def test_json_importer(self): '''Test system.json_import() importer''' jdata = '{"mainworld": "{\\"trade_codes\\": [\\"Ni\\"], \\"travel_code\\": \\"\\", \\"is_mainworld\\": true, \\"mainworld_type\\": \\"Planet\\", \\"parent_type\\": null, \\"orbit_around_parent\\": null, \\"uwp\\": \\"E510423-8\\", \\"orbit\\": 7, \\"bases\\": \\"\\"}", "worlds": 5, "allegiance": "Na", "stellar": "{\\"decimal\\": 2, \\"companion\\": \\"{\\\\\\"habitable_zone\\\\\\": 7, \\\\\\"spectral_type\\\\\\": \\\\\\"A\\\\\\", \\\\\\"companion\\\\\\": null, \\\\\\"decimal\\\\\\": 7, \\\\\\"size\\\\\\": \\\\\\"V\\\\\\"}\\", \\"habitable_zone\\": 7, \\"spectral_type\\": \\"A\\", \\"secondaries\\": {}, \\"size\\": \\"V\\"}", "Ix": "{-3}", "name": "", "zone": "", "Cx": "[511C]", "hex": "0000", "pbg": "001", "bases": "", "Ex": "(A31+2)", "nobility": "B"}' s_data = json.loads(jdata) system = System() system.json_import(jdata) self.assertTrue(s_data['name'] == self.assertTrue(s_data['hex'] == system.hex) self.assertTrue(s_data['bases'] == system.bases) self.assertTrue(s_data['allegiance'] == system.allegiance) self.assertTrue(s_data['worlds'] == system.num_worlds) self.assertTrue(s_data['Ix'] == str(system.importance_x)) self.assertTrue(s_data['Ex'] == str(system.economic_x)) self.assertTrue(s_data['Cx'] == str(system.cultural_x)) self.assertTrue(s_data['pbg'] == str(system.pbg))
def test_owning_system_sector(self): '''Test owning system (sector)''' # Sector data - 0105 is the owned world, 0308 should be the owning world sector = Sector('Test sector') sector.hexes = {} s_data = [ '{"mainworld": "{\\"trade_codes\\": [\\"Ni\\", \\"O:0101\\"],' + \ '\\"travel_code\\": \\"\\",' + \ '\\"is_mainworld\\": true,' + \ '\\"mainworld_type\\": \\"Planet\\",' + \ '\\"parent_type\\": null,' + \ '\\"orbit_around_parent\\": null,' + \ '\\"uwp\\": \\"E9D8665-7\\",' + \ '\\"orbit\\": 3,' + \ '\\"bases\\": \\"\\"}",' + \ '"worlds": 4,' + \ '"allegiance": "Na",' + \ '"stellar": "{\\"decimal\\": 3,' + \ '\\"companion\\": null,' + \ '\\"habitable_zone\\": 3,' + \ '\\"spectral_type\\": \\"G\\",' + \ '\\"secondaries\\": {},' + \ '\\"size\\": \\"V\\"}",' + \ '"Ix": "{-3}",' + \ '"name": "Name-0105A",' + \ '"zone": "",' + \ '"Cx": "[5349]",' + \ '"hex": "0105",' + \ '"pbg": "202",' + \ '"bases": "",' + \ '"Ex": "(753+1)",' + \ '"nobility": "B"}', '{"mainworld": "{\\"trade_codes\\": [\\"De\\", \\"Hi\\",' + \ '\\"In\\", \\"Po\\", \\"Tz\\"],' + \ '\\"travel_code\\": \\"\\",' + \ '\\"is_mainworld\\": true,' + \ '\\"mainworld_type\\": \\"Planet\\",' + \ '\\"parent_type\\": null,' + \ '\\"orbit_around_parent\\": null,' + \ '\\"uwp\\": \\"B140987-A\\",' + \ '\\"orbit\\": 0,' + \ '\\"bases\\": \\"\\"}",' + \ '"worlds": 5,' + \ '"allegiance": "Na",' + \ '"stellar": "{\\"decimal\\": 0,' + \ '\\"companion\\": null,' + \ '\\"habitable_zone\\": 0,' + \ '\\"spectral_type\\": \\"M\\",' + \ '\\"secondaries\\": {},' + \ '\\"size\\": \\"III\\"}",' + \ '"Ix": "{+4}",' + \ '"name": "Name-0308A",' + \ '"zone": "",' + \ '"Cx": "[ED17]",' + \ '"hex": "0308",' + \ '"pbg": "103",' + \ '"bases": "",' + \ '"Ex": "(A8A+1)",' + \ '"nobility": "BEf"}', '{"mainworld": "{\\"trade_codes\\": [\\"Hi\\", \\"In\\"],' + \ '\\"travel_code\\": \\"\\",' + \ '\\"is_mainworld\\": true,' + \ '\\"mainworld_type\\": \\"Planet\\",' + \ '\\"parent_type\\": null,' + \ '\\"orbit_around_parent\\": null,' + \ '\\"uwp\\": \\"A54598A-C\\",' + \ '\\"orbit\\": 2,' + \ '\\"bases\\": \\"\\"}",' + \ '"worlds": 5,' + \ '"allegiance": "Na",' + \ '"stellar": "{\\"decimal\\": 0,' + \ '\\"companion\\": null,' + \ '\\"habitable_zone\\": 2,' + \ '\\"spectral_type\\": \\"K\\",' + \ '\\"secondaries\\": {},' + \ '\\"size\\": \\"V\\"}",' + \ '"Ix": "{+4}",' + \ '"name": "Name-0805A",' + \ '"zone": "",' + \ '"Cx": "[5D4C]",' + \ '"hex": "0805",' + \ '"pbg": "403",' + \ '"bases": "N",' + \ '"Ex": "(98A+3)",' + \ '"nobility": "BEf"}', '{"mainworld": "{\\"trade_codes\\": [\\"Ni\\", \\"Ag\\", \\"Pr\\"],' + \ '\\"travel_code\\": \\"\\",' + \ '\\"is_mainworld\\": true,' + \ '\\"mainworld_type\\": \\"Planet\\",' + \ '\\"parent_type\\": null,' + \ '\\"orbit_around_parent\\": null,' + \ '\\"uwp\\": \\"B588510-8\\",' + \ '\\"orbit\\": 3,' + \ '\\"bases\\": \\"\\"}",' + \ '"worlds": 9,' + \ '"allegiance": "Na",' + \ '"stellar": "{\\"decimal\\": 7,' + \ '\\"companion\\": null,' + \ '\\"habitable_zone\\": 3,' + \ '\\"spectral_type\\": \\"G\\",' + \ '\\"secondaries\\": {},' + \ '\\"size\\": \\"V\\"}",' + \ '"Ix": "{+0}",' + \ '"name":' + \ '"Name-0702A",' + \ '"zone": "",' + \ '"Cx": "[7567]",' + \ '"hex": "0702",' + \ '"pbg": "802",' + \ '"bases": "",' + \ '"Ex": "(B41-1)",' + \ '"nobility": "BcC"}' ] for dta in s_data: system = System() system.json_import(dta) sector.hexes[system.hex] = system self.assertTrue(sector.find_owning_system('0105') == '0308') sector.trade_code_owning_system() self.assertTrue('O:0308' in sector.hexes['0105'].mainworld.trade_codes) for _ in sector.t5_tab(): print(_)