def _test_05_video_resizing(self):
        ''' check if videos are resized properly '''
        #useTestFlavorsConf() - had to remove that and test on standard flavors only

        tumbler = Tumbler()
        video = ["file:///usr/share/tumbler-tests/data/size_352x288.mp4"]
        mime = ["video/mp4"]
        flavors = getFlavorsList()
        original_size = 352, 288

        for flavor in flavors:
            tumbler.simple_Queue(video, mime, flavor)
            # get list of thumbnails which should be created
            thumbnails = getThumbnailFlavorPath(video[0], flavor)
            #print "Should generated thumbnail:", thumbnails
            # check if those thumbnails exists
            self.assertEqual(areFilesExist(thumbnails), True,
                             'Thumbnail has not been created!')
            # check if files are 'readable' as a image and do not have zero size
            self.assertEqual(areFilesProperImages(thumbnails), True,
                             'Not all thumbnails are proper image files!')
            # get size of the image
            size = getImageSize(thumbnails[0])
            # calculate proper size for a thumbnail
            targetSize = calculateSizeSrcFlavor(original_size, flavor)
            #print "Orig:(", original_size, ") Min:(", getFlavorMinSize(flavor), ") Dst:(", getFlavorSize(flavor), ") -> (", targetSize, ")"
            # check if thumbnail has proper size
            self.assertEqual(size, targetSize)
	def _test_05_video_resizing(self):
		''' check if videos are resized properly '''
		#useTestFlavorsConf() - had to remove that and test on standard flavors only

		tumbler = Tumbler()
		video         = [ "file:///usr/share/tumbler-tests/data/size_352x288.mp4" ]
		mime          = [ "video/mp4" ]
		flavors       = getFlavorsList()
		original_size = 352, 288

		for flavor in flavors:
			tumbler.simple_Queue(video, mime, flavor)
			# get list of thumbnails which should be created
			thumbnails = getThumbnailFlavorPath(video[0], flavor)
			#print "Should generated thumbnail:", thumbnails
			# check if those thumbnails exists
			self.assertEqual(areFilesExist( thumbnails ), True, 'Thumbnail has not been created!')
			# check if files are 'readable' as a image and do not have zero size
			self.assertEqual(areFilesProperImages( thumbnails ), True, 'Not all thumbnails are proper image files!')
			# get size of the image
			size = getImageSize(thumbnails[0])
			# calculate proper size for a thumbnail
			targetSize = calculateSizeSrcFlavor(original_size, flavor)
			#print "Orig:(", original_size, ") Min:(", getFlavorMinSize(flavor), ") Dst:(", getFlavorSize(flavor), ") -> (", targetSize, ")"
			# check if thumbnail has proper size
			self.assertEqual(size, targetSize)
	def _test_04_mpeg_format_insignificant(self):
		''' check if MPEG videos are properly thumbnailed '''
		videos = self.getAllVideosWithFormat("mpeg")
		flavor = "normal"
		mime = []
		for tmp in videos:

		tumbler = Tumbler()
		tumbler.simple_Queue(videos, mime, flavor)

		# get list of thumbnails which should be created
		thumbnails = getThumbnailFlavorPath(videos, flavor)
		# check if those thumbnails exists
		self.assertEqual(areFilesExist( thumbnails ), True, 'Not all thumbnails were created for MPEG videos!')
		# cleanup
    def _test_04_mpeg_format_insignificant(self):
        ''' check if MPEG videos are properly thumbnailed '''
        videos = self.getAllVideosWithFormat("mpeg")
        flavor = "normal"
        mime = []
        for tmp in videos:

        tumbler = Tumbler()
        tumbler.simple_Queue(videos, mime, flavor)

        # get list of thumbnails which should be created
        thumbnails = getThumbnailFlavorPath(videos, flavor)
        # check if those thumbnails exists
        self.assertEqual(areFilesExist(thumbnails), True,
                         'Not all thumbnails were created for MPEG videos!')
        # cleanup