def gettitle(sample,default=None,**kwargs): """Get title for some sample name.""" if sample in sample_titles: LOG.verb("SampleStyle.gettitle: Found title %s for %r!"%(sample_titles[sample],sample),kwargs,level=3) sample = sample_titles[sample] elif default: sample = default else: LOG.warning("SampleStyle.gettitle: Could not find title for %r! Returning %r..."%(sample,sample)) if kwargs.get('latex',False): sample = makelatex(sample) return sample
def getcolor(sample,color=kWhite,**kwargs): """Get color for some sample name.""" if hasattr(sample,'name'): sample = for key in sample_colors: #sorted(sample_colors,key=lambda x: len(x),reverse=True) if re.findall(key.replace('*',".*"),sample): # glob -> regex wildcard LOG.verb("SampleStyle.getcolor: Found color %s for %r from search term %r!"%(sample_colors[key],sample,key),kwargs,level=3) color = sample_colors[key] break else: LOG.warning("SampleStyle.getcolor: Could not find color for %r! Returning %s..."%(sample,color)) return color
def getsampleset(channel, era, **kwargs): verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(kwargs) year = getyear(era) # get integer year split = kwargs.get( 'split', ['DY']) # split samples (e.g. DY) into genmatch components join = kwargs.get('join', ['VV', 'Top']) # join samples (e.g. VV, top) tag = kwargs.get('tag', "") table = kwargs.get('table', True) # print sample set table setera(era) # set era for plot style and lumi-xsec normalization # SM BACKGROUND MC SAMPLES if era == '2016': expsamples = [ # table of MC samples to be converted to Sample objects # GROUP NAME TITLE XSEC EXTRA OPTIONS ('DY', "DYJetsToLL_M-10to50", "Drell-Yan 10-50", 18610.0, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DYJetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 50", 4963.0, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY1JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 1J 50", 1012.0, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY2JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 2J 50", 334.7, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY3JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 3J 50", 102.3, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY4JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 4J 50", 54.52, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('WJ', "WJetsToLNu", "W + jets", 50260.0), ('WJ', "W1JetsToLNu", "W + 1J", 9625.0), ('WJ', "W2JetsToLNu", "W + 2J", 3161.0), ('WJ', "W3JetsToLNu", "W + 3J", 954.8), ('WJ', "W4JetsToLNu", "W + 4J", 494.6), ('VV', "WW", "WW", 75.88), ('VV', "WZ", "WZ", 27.6), ('VV', "ZZ", "ZZ", 12.14), ('ST', "ST_t-channel_top", "ST t-channel t", 136.02), ('ST', "ST_t-channel_antitop", "ST t-channel at", 80.95), ('ST', "ST_tW_top", "ST tW", 35.85), ('ST', "ST_tW_antitop", "ST atW", 35.85), ('TT', "TT", "ttbar", 831.76, { 'extraweight': 'ttptweight' }), ] elif era == '2017': expsamples = [ # table of MC samples to be converted to Sample objects # GROUP NAME TITLE XSEC EXTRA OPTIONS ('DY', "DYJetsToLL_M-10to50", "Drell-Yan 10-50", 18610.0, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DYJetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 50", 5343.0, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY1JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 1J 50", 877.8, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY2JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 2J 50", 304.4, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY3JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 3J 50", 111.5, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY4JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 4J 50", 44.05, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('WJ', "WJetsToLNu", "W + jets", 52940.0), ('WJ', "W1JetsToLNu", "W + 1J", 8104.0), ('WJ', "W2JetsToLNu", "W + 2J", 2793.0), ('WJ', "W3JetsToLNu", "W + 3J", 992.5), ('WJ', "W4JetsToLNu", "W + 4J", 544.3), ('VV', "WW", "WW", 75.88), ('VV', "WZ", "WZ", 27.6), ('VV', "ZZ", "ZZ", 12.14), ('ST', "ST_t-channel_top", "ST t-channel t", 136.02), ('ST', "ST_t-channel_antitop", "ST t-channel at", 80.95), ('ST', "ST_tW_top", "ST tW", 35.85), ('ST', "ST_tW_antitop", "ST atW", 35.85), ('TT', "TTTo2L2Nu", "ttbar 2l2#nu", 88.29, { 'extraweight': 'ttptweight' }), ('TT', "TTToHadronic", "ttbar hadronic", 377.96, { 'extraweight': 'ttptweight' }), ('TT', "TTToSemiLeptonic", "ttbar semileptonic", 365.35, { 'extraweight': 'ttptweight' }), ] elif era == 'UL2017': expsamples = [ # table of MC samples to be converted to Sample objects # GROUP NAME TITLE XSEC EXTRA OPTIONS #( 'DY', "DYJetsToLL_M-10to50", "Drell-Yan 10-50", 18610.0, {'extraweight': 'zptweight'} ), ('DY', "DYJetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 50", 5343.0, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY1JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 1J 50", 877.8, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY2JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 2J 50", 304.4, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY3JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 3J 50", 111.5, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY4JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 4J 50", 44.05, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('WJ', "WJetsToLNu", "W + jets", 52940.0), ('WJ', "W1JetsToLNu", "W + 1J", 8104.0), ('WJ', "W2JetsToLNu", "W + 2J", 2793.0), ('WJ', "W3JetsToLNu", "W + 3J", 992.5), ('WJ', "W4JetsToLNu", "W + 4J", 544.3), ('VV', "WW", "WW", 75.88), ('VV', "WZ", "WZ", 27.6), ('VV', "ZZ", "ZZ", 12.14), ('ST', "ST_t-channel_top", "ST t-channel t", 136.02), ('ST', "ST_t-channel_antitop", "ST t-channel at", 80.95), ('ST', "ST_tW_top", "ST tW", 35.85), ('ST', "ST_tW_antitop", "ST atW", 35.85), ('TT', "TTTo2L2Nu", "ttbar 2l2#nu", 88.29, { 'extraweight': 'ttptweight' }), ('TT', "TTToHadronic", "ttbar hadronic", 377.96, { 'extraweight': 'ttptweight' }), ('TT', "TTToSemiLeptonic", "ttbar semileptonic", 365.35, { 'extraweight': 'ttptweight' }), ] elif era == '2018': expsamples = [ # table of MC samples to be converted to Sample objects # GROUP NAME TITLE XSEC EXTRA OPTIONS ('DY', "DYJetsToLL_M-10to50", "Drell-Yan 10-50", 18610.0, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DYJetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 50", 5343.0, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY1JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 1J 50", 877.8, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY2JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 2J 50", 304.4, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY3JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 3J 50", 111.5, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('DY', "DY4JetsToLL_M-50", "Drell-Yan 4J 50", 44.05, { 'extraweight': 'zptweight' }), ('WJ', "WJetsToLNu", "W + jets", 52940.0), ('WJ', "W1JetsToLNu", "W + 1J", 8104.0), ('WJ', "W2JetsToLNu", "W + 2J", 2793.0), ('WJ', "W3JetsToLNu", "W + 3J", 992.5), ('WJ', "W4JetsToLNu", "W + 4J", 544.3), ('VV', "WW", "WW", 75.88), ('VV', "WZ", "WZ", 27.6), ('VV', "ZZ", "ZZ", 12.14), ('ST', "ST_t-channel_top", "ST t-channel t", 136.02), ('ST', "ST_t-channel_antitop", "ST t-channel at", 80.95), ('ST', "ST_tW_top", "ST tW", 35.85), ('ST', "ST_tW_antitop", "ST atW", 35.85), ('TT', "TTTo2L2Nu", "ttbar 2l2#nu", 88.29, { 'extraweight': 'ttptweight' }), ('TT', "TTToHadronic", "ttbar hadronic", 377.96, { 'extraweight': 'ttptweight' }), ('TT', "TTToSemiLeptonic", "ttbar semileptonic", 365.35, { 'extraweight': 'ttptweight' }), ] else: LOG.throw(IOError, "Did not recognize era %r!" % (era)) # OBSERVED DATA SAMPLES if 'tautau' in channel: dataset = "Tau_Run%d?" % year elif 'mutau' in channel: dataset = "SingleMuon_Run%d?" % year elif 'etau' in channel: dataset = "EGamma_Run%d?" % year if year == 2018 else "SingleElectron_Run%d?" % year elif 'mumu' in channel: dataset = "SingleMuon_Run%d?" % year elif 'emu' in channel: dataset = "SingleMuon_Run%d?" % year elif 'ee' in channel: dataset = "EGamma_Run%d?" % year if year == 2018 else "SingleElectron_Run%d?" % year else: LOG.throw(IOError, "Did not recognize channel %r!" % (channel)) datasample = ('Data', dataset) # GROUP, NAME # SAMPLE SET weight = "genweight*trigweight*puweight*idisoweight_1*idweight_2*ltfweight_2" if era == 'UL2017': weight = weight.replace("*idweight_2*ltfweight_2", "") fname = "$PICODIR/$SAMPLE_$CHANNEL$TAG.root" kwargs.setdefault('weight', weight) # common weight for MC kwargs.setdefault('fname', fname) # default filename pattern sampleset = _getsampleset(datasample, expsamples, channel=channel, era=era, **kwargs) LOG.verb("weight = %r" % (weight), verbosity, 1) # JOIN # Note: titles are set via STYLE.sample_titles sampleset.stitch("W*Jets", incl='WJ', name='WJ') # W + jets sampleset.stitch("DY*J*M-50", incl='DYJ', name="DY_M50") # Drell-Yan, M > 50 GeV #sampleset.stitch("DY*J*M-10to50", incl='DYJ', name="DY_M10to50" ) sampleset.join('DY', name='DY') # Drell-Yan, M < 50 GeV + M > 50 GeV if 'VV' in join: sampleset.join('VV', 'WZ', 'WW', 'ZZ', name='VV') # Diboson if 'TT' in join and era != 'year': sampleset.join('TT', name='TT') # ttbar if 'ST' in join: sampleset.join('ST', name='ST') # single top if 'Top' in join: sampleset.join('TT', 'ST', name='Top') # ttbar + single top # SPLIT # Note: titles are set via STYLE.sample_titles if split and channel.count('tau') == 1: ZTT = STYLE.sample_titles.get('ZTT', "Z -> %s" % channel) # title if channel.count('tau') == 1: ZTT = ZTT.replace("{l}", "{mu}" if "mu" in channel else "{e}") GMR = "genmatch_2==5" GML = "genmatch_2>0 && genmatch_2<5" GMJ = "genmatch_2==0" GMF = "genmatch_2<5" elif channel.count('tau') == 2: ZTT = ZTT.replace("{l}", "{h}") GMR = "genmatch_1==5 && genmatch_2==5" GML = "(genmatch_1<5 || genmatch_2<5) && genmatch_1>0 && genmatch_2>0" GMJ = "(genmatch_1==0 || genmatch_2==0)" GMF = "(genmatch_1<5 || genmatch_2<5)" else: LOG.throw(IOError, "Did not recognize channel %r!" % (channel)) if 'DM' in split: # split DY by decay modes samples.split('DY', [ ('ZTTDM0', ZTT + ", h^{#pm}", GMR + " && dm_2==0"), ('ZTTDM1', ZTT + ", h^{#pm}h^{0}", GMR + " && dm_2==1"), ('ZTTDM10', ZTT + ", h^{#pm}h^{#mp}h^{#pm}", GMR + " && dm_2==10"), ('ZTTDM11', ZTT + ", h^{#pm}h^{#mp}h^{#pm}h^{0}", GMR + " && dm_2==11"), ('ZL', GML), ('ZJ', GMJ), ]) elif 'DY' in split: sampleset.split('DY', [ ('ZTT', ZTT, GMR), ('ZL', GML), ('ZJ', GMJ), ]) if 'TT' in split: sampleset.split('TT', [ ('TTT', GMR), ('TTJ', GMF), ]) if table: sampleset.printtable(merged=True, split=True) return sampleset