dirpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/Images'
timestart = time()
speedfactor = 0.6
speedlimit = 70
turnspeedlimit = 60

###################  Setup Bluetooth   #############################

oldvals = [0, 0, 0, 0]
sendcount = 0
bd_addr = '98:D3:91:FD:46:C9'  # use: 'hcitool scan' to scan for your T-Bot address
port = 1

#btcom = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr,port,'PyBluez')
btcom = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr, port, 'Socket')

#port = 'COM5'
#port = '/dev/tty.George-DevB'
#baudrate = 38400
#btcom = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr,port,'PySerial',baudrate)

###################  Screen Text Class #############################

class TextPrint(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, 15)

    def tprint(self, screen, textString):
#--------------------  Define functions  ------------------------------#
geom = geometry.geometry(1)  # scale factor to convert pixels to mm

#--------------------- Setup Bluetooth --------------------------------#
data = [0, 0, 0, 0]
sendcount = 0

#               For Linux / Raspberry Pi
bd_addr = '98:D3:51:FD:81:AC'  # use: 'hcitool scan' to scan for your T-Bot address
#bd_addr = '98:D3:51:FD:82:95' # George
#bd_addr = '98:D3:91:FD:46:C9' # B
#bd_addr = '98:D3:32:21:3D:77'
port = 1
btcom = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr, port,
                       'PyBluez')  # PyBluez works well for the Raspberry Pi
#btcom = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr,port,'Socket')

#               For Windows and Mac
#port = 'COM5'
#port = '/dev/tty.George-DevB'
#baudrate = 38400
#bd_addr = 'Empty'
#btcom = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr,port,'PySerial',baudrate)
#----------------------  Setup the Camera  ----------------------------#

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_AUTOFOCUS, 0)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 720)
#                     For Linux / Raspberry Pi

#bd_addr = '98:D3:51:FD:81:AC' # use: 'hcitool scan' to scan for your T-Bot address
#bd_addr = '98:D3:32:21:3D:77'
bd_addr = '98:D3:91:FD:46:C9'  # B
#bd_addr = '98:D3:32:21:3D:A2' # Foxy
#bd_addr = '98:D3:91:FD:46:9C' # T-Bot
#bd_addr = '98:D3:32:21:3D:77' # Cinemon
#bd_addr = '98:D3:51:FD:82:95' # 	George
bd_addr = '98:D3:71:FD:44:F7'

port = 1
btcom = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr, port, 'PyBluez')
#btcom = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr,port,'Socket')

#                       For Windows and Mac

#port = 'COM5'
#port = '/dev/tty.George-DevB'
#baudrate = 38400
#bd_addr = 'Empty'
#btcom = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr,port,'PySerial',baudrate)

#------------------     Define some colors  ---------------------------#

BLACK = pygame.Color('black')
data1 = [0, 0, 0, 0]
data2 = [0, 0, 0, 0]
sendcount1 = 0
sendcount2 = 0
#               For Linux / Raspberry Pi
#    use: 'hcitool scan' to scan for your T-Bot address
#    Note: you will have to connect to the T-Bot using your
#    system's bluetooth application using the 1234 as the password

bd_addr2 = '98:D3:71:FD:46:9C'  # Trailblazer
bd_addr = '98:D3:51:FD:82:95'  # George

port = 1
btcom1 = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr, port,
                        'PyBluez')  # PyBluez works well for the Raspberry Pi
btcom2 = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr2, port,
                        'Socket')  # PyBluez works well for the Raspberry Pi
#btcom = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr,port,'Socket')

#               For Windows and Mac
#port = 'COM5'
#port = '/dev/tty.George-DevB'
#baudrate = 38400
#bd_addr = 'Empty'
#btcom = tbt.bt_connect(bd_addr,port,'PySerial',baudrate)

#-----------------------   Start main loop ----------------------------#