def handle(self, *args, **options): num_partners = options["num"][0] tag_list = [ "science_tag", "humanities_tag", "social-sciences_tag", "history_tag", "law_tag", "video_tag", "multidisciplinary_tag", ] coordinators = User.objects.filter(groups__name="coordinators") for _ in range(num_partners): partner = PartnerFactory( company_location=random.choice(list(countries)), renewals_available=random.choice([True, False]), send_instructions=Faker( random.choice(settings.FAKER_LOCALES) ).paragraph(nb_sentences=2), coordinator=random.choice(coordinators), real_name=self.chance(True, False, 40), country_of_residence=self.chance(True, False, 20), specific_title=self.chance(True, False, 10), specific_stream=self.chance(True, False, 10), occupation=self.chance(True, False, 10), affiliation=self.chance(True, False, 10), agreement_with_terms_of_use=self.chance(True, False, 10), mutually_exclusive=False, ) # ManyToMany relationships can't be set until the partner object has # been created. random_languages = random.sample( list(Language.objects.all()), random.randint(1, 2) ) for lang in random_languages: partner.languages.add(lang) new_tags = {} partner_tags = [] for tag in random.sample(tag_list, random.randint(1, 4)): partner_tags.append(tag) new_tags["tags"] = partner_tags partner.new_tags = new_tags all_partners = Partner.even_not_available.all() # Set 5 partners to need a registration URL. We do this separately # because it requires both the account_email and registration_url # fields to be set concurrently. for registration_partner in random.sample(list(all_partners), 5): registration_partner.account_email = True registration_partner.registration_url = Faker( random.choice(settings.FAKER_LOCALES) ).uri() # While most fields can be set at random, we want to make sure we # get partners with certain fields set to particular values. # Set 5 random partners to be unavailable for unavailable_partner in random.sample(list(all_partners), 5): unavailable_partner.status = Partner.NOT_AVAILABLE # Set 5% random partners to have excerpt limit in words for words in random.sample(list(all_partners), 10): words.excerpt_limit = random.randint(100, 250) # Set 5% random partners to have excerpt limit in words for percentage in random.sample(list(all_partners), 10): percentage.excerpt_limit_percentage = random.randint(5, 50) # Set 1 random partner to have excerpt limits both in words and percentage for percentage_words in random.sample(list(all_partners), 1): percentage_words.excerpt_limit_percentage = random.randint(5, 50) percentage_words.excerpt_limit = random.randint(100, 250) available_partners = all_partners.exclude(status=Partner.NOT_AVAILABLE) # Set 10 random available partners to be waitlisted for waitlisted_partner in random.sample(list(available_partners), 10): waitlisted_partner.status = Partner.WAITLIST # Set 25 random partners to have a long description for long_description in random.sample(list(all_partners), 25): long_description.description = Faker( random.choice(settings.FAKER_LOCALES) ).paragraph(nb_sentences=10) # Set 10 random available partners to be featured for featured_partner in random.sample(list(available_partners), 10): featured_partner.featured = True # Give any specific_stream flagged partners streams. stream_partners = all_partners.filter(specific_stream=True) # Random number of accounts available for all partners without streams for accounts in all_partners: if not accounts.specific_stream: accounts.accounts_available = random.randint(10, 550) # If we happened to not create any partners with streams, # create one deliberately. if stream_partners.count() == 0: stream_partners = random.sample(list(all_partners), 1) stream_partners[0].specific_stream = True stream_partners[0].save() for partner in stream_partners: for _ in range(3): stream = StreamFactory( partner=partner, name=Faker(random.choice(settings.FAKER_LOCALES)).sentence( nb_words=3 )[ :-1 ], # [:-1] removes full stop description=Faker(random.choice(settings.FAKER_LOCALES)).paragraph( nb_sentences=2 ), ) # Set 15 partners to have somewhere between 1 and 5 video tutorial URLs for partner in random.sample(list(all_partners), 15): for _ in range(random.randint(1, 5)): VideoFactory( partner=partner, tutorial_video_url=Faker( random.choice(settings.FAKER_LOCALES) ).url(), ) # Random number of accounts available for all streams all_streams = Stream.objects.all() for each_stream in all_streams: each_stream.accounts_available = random.randint(10, 100) # Generate a few number of suggestions with upvotes all_users = User.objects.exclude(is_superuser=True) author_user = random.choice(all_users) for _ in range(random.randint(3, 10)): suggestion = SuggestionFactory( description=Faker(random.choice(settings.FAKER_LOCALES)).paragraph( nb_sentences=10 ), author=author_user, ) # Truncate company name to 40 characters so it doesn't error out suggestion.suggested_company_name = ( suggestion.suggested_company_name[:40] if len(suggestion.suggested_company_name) > 40 else suggestion.suggested_company_name ) suggestion.upvoted_users.add(author_user) random_users = random.sample(list(all_users), random.randint(1, 10)) suggestion.upvoted_users.add(*random_users) # Set 5 partners use the access code authorization method, # and generate a bunch of codes for each. for partner in random.sample(list(available_partners), 5): partner.authorization_method = Partner.CODES for i in range(25): new_access_code = AccessCode() new_access_code.code = "".join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10) ) new_access_code.partner = partner # Set 5 partners use the access code authorization method, # and generate a bunch of codes for each. for partner in random.sample(list(available_partners), 5): partner.authorization_method = Partner.CODES for i in range(25): new_access_code = AccessCode() new_access_code.code = "".join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10) ) new_access_code.partner = partner
def handle(self, *args, **options): num_partners = options['num'][0] tag_list = ["science", "humanities", "social science", "history", "law", "video", "multidisciplinary"] fake = Faker() coordinators = User.objects.filter(groups__name='coordinators') for _ in range(num_partners): partner = PartnerFactory( company_location = random.choice(list(countries)), renewals_available = random.choice([True, False]), short_description = fake.paragraph(nb_sentences=4), send_instructions = fake.paragraph(nb_sentences=2), coordinator = self.chance( random.choice(coordinators), None, 20), real_name = self.chance(True, False, 40), country_of_residence = self.chance(True, False, 20), specific_title = self.chance(True, False, 10), specific_stream = self.chance(True, False, 10), occupation = self.chance(True, False, 10), affiliation = self.chance(True, False, 10), agreement_with_terms_of_use = self.chance(True, False, 10), mutually_exclusive = False ) # ManyToMany relationships can't be set until the partner object has # been created. random_languages = random.sample(Language.objects.all(), random.randint(1,2) ) for lang in random_languages: partner.languages.add(lang) all_partners = Partner.even_not_available.all() for partner in all_partners: for tag in random.sample(tag_list, random.randint(1,4)): partner.tags.add(tag) # Set 5 partners to need a registration URL. We do this separately # because it requires both the account_email and registration_url # fields to be set concurrently. for registration_partner in random.sample(all_partners, 5): registration_partner.account_email = True registration_partner.registration_url = fake.uri() # While most fields can be set at random, we want to make sure we # get partners with certain fields set to particular values. # Set 5 random partners to be unavailable for unavailable_partner in random.sample(all_partners, 5): unavailable_partner.status = Partner.NOT_AVAILABLE # Set 5% random partners to have excerpt limit in words for words in random.sample(all_partners, 10): words.excerpt_limit = random.randint(100, 250) # Set 5% random partners to have excerpt limit in words for percentage in random.sample(all_partners, 10): percentage.excerpt_limit_percentage = random.randint(5, 50) # Set 1 random partner to have excerpt limits both in words and percentage for percentage_words in random.sample(all_partners, 1): percentage_words.excerpt_limit_percentage = random.randint(5, 50) percentage_words.excerpt_limit = random.randint(100, 250) available_partners = all_partners.exclude(status= Partner.NOT_AVAILABLE) # Set 10 random available partners to be waitlisted for waitlisted_partner in random.sample(available_partners, 10): waitlisted_partner.status = Partner.WAITLIST # Set 25 random partners to have a long description for long_description in random.sample(all_partners, 25): long_description.description = fake.paragraph(nb_sentences = 10) # Set 10 random available partners to be featured for featured_partner in random.sample(available_partners, 10): featured_partner.featured = True # Give any specific_stream flagged partners streams. stream_partners = all_partners.filter(specific_stream=True) # Random number of accounts available for all partners without streams for accounts in all_partners: if not accounts.specific_stream: accounts.accounts_available = random.randint(10, 550) # If we happened to not create any partners with streams, # create one deliberately. if stream_partners.count() == 0: stream_partners = random.sample(all_partners, 1) stream_partners[0].specific_stream = True stream_partners[0].save() for partner in stream_partners: for _ in range(3): stream = StreamFactory( partner= partner, name= fake.sentence(nb_words= 3)[:-1], # [:-1] removes full stop description= fake.paragraph(nb_sentences=2) ) # Set 15 partners to have somewhere between 1 and 5 video tutorial URLs for partner in random.sample(all_partners, 15): for _ in range(random.randint(1, 5)): VideoFactory( partner = partner, tutorial_video_url = fake.url() ) # Random number of accounts available for all streams all_streams = Stream.objects.all() for each_stream in all_streams: each_stream.accounts_available = random.randint(10, 100)