def exercise3():
    """ Main function to run for Exercise 3.



    # Define and Setup your pendulum model here
    # Check Pendulum.py for more details on Pendulum class
    P_params = PendulumParameters()  # Instantiate pendulum parameters
    P_params.L = .5  # To change the default length of the pendulum
    P_params.mass = 5.  # To change the default mass of the pendulum
    pendulum = Pendulum(P_params)  # Instantiate Pendulum object

    #### CHECK OUT PendulumSystem.py to ADD PERTURBATIONS TO THE MODEL #####

    biolog.info('Pendulum model initialized \n {}'.format(

    # Define and Setup your pendulum model here
    # Check MuscleSytem.py for more details on MuscleSytem class
    M1_param = MuscleParameters()  # Instantiate Muscle 1 parameters
    M1_param.f_max = 1500  # To change Muscle 1 max force
    M2_param = MuscleParameters()  # Instantiate Muscle 2 parameters
    M2_param.f_max = 1500  # To change Muscle 2 max force
    M1 = Muscle(M1_param)  # Instantiate Muscle 1 object
    M2 = Muscle(M2_param)  # Instantiate Muscle 2 object
    # Use the MuscleSystem Class to define your muscles in the system
    muscles = MuscleSytem(M1, M2)  # Instantiate Muscle System with two muscles
    biolog.info('Muscle system initialized \n {} \n {}'.format(
        M1.parameters.showParameters(), M2.parameters.showParameters()))
    ########################################## 3a ########################################
    #    # Define a huge mass, such that the pendulum goes up to pi/2 and up t -pi/2
    #    P_params.mass = 15000.
    #    # Defines 3 different origins and 3 different insertions for each muscle
    #    origins1 = [-0.01, -0.05, -0.10, -0.15, -0.2]
    #    origins2 = map(lambda x: -(x), origins1)
    #    insertions1 = [-0.15, -0.20, -0.25, -0.30]
    #    insertions2 = insertions1[:] # Just for visibility
    #    legendsertion =np.array(['Insertion at -15 cm', 'Insertion at -20 cm', 'Insertion at -25 cm', 'Insertion at -30 cm'])
    #    legleg = np.array(['Insertion at -15 cm', 'Insertion at -15 cm', 'Insertion at -20 cm', 'Insertion at -20 cm', 'Insertion at -25 cm', 'Insertion at -25 cm', 'Insertion at -30 cm', 'Insertion at -30 cm'])
    #    cols = ('blue', 'red', 'olive', 'purple')
    ##    length1 = np.array()
    #    for o1,o2 in zip(origins1, origins2):
    #        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, sharex = True)
    #        fig.suptitle('Origin of muscles: o1 = {}, o2 = {}'.format(o1,o2), fontsize='26')
    #        for i,j in enumerate(insertions1):
    #            # Define Muscle Attachment points
    #            m1_origin = np.array([o1, 0.0])  # Origin of Muscle 1
    #            m1_insertion = np.array([0.0, j])  # Insertion of Muscle 1
    #            m2_origin = np.array([o2, 0.0])  # Origin of Muscle 2
    #            m2_insertion = np.array([0.0, j])  # Insertion of Muscle 2
    #            # Attach the muscles
    #            muscles.attach(np.array([m1_origin, m1_insertion]),
    #                           np.array([m2_origin, m2_insertion]))
    #            # Create a system with Pendulum and Muscles using the System Class
    #            # Check System.py for more details on System class
    #            sys = System()  # Instantiate a new system
    #            sys.add_pendulum_system(pendulum)  # Add the pendulum model to the system
    #            sys.add_muscle_system(muscles)  # Add the muscle model to the system
    #            ##### Time #####
    #            dt=0.01
    #            t_max = 1.  # Maximum simulation time
    #            time = np.arange(0., t_max, dt)  # Time vector
    #            ##### Model Initial Conditions #####
    #            x0_P = np.array([np.pi/2. - 0.00001,0.])  # Pendulum initial condition
    #            # Muscle Model initial condition
    #            x0_M = np.array([0., M1.l_CE, 0., M2.l_CE])
    #            x0 = np.concatenate((x0_P, x0_M))  # System initial conditions
    #            ##### System Simulation #####
    #            # For more details on System Simulation check SystemSimulation.py
    #            # SystemSimulation is used to initialize the system and integrate
    #            # over time
    #            sim = SystemSimulation(sys)  # Instantiate Simulation object
    #            # Add muscle activations to the simulation
    #            # Here you can define your muscle activation vectors
    #            # that are time dependent
    #            act1=np.ones((len(time),1))*0.05
    #            act2=np.ones((len(time),1))*0.05
    #            activations = np.hstack((act1, act2))
    #            # Method to add the muscle activations to the simulation
    #            sim.add_muscle_activations(activations)
    #            # Simulate the system for given time
    #            sim.initalize_system(x0, time)  # Initialize the system state
    #            # Integrate the system for the above initialized state and time
    #            sim.simulate()
    #            # Obtain the states of the system after integration
    #            # res is np.array [time, states]
    #            # states vector is in the same order as x0
    #            res = sim.results()
    #            # In order to obtain internal paramters of the muscle
    #            # Check SystemSimulation.py results_muscles() method for more information
    #            res_muscles = sim.results_muscles()
    #            length1 = np.array(map(lambda x: np.sqrt(o1**2. + j**2. + 2.*o1*j*np.sin(x)), res[:,1])) # muscle 1 length
    #            length2 = np.array(map(lambda x: np.sqrt(o2**2. + j**2. + 2.*o2*j*np.sin(x)), res[:,1])) # muscle 2 length
    #            # moment arm of muscles calculation
    #            h1lambda = np.array(map(lambda x: np.abs(o1)*np.abs(j)*np.cos(x), res[:,1]))
    #            h2lambda = np.array(map(lambda x: np.abs(o2)*np.abs(j)*np.cos(x), res[:,1]))
    #            h1 = h1lambda/length1
    #            h2 = h2lambda/length2
    #            # Plotting the result for the current origins
    #            ax1.plot(res[:, 1], length1)
    #            ax2.plot(res[:, 1], h1)
    #            if o1 == -0.1:
    #                plt.figure('Muscles\' moment arm for insertions at {} and {}'.format(o1, o2))
    #                if j == -0.15:
    #                    temp = 0.0
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h1, color=(1.0, temp, 0.0), linestyle = ':')
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h2, color=(temp, .5, 1.), linestyle = ':')
    #                elif j == -0.2:
    #                    temp = 0.3
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h1, color=(1.0, temp, 0.0), linestyle = '--')
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h2, color=(temp, .5, 1.), linestyle = '--')
    #                elif j == -0.25:
    #                    temp = 0.7
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h1, color=(1.0, temp, 0.0), linestyle = '-.')
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h2, color=(temp, .5, 1.), linestyle = '-.')
    #                else:
    #                    temp = 1.0
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h1, color=(1.0, temp, 0.0))
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h2, color=(temp, .5, 1.))
    #                plt.legend(legleg)
    #                plt.xlabel('Pendulum position [rad]', fontsize = '18')
    #                plt.ylabel('Muscle moment arm [m]', fontsize = '18')
    #                plt.title('Muscles\' moment arm for insertions at {} and {}.\nRedish = muscle 1 (left), Blueish = muscle 2 (right)'.format(o1, o2), fontsize='26')
    #                plt.grid('ON')
    #        ax1.legend(legendsertion)
    #        ax2.legend(legendsertion)
    #        ax1.set_xlabel('Position [rad]', fontsize='18')
    #        ax2.set_xlabel('Position [rad]', fontsize='18')
    #        ax1.set_ylabel('Muscle length [m]', fontsize='18') # Here we computed length 1 but muscle 2 has the same behaviour for identical params
    #        ax2.set_ylabel('Muscle moment arm [m]', fontsize='18')
    #        ax1.set_title('Muscle-tendon unit length in terms of pendulum position', fontsize='20')
    #        ax2.set_title('Muscle\'s moment arm', fontsize='20')
    #        ax1.grid()
    #        ax2.grid()
    ######################################## End OF 3a ########################################
    ########################################## 3b ########################################
    #    # Define a huge mass, such that the pendulum goes up to pi/2 and up t -pi/2
    #    P_params.mass = 1500.
    #    # Defines 3 different origins and 3 different insertions for each muscle
    #    origins1 = [-0.01, -0.05, -0.10, -0.15, -0.2]
    #    origins2 = map(lambda x: -(x), origins1)
    #    insertions1 = [-0.15, -0.20, -0.25, -0.30]
    #    insertions2 = insertions1[:] # Just for visibility
    #    legendsertion =np.array(['Insertion at -15 cm', 'Insertion at -20 cm', 'Insertion at -25 cm', 'Insertion at -30 cm'])
    #    legleg = np.array(['Insertion at -15 cm', 'Insertion at -15 cm', 'Insertion at -20 cm', 'Insertion at -20 cm', 'Insertion at -25 cm', 'Insertion at -25 cm', 'Insertion at -30 cm', 'Insertion at -30 cm'])
    #    cols = ('blue', 'red', 'olive', 'purple')
    ##    length1 = np.array()
    #    for o1,o2 in zip(origins1, origins2):
    #        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, sharex = True)
    #        fig.suptitle('Origin of muscles - passive: o1 = {}, o2 = {}'.format(o1,o2), fontsize='26')
    #        for i,j in enumerate(insertions1):
    #            # Define Muscle Attachment points
    #            m1_origin = np.array([o1, 0.0])  # Origin of Muscle 1
    #            m1_insertion = np.array([0.0, j])  # Insertion of Muscle 1
    #            m2_origin = np.array([o2, 0.0])  # Origin of Muscle 2
    #            m2_insertion = np.array([0.0, j])  # Insertion of Muscle 2
    #            # Attach the muscles
    #            muscles.attach(np.array([m1_origin, m1_insertion]),
    #                           np.array([m2_origin, m2_insertion]))
    #            # Create a system with Pendulum and Muscles using the System Class
    #            # Check System.py for more details on System class
    #            sys = System()  # Instantiate a new system
    #            sys.add_pendulum_system(pendulum)  # Add the pendulum model to the system
    #            sys.add_muscle_system(muscles)  # Add the muscle model to the system
    #            ##### Time #####
    #            dt=0.01
    #            t_max = 1.  # Maximum simulation time
    #            time = np.arange(0., t_max, dt)  # Time vector
    #            ##### Model Initial Conditions #####
    #            x0_P = np.array([np.pi/2. - 0.00001,0.])  # Pendulum initial condition
    #            # Muscle Model initial condition
    #            x0_M = np.array([0., M1.l_CE, 0., M2.l_CE])
    #            x0 = np.concatenate((x0_P, x0_M))  # System initial conditions
    #            ##### System Simulation #####
    #            # For more details on System Simulation check SystemSimulation.py
    #            # SystemSimulation is used to initialize the system and integrate
    #            # over time
    #            sim = SystemSimulation(sys)  # Instantiate Simulation object
    #            # Add muscle activations to the simulation
    #            # Here you can define your muscle activation vectors
    #            # that are time dependent
    #            act1=np.ones((len(time),1))*0.00 # Passive muscles, unactivated.
    #            act2=np.ones((len(time),1))*0.00
    #            activations = np.hstack((act1, act2))
    #            # Method to add the muscle activations to the simulation
    #            sim.add_muscle_activations(activations)
    #            # Simulate the system for given time
    #            sim.initalize_system(x0, time)  # Initialize the system state
    #            # Integrate the system for the above initialized state and time
    #            sim.simulate()
    #            # Obtain the states of the system after integration
    #            # res is np.array [time, states]
    #            # states vector is in the same order as x0
    #            res = sim.results()
    #            # In order to obtain internal paramters of the muscle
    #            # Check SystemSimulation.py results_muscles() method for more information
    #            res_muscles = sim.results_muscles()
    #            length1 = np.array(map(lambda x: np.sqrt(o1**2. + j**2. + 2.*o1*j*np.sin(x)), res[:,1])) # muscle 1 length
    #            length2 = np.array(map(lambda x: np.sqrt(o2**2. + j**2. + 2.*o2*j*np.sin(x)), res[:,1])) # muscle 2 length
    #            # moment arm of muscles calculation
    #            h1lambda = np.array(map(lambda x: np.abs(o1)*np.abs(j)*np.cos(x), res[:,1]))
    #            h2lambda = np.array(map(lambda x: np.abs(o2)*np.abs(j)*np.cos(x), res[:,1]))
    #            h1 = h1lambda/length1
    #            h2 = h2lambda/length2
    #            # Plotting the result for the current origins
    #            ax1.plot(res[:, 1], length1)
    #            ax2.plot(res[:, 1], h1)
    #            if o1 == -0.1:
    #                plt.figure('Muscles\' moment arm for insertions at {} and {} - passive'.format(o1, o2))
    #                if j == -0.15:
    #                    temp = 0.0
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h1, color=(1.0, temp, 0.0), linestyle = ':')
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h2, color=(temp, .5, 1.), linestyle = ':')
    #                elif j == -0.2:
    #                    temp = 0.3
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h1, color=(1.0, temp, 0.0), linestyle = '--')
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h2, color=(temp, .5, 1.), linestyle = '--')
    #                elif j == -0.25:
    #                    temp = 0.7
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h1, color=(1.0, temp, 0.0), linestyle = '-.')
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h2, color=(temp, .5, 1.), linestyle = '-.')
    #                else:
    #                    temp = 1.0
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h1, color=(1.0, temp, 0.0))
    #                    plt.plot(res[:, 1], h2, color=(temp, .5, 1.))
    #                plt.legend(legleg)
    #                plt.xlabel('Pendulum position [rad]', fontsize = '18')
    #                plt.ylabel('Muscle moment arm [m]', fontsize = '18')
    #                plt.title('Muscles\' moment arm for insertions at {} and {} - passive.\nRedish = muscle 1 (left), Blueish = muscle 2 (right)'.format(o1, o2), fontsize='26')
    #                plt.grid('ON')
    #        ax1.legend(legendsertion)
    #        ax2.legend(legendsertion)
    #        ax1.set_xlabel('Position [rad]', fontsize='18')
    #        ax2.set_xlabel('Position [rad]', fontsize='18')
    #        ax1.set_ylabel('Muscle length [m]', fontsize='18') # Here we computed length 1 but muscle 2 has the same behaviour for identical params
    #        ax2.set_ylabel('Muscle moment arm [m]', fontsize='18')
    #        ax1.set_title('Muscle-tendon unit length in terms of pendulum position', fontsize='20')
    #        ax2.set_title('Muscle\'s moment arm', fontsize='20')
    #        ax1.grid()
    #        ax2.grid()
    ######################################## End OF 3b ########################################
    ######################################## Part 3c,d,e,f ##########################################

    LC = True  # Limit Cycle ON => LC True, Limit Cyle OFF => LC False

    if LC == True:
        P_params.mass = 10.
        P_params.mass = 100.

    # For point 3f, we changed max forces up here (line 55 and 57)

    # Define Muscle Attachment points
    m1_origin = np.array([-0.17, 0.0])  # Origin of Muscle 1
    m1_insertion = np.array([0.0, -0.17])  # Insertion of Muscle 1

    m2_origin = np.array([0.17, 0.0])  # Origin of Muscle 2
    m2_insertion = np.array([0.0, -0.17])  # Insertion of Muscle 2

    # Attach the muscles
    muscles.attach(np.array([m1_origin, m1_insertion]),
                   np.array([m2_origin, m2_insertion]))

    # Create a system with Pendulum and Muscles using the System Class
    # Check System.py for more details on System class
    sys = System()  # Instantiate a new system
    sys.add_pendulum_system(pendulum)  # Add the pendulum model to the system
    sys.add_muscle_system(muscles)  # Add the muscle model to the system

    ##### Time #####

    dt = 0.01
    t_max = 5.  # Maximum simulation time
    time = np.arange(0., t_max, dt)  # Time vector

    ##### Model Initial Conditions #####
    x0_P = np.array([2 * np.pi / 6., 0.])  # Pendulum initial condition

    # Muscle Model initial condition
    x0_M = np.array([0., M1.l_CE, 0., M2.l_CE])

    x0 = np.concatenate((x0_P, x0_M))  # System initial conditions

    ##### System Simulation #####
    # For more details on System Simulation check SystemSimulation.py
    # SystemSimulation is used to initialize the system and integrate
    # over time

    sim = SystemSimulation(sys)  # Instantiate Simulation object

    # Add muscle activations to the simulation
    # Here you can define your muscle activation vectors
    # that are time dependent

    act1 = np.arange(0., t_max, dt)
    act2 = np.arange(0., t_max, dt)

    if LC == True:
        act1 = (np.sin(2. * np.pi / t_max * 5. * act1) +
                1.) * .5  # acts = time
        act2 = (
            -np.sin(2. * np.pi / t_max * 5. * act2) + 1.
        ) * .5  # by increasing frequency, we don't let the time to gravity to make its office and contribute to the system's equilibrium, so the amplitude of the pendulum diminues.
        act1 = act1.reshape(len(act1), 1)
        act2 = act2.reshape(len(act2), 1)
        act1 = np.ones((len(time), 1)) * 0.25
        act2 = np.ones((len(time), 1)) * 0.25

    activations = np.hstack((act1, act2))
    # Method to add the muscle activations to the simulation


    # Simulate the system for given time

    sim.initalize_system(x0, time)  # Initialize the system state

    # Integrate the system for the above initialized state and time

    # Obtain the states of the system after integration
    # res is np.array [time, states]
    # states vector is in the same order as x0
    res = sim.results()

    # In order to obtain internal paramters of the muscle
    # Check SystemSimulation.py results_muscles() method for more information
    res_muscles = sim.results_muscles()

    # Plotting the results
    #    plt.title('Pendulum Phase')
    plt.title('Limit cycle behaviour for a max force of {} N'.format(M1.F_max),
    #    plt.plot(res[:, 1], res[:, 2])
    plt.plot(time, res[:, 1])
    #    plt.xlabel('Position [rad]')
    #    plt.ylabel('Velocity [rad.s]')
    plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
    plt.ylabel('Pendulum position [rad]')

    # Plotting activation
    legact = ("Muscle 1 - left", "Muscle 2 - right")
    #    plt.title('Pendulum Phase')
    plt.title('Muscle activation patterns', fontsize='22')
    #    plt.plot(res[:, 1], res[:, 2])
    plt.plot(time, act1, color='red')
    plt.plot(time, act2, color='green')
    #    plt.xlabel('Position [rad]')
    #    plt.ylabel('Velocity [rad.s]')
    plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
    plt.ylabel('Activation [-]')

    if DEFAULT["save_figures"] is False:
        figures = plt.get_figlabels()
        biolog.debug("Saving figures:\n{}".format(figures))
        for fig in figures:

    # To animate the model, use the SystemAnimation class
    # Pass the res(states) and systems you wish to animate
    simulation = SystemAnimation(res, pendulum, muscles)
    # To start the animation
def exercise4():
    """ Main function to run for Exercise 3.


    # Define and Setup your pendulum model here
    # Check Pendulum.py for more details on Pendulum class
    P_params = PendulumParameters()  # Instantiate pendulum parameters
    P_params.L = 0.5  # To change the default length of the pendulum
    P_params.mass = 1.  # To change the default mass of the pendulum
    pendulum = Pendulum(P_params)  # Instantiate Pendulum object

    #### CHECK OUT Pendulum.py to ADD PERTURBATIONS TO THE MODEL #####

    biolog.info('Pendulum model initialized \n {}'.format(

    # Define and Setup your pendulum model here
    # Check MuscleSytem.py for more details on MuscleSytem class
    M1_param = MuscleParameters()  # Instantiate Muscle 1 parameters
    M1_param.f_max = 1500  # To change Muscle 1 max force
    M2_param = MuscleParameters()  # Instantiate Muscle 2 parameters
    M2_param.f_max = 1500  # To change Muscle 2 max force
    M1 = Muscle(M1_param)  # Instantiate Muscle 1 object
    M2 = Muscle(M2_param)  # Instantiate Muscle 2 object
    # Use the MuscleSystem Class to define your muscles in the system
    muscles = MuscleSytem(M1, M2)  # Instantiate Muscle System with two muscles
    biolog.info('Muscle system initialized \n {} \n {}'.format(

    # Define Muscle Attachment points
    m1_origin = np.array([-0.10, 0.0])  # Origin of Muscle 1
    m1_insertion = np.array([0.0, -0.17])  # Insertion of Muscle 1

    m2_origin = np.array([0.17, 0.0])  # Origin of Muscle 2
    m2_insertion = np.array([0.0, -0.10])  # Insertion of Muscle 2

    # Attach the muscles
    muscles.attach(np.array([m1_origin, m1_insertion]),
                   np.array([m2_origin, m2_insertion]))

    ##### Neural Network #####
    # The network consists of four neurons
    N_params = NetworkParameters()  # Instantiate default network parameters
    N_params.D = 1.  # To change a network parameter
    # Similarly to change w -> N_params.w = (4x4) array

    # Create a new neural network with above parameters
    neural_network = NeuralSystem(N_params)

    # Create system of Pendulum, Muscles and neural network using SystemClass
    # Check System.py for more details on System class
    sys = System()  # Instantiate a new system
    sys.add_pendulum_system(pendulum)  # Add the pendulum model to the system
    sys.add_muscle_system(muscles)  # Add the muscle model to the system
    # Add the neural network to the system

    ##### Time #####
    t_max = 20.  # Maximum simulation time
    time = np.arange(0., t_max, 0.001)  # Time vector

    ##### Model Initial Conditions #####
    x0_P = np.array([0., 0.])  # Pendulum initial condition

    # Muscle Model initial condition
    x0_M = np.array([0., M1.l_CE, 0., M2.l_CE])

    x0_N = np.array([-0.5, 1, 0.5, 1])  # Neural Network Initial Conditions

    x0 = np.concatenate((x0_P, x0_M, x0_N))  # System initial conditions

    ##### System Simulation #####
    # For more details on System Simulation check SystemSimulation.py
    # SystemSimulation is used to initialize the system and integrate
    # over time

    sim = SystemSimulation(sys)  # Instantiate Simulation object

    # Add external inputs to neural network
    heaviside=np.heaviside(time - np.mean(time),0.5)
    sim.add_external_inputs_to_network(h4) # Activates the external drive to its max (1)
    # sim.add_external_inputs_to_network(ext_in)

    sim.initalize_system(x0, time)  # Initialize the system state

    # Integrate the system for the above initialized state and time

    # Obtain the states of the system after integration
    # res is np.array [time, states]
    # states vector is in the same order as x0
    res = sim.results()

    # In order to obtain internal paramters of the muscle
    # Check SystemSimulation.py results_muscles() method for more information
    res_muscles = sim.results_muscles()

    # Plotting the results
    plt.title('Pendulum Phase',fontsize = '18')
    plt.plot(res[:, 1], res[:, 2])
    plt.xlabel('Position [rad]',fontsize = '16')
    plt.ylabel('Velocity [rad/s]', fontsize = '16')

    if DEFAULT["save_figures"] is False:
        figures = plt.get_figlabels()
        biolog.debug("Saving figures:\n{}".format(figures))
        for fig in figures:

    # To animate the model, use the SystemAnimation class
    # Pass the res(states) and systems you wish to animate
    simulation = SystemAnimation(res, pendulum, muscles, neural_network)
    # To start the animation
        # Plotting the results
    plt.figure('Time & Phase')
#    plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
    plt.ylabel('Pos. [rad]',fontsize = '16')
    plt.title('Position',fontsize = '18')
    plt.title('Velocity',fontsize = '18')
    plt.xlabel('Time [s]',fontsize = '16')
    plt.ylabel('Vel [rad/s]',fontsize = '16')