class GUI(object):

    def __init__(self):
        constructor of `class GUI`.
        The default level is 'EASY'.
        self.app = Tk()
        self.app.title('Tic Tac Toe')
        self.app.resizable(width=False, height=False)
        self.board = Board()
        self.font = Font(family="Helvetica", size=32)
        self.font_levels = Font(family="Times", size=14) 
        self.buttons = {}
        self.level = 'EASY'
        for row in range(DIMENSIONS):
            for col in range(DIMENSIONS):
	        handler = lambda x=row, y=col: self.move(x, y, 'EASY')
	        button_T = Button(self.app, command=handler,
                                  font=self.font, width=3,
                                  height=2, bd=3)
	        button_T.grid(row=col, column=row)
                self.buttons[row, col] = button_T
    def which_level(self):
        #FF6103: cadmiumorange
        #00CD00: green3
        #EE0000: red2
        handler_E = lambda: self.reset('EASY')
        button_E = Button(self.app, text="EASY", command=handler_E,
                          bg="#00CD00", foreground="white",
                          font=self.font_levels, bd=4)
        button_E.grid(row=DIMENSIONS+1, column=0,
                      columnspan=1, sticky="WE")

        handler_M = lambda: self.reset('MEDIUM')        
        button_M = Button(self.app, text="MEDIUM", command=handler_M,
                          bg="#FF6103", foreground="white",
                          font=self.font_levels, bd=4)
        button_M.grid(row=DIMENSIONS+1, column=1,
                      columnspan=1, sticky="WE")
        handler_H = lambda: self.reset('HARD')
        button_H = Button(self.app, text="HARD", command=handler_H,
                          bg="#EE0000", foreground="white",
                          font=self.font_levels, bd=4)
        button_H.grid(row=DIMENSIONS+1, column=2,
                      columnspan=1, sticky="WE")

    def reset(self, level):
        This function resets the `board` after any level is selected.
        A new instance of `Board()` is created, all the buttons are cleared
        and then new buttons are created.
        self.board = Board()
        for button in self.app.grid_slaves():

    def create_buttons(self, level):
        This functions creates buttons according to the selected level.
        for row in range(DIMENSIONS):
            for col in range(DIMENSIONS):
                if level == 'HARD':
                    handler = lambda x=row, y=col: self.move(x, y, 'HARD')
                    self.level = 'HARD'
                elif level == 'EASY':
                    handler = lambda x=row, y=col: self.move(x, y, 'EASY')
                    self.level = 'EASY'
                elif level == 'MEDIUM':
                    handler = lambda x=row, y=col: self.move(x, y, 'MEDIUM')
                    self.level = 'MEDIUM'
                button_T = Button(self.app, command=handler,
                                  font=self.font, width=3,
                                  height=2, bd=3)
                button_T.grid(row=col, column=row)
                self.buttons[row, col] = button_T

    def move(self, row, col, level):
        inputs: `row`, `col`, `level`, where the turn is to be played.

        This function calls the `best_score` of a specific level depending
        on the level selected and location on which user plays a turn.
        self.board = self.board.play_turn(row, col)
        if level == 'HARD':
            move = self.board.best_score_hard()
        elif level == 'EASY':
            move = self.board.best_score_easy()
        elif level == 'MEDIUM':
            move = self.board.best_score_medium()
        if move:
            self.board = self.board.play_turn(move[0], move[1])

    def update(self):
        input: None

        This function updates the board.
        #FF0000: red1
        for row in range(DIMENSIONS):
            for col in range(DIMENSIONS):
                text = self.board.grid[row][col]
                self.buttons[row, col]['text'] = text
                self.buttons[row, col]['disabledforeground'] = 'black'
                if text == self.board.empty_location:
                    self.buttons[row, col]['state'] = 'normal'
                    self.buttons[row, col]['state'] = 'disabled'
        status = self.board.won()
        if self.level == 'EASY':
            status = self.board.won_easy()
            if not status:
                status = self.board.won()
        if status:
            for (row, col) in status:
                self.buttons[row, col]['disabledforeground'] = '#FF0000'
            for (row, col) in self.buttons:
                self.buttons[row, col]['state'] = 'disabled'
            for row in range(DIMENSIONS):
                for col in range(DIMENSIONS):
                    self.buttons[col, row].update()

    def mainloop(self):