class compareSpeed(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of compareSpeed """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the Action for the test """
        pkmn1 = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        pkmn2 = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        pkmn1.setStat("SPD", 30)
        pkmn2.setStat("SPD", 20)
        self.fastAction = BuildBattleAction(user = pkmn1)
        self.slowAction = BuildBattleAction(user = pkmn2)
        self.usedRandRange = False
    def less(self):
        """ Test that lower priorities return correctly """
        cmp = self.slowAction.compareSpeed(self.fastAction)
        assert cmp == -1, "Should return -1 when the speed is less"
    def more(self):
        """ Test that higher priorities return correctly """
        cmp = self.fastAction.compareSpeed(self.slowAction)
        assert cmp == 1, "Should return 1 when the speed is more"
    def tie(self):
        """ Test that higher priorities return correctly """
        cmp = self.fastAction.compareSpeed(self.fastAction, random=self)
        assert self.usedRandRange, "Should have picked a random action to win"
        assert range(self.bottom,, self.step) == [-1, 1], "Should have tried to pick valid random value"
    def randrange(self, bottom, top, step):
        self.bottom = bottom = top
        self.step = step
        self.usedRandRange = True