    def write_values(self, cube_name, cellset_as_dict, dimensions=None):
        """ Write values in cube.  
        For cellsets with > 1000 cells look into "write_values_through_cellset"

        :param cube_name: name of the cube
        :param cellset_as_dict: {(elem_a, elem_b, elem_c): 243, (elem_d, elem_e, elem_f) : 109}
        :param dimensions: optional. Dimension names in their natural order. Will speed up the execution!
        :return: Response
        if not dimensions:
            from TM1py.Services import CubeService
            cube_service = CubeService(self._rest)
            dimensions = cube_service.get_dimension_names(cube_name)
        request = "/api/v1/Cubes('{}')/tm1.Update".format(cube_name)
        updates = []
        for element_tuple, value in cellset_as_dict.items():
            body_as_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
            body_as_dict["Cells"] = [{}]
            body_as_dict["Cells"][0]["*****@*****.**"] = \
                ["Dimensions('{}')/Hierarchies('{}')/Elements('{}')".format(dim, dim, elem)
                 for dim, elem in zip(dimensions, element_tuple)]
            body_as_dict["Value"] = str(value) if value else ""
            updates.append(json.dumps(body_as_dict, ensure_ascii=False))
        updates = '[' + ','.join(updates) + ']'
        return self._rest.POST(request=request, data=updates)
 def get_dimension_names_for_writing(self, cube_name):
     from TM1py.Services import CubeService
     cube_service = CubeService(self._rest)
     dimensions = cube_service.get_dimension_names(cube_name)
     # do not return sandbox dimension as first dimension, as it can't be used in address tuple for writing
     if case_and_space_insensitive_equals(dimensions[0],
         return dimensions[1:]
     return dimensions
 def get_value(self, cube_name, element_string, dimensions=None):
     """ Element_String describes the Dimension-Hierarchy-Element arrangement
     :param cube_name: Name of the cube
     :param element_string: "Hierarchy1::Element1 && Hierarchy2::Element4, Element9, Element2"
         - Dimensions are not specified! They are derived from the position.
         - The , seperates the element-selections
         - If more than one hierarchy is selected per dimension && splits the elementselections
         - If no Hierarchy is specified. Default Hierarchy will be addressed
     :param dimensions: List of dimension names in correct order
     mdx_template = "SELECT {} ON ROWS, {} ON COLUMNS FROM [{}]"
     mdx_rows_list = []
     from TM1py.Services.CubeService import CubeService
     if not dimensions:
         dimensions = CubeService(self._rest).get(cube_name).dimensions
     element_selections = element_string.split(',')
     # Build the ON ROWS statement:
     # Loop through the comma seperated element selection, except for the last one
     for dimension_name, element_selection in zip(dimensions[:-1],
         if "&&" not in element_selection:
             mdx_rows_list.append("{[" + dimension_name + "].[" +
                                  dimension_name + "].[" +
                                  element_selection + "]}")
             for element_selection_part in element_selection.split('&&'):
                 hierarchy_name, element_name = element_selection_part.split(
                 mdx_rows_list.append("{[" + dimension_name + "].[" +
                                      hierarchy_name + "].[" +
                                      element_name + "]}")
     mdx_rows = "*".join(mdx_rows_list)
     # Build the ON COLUMNS statement from last dimension
     mdx_columns = ""
     if "&&" not in element_selections[-1]:
         mdx_columns = "{[" + dimensions[-1] + "].[" + dimensions[
             -1] + "].[" + element_selections[-1] + "]}"
         mdx_columns_list = []
         for element_selection_part in element_selections[-1].split('&&'):
             hierarchy_name, element_name = element_selection_part.split(
             mdx_columns_list.append("{[" + dimensions[-1] + "].[" +
                                     hierarchy_name + "].[" + element_name +
             mdx_columns = "*".join(mdx_columns_list)
     # Construct final MDX
     mdx = mdx_template.format(mdx_rows, mdx_columns, cube_name)
     # Execute MDX
     cellset = dict(self.execute_mdx(mdx))
     return next(iter(cellset.values()))["Value"]
    def write_values(self, cube_name, cellset_as_dict):
        """ Write values in cube.  
        Easy to use but doesnt scale. Not suitable for cellsets with > 1000 cells 

        :param cube_name: name of the cube
        :param cellset_as_dict: {(elem_a, elem_b, elem_c): 243, (elem_d, elem_e, elem_f) : 109}
        cube_service = CubeService(self._rest)
        dimension_order = cube_service.get_dimension_names(cube_name)
        request = "/api/v1/Cubes('{}')/tm1.Update".format(cube_name)
        updates = []
        for element_tuple, value in cellset_as_dict.items():
            body_as_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
            body_as_dict["Cells"] = [{}]
            body_as_dict["Cells"][0]["*****@*****.**"] = \
                ["Dimensions('{}')/Hierarchies('{}')/Elements('{}')".format(dim, dim, elem)
                 for dim, elem in zip(dimension_order, element_tuple)]
            body_as_dict["Value"] = str(value)
            updates.append(json.dumps(body_as_dict, ensure_ascii=False))
        updates = '[' + ','.join(updates) + ']'
        self._rest.POST(request=request, data=updates)
    def write_value(self, value, cube_name, element_tuple, dimensions=None):
        """ Write value into cube at specified coordinates

        :param value: the actual value
        :param cube_name: name of the target cube
        :param element_tuple: target coordinates
        :param dimensions: optional. Dimension names in their natural order. Will speed up the request!
        :return: response
        if not dimensions:
            dimensions = CubeService(self._rest).get(cube_name).dimensions
        request = "/api/v1/Cubes('{}')/tm1.Update".format(cube_name)
        body_as_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
        body_as_dict["Cells"] = [{}]
        body_as_dict["Cells"][0]["*****@*****.**"] = \
            ["Dimensions('{}')/Hierarchies('{}')/Elements('{}')".format(dim, dim, elem)
             for dim, elem in zip(dimensions, element_tuple)]
        body_as_dict["Value"] = str(value)
        data = json.dumps(body_as_dict, ensure_ascii=False)
        return self._rest.POST(request=request, data=data)
 def __init__(self, rest):
     self._cube_service = CubeService(rest)
class AnnotationService(ObjectService):
    """ Service to handle Object Updates for TM1 CellAnnotations
    def __init__(self, rest):
        self._cube_service = CubeService(rest)

    def get_all(self, cube_name):
        """ get all annotations from given cube as a List.
        :param cube_name:
        :return: list of instances of TM1py.Annotation
        request = "/api/v1/Cubes('{}')/Annotations?$expand=DimensionalContext($select=Name)".format(cube_name)
        response = self._rest.GET(request, '')
        annotations_as_dict = json.loads(response)['value']
        annotations = [Annotation.from_json(json.dumps(element)) for element in annotations_as_dict]
        return annotations

    def create(self, annotation):
        """ create an Annotation
            :param annotation: instance of TM1py.Annotation
            :return string: the response
        request = "/api/v1/Annotations"

        payload = collections.OrderedDict()
        payload["Text"] = annotation.text
        payload["ApplicationContext"] = [{"*****@*****.**": "ApplicationContextFacets('}Cubes')",
                                          "Value": annotation.object_name}]
        payload["*****@*****.**"] = []
        for dimension, element in zip(self._cube_service.get_dimension_names(annotation.object_name),
                                                            .format(dimension, dimension, element))
        payload['objectName'] = annotation.object_name
        payload['commentValue'] = annotation.comment_value
        payload['commentType'] = 'ANNOTATION'
        payload['commentLocation'] = ','.join(annotation.dimensional_context)
        response = self._rest.POST(request, json.dumps(payload, ensure_ascii=False))
        return response

    def get(self, annotation_id):
        """ get an annotation from any cube in TM1 Server through its id
            :param annotation_id: String, the id of the annotation
                Annotation: an instance of TM1py.Annoation
        request = "/api/v1/Annotations('{}')?$expand=DimensionalContext($select=Name)".format(annotation_id)
        annotation_as_json = self._rest.GET(request=request)
        return Annotation.from_json(annotation_as_json)

    def update(self, annotation):
        """ update Annotation on TM1 Server
            :param annotation: instance of TM1py.Annotation
                updateable attributes:
        request = "/api/v1/Annotations('{}')".format(annotation.id)
        return self._rest.PATCH(request=request, data=annotation.body)

    def delete(self, annotation_id):
        """ delete Annotation on TM1 Server
            :param annotation_id: string, the id of the annotation
                string: the response
        request = "/api/v1/Annotations('{}')".format(annotation_id)
        return self._rest.DELETE(request=request)