def authenticate(db, client, password): usr = srp.User(client, password) uname, A = usr.start_authentication() s, B = db.authenticate1(uname, A) M = usr.process_challenge(s, B) if M is None: raise TardisDB.AuthenticationFailed() HAMK = db.authenticate2(M) usr.verify_session(HAMK) if not usr.authenticated(): raise TardisDB.AuthenticationFailed()
def setupDataConnection(dataLoc, client, password, keyFile, dbName, dbLoc=None, allow_upgrade=False, retpassword=False): """ Setup a data connection to a client. Determines the correct way to connect, either via direct filesystem, or via TardisRemote (http). Returns a 3-tuple, the TardisDB object, the CacheDir object, and the appropriate crypto object """ logger.debug("Connection requested for %s under %s", client, dataLoc) crypt = None loc = urllib.parse.urlparse(dataLoc) if (loc.scheme == 'http') or (loc.scheme == 'https'): logger.debug("Creating remote connection to %s", dataLoc) # If no port specified, insert the port if loc.port is None: netloc = loc.netloc + ":" + Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_REMOTE_PORT') dbLoc = urllib.parse.urlunparse((loc.scheme, netloc, loc.path, loc.params, loc.query, loc.fragment)) else: dbLoc = dataLoc # get the RemoteURL object logger.debug("==> %s %s", dbLoc, client) tardis = RemoteDB.RemoteDB(dbLoc, client) cache = tardis else: logger.debug("Creating direct connection to %s", dataLoc) cacheDir = os.path.join(loc.path, client) cache = CacheDir.CacheDir(cacheDir, create=False) if not dbLoc: dbDir = cacheDir else: dbDir = os.path.join(dbLoc, client) dbPath = os.path.join(dbDir, dbName) tardis = TardisDB.TardisDB(dbPath, allow_upgrade=allow_upgrade) needsAuth = tardis.needsAuthentication() if needsAuth and password is None: password = getPassword(True, None, None, "Password for %s: " % client, allowNone=False) if needsAuth: authenticate(tardis, client, password) elif password: raise TardisDB.AuthenticationFailed() # Password specified, so create the crypto unit #cryptoScheme = tardis.getConfigValue('CryptoScheme', '1') cryptoScheme = tardis.getCryptoScheme() crypt = TardisCrypto.getCrypto(cryptoScheme, password, client) if keyFile: (f, c) = loadKeys(keyFile, tardis.getConfigValue('ClientID')) else: (f, c) = tardis.getKeys() crypt.setKeys(f, c) if retpassword: return (tardis, cache, crypt, password) else: return (tardis, cache, crypt)
def setupDataConnection(dataLoc, client, password, keyFile, dbName, dbLoc=None, allow_upgrade=False): logger.debug("Connection requested for %s under %s", client, dataLoc) crypt = None loc = urlparse.urlparse(dataLoc) if (loc.scheme == 'http') or (loc.scheme == 'https'): logger.debug("Creating remote connection to %s", dataLoc) # If no port specified, insert the port if loc.port is None: netloc = loc.netloc + ":" + Defaults.getDefault( 'TARDIS_REMOTE_PORT') dbLoc = urlparse.urlunparse((loc.scheme, netloc, loc.path, loc.params, loc.query, loc.fragment)) else: dbLoc = dataLoc # get the RemoteURL object logger.debug("==> %s %s", dbLoc, client) tardis = RemoteDB.RemoteDB(dbLoc, client) cache = tardis else: logger.debug("Creating direct connection to %s", dataLoc) cacheDir = os.path.join(loc.path, client) cache = CacheDir.CacheDir(cacheDir, create=False) if not dbLoc: dbDir = cacheDir else: dbDir = os.path.join(dbLoc, client) dbPath = os.path.join(dbDir, dbName) tardis = TardisDB.TardisDB(dbPath, allow_upgrade=allow_upgrade) needsAuth = tardis.needsAuthentication() if needsAuth and password is None: password = getPassword(True, None, None, "Password for %s: " % client) if password: if needsAuth: authenticate(tardis, client, password) else: raise TardisDB.AuthenticationFailed() # Password specified, so create the crypto unit crypt = TardisCrypto.TardisCrypto(password, client) if keyFile: (f, c) = loadKeys(keyFile, tardis.getConfigValue('ClientID')) else: (f, c) = tardis.getKeys() crypt.setKeys(f, c) return (tardis, cache, crypt)
def authenticate2(self, srpValueM): postData = {'srpValueM': str(base64.b64encode(srpValueM), 'utf8')} response = + 'authenticate2', data=postData) # Check for "not authenticated", which indicates authentication failed. if response.status_code == 401: raise TardisDB.AuthenticationFailed("Bad Password") # Catch other errors. response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() srpValueH = base64.b64decode(data['srpValueH']) return srpValueH
def authenticate1(self, uname, srpValueA): postData = { 'srpUname': base64.b64encode(uname), 'srpValueA': base64.b64encode(srpValueA) } response = + 'authenticate1', data=postData) # Check for "not authenticated", which indicates authentication failed. if response.status_code == 401: raise TardisDB.AuthenticationFailed("Bad Password") # Catch other errors. response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() srpValueS = base64.b64decode(data['srpValueS']) srpValueB = base64.b64decode(data['srpValueB']) return srpValueS, srpValueB