def main(): c_debug = 0 c_proxy = 0 c_pe = 1 c_lp = "0 5000 5000 5000" c_conns = 1000000 c_util = 1000000 c_tcp_wnd = 65535 c_tcp_mss = 1460 c_scenario = "BOTH" c_ipver = 4 c_cap = 0 c_tx_ramp = 0 c_fill = "FIXED" c_vlan = 0 c_vlan_tci = 0 c_arp = 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "6hac:dptv:f:e:l:n:u:w:s:m:", ["proxy", "pkteng=", "loadprofile=", "scenario=", "mss="]) except getopt.GetoptError: helptext() return for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': helptext() return elif opt in ("-p", "--proxy"): c_proxy = 1 elif opt in ("-d"): c_debug = 1 elif opt in ("-a"): c_arp = 1 elif opt in ("-c"): c_cap = int(arg) elif opt in ("-e", "--pkteng"): c_pe = int(arg) elif opt in ("-l", "--loadprofile"): c_lp = arg elif opt in ("-s", "--scenario"): c_scenario = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--mss"): c_tcp_mss = int(arg) elif opt in ("-f"): c_fill = arg elif opt in ("-v"): c_vlan = 1 c_vlan_tci = arg elif opt in ("-u"): c_util = int(arg) elif opt in ("-6"): c_ipver = 6 elif opt in ("-t"): c_tx_ramp = 1 elif opt in ("-n"): c_conns = int(arg) elif opt in ("-w"): c_tcp_wnd = int(arg) arglen = len(args) if arglen < 3 or (arglen - 1) % 2 != 0: helptext() return ip_address = args[0] # Build list of server and client ports for i in range(arglen - 1): if i % 2 == 0: svrs.append(args[i + 1]) else: clis.append(args[i + 1]) duration = 0 for dt in c_lp.split(): duration = duration + int(dt) MSSWARN = "" if c_ipver == 6 and c_tcp_mss > 1440: MSSWARN = " <<< WARNING - MSS too large for IPv6 >>>" elif c_ipver == 4 and c_tcp_mss > 1460: MSSWARN = "<<< WARNING - MSS too large for IPv4 >>>" print print "==CONFIGURATION===========================================" print "CFG load profile: %s (duration %d)" % (c_lp, duration) print "CFG connections : %d" % (c_conns) print "CFG server ports: " + " ".join(svrs) print "CFG client ports: " + " ".join(clis) print "CFG IPversion : %d" % (c_ipver) print "CFG Payload : %s" % (c_fill) print "CFG Arp : %d" % (c_arp) if c_vlan: print "CFG VLAN : %s" % (c_vlan_tci) print "CFG proxy : %d" % (c_proxy) print "CFG TCP window : %d" % (c_tcp_wnd) print "CFG TCP MSS : %s %s" % (c_tcp_mss, MSSWARN) print "CFG scenario : %s" % (c_scenario) print "CFG utilization : %d" % (c_util) print "CFG pkteng : %d" % (c_pe) if c_cap: print "CFG capture : %d" % (c_cap) print "CFG debug : %d" % (c_debug) ports = svrs + clis if c_scenario == "DOWNLOAD": ports_rx = clis ports_tx = svrs elif c_scenario == "BOTH": ports_rx = ports ports_tx = ports else: ports_rx = "" ports_tx = "" xm = XenaScriptTools(ip_address) if c_debug: xm.debugOn() xm.haltOn() LOADPROFILE = c_lp print "==TEST EXECUTION==========================================" xm.LogonSetOwner("xena", "s_payl") xm.PortReserve(ports) xm.PortReset(ports) if c_ipver == 6: CLIENT_RANGE = "0xaa01aa02aa03aa04aa05aa06aa07aa08 " + str( c_conns) + " 40000 1" SERVER_RANGE = "0xbb01bb02bb03bb04bb05bb06bb07bb08 1 50000 1" else: CLIENT_RANGE = " " + str(c_conns) + " 40000 1" SERVER_RANGE = " 1 50000 1" xm.PortAddConnGroup(ports, 1, CLIENT_RANGE, SERVER_RANGE, c_ipver) xm.PortRole(clis, 1, "client") xm.PortRole(svrs, 1, "server") if c_proxy: for port in svrs: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_PROXY [1] on") for port in ports: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_CLEAR_COUNTERS") nports = 0 for port in ports: nports = nports + 1 xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4E_ALLOCATE " + str(c_pe)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_LP_TIME_SCALE [1] msec") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_TEST_APPLICATION [1] RAW") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_TEST_SCENARIO [1] " + c_scenario) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_TYPE [1] " + c_fill) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_HAS_DOWNLOAD_REQ [1] NO") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_CLOSE_CONN [1] NO") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_TOTAL_LEN [1] INFINITE 0") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_UTILIZATION [1] " + str(c_util)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_TCP_WINDOW_SIZE [1] " + str(c_tcp_wnd)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_TCP_MSS_VALUE [1] " + str(c_tcp_mss)) if c_cap: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_CAPTURE ON") if c_tx_ramp: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_TX_DURING_RAMP [1] YES YES") if c_vlan: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_VLAN_ENABLE [1] YES") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_VLAN_TCI [1] " + c_vlan_tci) if c_arp: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_L2_USE_ARP [1] YES") rxports = nports / 2 txports = nports / 2 xm.PortAddLoadProfile(ports, 1, LOADPROFILE, "msecs") xm.PortPrepare(ports) xm.PortSetTraffic(svrs, "on") xm.PortWaitState(svrs, "RUNNING") xm.PortSetTraffic(clis, "on") xm.PortWaitState(clis, "RUNNING") waitsec = 2 + int(duration) / 1000 t0_milli = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) rxbyte = 0 txbyte = 0 rxbps_max = 0 txbps_max = 0 while waitsec != 0: print "Waitsec: %d" % (waitsec) oldrx = rxbyte oldtx = txbyte rxbyte = 0 txbyte = 0 rxbps = 0 txbps = 0 for p in ports_rx: rx = xm.Send(p + " P4_RX_ETH_COUNTERS ?").split() rxbyte = rxbyte + int(rx[6]) rxbps = rxbps + int(rx[4]) for p in ports_tx: tx = xm.Send(p + " P4_TX_ETH_COUNTERS ?").split() txbyte = txbyte + int(tx[6]) txbps = txbps + int(tx[4]) if rxbps > rxbps_max: rxbps_max = rxbps if txbps > txbps_max: txbps_max = txbps print "Total Rx Bytes: %d [%8.2f GB] (%5.2f Gbps)" % ( rxbyte, rxbyte / 1000000000.0, rxbps / 1000000000.0) print "Total Tx Bytes: %d [%8.2f GB] (%5.2f Gbps)" % ( txbyte, txbyte / 1000000000.0, txbps / 1000000000.0) time.sleep(1) waitsec -= 1 print "Stopping traffic..." for p in ports: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_TRAFFIC stop") print "==STATS===================================================" est_conn = 0 for p in ports: res = xm.Send(p + " P4G_TCP_STATE_TOTAL [1] ?") est_conn = est_conn + int(res.split()[9]) # Be careful when changing text, as output is parsed by other scripts print "Requested %d connection, established %d" % ( (rxports) * c_conns, est_conn / 2) getrtxstat(xm, ports) xm.PortSetTraffic(ports, "stop") xm.PortWaitState(ports, "STOPPED") for port in ports: if c_cap: xm.PortGetPackets(port, c_cap) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_CAPTURE OFF") xm.PortRelease(ports) # Be careful when changing text, as output is parsed by other scripts print "Max average Rx rate %d (%5.2f Gbps)" % (rxbps_max, rxbps_max / 1000000000.0) print "Max average Tx rate %d (%5.2f Gbps)" % (txbps_max, txbps_max / 1000000000.0) print "==DONE====================================================" return 0
def main(): c_debug = 0 c_pe = 2 c_repeat = 0 c_conn = 1000 c_len = 1460 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hde:r:n:s:") except getopt.GetoptError: helptext() for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': helptext() elif opt in ("-d"): c_debug = 1 elif opt in ("-e"): c_pe = int(arg) elif opt in ("-r"): c_repeat = int(arg) elif opt in ("-n"): c_conn = int(arg) elif opt in ("-s"): c_len = int(arg) arglen = len(args) if arglen < 3 or (arglen - 1) % 2 != 0: helptext() ip_address = args[0] # Build list of server and client ports for i in range(arglen - 1): if i % 2 == 0: svrs.append(args[i + 1]) else: clis.append(args[i + 1]) ports = svrs + clis xm = XenaScriptTools(ip_address) if c_debug: xm.debugOn() xm.haltOn() lp = LoadProfile(0, 1000, 8000, 1000, "msecs") s_repeat = str(c_repeat) if c_repeat == 0: s_repeat = "INFINITE" print print "==CONFIGURATION===========================================" print "CFG connections : %d" % (c_conn) print "CFG server ports: " + " ".join(svrs) print "CFG client ports: " + " ".join(clis) print "CFG repeats : %s" % (s_repeat) print "CFG payload size: %d" % (c_len) print "CFG duration : %ds" % (lp.duration_sec()) print "CFG pkteng : %d" % (c_pe) print "CFG debug : %d" % (c_debug) print print "==TEST EXECUTION==========================================" xm.Comment("Logon, reserve and reset ports") xm.LogonSetOwner("xena", "s_reqres") xm.PortReserve(ports) xm.PortReset(ports) xm.Comment("Configure %d clients - total %d CC" % (c_conn, c_conn)) xm.PortAddConnGroup(ports, 1, " " + str(c_conn) + " 40001 1", " 1 80 1", 4) xm.PortRole(svrs, 1, "server") xm.PortRole(clis, 1, "client") xm.PortAddLoadProfile(ports, 1, lp.shape(), lp.timescale) xm.Comment("Configure application") for port in ports: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4E_ALLOCATE " + str(c_pe)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_TEST_APPLICATION [1] raw") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_TEST_SCENARIO [1] download") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_HAS_DOWNLOAD_REQ [1] yes") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_CLOSE_CONN [1] no") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_TX_DURING_RAMP [1] no no") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_TX_TIME_OFFSET [1] 100 100") if c_repeat: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_REQUEST_REPEAT [1] FINITE " + str(c_repeat)) else: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_REQUEST_REPEAT [1] INFINITE 1") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_TYPE [1] fixed") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_TOTAL_LEN [1] FINITE " + str(c_len)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_REPEAT_LEN [1] 1") xm.Comment("Configure Request") for port in ports: #xm.SendExpectOK(port + " p4g_raw_download_request [1] 86 0x474554202F706174682F66696C652E68746D6C20485454502F312E300D0A46726F6D3A20736F6D6575736572406A6D61727368616C6C2E636F6D0D0A557365722D4167656E743A2048545450546F6F6C2F312E300D0A") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " p4g_raw_download_request [1] 1 0xCC") xm.Comment("Configure Response") for port in svrs: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD [1] 0 1 0xAA") if c_len > 1: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD [1] " + str(c_len - 1) + " 1 0xBB") for port in clis: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_RX_PAYLOAD_LEN [1] FINITE " + str(c_len)) xm.Comment("Setup utilization and prepare for testrun") for port in clis: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_UTILIZATION [1] 999900") for port in svrs: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_UTILIZATION [1] 999900") xm.Comment("Prepare ports and run tests, start with servers") xm.PortPrepare(ports) xm.PortSetTraffic(ports, "prerun") xm.PortWaitState(ports, "PRERUN_RDY") xm.PortSetTraffic(svrs, "ON") xm.PortWaitState(svrs, "RUNNING") xm.PortSetTraffic(clis, "ON") waitsec = lp.duration_sec() + 2 while waitsec != 0: acc = 0 rate = 0 for port in clis: trans = xm.Send(port + " p4g_app_transaction_counters [1] ?").split() acc = int(trans[5]) rate = int(trans[6]) print "Port %s: Transactions: %12u, Rate: %12u " % (port, acc, rate) time.sleep(1) waitsec -= 1 for port in ports: xm.Send(port + " P4_TRAFFIC stop") #xm.PortRelease(ports) print "==DONE===================================================" return 0
def main(): global ports c_res = 5 c_nat = 0 c_pe = 2 c_debug = 0 c_arp = 0 c_ipver = 4 s_ipver = "IPv4" cg_id = 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "46adhr:pe:", ["nat", "pkteng=", "arp"]) except getopt.GetoptError: helptext() return for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': helptext() return elif opt in ("-r"): c_res = int(arg) elif opt in ("-n", "--nat"): c_nat = 1 elif opt in ("-a", "--arp"): c_arp = 1 elif opt in ("-d"): c_debug = 1 elif opt in ("-6"): c_ipver = 6 s_ipver = "IPv6" elif opt in ("-4"): c_ipver = 4 s_ipver = "IPv4" elif opt in ("-e", "--pkteng"): c_pe = int(arg) if len(args) != 7: helptext() ports.append(args[5]) ports.append(args[6]) ip_address = args[0] nip = int(args[1]) nprt = int(args[2]) n = nip * nprt ru_max = max(int(args[3]), int(args[4])) ru_min = min(int(args[3]), int(args[4])) rd_max = ru_max rd_min = ru_min print "==CONFIGURATION===========================================" print "CFG Ports: " + " ".join(ports) print "CFG Connections: " + str(n) print "CFG IPversion: " + s_ipver print "CFG NAT: " + str(c_nat) print "CFG Prerun arp: " + str(c_arp) print "CFG Resolution: " + str(c_res) print "CFG Pkteng/Port: " + str(c_pe) print "CFG Debug: " + str(c_debug) print xm = XenaScriptTools(ip_address) if c_debug: xm.debugOn() xm.haltOn() print "==PREPARATION===========================================" xm.Comment("Preparation") xm.LogonSetOwner("xena", "s_bisect") xm.PortReserve(ports) xm.PortReset(ports) if c_ipver == 6: CLIENT_RANGE = "0xaa01aa02aa03aa04aa05aa060a000001 " + str( nip) + " 10000 " + str(nprt) + " 65535" SERVER_RANGE = "0xbb01bb02bb03bb04bb05bb06bb07bb08 1 80 1" else: CLIENT_RANGE = " " + str(nip) + " 10000 " + str( nprt) + " 65535" SERVER_RANGE = " 1 80 1" xm.PortAddConnGroup(ports, cg_id, CLIENT_RANGE, SERVER_RANGE, c_ipver) xm.PortRole(ports[1], cg_id, "client") xm.PortRole(ports[0], cg_id, "server") if c_nat: xm.SendExpectOK(ports[0] + " P4G_NAT [{0}] on".format(cg_id)) xm.PortAllocatePE(ports, str(c_pe)) for port in ports: #xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_TCP_SYN_RTO [1] 10000 1 3") ##xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_TCP_RTO [1] static 10000 1 3") if c_arp: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_L2_USE_ADDRESS_RES [{0}] YES".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_LP_TIME_SCALE [{0}] msec".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_TEST_APPLICATION [{0}] NONE".format(cg_id)) print "==EXECUTION===========================================" xm.Comment("Fast limit") print "== Phase 1: Fast Limit == - Ramp up %d CPS (%s ms)" % ( n * 1000 / ru_min, ru_min) print " Ramp down %d CPS (%d ms)" % ( n * 1000 / rd_min, rd_min) res = oneramp(xm, cg_id, ru_min, 2000, ru_min, n) if res[0] == 1: errexit("Max ramp up (fastest ramp passed) - rerun") if res[1] == 1: errexit("Max ramp down (fastest ramp passed) - rerun") ru = ru_max rd = rd_max for i in range(1, 21): xm.Comment("Ramp Up - Iteration %2d" % (i)) print "== Phase 2: Ramp Up - iteration %2d == - Ramp up %d CPS (%d ms)" % ( i, n * 1000 / ru, ru) print " Ramp down %d CPS (%d ms)" % ( n * 1000 / rd, rd) res = oneramp(xm, cg_id, ru, 2000, rd, n) if res[0] == 1: if res[1] == 1: rd_max = rd else: if rd == rd_max: errexit("Max ramp down (slowest ramp failed)") rd_min = rd rd = (rd_max + rd_min) / 2 ru_max = ru else: ru_min = ru ru = (ru_max + ru_min) / 2 if (ru_max - ru_min) <= c_res: break print if (i == 20): errexit("Max Iterations reached") if ru_max == ru and res[0] == 0: errexit("Max ramp up (slowest ramp failed) - rerun") print for i in range(1, 21): xm.Comment("Ramp Down -Iteration %2d" % (i)) print "== Phase 3: Ramp Down - iteration %2d == - Ramp down %d CPS (%d ms)" % ( i, n * 1000 / rd, rd) res = oneramp(xm, cg_id, ru_max + 1000, 2000, rd, n) if (res[1] == 1): rd_max = rd else: rd_min = rd rd = (rd_max + rd_min) / 2 if (rd_max - rd_min) <= c_res: break print xm.Comment("Done") if (i == 20): errexit("Status FAILED: Max iterations reached - rerun") if rd_max == rd and res[1] == 0: errexit("Max ramp down (slowest ramp failed) - rerun") xm.PortRelease(ports) print "==RESULT==================================================" print "Max ramp up %d CPS (%d ms)" % (n * 1000 / ru_max, ru_max) print "Max ramp down %d CPS (%d ms)" % (n * 1000 / rd_max, rd_max) print "==========================================================" print "Status PASSED"
def main(argv): c_debug = 0 c_lp = "0 1000 5000 1000" c_conns = 1 c_pe = 1 c_cap = 0 c_nat = 0 c_noarp = 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "dhl:n:e:", ["cap=", "noarp"]) except getopt.GetoptError: helptext() return for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': helptext() return elif opt in ("-d"): c_debug = 1 elif opt in ("-e"): c_pe = arg elif opt in ("--cap"): c_cap = int(arg) elif opt in ("-n"): c_conns = int(arg) elif opt in ("--noarp"): c_noarp = 1 elif opt in ("-l"): c_lp = arg arglen = len(args) if arglen != 6: helptext() return l47_server = args[0] cln_ip = args[1] svr_ip = args[2] nat_ip = args[3] svrp = args[4] clnp = args[5] if cln_ip == svr_ip: c_routed = 0 c_topo = "switched" else: c_routed = 1 c_topo = "routed" if nat_ip != "0.0.0": c_nat = 1 c_topo = "nat" ports = [svrp] + [clnp] LOADPROFILE = c_lp xm = XenaScriptTools(l47_server) if c_debug: xm.debugOn() xm.haltOn() arpps = 1000 * c_conns / int(c_lp.split()[1]) if c_nat: if c_routed: print "Combination of NAT and Routed NW not supported" return SVR_GW = svr_ip + ".1" SVR_IP = svr_ip + ".2" CLN_GW = cln_ip + ".1" CLN_IP = cln_ip + ".3" NAT_GW = nat_ip + ".1" NAT_IP = nat_ip + ".2" print "==CONFIGURATION===========================================" print "CFG connections %d" % (c_conns) print "CFG loadprofile %s" % (c_lp) print "CFG arp rate %d" % (arpps) print "CFG Suppress ARP %d" % (c_noarp) print "CFG debug %d" % (c_debug) print "CFG ports %s" % (" ".join(ports)) print "CFG pkteng %s" % (c_pe) print "CFG capture %d" % (c_cap) print "CFG NW Topo %s" % (c_topo) print "CFG cln_ip %s" % (CLN_IP) print "CFG svr_ip %s" % (SVR_IP) if c_nat: print "CFG NAT_IP %s" % (NAT_IP) print "CFG NAT_GW %s" % (NAT_GW) else: if c_routed: print "CFG svr_gw %s" % (SVR_GW) print "CFG cln_gw %s" % (CLN_GW) print print "==TEST EXECUTION==========================================" xm.Comment("Logon and Reserve") xm.LogonAndReserve(ports, "xena", "s_route") xm.PortReset(ports) CLI_RNG = CLN_IP + " " + str(c_conns) + " 10000 1" SVR_RNG = SVR_IP + " 1 80 1" NAT_RNG = NAT_IP + " 1 80 1" xm.Comment("Configure") xm.PortAddConnGroup(clnp, 1, CLI_RNG, SVR_RNG, 4) if c_nat: xm.PortAddConnGroup(svrp, 1, CLI_RNG, NAT_RNG, 4) else: xm.PortAddConnGroup(svrp, 1, CLI_RNG, SVR_RNG, 4) xm.PortRole(clnp, 1, "client") xm.PortRole(svrp, 1, "server") if c_topo == "routed": xm.SendExpectOK(clnp + " P4G_L2_GW [1] " + CLN_GW + " 0x010101010101") xm.SendExpectOK(clnp + " P4G_L2_USE_GW [1] YES") xm.SendExpectOK(svrp + " P4G_L2_GW [1] " + SVR_GW + " 0x020202020202") xm.SendExpectOK(svrp + " P4G_L2_USE_GW [1] YES") if not c_noarp: xm.SendExpectOK(clnp + " P4G_L2_USE_ARP [1] YES") xm.SendExpectOK(svrp + " P4G_L2_USE_ARP [1] YES") elif c_topo == "switched": if not c_noarp: xm.SendExpectOK(clnp + " P4G_L2_USE_ARP [1] YES") xm.SendExpectOK(svrp + " P4G_L2_USE_ARP [1] YES") elif c_topo == "nat": xm.SendExpectOK(svrp + " P4G_PROXY [1] ON") if not c_noarp: xm.SendExpectOK(clnp + " P4G_L2_USE_ARP [1] YES") else: print "Internal Error" return for port in ports: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_ARP_REQUEST " + str(arpps) + " 1000 3") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4E_ALLOCATE " + str(c_pe)) xm.PortAddLoadProfile(port, 1, LOADPROFILE, "msec") if c_cap: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_CAPTURE ON") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_CLEAR_COUNTERS") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_TEST_APPLICATION [1] NONE") t = 0 for dt in c_lp.split(): t = t + int(dt) slp = t / 1000 + 1 xm.Comment("Prepare and Run") print "Traffic PREPARE" xm.PortPrepare(ports) xm.PortWaitState(ports, "PREPARE_RDY") print "Traffic PRERUN" xm.PortSetTraffic(ports, "prerun") xm.PortWaitState(ports, "PRERUN_RDY") print "Traffic ON (servers)" xm.PortSetTraffic(svrp, "on") xm.PortWaitState(svrp, "RUNNING") print "Traffic ON (clients)" xm.PortSetTraffic(clnp, "on") xm.PortWaitState(clnp, "RUNNING") print "Sleeping " + str(slp) + " seconds" time.sleep(slp) xm.Comment("Stop traffic, and collect statistics") print "Traffic STOP" xm.PortSetTraffic(ports, "stop") xm.PortWaitState(ports, "STOPPED") for port in ports: if c_cap: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_CAPTURE OFF") print "Getting TCP stats" n_est = 0 print "==SERVER=======================================" stats = xm.Send(svrp + " P4G_TCP_STATE_TOTAL [1] ?") n_est = n_est + int(stats.split()[9]) print stats print "==CLIENT=======================================" stats = xm.Send(clnp + " P4G_TCP_STATE_TOTAL [1] ?") n_est = n_est + int(stats.split()[9]) print stats print "Requested conns: %d, established: %d" % (c_conns * len(svrp), n_est / 2) xm.PrintPortStatistics(ports) if c_cap: xm.Comment("Extract captured packets") print "==CAPTURE============================================" xm.PortGetPackets(ports, c_cap) for port in ports: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_CAPTURE OFF") print "==DONE============================================" xm.PortStateOff(ports) xm.PortRelease(ports)
def main(argv): c_debug = 0 c_lp = "0 1000 5000 1000" c_conns = 1 c_pe = 1 c_rto = 0 c_arp = 0 c_cap = 0 c_ipver = 4 c_gw = 0 cg_id = 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "6adghl:n:e:t:", ["arp", "cap="]) except getopt.GetoptError: helptext() return for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': helptext() return elif opt in ("-d"): c_debug = 1 elif opt in ("-6"): c_ipver = 6 elif opt in ("-g"): c_gw = 1 elif opt in ("-a", "--arp"): c_arp = 1 elif opt in ("-e"): c_pe = arg elif opt in ("--cap"): c_cap = int(arg) elif opt in ("-n"): c_conns = int(arg) elif opt in ("-l"): c_lp = arg elif opt in ("-t"): c_rto = arg arglen = len(args) if arglen < 3 or (arglen - 1) % 2 != 0: helptext() return ip_address = args[0] # Build list of server and client ports for i in range(arglen - 1): if i % 2 == 0: svrs.append(args[i + 1]) else: clis.append(args[i + 1]) ports = svrs + clis LOADPROFILE = c_lp xm = XenaScriptTools(ip_address) if c_debug: xm.debugOn() xm.haltOn() arpps = 1000 * c_conns / int(c_lp.split()[1]) print "==CONFIGURATION===========================================" print "CFG connections %d" % (c_conns) print "CFG loadprofile %s" % (c_lp) if c_arp: print "CFG arp " + str(c_arp) print "CFG arp rate %d" % (arpps) print "CFG debug %d" % (c_debug) print "CFG ports " + " ".join(ports) print "CFG pkteng %s" % (c_pe) print "CFG capture %d" % (c_cap) print if c_ipver == 6: #client_starting_ip = "0xaa01aa02aa03aa04aa05aa06aa07aa08" #server_starting_ip = "0xbb01bb02bb03bb04bb05bb06bb07bb08" #client_starting_port = "49152" #server_starting_port = "80" CLIENT_RANGE = "0xaa01aa02aa03aa04aa05aa06aa07aa08 " + str( c_conns) + " 49152 1 65535" SERVER_RANGE = "0xbb01bb02bb03bb04bb05bb06bb07bb08 1 80 1" else: #client_starting_ip = "" #server_starting_ip = "" #client_starting_port = "49152" #server_starting_port = "80" CLIENT_RANGE = " " + str(c_conns) + " 49152 1 65535" SERVER_RANGE = " 1 80 1" print "==TEST EXECUTION==========================================" xm.LogonSetOwner("xena", "s_ramp") xm.PortReserve(ports) xm.PortReset(ports) xm.PortAddConnGroup(ports, cg_id, CLIENT_RANGE, SERVER_RANGE, c_ipver) xm.PortRole(clis, cg_id, "client") xm.PortRole(svrs, cg_id, "server") xm.PortAllocatePE(ports, str(c_pe)) for port in ports: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_LP_TIME_SCALE [{0}] msec".format(cg_id)) xm.PortAddLoadProfile(port, cg_id, LOADPROFILE, "msec") if c_cap: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_CAPTURE ON") if c_arp: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_ARP_REQUEST {0} 1000 3".format(arpps)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_L2_USE_ADDRESS_RES [{0}] YES".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_ARP_REQUEST 1000 1000 1") if c_gw: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_L2_USE_GW [{0}] YES".format(cg_id)) if c_rto != 0: xm.SendExpectOK( port + " P4G_TCP_SYN_RTO [{0}] {1} 32 3".format(cg_id, c_rto)) xm.SendExpectOK( port + " P4G_TCP_RTO [{0}] static {1} 32 3".format(cg_id, c_rto)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_CLEAR_COUNTERS") xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_TEST_APPLICATION [{0}] NONE".format(cg_id)) t = 0 for dt in c_lp.split(): t = t + int(dt) slp = t / 1000 + 1 print "Traffic PREPARE" xm.PortPrepare(ports) xm.PortWaitState(ports, "PREPARE_RDY") print "Traffic PRERUN" xm.PortSetTraffic(ports, "prerun") xm.PortWaitState(ports, "PRERUN_RDY") print "Traffic ON (servers)" xm.PortSetTraffic(svrs, "on") xm.PortWaitState(svrs, "RUNNING") print "Traffic ON (clients)" xm.PortSetTraffic(clis, "on") xm.PortWaitState(clis, "RUNNING") print "Sleeping " + str(slp) + " seconds" time.sleep(slp) print "Traffic STOP" xm.PortSetTraffic(ports, "stop") xm.PortWaitState(ports, "STOPPED") print "Getting TCP stats" n_est = 0 print "==SERVER=======================================" for port in svrs: stats = xm.Send(port + " P4G_TCP_STATE_TOTAL [{0}] ?".format(cg_id)) n_est = n_est + int(stats.split()[9]) print "CLOSED: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[5])) print "LISTEN: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[6])) print "SYN_SENT: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[7])) print "SYN_RCVD: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[8])) print "ESTABLISHED: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[9])) print "FIN_WAIT_1: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[10])) print "FIN_WAIT_2: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[11])) print "CLOSE_WAIT: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[12])) print "CLOSING: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[13])) print "LAST_ACK: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[14])) print "TIME_WAIT: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[15])) print "==CLIENT=======================================" for port in clis: stats = xm.Send(port + " P4G_TCP_STATE_TOTAL [{0}] ?".format(cg_id)) n_est = n_est + int(stats.split()[9]) print "CLOSED: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[5])) print "LISTEN: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[6])) print "SYN_SENT: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[7])) print "SYN_RCVD: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[8])) print "ESTABLISHED: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[9])) print "FIN_WAIT_1: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[10])) print "FIN_WAIT_2: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[11])) print "CLOSE_WAIT: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[12])) print "CLOSING: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[13])) print "LAST_ACK: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[14])) print "TIME_WAIT: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[15])) print "Requested conns: %d, established: %d" % (c_conns * len(svrs), n_est / 2) if c_cap: print "==CAPTURE============================================" xm.PortGetPackets(ports, c_cap) xm.PrintPortStatistics(ports) print "==DONE============================================"
def main(argv): c_debug = 0 c_lp = "0 1000 5000 1000" c_conns = 1 c_pe = 2 c_rto = 0 c_arp = 0 c_cap = 0 c_ipver = 4 c_gw = 0 cg_id = 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "6adghl:n:e:t:", ["arp", "cap="]) except getopt.GetoptError: helptext() return for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': helptext() return elif opt in ("-d"): c_debug = 1 elif opt in ("-6"): c_ipver = 6 elif opt in ("-g"): c_gw = 1 elif opt in ("-a", "--arp"): c_arp = 1 elif opt in ("-e"): c_pe = arg elif opt in ("--cap"): c_cap = int(arg) elif opt in ("-n"): c_conns = int(arg) elif opt in ("-l"): c_lp = arg elif opt in ("-t"): c_rto = arg arglen = len(args) if arglen < 3 or (arglen - 1) % 2 != 0: helptext() return ip_address = args[0] # Build list of server and client ports for i in range(arglen - 1): if i % 2 == 0: svrs.append(args[i + 1]) else: clis.append(args[i + 1]) ports = svrs + clis LOADPROFILE = c_lp xm = XenaScriptTools(ip_address) if c_debug: xm.debugOn() xm.haltOn() arpps = 1000 * c_conns / int(c_lp.split()[1]) print "==CONFIGURATION===========================================" print "CFG connections %d" % (c_conns) print "CFG loadprofile %s" % (c_lp) if c_arp: print "CFG arp " + str(c_arp) print "CFG arp rate %d" % (arpps) print "CFG debug %d" % (c_debug) print "CFG ports " + " ".join(ports) print "CFG pkteng %s" % (c_pe) print "CFG capture %d" % (c_cap) print if c_ipver == 6: CLIENT_RANGE = "0xaa01aa02aa03aa04aa05aa06aa07aa08 " + str( c_conns) + " 10000 1 65535" SERVER_RANGE = "0xbb01bb02bb03bb04bb05bb06bb07bb08 1 50000 1" else: CLIENT_RANGE = " " + str(c_conns) + " 100 1 65535" SERVER_RANGE = " 1 5000 1" print "==TEST EXECUTION==========================================" xm.LogonSetOwner("xena", "s_ramp") xm.PortReserve(ports) xm.PortReset(ports) xm.PortAddConnGroup(ports, cg_id, CLIENT_RANGE, SERVER_RANGE, c_ipver) xm.PortRole(clis, cg_id, "client") xm.PortRole(svrs, cg_id, "server") xm.PortAllocatePE(ports, str(c_pe)) for port in ports: # Clear port counters xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_CLEAR_COUNTERS") if c_cap: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_CAPTURE ON") if c_arp: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_ARP_REQUEST {0} 1000 3".format(arpps)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_L2_USE_ADDRESS_RES [{0}] YES".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4_ARP_REQUEST 1000 1000 1") if c_gw: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_L2_USE_GW [{0}] YES".format(cg_id)) # UDP scenario xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_L4_PROTOCOL [{0}] UDP".format(cg_id)) # Load profile xm.PortAddLoadProfile(port, cg_id, LOADPROFILE, "msec") # UDP download scenario, server-to-client xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_TEST_APPLICATION [{0}] RAW".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_TEST_SCENARIO [{0}] DOWNLOAD".format(cg_id)) # UDP packet size = fixed, 800 bytes (excl. ETH, IP, UDP headers) max = 1472 xm.SendExpectOK( port + " P4G_UDP_PACKET_SIZE_TYPE [{0}] INCREMENT".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_UDP_PACKET_SIZE_VALUE [{0}] 800".format(cg_id)) # UDP packet size = increment, from 800 to 900 bytes (excl. ETH, IP, UDP headers) max = 1472 #xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_UDP_PACKET_SIZE_TYPE [{0}] FIXED".format(cg_id)) #xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_UDP_PACKET_SIZE_MINMAX [{0}] 800 900".format(cg_id)) # UDP packet content = increment (e.g. 0x00 01 02 03 04 05 06 ...) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_TYPE [{0}] INCREMENT".format(cg_id)) # On the application layer there is infinite amount of data to transmit. xm.SendExpectOK( port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_TOTAL_LEN [{0}] INFINITE 0".format(cg_id)) # Using 100% of the port speed. xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_UTILIZATION [{0}] 1000000".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_TX_DURING_RAMP [{0}] YES YES".format(cg_id)) # One UDP stream lives for some time and then recreated using the same IP address. Repeat the process until the end of the test. #xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_CONN_INCARNATION [{0}] IMMORTAL".format(cg_id)) #xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_CONN_LIFETIME [{0}] SECOND {1}".format(cg_id, int(c_lp.split()[1]))) #xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_CONN_REPETITIONS [{0}] INFINITE 0".format(cg_id)) # UDP streams live until the end of the test xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_CONN_INCARNATION [{0}] ONCE".format(cg_id)) t = 0 for dt in c_lp.split(): t = t + int(dt) slp = t / 1000 + 1 print "Traffic PREPARE" xm.PortPrepare(ports) xm.PortWaitState(ports, "PREPARE_RDY") print "Traffic PRERUN" xm.PortSetTraffic(ports, "prerun") xm.PortWaitState(ports, "PRERUN_RDY") print "Traffic ON (servers)" xm.PortSetTraffic(svrs, "on") xm.PortWaitState(svrs, "RUNNING") print "Traffic ON (clients)" xm.PortSetTraffic(clis, "on") xm.PortWaitState(clis, "RUNNING") print "Waiting for " + str(slp) + " seconds" time.sleep(slp) print "Traffic STOP" xm.PortSetTraffic(ports, "stop") xm.PortWaitState(ports, "STOPPED") print "Getting UDP stats" n_est = 0 print "==SERVER=======================================" for port in svrs: stats = xm.Send(port + " P4G_UDP_STATE_TOTAL [{0}] ?".format(cg_id)) n_est = n_est + int(stats.split()[5]) print "CLOSED: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[5])) print "OPEN: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[6])) print "ACTIVE: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[7])) print "==CLIENT=======================================" for port in clis: stats = xm.Send(port + " P4G_UDP_STATE_TOTAL [{0}] ?".format(cg_id)) n_est = n_est + int(stats.split()[5]) print "CLOSED: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[5])) print "OPEN: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[6])) print "ACTIVE: {0}".format(int(stats.split()[7])) print "Requested conns: %d, established: %d" % (c_conns * len(svrs), n_est / 2) if c_cap: print "==CAPTURE============================================" xm.PortGetPackets(ports, c_cap) xm.PrintPortStatistics(ports) print "==DONE============================================"
def main(): c_debug = 0 c_pe = 2 c_repeat = 0 c_conn = 1000 cg_id = 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hde:r:n:s:") except getopt.GetoptError: helptext() for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': helptext() elif opt in ("-d"): c_debug = 1 elif opt in ("-e"): c_pe = int(arg) elif opt in ("-r"): c_repeat = int(arg) elif opt in ("-n"): c_conn = int(arg) elif opt in ("-s"): c_len = int(arg) arglen = len(args) if arglen < 3 or (arglen - 1) % 2 != 0: helptext() ip_address = args[0] # Build list of server and client ports for i in range(arglen - 1): if i % 2 == 0: svrs.append(args[i + 1]) else: clis.append(args[i + 1]) ports = svrs + clis xm = XenaScriptTools(ip_address) if c_debug: xm.debugOn() xm.haltOn() lp = LoadProfile(0, 1000, 8000, 1000, "msecs") s_repeat = str(c_repeat) if c_repeat == 0: s_repeat = "INFINITE" print print "==CONFIGURATION===========================================" print "CFG connections : %d" % (c_conn) print "CFG server ports: " + " ".join(svrs) print "CFG client ports: " + " ".join(clis) print "CFG repeats : %s" % (s_repeat) print "CFG duration : %ds" % (lp.duration_sec()) print "CFG pkteng : %d" % (c_pe) print "CFG debug : %d" % (c_debug) print print "==TEST EXECUTION==========================================" xm.Comment("Logon, reserve and reset ports") xm.LogonSetOwner("xena", "s_reqres") xm.PortReserve(ports) xm.PortReset(ports) xm.Comment("Configure %d clients - total %d CC" % (c_conn, c_conn)) xm.PortAddConnGroup(ports, cg_id, " " + str(c_conn) + " 40001 1", " 1 80 1", 4) xm.PortRole(svrs, cg_id, "server") xm.PortRole(clis, cg_id, "client") xm.PortAddLoadProfile(ports, cg_id, lp.shape(), lp.timescale) xm.Comment("Configure application") for port in ports: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4E_ALLOCATE " + str(c_pe)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_TEST_APPLICATION [{0}] RAW".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_TEST_SCENARIO [{0}] DOWNLOAD".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_HAS_DOWNLOAD_REQ [{0}] YES".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_CLOSE_CONN [{0}] NONE".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_TX_DURING_RAMP [{0}] YES YES".format(cg_id)) if c_repeat: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_REQUEST_REPEAT [{0}] FINITE {1}".format( cg_id, c_repeat)) else: xm.SendExpectOK( port + " P4G_RAW_REQUEST_REPEAT [{0}] INFINITE 0".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_TYPE [{0}] fixed".format(cg_id)) xm.SendExpectOK( port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_TOTAL_LEN [{0}] FINITE {1}".format(cg_id, c_len)) xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD_REPEAT_LEN [{0}] 1".format(cg_id)) xm.Comment("Configure Request") request_content = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n" len_req = str(len(request_content)) request_hex = "0x" + binascii.hexlify(request_content).decode('utf_8') for port in ports: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST [{0}] {1} {2}".format( cg_id, len_req, request_hex)) xm.Comment("Configure Response") response_content = b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 1\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nA\r\n" len_res = str(len(response_content)) response_hex = "0x" + binascii.hexlify(response_content).decode('utf_8') for port in svrs: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_PAYLOAD [{0}] 0 {1} {2}".format( cg_id, len_res, response_hex)) for port in clis: xm.SendExpectOK( port + " P4G_RAW_RX_PAYLOAD_LEN [{0}] FINITE {1}".format(cg_id, len_res)) xm.Comment("Setup utilization and prepare for testrun") for port in clis: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_UTILIZATION [{0}] 999900".format(cg_id)) for port in svrs: xm.SendExpectOK(port + " P4G_RAW_UTILIZATION [{0}] 999900".format(cg_id)) xm.Comment("Prepare ports and run tests, start with servers") xm.PortPrepare(ports) xm.PortSetTraffic(ports, "prerun") xm.PortWaitState(ports, "PRERUN_RDY") xm.PortSetTraffic(svrs, "ON") xm.PortWaitState(svrs, "RUNNING") xm.PortSetTraffic(clis, "ON") waitsec = lp.duration_sec() + 2 while waitsec != 0: acc = 0 rate = 0 for port in clis: trans = xm.Send( port + " p4g_app_transaction_counters [{0}] ?".format(cg_id)).split() acc = int(trans[5]) rate = int(trans[6]) print "Port %s: Transactions: %12u, Rate: %12u " % (port, acc, rate) time.sleep(1) waitsec -= 1 for port in ports: xm.Send(port + " P4_TRAFFIC stop") #xm.PortRelease(ports) print "==DONE===================================================" return 0