatval = None ModeDBG.say('\tError with val {0}'.format(val)) return formatval
def GetNearestTree(): trees = [] for x in range(Engine.Player.X - 10, Engine.Player.X + 10): for y in range(Engine.Player.Y - 10, Engine.Player.Y + 10): statics = Statics.GetStatics( Convert.ChangeType(Engine.Player.Map, int), x, y) if statics == None: continue for s in statics: if s.Name.Contains("tree"): trees.append({'X': s.X, 'Y': s.Y}) return trees
def decode_job(self, job): buffer = Convert.FromBase64String(job['data']) buffer[:2] = Array[Byte](bytearray(b"\x1f\x8b")) with MemoryStream(buffer.Length) as compressedStream: compressedStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) compressedStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) with GZipStream(compressedStream, CompressionMode.Decompress) as zipStream: with MemoryStream() as resultStream: zipStream.CopyTo(resultStream) return JavaScriptSerializer().DeserializeObject( Encoding.UTF8.GetString(resultStream.ToArray()))
def testStrOfException(self): """Test the str() representation of an exception.""" from System import NullReferenceException from System import Convert, FormatException e = NullReferenceException('') self.failUnless(str(e) == '') e = NullReferenceException('Something bad happened') self.failUnless(str(e).startswith('Something bad happened')) try: Convert.ToDateTime('this will fail') except FormatException, e: self.failUnless(str(e).find('at System.DateTime.Parse') > -1)
def testStrOfException(self): """Test the str() representation of an exception.""" from System import NullReferenceException from System import Convert, FormatException e = NullReferenceException('') self.failUnlessEqual(str(e), '') e = NullReferenceException('Something bad happened') self.failUnless(str(e).startswith('Something bad happened')) try: Convert.ToDateTime('this will fail') except FormatException, e: msg = unicode(e).encode( "utf8") # fix for international installation self.failUnless(msg.find('System.Convert.ToDateTime') > -1, msg)
def test_str_of_exception(): """Test the str() representation of an exception.""" from System import NullReferenceException, Convert, FormatException e = NullReferenceException('') assert str(e) == '' e = NullReferenceException('Something bad happened') assert str(e).startswith('Something bad happened') with pytest.raises(FormatException) as cm: Convert.ToDateTime('this will fail') e = cm.value # fix for international installation msg = text_type(e).encode("utf8") fnd = text_type('System.Convert.ToDateTime').encode("utf8") assert msg.find(fnd) > -1, msg
def del_based_on_column_value(doc, column_name, remove_list, table_name='Active'): """Removes rows in datatable based on a list args: doc (Spotfire document instance): document to work with table_name (str): name of table to delete from column_name (str): name of column with criteria in remove_list (list): values of column that triggers delete """ from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import DataValueCursor from System import Convert table = get_table(doc, table_name) cursor = [] cursor = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(table.Columns[column_name]) rowfilter = findrowfilter(table) for row in table.GetRows(cursor): if Convert.ToString(cursor.CurrentValue) in remove_list: rowfilter.AddIndex(row.Index) printstr = '{} from column {}'.format(join_list(remove_list), column_name) _delete_rows_(table, rowfilter, printstr)
def onSpeech(): for process in Process.GetProcesses(): if process.ProcessName.Equals("BouyomiChan"): tcpClient = tryConnect("", 50001) if tcpClient is not None: ns = None bs = None bw = None bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text) try: ns = tcpClient.GetStream() bs = BufferedStream(ns) bw = BinaryWriter(bs) bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(0x0001)) bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(-1)) bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(-1)) bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(-1)) bw.Write(Convert.ToInt16(1)) bw.Write(Convert.ToByte(0)) bw.Write(Convert.ToInt32(bytes.Length)) bw.Write(bytes) finally: if bs is not None: bs.Close() if bw is not None: bw.Close() if ns is not None: ns.Close() tcpClient.Close() break
def onUpdate(): temp = 0 windSpeed = 0 windDeg = 0 weatherIdList = List[Double]() weatherPathHashSet = HashSet[String]() weatherStreamList = List[MemoryStream]() weatherConditionList = List[String]() if NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable(): try: request = WebRequest.Create(Uri(String.Concat("", urlEncode(location), "&units=metric&cnt=1"))) response = None stream = None streamReader = None try: nowDateTime = DateTime.Now response = request.GetResponse() stream = response.GetResponseStream() streamReader = StreamReader(stream) jsonDictionary = JsonDecoder.decode(streamReader.ReadToEnd()) if jsonDictionary is not None and clr.GetClrType(Dictionary[String, Object]).IsInstanceOfType(jsonDictionary) and jsonDictionary.ContainsKey("list") and jsonDictionary["list"] is not None and clr.GetClrType(Array).IsInstanceOfType(jsonDictionary["list"]): for obj in jsonDictionary["list"]: if obj is not None and clr.GetClrType(Dictionary[String, Object]).IsInstanceOfType(obj): if obj.ContainsKey("main") and obj["main"] is not None and clr.GetClrType(Dictionary[String, Object]).IsInstanceOfType(obj["main"]) and obj["main"].ContainsKey("temp"): temp = obj["main"]["temp"] if obj.ContainsKey("wind") and obj["wind"] is not None and clr.GetClrType(Dictionary[String, Object]).IsInstanceOfType(obj["wind"]): if obj["wind"].ContainsKey("speed"): windSpeed = obj["wind"]["speed"] if obj["wind"].ContainsKey("deg"): windDeg = obj["wind"]["deg"] if obj.ContainsKey("weather") and obj["weather"] is not None and clr.GetClrType(Array).IsInstanceOfType(obj["weather"]): for o in obj["weather"]: if o is not None and clr.GetClrType(Dictionary[String, Object]).IsInstanceOfType(o) and o.ContainsKey("id") and o["id"] is not None: weatherIdList.Add(o["id"]) for id in weatherIdList: digit = Convert.ToInt32(id / 100) path = None s = None if digit == 2: path = "Assets\\Cloud-Lightning.png" weatherConditionList.Add("Thunderstorm") elif digit == 3: path = "Assets\\Cloud-Drizzle.png" weatherConditionList.Add("Drizzle") elif digit == 5: d = Convert.ToInt32(id / 10) if d == 0: if nowDateTime.Hour > 6 and nowDateTime.Hour <= 18: path = "Assets\\Cloud-Rain-Sun.png" else: path = "Assets\\Cloud-Rain-Moon.png" else: path = "Assets\\Cloud-Rain.png" weatherConditionList.Add("Rain") elif digit == 6: path = "Assets\\Cloud-Snow.png" weatherConditionList.Add("Snow") elif digit == 7: path = "Assets\\Cloud-Fog.png" if Convert.ToInt32(id) == 701: weatherConditionList.Add("Mist") elif Convert.ToInt32(id) == 711: weatherConditionList.Add("Smoke") elif Convert.ToInt32(id) == 721: weatherConditionList.Add("Haze") elif Convert.ToInt32(id) == 731: weatherConditionList.Add("Dust") elif Convert.ToInt32(id) == 741: weatherConditionList.Add("Fog") elif digit == 8: if Convert.ToInt32(id) == 800: if nowDateTime.Hour > 6 and nowDateTime.Hour <= 18: path = "Assets\\Sun.png" weatherConditionList.Add("Sunny") else: path = "Assets\\Moon.png" weatherConditionList.Add("Clear") elif Convert.ToInt32(id) >= 801 and Convert.ToInt32(id) <= 803: if nowDateTime.Hour > 6 and nowDateTime.Hour <= 18: path = "Assets\\Cloud-Sun.png" else: path = "Assets\\Cloud-Moon.png" weatherConditionList.Add("Cloudy") elif Convert.ToInt32(id) == 804: path = "Assets\\Cloud.png" weatherConditionList.Add("Overcast") else: if Convert.ToInt32(id) == 900: path = "Assets\\Tornado.png" weatherConditionList.Add("Tornado") elif Convert.ToInt32(id) == 905: path = "Assets\\Wind.png" weatherConditionList.Add("Windy") elif Convert.ToInt32(id) == 906: path = "Assets\\Cloud-Hail.png" weatherConditionList.Add("Hail") if path is not None and weatherPathHashSet.Contains(path) == False: fs = None try: fs = FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read) ms = MemoryStream() buffer = Array.CreateInstance(Byte, fs.Length) bytesRead = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) while bytesRead > 0: ms.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead) bytesRead = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) weatherStreamList.Add(ms) finally: if fs is not None: fs.Close() weatherPathHashSet.Add(path) finally: if streamReader is not None: streamReader.Close() if stream is not None: stream.Close() if response is not None: response.Close() except Exception, e: Trace.WriteLine(e.clsException.Message) Trace.WriteLine(e.clsException.StackTrace)
def DownloadYr(spreadsheetPath, worksheetName, hours): """ <Script> <Author>ANK</Author> <Description>Download precipitation forecast from based on mapping in a spreadsheet</Description> <Parameters> <Parameter name="spreadsheetPath" type="string">Path to spreadsheet containing mapping to website</Parameter> <Parameter name="worksheetName" type="string">workshseet name</Parameter> <Parameter name="hours" type="int">number of hours to convert from UTC to local time</Parameter> </Parameters> </Script> """ try: # spreadsheetPath = '/DataCalculation/YR' if (spreadsheetPath[0] != '/'): spreadsheetPath = '/' + spreadsheetPath spreadsheet = spreadsheetMgr.OpenSpreadsheet(spreadsheetPath) rowNo = 1 # worksheetName = 'sheet1' while True: # There is one station on each row.. StationName = spreadsheetMgr.GetCellValue(spreadsheet, worksheetName, rowNo, 0) # Stop reading the spreadsheet when a row contains no station name. if (StationName == None or StationName == ''): break StationName = StationName.Trim() url = spreadsheetMgr.GetCellValue(spreadsheet, worksheetName, rowNo, 1).Trim() path = spreadsheetMgr.GetCellValue(spreadsheet, worksheetName, rowNo, 2) types = spreadsheetMgr.GetCellValue(spreadsheet, worksheetName, rowNo, 3).split(";") if url[-12:] != 'forecast.xml': if url[-1] != '/': url = url + '/' url = url + 'forecast.xml' _logprint('fetching data from for station ' + StationName) _logprint(url) response = urllib.urlopen(url) xml = _logprint("loading xml...") doc = XmlDocument() doc.LoadXml(xml) for typ in types: targetts = tsMgr.TimeSeriesList.Fetch(path) if targetts == None: targetts = tsMgr.TimeSeriesList.CreateNew(path) if typ == "precipitation": targetts.YAxisVariable = "Rainfall" elif typ == "pressure": targetts.YAxisVariable = "Pressure" targetts.SetYAxisUnit("hPa", False) elif typ == "windSpeed": targetts.YAxisVariable = "Wind speed" elif typ == "windDirection": targetts.YAxisVariable = "Wind Direction" elif typ == "temperature": targetts.YAxisVariable = "Temperature" else: targetts = targetts.Clone() vplist = [] t = "" forecast = doc.GetElementsByTagName("forecast")[0] table = forecast.GetElementsByTagName("tabular")[0] for t in table.GetElementsByTagName("time"): tim = t.Attributes["to"].Value p = t.GetElementsByTagName(typ)[0] precip = p.Attributes["value"].Value vp = targetts.CreateNew() vp.XValue = DateTime.Parse(tim).AddHours( hours) # convert to local time GMT +2 vp.YValue = Convert.ToDouble(precip, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) _logprint(" " + vp.XValue.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') + "; " + vp.YValue.ToString()) vplist.append(vp) targetts.SetData(vplist) TargetGroupPath = '/'.join(path.split('/')[0:-1]) targetts.Name = targetts.Name + "_" + typ _logprint("Copy " + targetts.Name + " to " + TargetGroupPath + " with " + str(targetts.Count) + " timesteps") tsMgr.CopyTimeSeries(targetts, TargetGroupPath, TimeSeriesCopyAction.CopyDataInPeriod) rowNo = rowNo + 1 _logprint("Done") except Exception, e: _logprint("ERROR: %s" % (str(e)))
def onLoaded(sender, args): time = 0 speed = task.Result.Value.Value.Key.Key * 1000 / 60 / 60 contentControl.Width = contentControl.ActualWidth * 1.5 if contentControl.ActualWidth > contentControl.ActualHeight else contentControl.ActualHeight * 1.5 contentControl.Height = contentControl.ActualWidth * 1.5 if contentControl.ActualWidth > contentControl.ActualHeight else contentControl.ActualHeight * 1.5 contentControl.RenderTransform.CenterX = contentControl.Width / 2 contentControl.RenderTransform.CenterY = contentControl.Height / 2 doubleAnimation1 = DoubleAnimation(contentControl.Opacity, 1, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)) doubleAnimation2 = DoubleAnimation(1.5, 1, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)) doubleAnimation3 = DoubleAnimation(1.5, 1, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)) doubleAnimation4 = DoubleAnimation(1, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)) doubleAnimation5 = DoubleAnimation(1, 1.5, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)) doubleAnimation6 = DoubleAnimation(1, 1.5, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)) sineEase1 = SineEase() sineEase2 = SineEase() sineEase1.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut sineEase2.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn doubleAnimation1.EasingFunction = doubleAnimation2.EasingFunction = doubleAnimation3.EasingFunction = sineEase1 doubleAnimation4.EasingFunction = doubleAnimation5.EasingFunction = doubleAnimation6.EasingFunction = sineEase2 doubleAnimation4.BeginTime = Nullable[TimeSpan](TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((250 * (max - 1) * 2 + 1000 + 3000) * task.Result.Value.Value.Value.Value.Count - 500)) doubleAnimation5.BeginTime = Nullable[TimeSpan](TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((250 * (max - 1) * 2 + 1000 + 3000) * task.Result.Value.Value.Value.Value.Count - 500)) doubleAnimation6.BeginTime = Nullable[TimeSpan](TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((250 * (max - 1) * 2 + 1000 + 3000) * task.Result.Value.Value.Value.Value.Count - 500)) storyboard.Children.Add(doubleAnimation1) storyboard.Children.Add(doubleAnimation2) storyboard.Children.Add(doubleAnimation3) storyboard.Children.Add(doubleAnimation4) storyboard.Children.Add(doubleAnimation5) storyboard.Children.Add(doubleAnimation6) Storyboard.SetTarget(doubleAnimation1, contentControl) Storyboard.SetTarget(doubleAnimation2, contentControl) Storyboard.SetTarget(doubleAnimation3, contentControl) Storyboard.SetTarget(doubleAnimation4, contentControl) Storyboard.SetTarget(doubleAnimation5, contentControl) Storyboard.SetTarget(doubleAnimation6, contentControl) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(doubleAnimation1, PropertyPath(ContentControl.OpacityProperty)) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(doubleAnimation2, PropertyPath("(0).(1)", ContentControl.RenderTransformProperty, ScaleTransform.ScaleXProperty)) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(doubleAnimation3, PropertyPath("(0).(1)", ContentControl.RenderTransformProperty, ScaleTransform.ScaleYProperty)) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(doubleAnimation4, PropertyPath(ContentControl.OpacityProperty)) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(doubleAnimation5, PropertyPath("(0).(1)", ContentControl.RenderTransformProperty, ScaleTransform.ScaleXProperty)) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(doubleAnimation6, PropertyPath("(0).(1)", ContentControl.RenderTransformProperty, ScaleTransform.ScaleYProperty)) for element1 in grid.Children: for element2 in element1.Children: w = element2.Width / 2 if speed > 15 else element2.Width / 2 * speed / 15; da1 = DoubleAnimation(element2.Opacity, 1, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)) da2 = DoubleAnimation(-w if Convert.ToInt32(task.Result.Value.Value.Key.Value / 180) % 2 == 0 else w, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)) da3 = DoubleAnimation(1, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)) da4 = DoubleAnimation(0, w if Convert.ToInt32(task.Result.Value.Value.Key.Value / 180) % 2 == 0 else -w, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)) se1 = SineEase() se2 = SineEase() da1.BeginTime = Nullable[TimeSpan](TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(time + 250 * element2.Tag)) da2.BeginTime = Nullable[TimeSpan](TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(time + 250 * element2.Tag)) da3.BeginTime = Nullable[TimeSpan](TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(time + 250 * element2.Tag * 2 + 250 * (max - 1) - 250 * element2.Tag + 3000)) da4.BeginTime = Nullable[TimeSpan](TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(time + 250 * element2.Tag * 2 + 250 * (max - 1) - 250 * element2.Tag + 3000)) se1.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut se2.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn da1.EasingFunction = da2.EasingFunction = se1 da3.EasingFunction = da4.EasingFunction = se2 storyboard.Children.Add(da1) storyboard.Children.Add(da2) storyboard.Children.Add(da3) storyboard.Children.Add(da4) Storyboard.SetTarget(da1, element2) Storyboard.SetTarget(da2, element2) Storyboard.SetTarget(da3, element2) Storyboard.SetTarget(da4, element2) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(da1, PropertyPath(Rectangle.OpacityProperty)) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(da2, PropertyPath("(0).(1)", Rectangle.RenderTransformProperty, TranslateTransform.XProperty)) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(da3, PropertyPath(Rectangle.OpacityProperty)) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(da4, PropertyPath("(0).(1)", Rectangle.RenderTransformProperty, TranslateTransform.XProperty)) time += 250 * (max - 1) + 1000 + 3000 storyboard.Begin()
# add z index table.SetValue(count, table.Columns.IndexOf('Z'), sb.Bounds.StartZ) # add channel index table.SetValue(count, table.Columns.IndexOf('C'), sb.Bounds.StartC) # add xyz position table.SetValue(count, table.Columns.IndexOf('X[micron]'), round(sb.Metadata.StageXPosition, 1)) table.SetValue(count, table.Columns.IndexOf('Y[micron]'), round(sb.Metadata.StageYPosition, 1)) table.SetValue(count, table.Columns.IndexOf('Z[micron]'), round(sb.Metadata.FocusPosition, 1)) try: # add timestamps ft = sb.Metadata.AcquisitionTime.ToFileTime() # convert to [sec] because ft is in 100ns intervals ft_sec = Convert.ToDouble(ft)/10000000.0 table.SetValue(count, table.Columns.IndexOf('Time' + tunit), ft_sec) except: table.SetValue(count, table.Columns.IndexOf('Time' + tunit), 0.0) # extra blank line for outout for better readability print('\n') # normalize the timestamps table = normalize_columns(table, 'Time' + tunit) # sort the table table = ZenTools.TableTools.SortColumn(table=table, columnname='Time' + tunit, option='asc')
def daysbetweenbreaks(mixdatei=None, mixtimei=None, breakdatei=None, breaktimei=None): from System import DateTime from System import TimeSpan from System import Convert import time import re daywithintolerance = False day = None dt = None break_message = 'Outside of time requirements ' if mixdatei and mixtimei and breakdatei and breaktimei: mt = is_time_format(mixtimei) bt = is_time_format(breaktimei) if mt and bt is True: mixdt = combinedatetime(mixdatei, mixtimei) breakdt = combinedatetime(breakdatei, breaktimei) if mixdt <= DateTime.Now and breakdt >= mixdt: dateduration = Convert.ToDateTime( breakdatei) - Convert.ToDateTime(mixdatei) dt = dateduration.Days duration = breakdt - mixdt durations = duration.TotalSeconds day = duration d = duration.Days h = duration.Hours m = duration.Minutes SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60 SECONDS_PER_HOUR = 3600 SECONDS_PER_DAY = 86400 dur = 0 duration_in_sec = duration.TotalSeconds # Total number of seconds between dates #84600-88200 24hr+-.5hr,255600-262800 d3+-1hr,594000-615600 d7+-3hrs,2376000-2462400 d28+-12hrs,4752000-4924800 d56+-24hrs seconds_range = [(84599, 88201), (255599, 262801), (593999, 615601), (2375999, 2462401), (4751999, 4924801)] for sr in seconds_range: for r in sr: if duration_in_sec in range(sr[0], sr[1]): daywithintolerance = True break_message = 'Inside of time requirements' day = duration.Days if day == 0 or day == 2 or day == 6 or day == 27 or day == 55: day = day + 1 elif day == 8 or day == 29 or day == 57: day = day - 1 else: day = day if d <= 1 and dt <= 2: if durations < 84600: dur = 84600 - durations elif durations > 88200: dur = durations - 88200 elif d >= 2 and dt <= 3 or dt == 4: if durations < 255600: dur = 255600 - durations elif durations > 262800: dur = durations - 262800 elif d >= 6 and dt <= 7 or dt == 8: if durations < 594000: dur = 594000 - durations elif durations > 615600: dur = durations - 615600 elif d >= 27 and dt == 28 or dt == 29: if durations < 2376000: dur = 2376000 - durations elif durations > 2462400: dur = durations - 2462400 elif d >= 55 and dt == 56 or dt == 57: if durations < 4752000: dur = 4752000 - durations elif durations > 4924800: dur = durations - 4924800 else: dur = durations days = dur / SECONDS_PER_DAY dur = dur % SECONDS_PER_DAY hours = dur / SECONDS_PER_HOUR dur = dur % SECONDS_PER_HOUR minutes = dur / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE dur = dur % SECONDS_PER_MINUTE d = int(dt) #d = int(days) h = int(hours) m = int(minutes) if daywithintolerance == True: day = str(day) elif h == 0 and m == 0: day = str(d) elif h == 0: day = str(d) + ' Mn:' + str(m) elif m == 0: day = str(d) + ' Hr:' + str(h) else: day = str(d) + ' Hr:' + str(h) + ' Mn:' + str(m) return day, day, break_message, daywithintolerance
from System.Reflection import Assembly from System.Text import Encoding from System import Array, Object, String, Convert, Console from System.IO import StreamWriter, MemoryStream encoded_assembly = "ASSEMBLY_BASE64" assembly = Assembly.Load(Convert.FromBase64String(encoded_assembly)) args = Array[Object]([Array[String](["ARGS"])]) # For some reason if we don't set the console output back to stdout after executing the assembly IronPython throws a fit orig_out = Console.Out orig_error = Console.Error with MemoryStream() as ms: with StreamWriter(ms) as sw: Console.SetOut(sw) Console.SetError(sw) assembly.EntryPoint.Invoke(None, args) sw.Flush() buffer = ms.ToArray() print Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) Console.SetOut(orig_out) Console.SetError(orig_error)
def determine_status(self): if self.statusSet: return # PMM CHECKS checks_sql = "SELECT TOP 20 * FROM [BackgroundChecks] WHERE [PeopleId] = @p1 AND " \ "DATEDIFF(DAY, DATEADD(YEAR, -10, GETDATE()), [Updated]) > 0 ORDER BY [Updated] DESC". \ format(self.person.PeopleId) for check in q.QuerySql(checks_sql, self.person.PeopleId): check_status = 0 if check.StatusID >= 2: # Check has begun check_status = check_status | self.Statuses['CHECK_STARTED'] if check.StatusID == 3: # Check is complete check_status = check_status | self.Statuses[ 'CHECK_COMPLETE'] if check.IssueCount == 0: check_status = check_status | self.Statuses[ 'REVIEW_COMPLETE'] | self.Statuses['PASSED'] else: check_status = check_status | self.Statuses[ 'REVIEW_COMPLETE'] # TODO: establish a means for checks to pass with issues. if check.ServiceCode == "" and check.ReportLabelID == 1: # PA Employee self.statusHis[ 'paEmp'] = self.statusHis['paEmp'] | check_status if DateTime.Compare(check.Updated, self.Renewals['paEmp']) > 0: self.statusExp[ 'paEmp'] = self.statusExp['paEmp'] | check_status if DateTime.Compare(check.Updated, self.Expirations['paEmp']) > 0: self.statusCur[ 'paEmp'] = self.statusCur['paEmp'] | check_status if check.ServiceCode == "ComboPS": # PA Volunteer self.statusHis[ 'paVol'] = self.statusHis['paVol'] | check_status if DateTime.Compare(check.Updated, self.Renewals['paVol']) > 0: self.statusExp[ 'paVol'] = self.statusExp['paVol'] | check_status if DateTime.Compare(check.Updated, self.Expirations['paVol']) > 0: self.statusCur[ 'paVol'] = self.statusCur['paVol'] | check_status if check.ServiceCode == "Combo" or check.ServiceCode == "ComboPS" or check.ServiceCode == "": # Basic self.statusHis[ 'basic'] = self.statusHis['basic'] | check_status if DateTime.Compare(check.Updated, self.Renewals['basic']) > 0: self.statusExp[ 'basic'] = self.statusExp['basic'] | check_status if DateTime.Compare(check.Updated, self.Expirations['basic']) > 0: self.statusCur[ 'basic'] = self.statusCur['basic'] | check_status # MINOR'S WAIVER if self.person.BirthYear is not None and self.person.BirthDate > self.Expirations[ 'isMin']: self.statusCur['isMin'] = self.Statuses['CHECK_STARTED'] | self.Statuses['CHECK_COMPLETE'] | \ self.Statuses['REVIEW_COMPLETE'] | self.Statuses['PASSED'] if self.person.BirthYear is not None and self.person.BirthDate > self.Renewals[ 'isMin']: self.statusExp['isMin'] = self.Statuses['CHECK_STARTED'] | self.Statuses['CHECK_COMPLETE'] | \ self.Statuses['REVIEW_COMPLETE'] | self.Statuses['PASSED'] # FBI Fingerprinting for doc in self.person.VolunteerForms: rx = Regex( "(?<docType>\w+)\s+(?<date>[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{4})", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) rm = rx.Match(doc.Name) if not rm.Success: continue if rm.Groups['docType'].Value.ToLower() == "fbi": dt = Convert.ToDateTime(rm.Groups['date'].Value) # TODO impose some form of verification here. check_status = self.Statuses['CHECK_STARTED'] | self.Statuses['CHECK_COMPLETE'] | \ self.Statuses['REVIEW_COMPLETE'] | self.Statuses['PASSED'] self.statusHis[ 'fingr'] = self.statusHis['fingr'] | check_status if DateTime.Compare(dt, self.Renewals['fingr']) > 0: self.statusExp[ 'fingr'] = self.statusExp['fingr'] | check_status if DateTime.Compare(dt, self.Expirations['fingr']) > 0: self.statusCur[ 'fingr'] = self.statusCur['fingr'] | check_status self.statusSet = True
def colorFromAhsb(a, h, s, b): if 0 > a or 255 < a: return Colors.Transparent if 0 > h or 360 < h: return Colors.Transparent if 0 > s or 1 < s: return Colors.Transparent if 0 > b or 1 < b: return Colors.Transparent; if 0 == s: return Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToByte(a), Convert.ToByte(b * Byte.MaxValue), Convert.ToByte(b * Byte.MaxValue), Convert.ToByte(b * Byte.MaxValue)) fMax = b - (b * s) + s if 0.5 < b else b + (b * s) fMin = b + (b * s) - s if 0.5 < b else b - (b * s) iSextant = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(h / 60.0)) if 300 <= h: h -= 360 h = h / 60.0 h -= 2 * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Floor(((iSextant + 1) % 6.0) / 2)) fMid = h * (fMax - fMin) + fMin if 0 == iSextant % 2 else fMin - h * (fMax - fMin) iMax = Convert.ToInt32(fMax * Byte.MaxValue) iMid = Convert.ToInt32(fMid * Byte.MaxValue) iMin = Convert.ToInt32(fMin * Byte.MaxValue) if iSextant == 1: return Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToByte(a), Convert.ToByte(iMid), Convert.ToByte(iMax), Convert.ToByte(iMin)) elif iSextant == 2: return Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToByte(a), Convert.ToByte(iMin), Convert.ToByte(iMax), Convert.ToByte(iMid)) elif iSextant == 3: return Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToByte(a), Convert.ToByte(iMin), Convert.ToByte(iMid), Convert.ToByte(iMax)) elif iSextant == 4: return Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToByte(a), Convert.ToByte(iMid), Convert.ToByte(iMin), Convert.ToByte(iMax)) elif iSextant == 5: return Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToByte(a), Convert.ToByte(iMax), Convert.ToByte(iMin), Convert.ToByte(iMid)) return Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToByte(a), Convert.ToByte(iMax), Convert.ToByte(iMid), Convert.ToByte(iMin))