def fitGaussianX(img, m, b, bright, offset, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY): parDist,perpDist = GT.getDistancesHorizontal(m, b, img.shape[1], img.shape[0], offset) parF,perpF,imgF = getTrailBand(parDist, perpDist, img, 6) x,y = GT.getXY(parF,perpF,m,b,offset) trailScaled = imgF/bright(parF) fig,axes = plt.subplots(1,2,sharex = True, sharey = True) axes[0].plot(perpF,trailScaled,"bo") axes[0].set_title("Trail Gaussian With Stars") mask = getValueMask(img, x, y, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY, 1) perpF = perpF[mask] trailScaled = trailScaled[mask] axes[1].plot(perpF,trailScaled,"bo") axes[1].set_title("Trail Gaussian Without Stars") sDev = cf(gauss, perpF, trailScaled)[0][0] x = np.arange(-5,5,0.1) plt.plot(perpF,trailScaled,"bo",label = "Pixel Brightnesses") plt.plot(x,gauss(x,sDev), label = "Gaussian Fit") plt.title("Gaussian Fit") return sDev
def findOffsetX(p1, p2, m, b, starX, starY, starR, hotX, hotY, img, PC): perpLine = np.arange(-4,4.1,0.1) parLine = getParLine(img, p1, p2, m, b) x,y = getParLineXYBand(perpLine, img, p1, p2, m, b) pars = [] offsets = [] for i in range(0,x.shape[1]): bright = [PC(x[j,i],y[j,i]) for j in range(0,x.shape[0])] off = [perpLine[j] for j in range(0,x.shape[0])] maxOff = off[np.argmax(bright)] offsets.append(maxOff) pars.append(parLine[i]) offsets = np.array(offsets) parLine2 = getParLine(img, p1, p2, m, b) trailX,trailY = GT.getXY(parLine2, offsets, m, b) fig,axes = plt.subplots(2,1,True,True) axes[0].plot(pars,offsets) axes[0].set_title("Wobble with Stars") mask = getValueMask(img, trailX, trailY, starX, starY, starR, hotX, hotY, 1) interpolateSignal(parLine2, offsets, mask) axes[1].plot(pars,offsets) axes[1].set_title("Wobble without Stars") pars = np.array(pars) offset = FF.FourierFit(pars, offsets, int(pars.shape[0]*0.87))#0.92)) if True: plt.plot(pars,offsets,label="Wobble") plt.plot(pars,offset(pars), label="Wobble Fit") plt.legend() x2,y2 = GT.getXY(pars, offset(pars), m, b) if True: mx = img.max() mn = img.min() median = np.median(img) plt.imshow(-img, cmap=cm.gray, vmin = -(mx+rescale*median)/(rescale+1), vmax = -(mn+rescale2*median)/(rescale2+1)) plt.title("Trail With Wobble Fit") plt.plot(x2,y2) return offset
def fitBrightnessSDev(img, m, b, offset, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY, trailSize): parDist,perpDist = GT.getDistancesHorizontal(m, b, img.shape[1], img.shape[0], offset) parDistF,perpDistF,imgF = getTrailBand(parDist, perpDist, img, trailSize) x,y = GT.getXY(parDistF,perpDistF,m,b,offset) mask = getValueMask(img, x, y, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY, 1) par = parDistF[mask] perp = perpDistF[mask] band = imgF[mask] b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, sDev = cf(GT.gaussian2, [par, perp], band, bounds = ([-math.inf,-math.inf,-math.inf,-math.inf,-math.inf,0],[math.inf,math.inf,math.inf,math.inf,math.inf,trailSize]))[0] return [np.poly1d([b1, b2, b3, b4, b5]), sDev]
def fitBrightnessPolyX(img, p1, p2, m, b, offset, PC, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY): parDists = getParLine(img, p1, p2, m, b) perpDists = parDists*0 x,y = GT.getXY(parDists,perpDists,m,b,offset) #weights = ((dists-np.mean(dists))/max(dists))**2+1 brightness = np.array([PC(x[i],y[i]) for i in range(0,len(x))]) fig,axes = plt.subplots(2,1,True,True) axes[0].plot(parDists,brightness) axes[0].set_title("Britghtness with Stars") mask = getValueMask(img, x, y, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY, 1) interpolateSignal(parDists, brightness, mask) axes[1].plot(parDists,brightness) axes[1].set_title("Brightness without Stars") bPol = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(parDists,brightness,20))#,weights = weights)) bFour = FF.FourierFit(parDists, brightness, int(parDists.shape[0]*0.98))#0.92)) plt.plot(parDists, brightness, label = "Brightness") plt.plot(parDists, bPol(parDists), label = "Brightness Fit") #plt.plot(parDists, bFour(parDists), label = "Brightness Fit") plt.title("Brightness Fit") plt.legend() return bFour
def getParLine(img, p1, p2, m, b): parDists = GT.findDistances(np.array([p1[0],p2[0]]),np.array([p1[1],p2[1]]),m,b)[0] minD = min(parDists) maxD = max(parDists) step = (maxD-minD)/max(img.shape) return np.arange(minD,maxD,step)
def findFitVertical(img, x, trailSize): parDist, perpDist = GT.getDistancesVertical(x, img.shape[1], img.shape[0]) median = np.median(img) bkg = MMMBackground() back = bkg(img) return fit(img-median, perpDist, parDist, trailSize)
def testTrailFinder(xScale, yScale): for i in range(0, 10): trail = GT.generateTrailVertical(np.random.random() * xScale, np.random.random(), np.random.random(), np.random.random(), 50 * np.random.random(), xScale, yScale) imgNoTrail = RT.findRemoveTrail(trail, trail, 200, False, True, True, True, False, False)
def getStarsHotPixelsAlongTrail(m, b, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY, dist): starX = np.array(starX) starY = np.array(starY) starR = np.array(starR) gX = np.array(gX) gY = np.array(gY) gR = np.array(gR) hotX = np.array(hotX) hotY = np.array(hotY) starPar,starPerp = GT.findDistances(starX,starY,m,b) gPar,gPerp = GT.findDistances(gX,gY,m,b) hotPar,hotPerp = GT.findDistances(hotX,hotY,m,b) starMask = (np.abs(np.abs(starPerp)-np.abs(starR))<=dist) gMask = (np.abs(np.abs(gPerp)-np.abs(gR))<=dist) hotMask = (np.abs(hotPerp)<=dist) return (starX[starMask], starY[starMask], starR[starMask], gX[gMask], gY[gMask], gR[gMask], hotX[hotMask], hotY[hotMask])
def estimateBackground(img, m, b, offset, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY): parDist,perpDist = GT.getDistancesHorizontal(m, b, img.shape[1], img.shape[0], offset) par,perp,band = getNonTrailBand(parDist, perpDist, img, 10, 20) x,y = GT.getXY(par,perp,m,b,offset) mask = getValueMask(img, x, y, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY, 1) par = par[mask] band = band[mask] mean = np.mean(band) plt.plot(par,band,"bo",label = "Background Pixel Brightnesses") plt.plot([par[0],par[-1]],[mean, mean],label = "Average Background Brightness: "+str(np.round(mean,decimals = 3))) plt.title("Background Estimate") plt.legend() print(mean) return mean
def removeTrailVertical(imgNoBackground, img, showProgress, x, trailSize): if showProgress: print("Fitting curve brightness...") b1, b2, b3, sDev = TF.findFitVertical(imgNoBackground, x, trailSize) if showProgress: print("Brightness fitted\n") print("Removing trail...") print(sDev) trail = GT.generateTrailVertical(x, b1, b2, b3, sDev, img.shape[1], img.shape[0]) if showProgress: print("Trail removed!") return img - trail
def fitBrightnessPolyX2(img, p1, p2, m, b, offset, PC, starX, starY, starR, hotX, hotY, gaussRange, step, sDev): parLine = getParLine(img, p1, p2, m, b) perpLine = np.arange(-gaussRange,gaussRange+step,step) x,y = getParLineXYBand(perpLine, img, p1, p2, m, b, offset) gaussian = gauss(perpLine,sDev) brightness = [] for i in range(0,x.shape[1]): brightness.append(np.mean([PC(x[j,i],y[j,i])*gaussian[j] for j in range(0,len(x))])) brightness = np.array(brightness) trailX,trailY = GT.getXY(parLine, parLine*0, m, b, offset) mask = getValueMask(img, trailX, trailY, starX, starY, starR, hotX, hotY, gaussRange) interpolateSignal(parLine, brightness, mask) bPol = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(parLine,brightness,5))#,weights = weights)) #bFour = FF.FourierFit(parLine, brightness, int(parLine.shape[0]*0.98))#0.92)) plt.plot(parLine, brightness) plt.plot(parLine, bPol(parLine)) #plt.plot(parLine, bFour(parLine)) plt.title("Brightness Fit") middleIndex = int(np.round(gaussRange/step)) brightness2 = np.array([(PC(x[middleIndex,i],y[middleIndex,i])/bPol(parLine[i])) for i in range(0,len(x))]) bPol2 = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(parLine,brightness2,0))#,weights = weights)) #bFour = FF.FourierFit(parLine, brightness, int(parLine.shape[0]*0.98))#0.92)) plt.plot(parLine, brightness2) plt.plot(parLine, bPol2(parLine)) #plt.plot(parLine, bFour(parLine)) plt.title("Brightness Fit") return bPol
def removeTrailHorizontal(imgNoBackground, img, showProgress, m, b, p1, p2, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY, trailSize, PC): if showProgress: print("Fitting curve brightness...") sDev, brightness, offset = TF.findFitHorizontal(imgNoBackground, p1, p2, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY, trailSize, PC) if showProgress: print("Brightness fitted\n") print("Removing trail...") trail = GT.generateTrailHorizontal(m, b, brightness, sDev, img.shape[1], img.shape[0], offset) if showProgress: print("Trail removed!") imgNoTrail = img - trail showImageWithTrail(imgNoTrail, "Image Without Trail", p1, p2, False, offset) mx = img.max() mn = img.min() median = np.median(img) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, True, True) axes[0].imshow(-img, cmap=cm.gray, vmin=-(mx + rescale * median) / (rescale + 1), vmax=-(mn + rescale2 * median) / (rescale2 + 1)) axes[1].imshow(-imgNoTrail, cmap=cm.gray, vmin=-(mx + rescale * median) / (rescale + 1), vmax=-(mn + rescale2 * median) / (rescale2 + 1)) return imgNoTrail
def showImageWithTrail(img, title, p1, p2, inverted, offset=None): mx = img.max() mn = img.min() median = np.median(img) if inverted: plt.imshow(-img, cmap=cm.gray, vmin=-(mx + rescale * median) / (rescale + 1), vmax=-(mn + rescale2 * median) / (rescale2 + 1)) else: plt.imshow(img, cmap=cm.gray, vmin=(mn + rescale2 * median) / (rescale2 + 1), vmax=(mx + rescale * median) / (rescale + 1)) plt.plot((p1[0], p2[0]), (p1[1], p2[1])) if offset != None: m, b = TF.getLineParams(p1, p2) pars = TF.getParLine(img, p1, p2, m, b) perps = offset(pars) x, y = GT.getXY(pars, perps, m, b) plt.plot(x, y)
def removeStarsPSF(img, starPixX, starPixY, starR, mags, gX, gY, gR, p1, p2, radius, showProgress, inverted = False): remove = [] for i in range(0,len(starPixX)): if i%100 == 0: print(i) for j in range(i+1,len(starPixX)): if np.abs(starPixX[i]-starPixX[j])<2.5*radius and np.abs(starPixY[i]-starPixY[j])<2.5*radius: remove.append(i) remove.append(j) mask = np.ones(len(starPixX), dtype = bool) mask[np.array(remove)] = 0 starPixX = starPixX[mask] starPixY = starPixY[mask] starR = starR[mask] mags = mags[mask] print(radius) mask = np.ones(starPixX.shape[0],dtype=bool) for i in range(gX.shape[0]): mask = np.logical_and(mask, np.sqrt((starPixX-gX[i])**2+(starPixY-gY[i])**2)>gR[i]+2*radius) starPixX = starPixX[mask] starPixY = starPixY[mask] starR = starR[mask] mags = mags[mask] mask = (2*radius<starPixX) & (starPixX<img.shape[1]-2*radius) & (2*radius<starPixY) & (starPixY<img.shape[0]-2*radius) starPixX = starPixX[mask] starPixY = starPixY[mask] starR = starR[mask] mags = mags[mask] if p1[0]==p2[0]: psfMask = np.abs(starPixX-p1[0])>2.5*radius trailMask = np.abs(starPixX-p1[0])<10 psfX = starPixX[psfMask] psfY = starPixY[psfMask] psfR = starR[psfMask] psfMags = mags[psfMask] trailX = starPixX[trailMask] trailY = starPixY[trailMask] trailMags = mags[trailMask] else: m,b = TF.getLineParams(p1,p2) par,perp = GT.findDistances(starPixX,starPixY,m,b) psfMask = np.abs(perp)>2.5*radius trailMask = np.abs(perp)<10 psfX = starPixX[psfMask] psfY = starPixY[psfMask] psfR = starR[psfMask] psfMags = mags[psfMask] trailX = starPixX[trailMask] trailY = starPixY[trailMask] trailMags = mags[trailMask] mask = psfR>10 psfX = psfX[mask] psfY = psfY[mask] psfMags = psfMags[mask] print(psfX.shape[0]) showImageWithDetectedHotPixels(img, "Image with Star Picks", psfX, psfY, "b", inverted) psfX,psfY = centroid_sources(img, psfX, psfY, box_size=21, centroid_func=centroid_com) showImageWithDetectedHotPixels(img, "Image with Star Picks Centroid", psfX, psfY, "b", inverted) stars = Table() stars["x"] = psfX stars["y"] = psfY #stars2 = Table() #stars2["x_0"] = psfX #stars2["y_0"] = psfY stars = extract_stars(NDData(data=img), stars, size = 2*int(2*radius)+1) nrows = 5 ncols = 5 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(20, 20), squeeze=True) ax = ax.ravel() for i in range(nrows*ncols): norm = simple_norm(stars[i], 'log', percent=99.) ax[i].imshow(stars[i], norm=norm, origin='lower', cmap='viridis') #sigma_psf = 2.0 #daogroup = DAOGroup(2.0) #mmm_bkg = MMMBackground() #fitter = LevMarLSQFitter() #psf_model = PRF(sigma=sigma_psf) #photometry = BasicPSFPhotometry(group_maker=daogroup,bkg_estimator=mmm_bkg,psf_model=psf_model,fitter=LevMarLSQFitter(),fitshape=(11,11)) #result_tab = photometry(image=img, init_guesses=stars2) #residual_image = photometry.get_residual_image() epsfBuilder = EPSFBuilder(oversampling=2, maxiters=20, smoothing_kernel = "quadratic") epsf, starFits = epsfBuilder(stars) #showImage(residual_image,"Image No Stars",True) norm = simple_norm(, 'log', percent=99.) plt.imshow(, norm=norm, origin='lower', cmap='viridis') plt.colorbar() nrows = 5 ncols = 5 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(20, 20), squeeze=True) ax = ax.ravel() for i in range(nrows*ncols): norm = simple_norm(starFits[i], 'log', percent=99.) ax[i].imshow(starFits[i], norm=norm, origin='lower', cmap='viridis') nrows = 5 ncols = 5 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(20, 20), squeeze=True) ax = ax.ravel() for i in range(nrows*ncols): norm = simple_norm(stars[i].data-starFits[i].data, 'log', percent=99.) ax[i].imshow(stars[i].data-starFits[i].data, norm=norm, origin='lower', cmap='viridis') showImage(finalImg, "Image With No Stars", inverted)
def getParLineXYBand(perpLine, img, p1, p2, m, b, offset=None): parLine = getParLine(img, p1, p2, m, b) parLine,perpLine = np.meshgrid(parLine,perpLine) return GT.getXY(parLine,perpLine,m,b,offset)
def getStars(trail, noTrail, baselineImages, trailCoords, noTrailCoords, baselineCoords, p1, p2): v = Vizier(row_limit=100000) center = trailCoords.all_pix2world( [(trail.shape[0] / 2, trail.shape[1] / 2)], 0, ra_dec_order=True)[0] corner = trailCoords.all_pix2world([(0, 0)], 0, ra_dec_order=True)[0] angle = np.sqrt((corner[0] - center[0])**2 + (corner[1] - center[1])**2) c = coordinates.SkyCoord(center[0], center[1], unit=('deg', 'deg'), frame='icrs') starResult = v.query_region(c, radius=angle * u.deg, catalog=["I/337/gaia"]) starCoords = [] mags = [] for item in starResult: for i in range(0, item["RA_ICRS"].shape[0]): starCoords.append((item["RA_ICRS"][i], item["DE_ICRS"][i])) mags.append(item["__Gmag_"][i]) starPix = np.transpose( trailCoords.all_world2pix(starCoords, 0, ra_dec_order=True)) starPixX = starPix[0] starPixY = starPix[1] mags = np.array(mags) mask = (starPixX > 50) mask = np.logical_and(mask, (starPixX < trail.shape[1] - 50)) mask = np.logical_and(mask, (starPixY > 50)) mask = np.logical_and(mask, (starPixY < trail.shape[0] - 50)) mask = np.logical_and(mask, (starPixX + starPixY < 6000)) mags = mags[mask] newStarCoords = [] for i in range(len(starCoords)): if mask[i]: newStarCoords.append(starCoords[i]) starCoords = newStarCoords starPix = np.transpose( noTrailCoords.all_world2pix(starCoords, 0, ra_dec_order=True)) starPixX = starPix[0] starPixY = starPix[1] mags = np.array(mags) mask = (starPixX > 50) mask = np.logical_and(mask, (starPixX < trail.shape[1] - 50)) mask = np.logical_and(mask, (starPixY > 50)) mask = np.logical_and(mask, (starPixY < trail.shape[0] - 50)) mags = mags[mask] newStarCoords = [] for i in range(len(starCoords)): if mask[i]: newStarCoords.append(starCoords[i]) starCoords = newStarCoords for coords in baselineCoords: starPix = np.transpose( coords.all_world2pix(starCoords, 0, ra_dec_order=True)) starPixX = starPix[0] starPixY = starPix[1] mags = np.array(mags) mask = (starPixX > 50) mask = np.logical_and(mask, (starPixX < trail.shape[1] - 50)) mask = np.logical_and(mask, (starPixY > 50)) mask = np.logical_and(mask, (starPixY < trail.shape[0] - 50)) mags = mags[mask] newStarCoords = [] for i in range(len(starCoords)): if mask[i]: newStarCoords.append(starCoords[i]) starCoords = newStarCoords trailStarPix = np.transpose( trailCoords.all_world2pix(starCoords, 0, ra_dec_order=True)) trailStarPixX = trailStarPix[0] trailStarPixY = trailStarPix[1] showImageWithDetectedHotPixels(trail, "", trailStarPixX, trailStarPixY, "b", True) noTrailStarPix = np.transpose( noTrailCoords.all_world2pix(starCoords, 0, ra_dec_order=True)) noTrailStarPixX = noTrailStarPix[0] noTrailStarPixY = noTrailStarPix[1] showImageWithDetectedHotPixels(noTrail, "", noTrailStarPixX, noTrailStarPixY, "b", True) baselineStarPixX = [] baselineStarPixY = [] for i in range(len(baselineCoords)): baselinePix = np.transpose(baselineCoords[i].all_world2pix( starCoords, 0, ra_dec_order=True)) baselineStarPixX.append(baselinePix[0]) baselineStarPixY.append(baselinePix[1]) showImageWithDetectedHotPixels(baselineImages[i], "", baselineStarPixX[-1], baselineStarPixY[-1], "b", True) order = np.argsort(mags) trailStarPixX = trailStarPixX[order] trailStarPixY = trailStarPixY[order] noTrailStarPixX = noTrailStarPixX[order] noTrailStarPixY = noTrailStarPixY[order] for i in range(len(baselineStarPixX)): baselineStarPixX[i] = baselineStarPixX[i][order] baselineStarPixY[i] = baselineStarPixY[i][order] mags = mags[order] if p1[0] == p2[0]: perp = trailStarPixX - p1[0] else: m, b = getLineParams(p1, p2) par, perp = GT.findDistances(trailStarPixX, trailStarPixY, m, b) mask = (np.abs(perp) <= 20) antimask = (np.abs(perp) > 20) baselineStarTrailPixX = [] baselineStarTrailPixY = [] trailStarTrailPixX = trailStarPixX[mask][:12] trailStarTrailPixY = trailStarPixY[mask][:12] showImageWithDetectedHotPixels(trail, "", trailStarTrailPixX, trailStarTrailPixY, "b", True) noTrailStarTrailPixX = noTrailStarPixX[mask][:12] noTrailStarTrailPixY = noTrailStarPixY[mask][:12] showImageWithDetectedHotPixels(noTrail, "", noTrailStarTrailPixX, noTrailStarTrailPixY, "b", True) for i in range(len(baselineStarPixX)): baselineStarTrailPixX.append(baselineStarPixX[i][mask][:12]) baselineStarTrailPixY.append(baselineStarPixY[i][mask][:12]) showImageWithDetectedHotPixels(baselineImages[i], "", baselineStarTrailPixX[-1], baselineStarTrailPixY[-1], "b", True) baselineStarBackPixX = [] baselineStarBackPixY = [] trailStarBackPixX = trailStarPixX[antimask][:200] trailStarBackPixY = trailStarPixY[antimask][:200] showImageWithDetectedHotPixels(trail, "", trailStarBackPixX, trailStarBackPixY, "b", True) for i in range(len(baselineStarPixX)): baselineStarBackPixX.append(baselineStarPixX[i][antimask][:200]) baselineStarBackPixY.append(baselineStarPixY[i][antimask][:200]) showImageWithDetectedHotPixels(baselineImages[i], "", baselineStarBackPixX[-1], baselineStarBackPixY[-1], "b", True) return (trailStarTrailPixX, trailStarTrailPixY, noTrailStarTrailPixX, noTrailStarTrailPixY, baselineStarTrailPixX, baselineStarTrailPixY, trailStarBackPixX, trailStarBackPixY, baselineStarBackPixX, baselineStarBackPixY)
vmin=-(mx + rescale * median) / (rescale + 1), vmax=-(mn + rescale2 * median) / (rescale2 + 1)) else: plt.imshow(img, cmap=cm.gray, vmin=(mn + rescale2 * median) / (rescale2 + 1), vmax=(mx + rescale * median) / (rescale + 1)) plt.title(title) inFile = "Images/FitsImages/2019-12-22_04-23-01__-30.00_60.00s_185_c.fits" outFile = "Images/FitsImages/2019-12-22_04-23-01__-30.00_60.00s_185_c_double_trail.fits" fitsImg = img = fitsImg[0].data.astype(np.float64) for i in range(0, 10): trail = GT.generateTrailHorizontal( 4 * np.random.random() - 2, 3000 * np.random.random(), 0.0003 * np.random.random() - 0.000005, 0.03 * np.random.random() - 0.0005, 50 * np.random.random() + 50, 5 * np.random.random(), img.shape[1], img.shape[0]) imgTrail = img + trail showImage(imgTrail, "Image with Artificial Trail", inverted=False) fits.writeto(outFile + str(i + 1), imgTrail, header=fitsImg[0].header)
def findOffsetX2(p1, p2, m, b, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY, img, PC, perpRangeSize, step, gaussRange, sDev): perpLine = np.arange(-perpRangeSize-gaussRange, perpRangeSize+gaussRange+step, step) parLine = getParLine(img, p1, p2, m, b) x,y = getParLineXYBand(perpLine, img, p1, p2, m, b) perpRange = np.arange(-gaussRange,gaussRange+step,step) gaussian = gauss(perpRange,sDev) plt.plot(perpRange,gaussian) startI = int(np.round(gaussRange/step)) endI = int(np.round(len(perpLine)-1-gaussRange/step)) pars = [] offsets = [] for i in range(0, x.shape[1]): bright = [PC(x[j,i],y[j,i]) for j in range(0,x.shape[0])] gaussBright = [] for j in range(startI,endI): brightList = [] for k in range(-startI,startI): brightList.append(bright[j+k]*gaussian[startI+k]) gaussBright.append(np.mean(brightList)) off = [perpLine[j] for j in range(startI,endI)] maxOff = off[np.argmax(gaussBright)] offsets.append(maxOff) pars.append(parLine[i]) offsets = np.array(offsets) parLine2 = getParLine(img, p1, p2, m, b) trailX,trailY = GT.getXY(parLine2, offsets, m, b) fig,axes = plt.subplots(2,1,True,True) axes[0].plot(pars,offsets) axes[0].set_title("Wobble with Stars") mask = getValueMask(img, trailX, trailY, starX, starY, starR, gX, gY, gR, hotX, hotY, 1) interpolateSignal(parLine2, offsets, mask) axes[1].plot(pars,offsets) axes[1].set_title("Wobble without Stars") pars = np.array(pars) offset = FF.FourierFit(pars, offsets, int(pars.shape[0]*0.95)) if True: plt.plot(pars,offsets,label="Wobble") plt.plot(pars,offset(pars), label="Wobble Fit") plt.legend() plt.title("Wobble Fit") x2,y2 = GT.getXY(pars, offset(pars), m, b) if True: mx = img.max() mn = img.min() median = np.median(img) plt.imshow(-img, cmap=cm.gray, vmin = -(mx+rescale*median)/(rescale+1), vmax = -(mn+rescale2*median)/(rescale2+1)) plt.title("Trail With Wobble Fit") plt.plot(x2,y2) plt.plot(trailX,trailY) plt.plot([p1[0],p2[0]],[p1[1],p2[1]]) return offset