            test_run.db_conn['TH_DBUSER'] = pair[1]
            dprint(3,"   * Found db_conn var TH_DBUSER = "******"   * Found db_conn var TH_DBPWD = " + pair[1])
        # end if

        # output directory - do not overwrite if specified on command line
        if re.match(r'^TH_OUTPUT_DIR$',pair[0]) :
            dprint(3,"   * Found test run output dir = " + pair[1])
            # this can be set from the command line, so only set it if it's not already set
            if test_run.output_dir == "" :
                test_run.output_dir = pair[1] + "/" + test_run.get_local_start_time()
                dprint(3,"   * Output dir for this run is " + test_run.output_dir)
            else :
                dprint(3,"   * Test run output dir was specified on the command line")
            # end if
        # end if

        # summary file - do not overwrite if specified on command line
        if re.match(r'^TH_SUMMARY_FILE$',pair[0]) :
            dprint(3,"   * Found name of summary file = " + pair[1])
            # this can be set from the command line, so only set it if it's not already set
            if test_run.summary_file == "" :
                test_run.summary_file = pair[1]
                dprint(3,"   * Summary file for this run is " + test_run.summary_file)
            else :
            test_run.db_conn['TH_DBUSER'] = pair[1]
            dprint(3, "   * Found db_conn var TH_DBUSER = "******"   * Found db_conn var TH_DBPWD = " + pair[1])
        # end if

        # output directory - do not overwrite if specified on command line
        if re.match(r'^TH_OUTPUT_DIR$', pair[0]):
            dprint(3, "   * Found test run output dir = " + pair[1])
            # this can be set from the command line, so only set it if it's not already set
            if test_run.output_dir == "":
                test_run.output_dir = pair[
                    1] + "/" + test_run.get_local_start_time()
                    "   * Output dir for this run is " + test_run.output_dir)
                    "   * Test run output dir was specified on the command line"
            # end if
        # end if

        # summary file - do not overwrite if specified on command line
        if re.match(r'^TH_SUMMARY_FILE$', pair[0]):
            dprint(3, "   * Found name of summary file = " + pair[1])