def readpackettime(self, client, basetime): ret_msg = None # print("Going for timing") while ret_msg is None and util.gettimestamp() < (basetime + 60000): ret_msg = client.readpacket() endtime = util.gettimestamp() delaytime = int((endtime / 10 - basetime / 10)) #print("Response time is " + str(delaytime) + "ms") self.assertTrue(delaytime < 600, "Response time is too long") return ret_msg
def test_timestamp(self): tmstmp = util.gettimestamp() # assert that it makes sense self.assertTrue(tmstmp > 0, "timestamp less than 0") # check accuracy - 1ms accuracy required # do many times and check accuracy is less than 2.0ms for i in range(0, 100): tsOne = util.gettimestamp() time.sleep(0.001) tsTwo = util.gettimestamp() self.assertTrue((tsTwo - tsOne) < 20, "Time accuracy wrong")
def pinginterfaces(self): """Run a server ping on all ifaces. Also functions as a status/heartbeat checker. Returns initial list of all clients, then the ping responses""" retping = [] alldevices = [] if self.pingbasetime.value == 0: self.pingbasetime.value = util.gettimestamp() else: print("Ping already in process") # wait 500ms for ping returns for i in range(0, 500): time.sleep(0.001) if not self.ping_q.empty(): resp = self.ping_q.get() if len(resp.split(',')) == 2: alldevices.append(resp) else: retping.append(resp) #figure out if any devices did not respond and put them as -1 in the ping list for ret in alldevices: i_d, iface = ret.split(',') found = False for pret in retping: if i_d + ',' + iface in pret: found = True #not found if found == False: retping.append(i_d + ',' + iface + ',-1') # print("End ping") self.pingbasetime.value = 0 self.pinginprogress.value = 0 return retping
def test_twoclientssinglepacket(self): # encode network_id = os.urandom(32) device_idUAS = random.randint(1, 31) device_idGCS = random.randint(32, 63) msgUAS = self.makePacketrnd(network_id, device_idUAS) msgGCS = self.makePacketrnd(network_id, device_idGCS) # send initial packets self.clientUAS.writepacket( self.makePacketrnd(network_id, -device_idUAS, b"CL_BEGIN")) self.clientGCS.writepacket( self.makePacketrnd(network_id, -device_idGCS, b"CL_BEGIN")) # send data packets basetime = util.gettimestamp() self.clientUAS.writepacket(msgUAS) self.clientGCS.writepacket(msgGCS) time.sleep(0.001) # rx packets, with performance counters retmsgGCS = self.readpackettime(self.clientGCS, basetime) retmsgUAS = self.readpackettime(self.clientUAS, basetime) # send end packets self.clientUAS.writepacket( self.makePacketrnd(network_id, -device_idUAS, b"CL_END")) self.clientGCS.writepacket( self.makePacketrnd(network_id, -device_idGCS, b"CL_END")) time.sleep(0.001) # and assert self.assertEqual(msgUAS, retmsgGCS, "Message UAS -> GCS incorrect") self.assertEqual(msgGCS, retmsgUAS, "Message GCS -> UAS incorrect")
def test_serverping(self): # encode network_id = os.urandom(32) device_idUAS = random.randint(1, 31) # send initial packets self.clientUAS.writepacket( self.makePacketrnd(network_id, -device_idUAS, b'CL_BEGIN')) # send ping packet pingpkt = self.makePacketrnd(network_id, -device_idUAS, b'CL_SVRPING') starttime = util.gettimestamp() self.clientUAS.writepacket(pingpkt) time.sleep(0.001) retping = self.readpackettime(self.clientUAS, starttime) # send end packets self.clientUAS.writepacket( self.makePacketrnd(network_id, -device_idUAS, b'CL_END')) time.sleep(0.001) self.assertEqual(retping, pingpkt, "MessageP GCS -> GCS incorr")
def run(self): serversocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) serversocket.setblocking(False) serversocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) #serversocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 10) #serversocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDBUF, 10) serversocket.bind(self.localaddport) udpclients = [] udpclientdevid = [] lastrxseq = -1 seq_no = 0 # print("Started") while self.endloop.value == 0: # sync with any changes to the client interfaces (udpclients, udpclientdevid) = self.sync_ifaces(udpclients, udpclientdevid, seq_no) # send out a server ping if required (and return list of all current clients) if self.pingbasetime.value != 0 and self.pinginprogress.value == 0: seq_no = self.sendallClients(udpclients, udpclientdevid, -1, seq_no, b'CL_SVRPING') self.pinginprogress.value = 1 # print("Sending ping " + str(seq_no)) for i in range(0, len(udpclients)): self.ping_q.put( str(udpclientdevid[i]) + "," + str(udpclients[i].getiface())) ready =[serversocket], [], [], 0.0001) # if there is data from the local client, send it to the remote # only read up to the max payload size though if ready[0]: data, address = serversocket.recvfrom( self.pkt.maxPayloadSize()) # send to the all the clients... # print("Sending data") seq_no = self.sendallClients(udpclients, udpclientdevid, 1, seq_no, data) # poll the clients for any new data for i in range(0, len(udpclients)): # if client has data, compare to latest timestamp datarx = udpclients[i].readpacket() if datarx: dec_msg = self.pkt.recoverpacket(datarx) # check if it's a returned ping packet if dec_msg.Payload == b'CL_SVRPING' and dec_msg.DeviceID < 0 and self.pinginprogress.value == 1: deltatime = int( (util.gettimestamp() - self.pingbasetime.value) / 10) self.ping_q.put( str(udpclientdevid[i]) + "," + str(udpclients[i].getiface()) + "," + str(deltatime)) # print("Got packet from serverhub["+ str(i) +"][" + # str(dec_msg.DeviceID) + "] " + # str(dec_msg.Timestamp) + ", " + str(lastrxtime)) # if this data is newer, send to local client and # update the timestamp # need to ensure it's a new packet and we have a # connected local client if dec_msg.Sequence > lastrxseq and ( 'address' in locals() or 'address' in globals()): # print("rx packet") lastrxseq = dec_msg.Sequence serversocket.sendto(dec_msg.Payload, address) # close the socket on end if serversocket is not None: # send ending packets seq_no = self.sendallClients(udpclients, udpclientdevid, -1, seq_no, b'CL_END') # close the sockets - just remove the first item n times # (array reindexes each time) for i in range(0, len(udpclients)): udpclients[0].close() time.sleep(0.001) udpclients.remove(udpclients[0]) udpclientdevid.remove(udpclientdevid[0]) serversocket.close()