import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import scipy.optimize as opt

import as tiff
from import tvips

# define in/outfile name and energy steps 
pattern = "/path/to/energy_calibration/img%d.tif";
series  = [pattern%i for i in range(329,350) if i <> 342]
dE      = 5;       # energy steps in eV 
outfile = "Ecalibration.tif";

# get image dimensions and energy list
image = tvips.load_TVIPS(series[0]);
Ny,Nx = image.shape
Ns    = len(series);
E     = np.arange(0,Ns*dE,dE); # energies

# iterate over all images and extract EELS spectrum
x0 = np.zeros(Ns);             # center of spectrum
dx = np.zeros(Ns);             # width of spectrum
spectra = np.zeros((Ns,Ny+1)); # extracted EELS spectra

for s in range(Ns):
  image = tvips.load_TVIPS(series[s]);       # shape Ny times Nx
  assert np.allclose(image.shape, (Ny,Nx));

  # determine position of spectrum along x-axis by fitting
  xline = np.sum(image,axis=0); 
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import scipy.optimize as opt

import as tiff
from import tvips

# define in/outfile name and energy steps
pattern = "/path/to/energy_calibration/img%d.tif"
series = [pattern % i for i in range(329, 350) if i <> 342]
dE = 5
# energy steps in eV
outfile = "Ecalibration.tif"

# get image dimensions and energy list
image = tvips.load_TVIPS(series[0])
Ny, Nx = image.shape
Ns = len(series)
E = np.arange(0, Ns * dE, dE)
# energies

# iterate over all images and extract EELS spectrum
x0 = np.zeros(Ns)
# center of spectrum
dx = np.zeros(Ns)
# width of spectrum
spectra = np.zeros((Ns, Ny + 1))
# extracted EELS spectra

for s in range(Ns):
    image = tvips.load_TVIPS(series[s])
import _set_pkgdir
import glob;
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
from import binning
from import tvips
import as tiff

# define infile name and binning along y-direction (E-axis)
pattern = "/path/to/q_calibration/img%d.tif";
files   = [pattern%i for i in range(344,345)]
ybin    = 64;
for filename in files:

  image = tvips.load_TVIPS(filename)     # img[iy,ix]
  #image = tiff.imread(filename).astype(np.float64);
  if ~np.allclose(image.shape, (4096,4096)): 
    raise IOError("Unexpected image size in file '%s'"%filename); 
  medimg= sig.medfilt2d(image,kernel_size=3); # filtering 
  binimg= binning(medimg,ybin);          # binning along y
  #binimg = binning(binimg.T,32).T;      # binning along x

  outfile = filename.split(".tif")[0]+"_filt_bin%d.tif"%ybin;


# use TEMareels package specified in _set_pkgdir (overrides PYTHONPATH)
import _set_pkgdir
import glob
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
from import binning
from import tvips
import as tiff

# define infile name and binning along y-direction (E-axis)
pattern = "/path/to/q_calibration/img%d.tif"
files = [pattern % i for i in range(344, 345)]
ybin = 64

for filename in files:

    image = tvips.load_TVIPS(filename)  # img[iy,ix]
    #image = tiff.imread(filename).astype(np.float64);
    if ~np.allclose(image.shape, (4096, 4096)):
        raise IOError("Unexpected image size in file '%s'" % filename)
    medimg = sig.medfilt2d(image, kernel_size=3)
    # filtering
    binimg = binning(medimg, ybin)
    # binning along y
    #binimg = binning(binimg.T,32).T;      # binning along x

    outfile = filename.split(".tif")[0] + "_filt_bin%d.tif" % ybin
    tiff.imsave(outfile, binimg.astype(np.float32))
# reference image for alignment
ref_file = files[0];       # first image as anchor
box = [0,500,1550,2050];

# reference position for stripe substraction
intstart =[150,1025,2700,3800];
intwidth = 200;

# outlier options
radius = 1;
abs_thresh = 30;
rel_thresh = 1;

ref_img = tvips.load_TVIPS(ref_file)
#ref_img = ref_img.repeat(8,axis=0).repeat(8,axis=1); # for testing
ref = ref_img[box[0]:box[1],box[2]:box[3]];
stack  = [];

outliers       = True; # remove outliers
stripes        = True; # remove stripes
alignment      = True; # align images

final = np.zeros(shape=(4096,4096))
imgcounter = 0;

for filename in files:

 img = tvips.load_TVIPS(filename)
# reference image for alignment
ref_file = files[0]
# first image as anchor
box = [0, 500, 1550, 2050]

# reference position for stripe substraction
intstart = [150, 1025, 2700, 3800]
intwidth = 200

# outlier options
radius = 1
abs_thresh = 30
rel_thresh = 1

ref_img = tvips.load_TVIPS(ref_file)
#ref_img = ref_img.repeat(8,axis=0).repeat(8,axis=1); # for testing
ref = ref_img[box[0]:box[1], box[2]:box[3]]
stack = []

outliers = True
# remove outliers
stripes = True
# remove stripes
alignment = True
# align images

final = np.zeros(shape=(4096, 4096))
imgcounter = 0