trap_annealing_steps = [0.5] * 10

Vres = 0.50
Vtrap = 0.00
Vrg = -0.50
Vcg = 0.00
Vtg = -0.50

simulation_name = "Combined_Model"
save_path = r"/Users/gkoolstra/Desktop/Electron optimization/Realistic potential/Combined Model"
sub_dir = time.strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S_{}".format(simulation_name))
save = False

# Evaluate all files in the following range.
xeval = np.linspace(-5.0, 12.5, 501)
yeval = anneal.construct_symmetric_y(-5.0, 151)

master_path = r"/Volumes/slab/Gerwin/Electron on helium/Maxwell/M018 Yggdrasil/Greater Trap Area/V1"
#master_path = r"/Users/gkoolstra/Desktop/Electron optimization/Realistic potential/Potentials/V6 - Greater Trap Area"
x_eval, y_eval, output = anneal.load_data(master_path, xeval=xeval, yeval=yeval, mirror_y=True,
                                          extend_resonator=True, do_plot=False)
# Note: x_eval and y_eval are 2D arrays that contain the x and y coordinates at which the potentials are evaluated

# Use resonator potential to solve for equilibrium position of resonator electrons
U_resonator = -Vres * output[0]['V'][-1, :]

# Solve resonator potential
RS = anneal.ResonatorSolver(y_eval[:, -1], U_resonator, efield_data=None,
                            box_length=resonator_box_length, spline_order_x=3, smoothing=smoothing)

res_initial_condition = anneal.setup_initial_condition(N_resonator_electrons,
#save_path = r"/Volumes/slab/Gerwin/Electron on helium/Electron optimization/Realistic potential/Resonator"
sub_dir = time.strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S_{}".format(simulation_name))
save = True
create_movie = True

# Load the data from the dsp file:
#path = r'/Volumes/slab/Gerwin/Electron on helium/Maxwell/M018 Yggdrasil/Greater Trap Area/V1big/DCBiasPotential.dsp'
path = r'S:\Gerwin\Electron on helium\Maxwell\M018 Yggdrasil\All simulation data M018V3\DCBiasPotential.dsp'
elements, nodes, elem_solution, bounding_box = import_data.load_dsp(path)

xdata, ydata, Udata = interpolate_slow.prepare_for_interpolation(
    elements, nodes, elem_solution)

x0 = -2.0  # Starting point for y
k = 251  # This defines the sampling
xeval = anneal.construct_symmetric_y(x0, k)

fig0 = plt.figure(figsize=(5., 3.))
xinterp, yinterp, Uinterp = interpolate_slow.evaluate_on_grid(
    yeval=np.linspace(-1, 1, 151),
    clim=(0.00, 1.00),
    **common.plot_opt("darkorange", msize=6))
trap_annealing_steps = [1.0] * 10

Vres = 0.30
Vtrap = 0.00
Vrg = 0.00
Vcg = 0.00
Vtg = -0.30

simulation_name = "Combined_Model"
save_path = r"/Users/gkoolstra/Desktop/Electron optimization/Realistic potential/Combined Model"
sub_dir = time.strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S_{}".format(simulation_name))
save = False

# Evaluate all files in the following range.
xeval = np.linspace(-4, 9.5, 501)
yeval = anneal.construct_symmetric_y(-3.0, 121)

master_path = r"/Volumes/slab/Gerwin/Electron on helium/Maxwell/M018 Yggdrasil/Greater Trap Area/V1"
#master_path = r"/Users/gkoolstra/Desktop/Electron optimization/Realistic potential/Potentials/V6 - Greater Trap Area"
x_eval, y_eval, output = anneal.load_data(master_path, xeval=xeval, yeval=yeval, mirror_y=True,
                                          extend_resonator=True, do_plot=False)
# Note: x_eval and y_eval are 2D arrays that contain the x and y coordinates at which the potentials are evaluated

# Use resonator potential to solve for equilibrium position of resonator electrons
U_resonator = -Vres * output[0]['V'][-1, :]

# Solve resonator potential
RS = anneal.ResonatorSolver(y_eval[:, -1], U_resonator, efield_data=None,
                            box_length=resonator_box_length, spline_order_x=3, smoothing=0)

res_initial_condition = anneal.setup_initial_condition(N_resonator_electrons,
                                                                      x0=(inserted_res_length*1E-6 + box_length)/2., y0=0.0E-6, dx=0.40E-6)
x_trap_init, y_trap_init = anneal.r2xy(electron_initial_positions)

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    save_path = r"S:\Gerwin\Electron on helium\Electron optimization\Realistic potential\Single electron loading"
elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
    save_path = r"/mnt/slab/Gerwin/Electron on helium/Electron optimization/Realistic potential/Single electron loading"
    save_path = r"/Users/gkoolstra/Desktop/Single electron loading/Data"

sub_dir = time.strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S_{}".format(simulation_name))
save = True

# Evaluate all files in the following range.
xeval = np.linspace(-4.0, box_length*1E6, 751)
yeval = anneal.construct_symmetric_y(-4.0, 201)

dx = np.diff(xeval)[0]*1E-6
dy = np.diff(yeval)[0]*1E-6

if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    master_path = r"S:\Gerwin\Electron on helium\Maxwell\M018 Yggdrasil\M018V6\V6.2"
elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
    master_path = r"/mnt/slab/Gerwin/Electron on helium/Maxwell/M018 Yggdrasil/M018V6/V6.2"
    master_path = r"/Users/gkoolstra/Desktop/Single electron loading/Potentials/M018V6/V6.2"

x_eval, y_eval, output = anneal.load_data(master_path, xeval=xeval, yeval=yeval, mirror_y=True,
                                          extend_resonator=False, insert_resonator=True, do_plot=inspect_potentials,
                                          inserted_res_length=inserted_res_length, smoothen_xy=(0.40E-6, 2*dy))