    def get_A_ijR(self, G, R, iatom, jatom):
        """ calculate A from G for a energy slice (de).
        It take the
        .. math::
           A^{uv} = p T^u p T^v dE / pi

        where u, v are I, x, y, z (index 0, 1,2,3). p(i) = self.get_P_iatom(iatom)
        T^u(ijR)  (u=0,1,2,3) = pauli_block_all(G)

        :param G: Green's function for all R, i, j.
        :param iatom: i
        :param jatom: j
        :param de:  energy step. used for integeration
        :returns: a matrix of A_ij(u, v), where u, v =(0)0, x(1), y(2), z(3)
        :rtype:  4*4 matrix
        GR = G[R]
        Gij = self.GR_atom(GR, iatom, jatom)
        Gij_Ixyz = pauli_block_all(Gij)

        # G(j, i, -R)
        Rm = tuple(-x for x in R)
        GRm = G[Rm]
        Gji = self.GR_atom(GRm, jatom, iatom)
        Gji_Ixyz = pauli_block_all(Gji)

        tmp = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=complex)
        for a in range(4):
            pGp = self.get_P_iatom(iatom) @ Gij_Ixyz[a] @ self.get_P_iatom(
            for b in range(4):
                AijRab = np.matmul(pGp, Gji_Ixyz[b])
                tmp[a, b] = np.trace(AijRab)
        return tmp / np.pi
文件: exchange.py 项目: mailhexu/TB2J
    def get_A_ijR(self, G, R, iatom, jatom):
        """ calculate A from G for a energy slice (de).
        It take the
        .. math::
           A^{uv} = p T^u p T^v dE / pi

        where u, v are I, x, y, z (index 0, 1,2,3). p(i) = self.get_P_iatom(iatom)
        T^u(ijR)  (u=0,1,2,3) = pauli_block_all(G)

        :param G: Green's function for all R, i, j.
        :param iatom: i
        :param jatom: j
        :param de:  energy step. used for integeration
        :returns: a matrix of A_ij(u, v), where u, v =(0)0, x(1), y(2), z(3)
        :rtype:  4*4 matrix
        GR = G[R]
        Gij = self.GR_atom(GR, iatom, jatom)
        Gij_Ixyz = pauli_block_all(Gij)

        # G(j, i, -R)
        Rm = tuple(-x for x in R)
        GRm = G[Rm]
        Gji = self.GR_atom(GRm, jatom, iatom)
        Gji_Ixyz = pauli_block_all(Gji)

        ni = self.norb_reduced[iatom]
        nj = self.norb_reduced[jatom]

        tmp = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=complex)

        if self.orb_decomposition:
            torb = np.zeros((4, 4, ni, nj), dtype=complex)
            # a, b in (0,x,y,z)
            for a in range(4):
                piGij = self.get_P_iatom(iatom) @ Gij_Ixyz[a]
                for b in range(4):
                    pjGji = self.get_P_iatom(jatom) @ Gji_Ixyz[b]
                    torb[a, b] = self.simplify_orbital_contributions(
                        np.einsum('ij, ji -> ij', piGij, pjGji) / np.pi, iatom,
                    tmp[a, b] = np.sum(torb[a, b])

            for a in range(4):
                pGp = self.get_P_iatom(iatom) @ Gij_Ixyz[a] @ self.get_P_iatom(
                for b in range(4):
                    AijRab = pGp @ Gji_Ixyz[b]
                    tmp[a, b] = np.trace(AijRab) / np.pi
            torb = None
        return tmp, torb
    def get_A_ijR(self, G, iatom, jatom, de):
        """ calculate A from G for a energy slice (de).
        It take the
        .. math::
           A^{uv} = p T^u p T^v dE / pi

        where u, v are I, x, y, z (index 0, 1,2,3). p(i) = self.get_P_iatom(iatom)
        T^u(ijR)  (u=0,1,2,3) = pauli_block_all(G)

        :param G: Green's function for all R, i, j.
        :param iatom: i
        :param jatom: j
        :param de:  energy step. used for integeration
        :returns: a matrix of A_ij(u, v), where u, v =(0)0, x(1), y(2), z(3)
        :rtype:  4*4 matrix
        for R in self.R_ijatom_dict:
            # G[i, j, R]
            GR = G[R]
            if (iatom, jatom) in self.R_ijatom_dict[R]:
                Gij = self.GR_atom(GR, iatom, jatom)
                # GijR , I, x, y, z component.
                if self.tbmodel.is_siesta:
                    Gij_Ixyz = pauli_block_all_wrongy(Gij)
                    Gij_Ixyz = pauli_block_all(Gij)
                # G(j, i, -R)
                Rm = tuple(-x for x in R)
                GRm = G[Rm]
                Gji = self.GR_atom(GRm, jatom, iatom)

                if self.tbmodel.is_siesta:
                    Gji_Ixyz = pauli_block_all_wrongy(Gji)
                    Gji_Ixyz = pauli_block_all(Gji)
                tmp = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=complex)
                for a in range(4):
                    for b in range(4):
                        AijRab = np.matmul(
                            np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(iatom), Gij_Ixyz[a]),
                            np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(jatom), Gji_Ixyz[b]))
                        # trace over orb
                        tmp[a, b] = np.trace(AijRab)
                # Note: the full complex, rather than Re or Im part is stored into A_ijR.
                self.A_ijR[(R, iatom, jatom)] += tmp * de / np.pi
文件: exchange.py 项目: kcbhamu/TB2J
 def get_rho_atom(self):
     calculate charge and spin for each atom.
     rho = {}
     self.charges = np.zeros(len(self.atoms), dtype=float)
     self.spinat = np.zeros((len(self.atoms), 3), dtype=float)
     for iatom in self.orb_dict:
         iorb = self.iorb(iatom)
         tmp = self.rho[np.ix_(iorb, iorb)]
         # *2 because there is a 1/2 in the paui_block_all function
         rho[iatom] = np.array(
             [np.trace(x) * 2 for x in pauli_block_all(tmp)])
         self.charges[iatom] = np.real(rho[iatom][0])
         self.spinat[iatom, :] = np.real(rho[iatom][1:])
     self.rho_dict = rho
     return self.rho_dict
    def get_A_ijR(self, G, dG, iatom, jatom, de):
        """ calculate A from G for a energy slice (de).
        It take the
        .. math::
           A^{uv} = p T^u p T^v dE / pi

        where u, v are I, x, y, z (index 0, 1,2,3). p(i) = self.get_P_iatom(iatom)
        T^u(ijR)  (u=0,1,2,3) = pauli_block_all(G)

        :param G: Green's function for all R, i, j.
        :param iatom: i
        :param jatom: j
        :param de:  energy step. used for integeration
        :returns: a matrix of A_ij(u, v), where u, v =(0)0, x(1), y(2), z(3)
        :rtype:  4*4 matrix

        for R in self.Rlist:
            # G[i, j, R]
            GR = G[R]
            Gij = self.GR_atom(GR, iatom, jatom)
            # GijR , I, x, y, z component.
            Gij_Ixyz = pauli_block_all(Gij)

            # G(j, i, -R)
            Rm = tuple(-x for x in R)
            GRm = G[Rm]
            Gji = self.GR_atom(GRm, jatom, iatom)
            Gji_Ixyz = pauli_block_all(Gji)

            dGR = dG[R]
            dGij = self.GR_atom(dGR, iatom, jatom)
            # GijR , I, x, y, z component.
            dGij_Ixyz = pauli_block_all(dGij)

            # G(j, i, -R)
            Rm = tuple(-np.array(R))
            dGRm = dG[Rm]
            dGji = self.GR_atom(dGRm, jatom, iatom)
            dGji_Ixyz = pauli_block_all(dGji)

            tmp1 = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=complex)
            tmp2 = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=complex)
            tmp3 = np.zeros((4, 4), dtype=complex)
            for a in range(4):
                for b in range(4):
                    AijRab = np.matmul(
                        np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(iatom), Gij_Ixyz[a]),
                        np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(jatom), Gji_Ixyz[b]))

                    A1 = np.matmul(
                        np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(iatom), dGij_Ixyz[a]),
                        np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(jatom), Gji_Ixyz[b]))
                    A2 = np.matmul(
                        np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(iatom), Gij_Ixyz[a]),
                        np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(jatom), dGji_Ixyz[b]))
                    A3 = np.matmul(
                        np.matmul(self.get_dP_iatom(iatom), Gij_Ixyz[a]),
                        np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(jatom), Gji_Ixyz[b]))
                    A4 = np.matmul(
                        np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(iatom), Gij_Ixyz[a]),
                        np.matmul(self.get_dP_iatom(jatom), Gji_Ixyz[b]))
                    AOijRab = A1 + A2 + A3 + A4

                    if False:
                        B1 = np.matmul(
                            np.matmul(self.get_dP_iatom(iatom), dGij_Ixyz[a]),
                            np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(jatom), Gji_Ixyz[b]))
                        B2 = np.matmul(
                            np.matmul(self.get_dP_iatom(iatom), Gij_Ixyz[a]),
                            np.matmul(self.get_dP_iatom(jatom), Gji_Ixyz[b]))
                        B3 = np.matmul(
                            np.matmul(self.get_dP_iatom(iatom), Gij_Ixyz[a]),
                            np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(jatom), dGji_Ixyz[b]))
                        B4 = np.matmul(
                            np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(iatom), dGij_Ixyz[a]),
                            np.matmul(self.get_dP_iatom(jatom), Gji_Ixyz[b]))
                        B5 = np.matmul(
                            np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(iatom), dGij_Ixyz[a]),
                            np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(jatom), dGji_Ixyz[b]))

                        B6 = np.matmul(
                            np.matmul(self.get_P_iatom(iatom), Gij_Ixyz[a]),
                            np.matmul(self.get_dP_iatom(jatom), dGji_Ixyz[b]))
                        tmp3[a, b] = np.trace(B1 + B2 + B3 + B4 + B5 + B6)

                    # trace over orb
                    tmp1[a, b] = np.trace(AijRab)
                    tmp2[a, b] = np.trace(AOijRab)
            # Note: the full complex, rather than Re or Im part is stored into A_ijR.
            self.A_ijR[(R, iatom, jatom)] += tmp1 * de / np.pi
            self.AO_ijR[(R, iatom, jatom)] += tmp2 * de / np.pi
            self.AT_ijR[(R, iatom, jatom)] += tmp3 * de / np.pi