def __init__(self): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(SHOULDER_HOME_INPUT, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(ELBOW_HOME_INPUT, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) self.target_vel = Subscriber(8410) self.xyz_names = ["x", "y","yaw"] self.output_pub = Publisher(8420) self.cartesian_motors = ["shoulder","elbow","yaw"] self.motor_names = ["shoulder","elbow","yaw","roll","grip"] self.pwm_names = ["pitch"] self.ordering = ["shoulder","elbow","pitch","yaw","grip","roll"] self.native_positions = { motor:0 for motor in self.motor_names} self.currents = { motor:0 for motor in self.motor_names} self.xyz_positions = { axis:0 for axis in self.xyz_names} self.elbow_left = True self.CPR = {'shoulder': -12.08 * 4776.38, 'elbow' : -12.08 * 2442.96, 'yaw' : -float(48)/27 * 34607, 'roll' : 455.185*float(12*53/20), 'grip' : 103.814*float(12*36/27)} # 'pitch' : -2 * 34607} self.SPEED_SCALE = 20 self.rc = RoboClaw(find_serial_port(), names = self.ordering,\ addresses = [130,128,129]) self.zeroed = False self.storageLoc = [0,0] self.limits = {'shoulder':[-2.18,2.85], 'elbow' : [-4,2.24], #-2.77 'yaw' : [-3.7,3.7] } self.dock_pos = {'shoulder': 2.76, 'elbow' : -2.51, 'yaw' : -3.01 } self.dock_speeds = [.01,.006] self.forcing = False try: while 1: start_time = time.time() self.update() while (time.time() - start_time) < 0.1: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: self.send_speeds( {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names}, {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names} ) raise except: self.send_speeds( {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names}, {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names} ) raise
class SLAM: pass def __init__(self): self.particle_num = 100 self.particles = [ Particle() for _ in range(self.particle_num) ] self.odom = Subscriber() self.lidar = Subscriber() def loop(self): pass def process_odometry(self): movement = self.odom.get() delta_xy = movement["xy"]/dt delta_r = movement["angle"]/dt for particle in self.particles: particle.move(delta_xy, delta_r) angle_var = np.degrees(5) * np.random.randn() xy_var = [0.01 * np.random.randn(), 0] particle.move(xy_var, angle_var) # particle.move() def process_lidar(self): scan = self.lidar.get() landmarks = find_landmarks(scan) for particle in self.particles: particles.sensor_update(landmarks) #resample particles @staticmethod def find_landmarks(scan) -> List[Bearing]: xs = [] ys = [] img = np.zeros((500,500)) for _, angle, dist in scan: a = math.radians(angle) x = math.sin(a) * dist y = math.cos(a) * dist img[x,y] = 1 img
def __init__(self): self.imu = Subscriber(8220, timeout=1) self.gps = Subscriber(8280, timeout=2) self.auto_control = Subscriber(8310, timeout=5) self.cmd_vel = Publisher(8830) # self.lights = Publisher(8590) self.servo = Publisher(8120) self.aruco = Subscriber(8390, timeout=2) time.sleep(3) self.start_point = { "lat": self.gps.get()['lat'], "lon": self.gps.get()['lon'] } self.lookahead_radius = 6 self.final_radius = 1.5 # how close should we need to get to last endpoint self.search_radius = 20 # how far should we look from the given endpoint self.reached_destination = False # switch modes into tennis ball seach self.robot = None self.guess = None # where are we driving towards self.guess_radius = 3 # if we are within this distance we move onto the next guess self.guess_time = None self.last_tennis_ball = 0 self.past_locations = [] self.stuck_time = 0 while True: self.update() time.sleep(0.1)
def __init__(self): self.viz = Vizualizer() self.odom = Subscriber(8810, timeout=0.2) self.lidar = Subscriber(8110, timeout=0.1) self.robot = Robot() self.update_time = time.time() self.dt = None self.scan = None self.viz.after(100, self.update) self.viz.mainloop()
def __init__(self): self.target_vel = Subscriber(8410) self.motor_names = ["spinner"] self.pwm_names = ["null"] self.CPR = {'spinner':1294} self.oneShot = 0 self.rc = RoboClaw(find_serial_port(), names = self.motor_names + self.pwm_names,\ addresses = [128]) self.pos = 0 while 1: start_time = time.time() self.update() while (time.time() - start_time) < 0.1: pass
class Arm: def __init__(self): self.target_vel = Subscriber(8410) self.motor_names = ["spinner"] self.pwm_names = ["null"] self.CPR = {'spinner':1294} self.oneShot = 0 self.rc = RoboClaw(find_serial_port(), names = self.motor_names + self.pwm_names,\ addresses = [128]) self.pos = 0 while 1: start_time = time.time() self.update() while (time.time() - start_time) < 0.1: pass def condition_input(self,target): target['x'] = - target['x'] target['yaw'] = 0.01* target['yaw'] # rotates command frame to end effector orientation angle = self.xyz_positions['yaw'] x = target['x'] y = target['y'] target['x'] = x*math.cos(angle) - y*math.sin(angle) target['y'] = x*math.sin(angle) + y*math.cos(angle) return target def update(self): try: print() print("new iteration") target = self.target_vel.get() # TODO: This shouldn't be necessary, how to fix in UDPComms? target = {bytes(key): value for key, value in target.iteritems()} print(target) target_f = target if(target_f['grip'] == 1 and self.oneShot == 0): self.pos = self.pos + 1 self.oneShot = 1 elif(target_f['grip'] == -1 and self.oneShot == 0): self.pos = self.pos - 1 self.oneShot = 1 if(target_f['grip'] == 0): self.oneShot = 0 if target_f["reset"]: print ("RESETTING!!!") self.rc.set_encoder('spinner',0) self.rc.drive_position('spinner',int(self.pos*self.CPR['spinner'])) except timeout: print ("No commands")
def __init__(self): self.target_vel = Subscriber(8410) self.xyz_names = ["x", "y", "yaw"] self.motor_names = ["elbow", "shoulder", "yaw"] self.pwm_names_dummy = ["pitch", "z", "dummy", "roll", "grip"] self.pwm_names = ["pitch", "z", "roll", "grip"] self.native_positions = {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names} self.xyz_positions = {axis: 0 for axis in self.xyz_names} self.elbow_left = True self.CPR = { 'shoulder': -10.4 * 1288.848, 'elbow': -10.4 * 921.744, 'yaw': float(48) / 28 * 34607 } #'pitch' : -2 * 34607} self.SPEED_SCALE = 10 self.rc = RoboClaw(find_serial_port(), names = self.motor_names + self.pwm_names_dummy, \ addresses = [128, 129, 130, 131]) try: while 1: start_time = time.time() self.update() while (time.time() - start_time) < 0.1: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: self.send_speeds({motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names}, {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names}) raise except: self.send_speeds({motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names}, {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names}) raise
class Arm: def __init__(self): self.target_vel = Subscriber(8410) self.motor_names = ["spinner"] self.pwm_names = ["led"] self.CPR = {'spinner':1294} self.oneShot = 0 self.rc = RoboClaw(find_serial_port(), names = self.motor_names + self.pwm_names,\ addresses = [128]) self.pos = 0 self.offset = 0 while 1: start_time = time.time() self.update() while (time.time() - start_time) < 0.1: pass def update(self): try: print() print("new iteration") target = self.target_vel.get() # TODO: This shouldn't be necessary, how to fix in UDPComms? target = {bytes(key): value for key, value in target.iteritems()} print(target) target_f = target if(target_f['grip'] == -1): self.rc.drive_duty("led", -30000) else: self.rc.drive_duty("led", 0) if math.fabs(target_f['yaw']) > 0.1: self.offset += 100*target_f['yaw'] if(target_f['roll'] == 1 and self.oneShot == 0): self.pos = self.pos + 1 self.oneShot = 1 elif(target_f['roll'] == -1 and self.oneShot == 0): self.pos = self.pos - 1 self.oneShot = 1 if(target_f['roll'] == 0): self.oneShot = 0 if target_f["reset"]: print ("RESETTING!!!") self.rc.set_encoder('spinner',0) self.pos = 0 self.offset = 0 self.rc.drive_position('spinner',int(self.pos*self.CPR['spinner'] + self.offset)) except timeout: print ("No commands")
def __init__(self, target='tennis_ball'): self.timer = RepeatTimer(1 / MESSAGE_RATE, self._step) self.control_state = ControllerState() self.pos = PositionTracker(self.control_state) self.obj_sensors = ObjectSensors() = False self.walking = False self.user_stop = False self.cmd_pub = Publisher(CMD_PUB_PORT) self.cmd_sub = Subscriber(CMD_SUB_PORT) self.cv_sub = Subscriber(CV_SUB_PORT) self.joystick = Joystick() self.joystick.led_color(**PUPPER_COLOR) self.state = 'off' = target self.current_target = None self.pusher_client = PusherClient() self._last_sensor_data = (None, None, None)
def __init__(self, rate=0.1, imu=None): self.obj_sensors = ObjectSensors() if imu is None: self.imu = IMU() else: self.imu = imu self.cv_sub = Subscriber(CV_PORT, timeout=0.5) self.cmd_sub = Subscriber(CMD_PORT) = None self.data_columns = ['timestamp', 'x_acc', 'y_acc', 'z_acc', 'roll', 'pitch', 'yaw', 'left_obj', 'right_obj', 'center_obj', 'bbox_x', 'bbox_y', 'bbox_h', 'bbox_w', 'bbox_label', 'bbox_confidence', 'robo_x_vel', 'robo_y_vel', 'robo_yaw_rate', 'imu_calibration', 'gyro_calibration', 'accel_calibration', 'mag_calibration'] self.timer = RepeatTimer(rate, self.log) self.all_img = []
class Trajectory_Reciever: def __init__(self, port=8830): #port is definetly subject to change self.pi_subscriber = Subscriber(port) def get_trajectory(self): #NOTE: form of messaage: {x_vel: 5, y_vel: 3} try: msg = self.pi_subscriber.get() print ("recieved message: ", msg) return msg['ly'] * 0.5, msg['lx'] * -0.24 except: print ("error getting the message") return 0, 0
def __init__(self): self.imu = Subscriber(8220, timeout=2) self.gps = Subscriber(8280, timeout=3) self.auto_control = Subscriber(8310, timeout=5) self.lights = Publisher(8311) self.cmd_vel = Publisher(8830) self.logger = Logger(8312) self.aruco = Subscriber(8390, timeout=3) time.sleep(2) # delay to give extra time for gps message self.start_gps = self.gps.recv() self.cmd_sent = False
def __init__(self): self.target_vel = Subscriber(8410) self.pwm_names = ["z", "z_clone"] self.rc = RoboClaw(find_serial_port(), names=self.pwm_names, addresses=[131]) try: while 1: start_time = time.time() self.update() while (time.time() - start_time) < 0.1: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print('driving z at', 0) self.rc.drive_duty('z', 0) raise except: print('driving z at', 0) self.rc.drive_duty('z', 0) raise
def main(argv): idx_camera = int(argv[0]) offset_degrees = float(argv[1]) reference = Subscriber(9010) detection_results = Publisher(902 + idx_camera) camera = picamera.PiCamera(sensor_mode=2, resolution=capture_res, framerate=10) cam_params = {} while True: try: cam_params = reference.get() print(cam_params) except UDPComms.timeout: if "range_hue" not in cam_params: continue camera.shutter_speed = cam_params["shutter"] camera.iso = cam_params["iso"] image = np.empty((capture_res[1] * capture_res[0] * 3), dtype=np.uint8) camera.capture(image, 'bgr') image = image.reshape((capture_res[1], capture_res[0], 3)) hsv_ranges = (cam_params["range_hue"], cam_params["range_sat"], cam_params["range_val"]) heading, distance = find_ball_direct(image, hsv_ranges, offset_degrees) if (distance > 0): result = {"heading": heading, "distance": distance} detection_results.send(result) print("Found ball!") print(result)
class Arm: def __init__(self): self.target_vel = Subscriber(8410) self.pwm_names = ["z", "z_clone"] self.rc = RoboClaw(find_serial_port(), names=self.pwm_names, addresses=[131]) try: while 1: start_time = time.time() self.update() while (time.time() - start_time) < 0.1: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print('driving z at', 0) self.rc.drive_duty('z', 0) raise except: print('driving z at', 0) self.rc.drive_duty('z', 0) raise def update(self): print() print("new iteration") try: target = self.target_vel.get() # TODO: This shouldn't be necessary, how to fix in UDPComms? target = {bytes(key): value for key, value in target.iteritems()} # target_f = self.condition_input(target) except timeout: print "TIMEOUT No commands recived" print('driving z at', 0) self.rc.drive_duty('z', 0) except: print('driving z at', 0) self.rc.drive_duty('z', 0) raise else: print('Driving z at', int(19000 * target['z'])) self.rc.drive_duty('z', int(-19000 * target['z']))
def __init__(self): self.particle_num = 100 self.particles = [ Particle() for _ in range(self.particle_num) ] self.odom = Subscriber() self.lidar = Subscriber()
rad = math.atan2(self.lastSin, self.lastCos) + omega_rad * delta_t self.lastSin = math.sin(rad) self.lastCos = math.cos(rad) self.lastGyro = (self.lastGyro + omega * delta_t) % 360 def get_angle(self): rad = math.atan2(self.lastSin, self.lastCos) return math.degrees(rad) % 360 pub = Publisher(8220) offset = 10 #random starting value mostly correct aroudn stanford offset_sub = Subscriber(8210, timeout=5) # I2C connection to IMU i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) imu = adafruit_lsm9ds1.LSM9DS1_I2C(i2c) # I2C connection to IMU compass = HMC6343() # initialize filter # TODO find good value filt = ComplementaryFilter(0.99) lastGyro = 0 lastMag = 0 lastPub = 0
import math import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from UDPComms import Subscriber, timeout cmd = Subscriber(8590, timeout=5) greenPin = 13 redPin = 12 bluePin = 18 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(redPin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(greenPin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(bluePin, GPIO.OUT) pwmRed = GPIO.PWM(redPin, 490) pwmGreen = GPIO.PWM(greenPin, 490) pwmBlue = GPIO.PWM(bluePin, 490) pwmRed.start(0) pwmGreen.start(0) pwmBlue.start(0) maxPower = 50 r = 0 g = 0 b = 1.0
from UDPComms import Subscriber import time import datetime view_sub = Subscriber(8810) MSG_INTERVAL = 20 CONTROL_LOG = '/home/cerbaris/pupper_code/control.log' if __name__ == "__main__": print('Waiting for messages...') last_msg = None while True: try: msg = view_sub.get() if last_msg is None: last_msg = msg same = False else: same = True for k, v in msg.items(): if last_msg[k] != v: same = False if not same: print('') print( print(msg) print('') curr_time = with open(CONTROL_LOG, 'a') as f:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import odrive from odrive.enums import * from UDPComms import Subscriber, Publisher, timeout import time import os if os.geteuid() != 0: exit( "You need to have root privileges to run this script.\nPlease try again, this time using 'sudo'. Exiting." ) cmd = Subscriber(8830, timeout=0.3) telemetry = Publisher(8810) print("finding an odrives...") middle_odrive = odrive.find_any(serial_number="206230804648") print("found middle odrive") front_odrive = odrive.find_any(serial_number="206C35733948") print("found middle odrive") back_odrive = odrive.find_any(serial_number="207D35903948") print("found back odrive") print("found all odrives") def clear_errors(odrive): if odrive.axis0.error: print("axis 0", odrive.axis0.error)
import time import bluetooth import json from pupperpy.BluetoothInterface import BluetoothServer ## Configurable ## hostMACAddress = 'B8:27:EB:5E:D6:8F' ## MAC address to bluetooth adapter on pi BLE_PORT = 3 BLE_MSG_SIZE = 1024 MESSAGE_RATE = 20 ## End Config ## PUPPER_COLOR = {"red":0, "blue":0, "green":255} pupper_pub = Publisher(8830) pupper_sub = Subscriber(8840, timeout=0.01) def send_command(values): left_y = -values["left_analog_y"] right_y = -values["right_analog_y"] right_x = values["right_analog_x"] left_x = values["left_analog_x"] L2 = values["l2"] R2 = values["r2"] R1 = values["r1"] L1 = values["l1"] square = values["button_square"]
from UDPComms import Subscriber, timeout pan_pin = 14 tilt_pin = 4 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(pan_pin, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(tilt_pin, GPIO.OUT) pan = GPIO.PWM(pan_pin, 50) tilt = GPIO.PWM(tilt_pin, 50) pan.start(7.5) tilt.start(7.5) sub = Subscriber(8120, timeout=1) time.sleep(1) pan_angle = 0 tilt_angle = 0 def clamp(x, ma, mi): if x > ma: return ma elif x < mi: return mi else: return x
from UDPComms import Publisher, Subscriber, timeout from PS4Joystick import Joystick import time ## you need to git clone the PS4Joystick repo and run `sudo bash` ## Configurable ## MESSAGE_RATE = 20 PUPPER_COLOR = {"red": 0, "blue": 0, "green": 255} joystick_pub = Publisher(8830, 65530) joystick_subcriber = Subscriber(8840, timeout=0.01) joystick = Joystick() joystick.led_color(**PUPPER_COLOR) while True: print("running") values = joystick.get_input() left_y = -values["left_analog_y"] right_y = -values["right_analog_y"] right_x = values["right_analog_x"] left_x = values["left_analog_x"] L2 = values["l2_analog"] R2 = values["r2_analog"] R1 = values["button_r1"] L1 = values["button_l1"]
class SLAM: def __init__(self): self.viz = Vizualizer() self.odom = Subscriber(8810, timeout=0.2) self.lidar = Subscriber(8110, timeout=0.1) self.robot = Robot() self.update_time = time.time() self.dt = None self.scan = None self.viz.after(100, self.update) self.viz.mainloop() def update(self): self.dt = time.time() - self.update_time self.update_time = time.time() print("dt", self.dt) self.update_odom() self.update_lidar() loop_time = 1000 * (time.time() - self.update_time) self.viz.after(int(max(100 - loop_time, 0)), self.update) def update_odom(self): try: da, dy = self.odom.get()['single']['odom'] da *= self.dt dy *= self.dt t = Transform.fromOdometry(da, (0, dy)) self.viz.plot_Robot(self.robot) except timeout: print("odom timeout") pass def update_lidar(self): try: scan = self.lidar.get() # print("scan", scan) pc = PointCloud.fromScan(scan) # lidar in robot frame pc = pc.move(Transform.fromComponents(0, (-100, 0))) pc = pc.move(self.robot.get_transform()) if (self.scan == None): self.scan = pc self.viz.plot_PointCloud(self.scan, clear=False) else: self.viz.clear_PointCloud() self.viz.plot_PointCloud(self.scan) self.viz.plot_PointCloud(pc, c="blue") cloud, transform = self.scan.fitICP(pc) self.robot.move(transform) if cloud is not None: # self.viz.plot_PointCloud(cloud, c="red") self.scan = self.scan.extend(cloud) self.viz.plot_PointCloud(cloud, clear=False) except timeout: print("lidar timeout") pass
class Pursuit: def __init__(self): self.imu = Subscriber(8220, timeout=1) self.gps = Subscriber(8280, timeout=2) self.auto_control = Subscriber(8310, timeout=5) self.cmd_vel = Publisher(8830) # self.lights = Publisher(8590) self.servo = Publisher(8120) self.aruco = Subscriber(8390, timeout=2) time.sleep(3) self.start_point = { "lat": self.gps.get()['lat'], "lon": self.gps.get()['lon'] } self.lookahead_radius = 6 self.final_radius = 1.5 # how close should we need to get to last endpoint self.search_radius = 20 # how far should we look from the given endpoint self.reached_destination = False # switch modes into tennis ball seach self.robot = None self.guess = None # where are we driving towards self.guess_radius = 3 # if we are within this distance we move onto the next guess self.guess_time = None self.last_tennis_ball = 0 self.past_locations = [] self.stuck_time = 0 while True: self.update() time.sleep(0.1) def get_guess(self, endpoint): x, y = endpoint rand_x = (2 * random.random() - 1) * self.search_radius rand_y = (2 * random.random() - 1) * self.search_radius self.random_corrd = (rand_x, rand_y) print(rand_x, rand_y) return (x + rand_x, y + rand_y) def find_ball(self, cmd): if cmd['end_mode'] == 'none': print("REACHED ENDPOINT") # self.lights.send({'r':0, 'g':1, 'b':0}) self.servo.send({'pan': 0, 'tilt': 90}) self.send_stop() elif cmd['end_mode'] == 'tennis': print("Entering search program") try: marker = self.aruco.get() except timeout: marker = None last_waypoint = cmd['waypoints'][-1] endpoint = self.project(last_waypoint['lat'], last_waypoint['lon']) if marker == None: if (time.time() - self.last_tennis_ball) < 2: # if we saw a ball in the last 2 sec out = {"f": 70, "t": 0} print('cont to prev seen marker', out) self.cmd_vel.send(out) else: if self.guess == None: self.guess = self.get_guess(endpoint) self.guess_time = time.time() print("NEW RANDOM GUESS - first") elif self.distance(self.guess) < self.guess_radius: self.guess = self.get_guess(endpoint) print("NEW RANDOM GUESS - next") self.guess_time = time.time() elif (time.time() - self.guess_time) > 40: self.guess = self.get_guess(endpoint) print("NEW RANDOM GUESS - timeout") self.guess_time = time.time() self.guess = self.get_guess(endpoint) print("random corrds", self.random_corrd) diff_angle = self.get_angle(self.guess) self.send_velocities(diff_angle) else: # self.guess_time = time.time() # will this matter? self.last_tennis_ball = time.time() if marker['dist'] < 1.5: print("REACHED MARKER") self.send_stop() else: self.send_velocities_slow(marker['angle']) else: print("incorrect mode") def update(self): try: self.robot = self.gps.get() cmd = self.auto_control.get() except: print('lost control') return if cmd['command'] == 'off': print("off") self.reached_destination = False self.start_point['lat'] = self.gps.get()['lat'] self.start_point['lon'] = self.gps.get()['lon'] # self.lights.send({'r':1, 'g':0, 'b':0}) self.servo.send({'pan': 0, 'tilt': -90}) elif (cmd['command'] == 'auto'): last_waypoint = cmd['waypoints'][-1] if self.reached_destination: self.find_ball(cmd) elif( self.distance(self.project(last_waypoint['lat'], last_waypoint['lon'])) \ < self.final_radius ): self.reached_destination = True print("REACHED final End point") elif self.analyze_stuck(): self.un_stick() else: lookahead = self.find_lookahead(cmd['waypoints']) diff_angle = self.get_angle(lookahead) self.send_velocities(diff_angle) else: raise ValueError def analyze_stuck(self): self.past_locations.append([ self.project(self.robot['lat'], self.robot['lon']), self.imu.get()['angle'][0], time.time() ]) if len(self.past_locations) < 100: return False while len(self.past_locations) > 100: self.past_locations.pop(0) if (time.time() - self.stuck_time < 14): return False abs_angle = lambda x, y: min(abs(x - y + i * 360) for i in [-1, 0, 1]) # location, t = self.past_locations[0] # if self.distance(location)/(time.time() - t) < 0.1 locations = [self.past_locations[10 * i + 5][0] for i in range(9)] angles = [self.past_locations[10 * i + 5][1] for i in range(9)] max_loc = max([self.distance(loc) for loc in locations]) max_angle = max( [abs_angle(ang, self.imu.get()['angle'][0]) for ang in angles]) print("we are", max_loc, "from stcuk and angle", max_angle) if max_loc < 1 and max_angle < 30: print("WE ARE STUCK") # self.stuck_location = location self.stuck_time = time.time() return True return False def un_stick(self): start_time = time.time() while (time.time() - start_time) < 4 and self.auto_control.get( )['command'] == 'auto': self.analyze_stuck() out = {"f": -100, "t": -20} print('unsticking', out) self.cmd_vel.send(out) time.sleep(0.1) start_time = time.time() start_angle = self.imu.get()['angle'][0] while (time.time() - start_time) < 1 and self.auto_control.get( )['command'] == 'auto': self.analyze_stuck() out = {"f": 0, "t": -70} print('unsticking part 2', out) self.cmd_vel.send(out) time.sleep(0.1) start_time = time.time() while (time.time() - start_time) < 2 and self.auto_control.get( )['command'] == 'auto': self.analyze_stuck() out = {"f": 70, "t": 0} print('unsticking part 2', out) self.cmd_vel.send(out) time.sleep(0.1) def find_lookahead(self, waypoints): start_waypoints = [self.start_point] + waypoints waypoint_pairs = zip(start_waypoints[::-1][1:], start_waypoints[::-1][:-1]) i = 0 for p1, p2 in waypoint_pairs: lookahead = self.lookahead_line(p1, p2) if lookahead is not None: print("point intersection", i) return lookahead i += 1 else: print("NO intersection found!") distances = [] for p1, p2 in waypoint_pairs: lookahead = self.lookahead_line(p1, p2, project=True) if lookahead is not None: distances.append((self.distance(lookahead), lookahead)) for p1 in waypoints: point = self.project(p1['lat'], p1['lon']) distances.append((self.distance(point), point)) return min(distances)[1] def distance(self, p1): x_start, y_start = p1 # self.robot = self.gps.get() x_robot, y_robot = self.project(self.robot['lat'], self.robot['lon']) return math.sqrt((x_start - x_robot)**2 + (y_start - y_robot)**2) def lookahead_line(self, p1, p2, project=False): x_start, y_start = self.project(p1['lat'], p1['lon']) x_end, y_end = self.project(p2['lat'], p2['lon']) # self.robot = self.gps.get() x_robot, y_robot = self.project(self.robot['lat'], self.robot['lon']) if (x_robot - x_end)**2 + (y_robot - y_end)**2 < self.lookahead_radius**2: return (x_end, y_end) a = (x_end - x_start)**2 + (y_end - y_start)**2 b = 2 * ((x_end - x_start) * (x_start - x_robot) + (y_end - y_start) * (y_start - y_robot)) c = (x_start - x_robot)**2 + (y_start - y_robot)**2 - self.lookahead_radius**2 if b**2 - 4 * a * c <= 0: if project: t = -b / (2 * a) else: return None else: t = (-b + math.sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a) if not t <= 1: return None if not t >= 0: return None x_look = t * x_end + (1 - t) * x_start y_look = t * y_end + (1 - t) * y_start return (x_look, y_look) def get_angle(self, lookahead): heading_deg = self.imu.get()['angle'][0] head_rad = math.radians(heading_deg) x_robot, y_robot = self.project(self.robot['lat'], self.robot['lon']) x_look, y_look = lookahead target = math.atan2(x_look - x_robot, y_look - y_robot) # anti clockwise positive return ((target - head_rad + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi) def send_velocities_slow(self, angle): # turn_rate = -100*math.tanh(1*angle) turn_rate = -200 * angle / math.pi if math.fabs(angle) < math.radians(10): forward_rate = 90 elif math.fabs(angle) < math.radians(60): forward_rate = 50 elif math.fabs(angle) < math.radians(140): forward_rate = 30 else: forward_rate = 0 out = {"f": forward_rate, "t": turn_rate} # out = {"f": 70, "t": -150*angle/math.pi } print(out) self.cmd_vel.send(out) def send_velocities(self, angle): # turn_rate = -100*math.tanh(1*angle) turn_rate = -200 * angle / math.pi if math.fabs(angle) < math.radians(10): forward_rate = 130 elif math.fabs(angle) < math.radians(60): forward_rate = 80 elif math.fabs(angle) < math.radians(140): forward_rate = 30 else: forward_rate = 0 out = {"f": forward_rate, "t": turn_rate} # out = {"f": 70, "t": -150*angle/math.pi } print(out) self.cmd_vel.send(out) def send_stop(self): out = {"f": 0, "t": 0} # out = {"f": 70, "t": -150*angle/math.pi } print('stoping', out) self.cmd_vel.send(out) def project(self, lat, lon): lat_orig = self.start_point['lat'] lon_orig = self.start_point['lon'] RADIUS = 6371 * 1000 lon_per_deg = RADIUS * 2 * math.pi / 360 lat_per_deg = lon_per_deg * math.cos(math.radians(lat_orig)) x = (lon - lon_orig) * lon_per_deg y = (lat - lat_orig) * lat_per_deg return (x, y)
class Control(object): STATES = ['off', 'rest', 'meander', 'goto', 'avoid'] SCREEN_MID_X = 150 def __init__(self, target='tennis_ball'): self.timer = RepeatTimer(1 / MESSAGE_RATE, self._step) self.control_state = ControllerState() self.pos = PositionTracker(self.control_state) self.obj_sensors = ObjectSensors() = False self.walking = False self.user_stop = False self.cmd_pub = Publisher(CMD_PUB_PORT) self.cmd_sub = Subscriber(CMD_SUB_PORT) self.cv_sub = Subscriber(CV_SUB_PORT) self.joystick = Joystick() self.joystick.led_color(**PUPPER_COLOR) self.state = 'off' = target self.current_target = None self.pusher_client = PusherClient() self._last_sensor_data = (None, None, None) def move_forward(self, vel=ControllerState.LEFT_ANALOG_Y_MAX): self.control_state.left_analog_y = vel def move_backward(self, vel=-ControllerState.LEFT_ANALOG_Y_MAX): self.control_state.left_analog_y = vel def move_stop(self): self.control_state.left_analog_y = 0 def turn_right(self, rate=ControllerState.RIGHT_ANALOG_X_MAX): self.control_state.right_analog_x = rate def turn_left(self, rate=-ControllerState.RIGHT_ANALOG_X_MAX): self.control_state.right_analog_x = rate def turn_stop(self): self.control_state.right_analog_x = 0 def start_walk(self): if self.walking or not return self.reset() self.control_state.r1 = True self.toggle_cmd() self.walking = True self.control_state.walking = True self.reset() def activate(self): if return self.reset() self.control_state.l1 = True self.toggle_cmd() self.reset() = True self.state = 'rest' self.walking = False self.control_state.walking = False if not self.pos.running: def stop_walk(self): if not self.walking: return self.reset() self.control_state.r1 = True self.toggle_cmd() self.walking = False self.control_state.walking = False self.reset() self.state = 'rest' def reset(self): self.control_state.reset() def run_loop(self): self.timer.start() def stop_loop(self): self.timer.cancel() self.reset() self.stop_walk() self.pos.stop() = False self.send_cmd() self.user_stop = True def toggle_cmd(self): # For toggle commands, they should be sent several times to ensure they # are put into effect for _ in range(3): self.send_cmd() time.sleep(1 / MESSAGE_RATE) def send_cmd(self): cmd = self.control_state.get_state() self.cmd_pub.send(cmd) try: msg = self.cmd_sub.get() self.joystick.led_color(**msg["ps4_color"]) except timeout: pass def get_sensor_data(self): try: obj = pos = try: cv = self.cv_sub.get() except timeout: cv = [] except: obj, pos, cv = self._last_sensor_data self._last_sensor_data = (obj, pos, cv) return obj, pos, cv def _step(self): js_msg = self.joystick.get_input() # Force stop moving if js_msg['button_l2']: self.user_stop = True self.stop_walk() return # User activate if js_msg['button_l1']: self.user_stop = False self.activate() return if self.user_stop or not self.reset() self.send_cmd() self.send_pusher_message() return if not self.walking: self.start_walk() return self.update_behavior() self.send_cmd() self.send_pusher_message() def update_behavior(self): obj, pos, cv = self.get_sensor_data() if not any(obj.values()): self.turn_stop() if any(obj.values()): # If object, dodge self.state = 'avoid' elif any([x['bbox_label'] == for x in cv]): # if target, chase self.state = 'goto' self.goto(cv) else: # if nothing, wander self.state = 'meander' self.meander() def dodge(self, obj): '''Takes the object sensor data and adjusts the command to avoid any objects ''' if obj['left'] and obj['center']: self.move_stop() self.turn_right() elif (obj['right'] and obj['center']) or obj['center']: self.move_stop() self.turn_left() elif obj['left']: self.move_forward(vel=ControllerState.LEFT_ANALOG_Y_MAX / 2) self.turn_right() elif obj['right']: self.move_forward(vel=ControllerState.LEFT_ANALOG_Y_MAX / 2) self.turn_left() elif not any(obj.values()): self.turn_stop() def meander(self): '''moves forward and makes slight turns left and right to search for a target -- eventually, for now just move forward ''' self.current_target = None self.move_forward() def goto(self, cv): '''takes a list of bounding boxes, picks the most likely ball and moves toward it ''' tmp = [x for x in cv if x['bbox_label'] ==] if len(tmp) == 0: self.meander() conf = np.array([x['bbox_confidence'] for x in tmp]) idx = np.argmax(conf) best = tmp[idx] center_x = best['bbox_x'] + best['bbox_w'] / 2 if center_x < self.SCREEN_MID_X: self.turn_left() elif center_x > self.SCREEN_MID_X: self.turn_right() self.move_forward() self.current_target = best def send_pusher_message(self): obj, pos, cv = self.get_sensor_data() bbox = self.current_target timestamp = time.time() if bbox is None: bbox = { 'bbox_x': None, 'bbox_y': None, 'bbox_h': None, 'bbox_w': None, 'bbox_label': None, 'bbox_confidence': None } message = { 'time': timestamp, 'x_pos': pos['x'], 'y_pos': pos['y'], 'x_vel': pos['x_vel'], 'y_vel': pos['y_vel'], 'x_acc': pos['x_acc'], 'y_acc': pos['y_acc'], 'yaw': pos['yaw'], 'yaw_rate': pos['yaw_rate'], 'left_sensor': obj['left'], 'center_sensor': obj['center'], 'right_sensor': obj['right'], 'state': self.state, **bbox } self.pusher_client.send(message)
def __init__(self, port=8830): #port is definetly subject to change self.pi_subscriber = Subscriber(port)
class DataLogger(object): def __init__(self, rate=0.1, imu=None): self.obj_sensors = ObjectSensors() if imu is None: self.imu = IMU() else: self.imu = imu self.cv_sub = Subscriber(CV_PORT, timeout=0.5) self.cmd_sub = Subscriber(CMD_PORT) = None self.data_columns = ['timestamp', 'x_acc', 'y_acc', 'z_acc', 'roll', 'pitch', 'yaw', 'left_obj', 'right_obj', 'center_obj', 'bbox_x', 'bbox_y', 'bbox_h', 'bbox_w', 'bbox_label', 'bbox_confidence', 'robo_x_vel', 'robo_y_vel', 'robo_yaw_rate', 'imu_calibration', 'gyro_calibration', 'accel_calibration', 'mag_calibration'] self.timer = RepeatTimer(rate, self.log) self.all_img = [] def log(self): imu = obj = try: # Ben's computer vision service is publishing a list of # dictionaries, empty list is nothing cv = self.cv_sub.get() # print(cv) if cv == []: cv = dict.fromkeys(['bbox_x', 'bbox_y', 'bbox_h', 'bbox_w', 'bbox_label', 'bbox_confidence'], np.nan) else: tmp = {'time':, 'img': cv.copy()} self.all_img.append(tmp) cv = cv[0] except BaseException as e: #print(traceback.format_exc()) cv = dict.fromkeys(['bbox_x', 'bbox_y', 'bbox_h', 'bbox_w', 'bbox_label', 'bbox_confidence'], np.nan) try: cmd = self.cmd_sub.get() except: print('Not getting control data') cmd = {'ly': 0, 'lx': 0, 'rx': 0} x_vel = cmd['ly'] * max_x_velocity y_vel = cmd['lx'] * -max_y_velocity yaw_rate = cmd['rx'] * -max_yaw_rate time = row = [time, imu['x_acc'], imu['y_acc'], imu['z_acc'], imu['roll'], imu['pitch'], imu['yaw'], obj['left'], obj['right'], obj['center'], cv['bbox_x'], cv['bbox_y'], cv['bbox_h'], cv['bbox_w'], cv['bbox_label'], cv['bbox_confidence'], x_vel, y_vel, yaw_rate, imu['sys_calibration'], imu['gyro_calibration'], imu['accel_calibration'], imu['mag_calibration']] self.add_data(row) def add_data(self, row): #print(row[0]) if is None: self.start_time = row[0] row[0] -= self.start_time = np.array(row) else: row[0] -= self.start_time = np.vstack([, row]) def save_data(self, fn):, df = self.get_pandas() df.to_csv(fn.replace('npy', 'csv')) def save_img_data(self, fn): out = [] t0 = None for x in self.all_img: if t0 is None: t0 = x['time'] t1 = x['time'] - t0 for y in x['img']: tmp = y.copy() tmp['time'] = t1 out.append(tmp.copy()) df = pd.DataFrame(out) df.to_csv(fn) def run(self): print('Running logger...') self.timer.start() def stop(self): self.timer.cancel() print('Logger stopped') def load_data(self, fn): = np.load(fn) def get_pandas(self): return pd.DataFrame(, columns=self.data_columns)
class Arm: def __init__(self): self.target_vel = Subscriber(8410) self.xyz_names = ["x", "y", "yaw"] self.motor_names = ["elbow", "shoulder", "yaw"] self.pwm_names_dummy = ["pitch", "z", "dummy", "roll", "grip"] self.pwm_names = ["pitch", "z", "roll", "grip"] self.native_positions = {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names} self.xyz_positions = {axis: 0 for axis in self.xyz_names} self.elbow_left = True self.CPR = { 'shoulder': -10.4 * 1288.848, 'elbow': -10.4 * 921.744, 'yaw': float(48) / 28 * 34607 } #'pitch' : -2 * 34607} self.SPEED_SCALE = 10 self.rc = RoboClaw(find_serial_port(), names = self.motor_names + self.pwm_names_dummy, \ addresses = [128, 129, 130, 131]) try: while 1: start_time = time.time() self.update() while (time.time() - start_time) < 0.1: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: self.send_speeds({motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names}, {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names}) raise except: self.send_speeds({motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names}, {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names}) raise def condition_input(self, target): target['x'] = -target['x'] target['pitch'] = -target['pitch'] target['grip'] = -target['grip'] target['z'] = -target['z'] target['yaw'] = 0.01 * target['yaw'] # rotates command frame to end effector orientation angle = self.xyz_positions['yaw'] x = target['x'] y = target['y'] target['x'] = x * math.cos(angle) - y * math.sin(angle) target['y'] = x * math.sin(angle) + y * math.cos(angle) return target def send_speeds(self, speeds, target): for motor in self.motor_names: print('driving', motor, 'at', int(self.SPEED_SCALE * self.CPR[motor] * speeds[motor])) if int(self.SPEED_SCALE * self.CPR[motor] * speeds[motor]) == 0: self.rc.drive_duty(motor, 0) else: self.rc.drive_speed( motor, int(self.SPEED_SCALE * self.CPR[motor] * speeds[motor])) for motor in self.pwm_names: print('driving pwm', motor, 'at', int(20000 * target[motor])) self.rc.drive_duty(motor, int(20000 * target[motor])) def get_location(self): for i, motor in enumerate(self.motor_names): encoder = self.rc.read_encoder(motor)[1] print motor, encoder self.native_positions[ motor] = 2 * math.pi * encoder / self.CPR[motor] self.xyz_positions = self.native_to_xyz(self.native_positions) print("Current Native: ", self.native_positions) print("Current XYZ: ", self.xyz_positions) def xyz_to_native(self, xyz): native = {} distance = math.sqrt(xyz['x']**2 + xyz['y']**2) angle = math.atan2(xyz['x'], xyz['y']) offset = math.acos((FIRST_LINK**2 + distance**2 - SECOND_LINK**2) / (2 * distance * FIRST_LINK)) inside = math.acos((FIRST_LINK**2 + SECOND_LINK**2 - distance**2) / (2 * SECOND_LINK * FIRST_LINK)) # working # native['shoulder'] = angle + offset # native['elbow'] = - (math.pi - inside) if self.elbow_left: # is in first working configuration native['shoulder'] = angle + offset - math.pi native['elbow'] = -(math.pi - inside) else: native['shoulder'] = angle - offset - math.pi native['elbow'] = (math.pi - inside) native['yaw'] = xyz['yaw'] + native['shoulder'] + native['elbow'] #native['pitch'] = xyz['pitch'] return native def native_to_xyz(self, native): xyz = {} xyz['x'] = FIRST_LINK * math.sin( native['shoulder']) + SECOND_LINK * math.sin(native['shoulder'] + native['elbow']) xyz['y'] = FIRST_LINK * math.cos( native['shoulder']) + SECOND_LINK * math.cos(native['shoulder'] + native['elbow']) xyz['yaw'] = native['yaw'] - (native['shoulder'] + native['elbow']) #xyz['pitch'] = native['pitch'] return xyz def dnative(self, dxyz): x = self.xyz_positions['x'] y = self.xyz_positions['y'] shoulder_diff_x = y / (x**2 + y**2) - ( x / (FIRST_LINK * math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)) - x * (FIRST_LINK**2 - SECOND_LINK**2 + x**2 + y**2) / (2 * FIRST_LINK * (x**2 + y**2)**(3 / 2)) ) / math.sqrt(1 - (FIRST_LINK**2 - SECOND_LINK**2 + x**2 + y**2)**2 / (4 * FIRST_LINK**2 * (x**2 + y**2))) shoulder_diff_y = -x / (x**2 + y**2) - ( y / (FIRST_LINK * math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)) - y * (FIRST_LINK**2 - SECOND_LINK**2 + x**2 + y**2) / (2 * FIRST_LINK * (x**2 + y**2)**(3 / 2)) ) / math.sqrt(1 - (FIRST_LINK**2 - SECOND_LINK**2 + x**2 + y**2)**2 / (4 * FIRST_LINK**2 * (x**2 + y**2))) elbow_diff_x = -x / ( FIRST_LINK * SECOND_LINK * math.sqrt(1 - (FIRST_LINK**2 + SECOND_LINK**2 - x**2 - y**2)**2 / (4 * FIRST_LINK**2 * SECOND_LINK**2))) elbow_diff_y = -y / ( FIRST_LINK * SECOND_LINK * math.sqrt(1 - (FIRST_LINK**2 + SECOND_LINK**2 - x**2 - y**2)**2 / (4 * FIRST_LINK**2 * SECOND_LINK**2))) dnative = {} dnative['shoulder'] = shoulder_diff_x * dxyz[ 'x'] + shoulder_diff_y * dxyz['y'] dnative['elbow'] = elbow_diff_x * dxyz['x'] + elbow_diff_y * dxyz['y'] print("Dxyz : ", dxyz) print("Dnative: ", dnative) print( "new location: ", self.native_to_xyz({ motor: dnative[motor] + self.native_positions[motor] for motor in self.motor_names })) return dnative def dnative2(self, dxyz): h = 0.00000001 # print dxyz, self.xyz_positions x_plus_h = { axis: self.xyz_positions[axis] + h * dxyz[axis] for axis in self.xyz_names } f_x_plus_h = self.xyz_to_native(x_plus_h) f_x = self.xyz_to_native(self.xyz_positions) dnative = { motor: (f_x_plus_h[motor] - f_x[motor]) / h for motor in self.motor_names } print("Dxyz : ", dxyz) print("Dnative: ", dnative) print( "new location: ", self.native_to_xyz({ motor: dnative[motor] + f_x[motor] for motor in self.motor_names })) return dnative def update(self): print() print("new iteration") self.get_location() try: target = self.target_vel.get() # TODO: This shouldn't be necessary, how to fix in UDPComms? target = {bytes(key): value for key, value in target.iteritems()} target_f = self.condition_input(target) speeds = self.dnative2(target_f) speeds['elbow'] -= 0.002 * target_f['hat'][0] speeds['shoulder'] -= 0.002 * target_f['hat'][1] if speeds['elbow'] == 0 and speeds['shoulder'] == 0: self.elbow_left = self.native_positions['elbow'] < 0 if target_f["reset"]: print "RESETTING!!!" speeds = {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names} target_f = {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names} self.send_speeds(speeds, target_f) self.rc.set_encoder("shoulder", 0) self.rc.set_encoder("elbow", 0) self.rc.set_encoder("yaw", 0) except timeout: print "TIMEOUT No commands recived" speeds = {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names} target_f = {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names} except ValueError: print "ValueError The math failed" speeds = {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names} speeds['elbow'] -= 0.002 * target_f['hat'][0] speeds['shoulder'] -= 0.002 * target_f['hat'][1] except: speeds = {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names} target_f = {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names} raise finally: print "SPEEDS", speeds, target_f self.send_speeds(speeds, target_f)
class Arm: def __init__(self): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(SHOULDER_HOME_INPUT, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.setup(ELBOW_HOME_INPUT, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down = GPIO.PUD_UP) self.target_vel = Subscriber(8410) self.xyz_names = ["x", "y","yaw"] self.output_pub = Publisher(8420) self.cartesian_motors = ["shoulder","elbow","yaw"] self.motor_names = ["shoulder","elbow","yaw","roll","grip"] self.pwm_names = ["pitch"] self.ordering = ["shoulder","elbow","pitch","yaw","grip","roll"] self.native_positions = { motor:0 for motor in self.motor_names} self.currents = { motor:0 for motor in self.motor_names} self.xyz_positions = { axis:0 for axis in self.xyz_names} self.elbow_left = True self.CPR = {'shoulder': -12.08 * 4776.38, 'elbow' : -12.08 * 2442.96, 'yaw' : -float(48)/27 * 34607, 'roll' : 455.185*float(12*53/20), 'grip' : 103.814*float(12*36/27)} # 'pitch' : -2 * 34607} self.SPEED_SCALE = 20 self.rc = RoboClaw(find_serial_port(), names = self.ordering,\ addresses = [130,128,129]) self.zeroed = False self.storageLoc = [0,0] self.limits = {'shoulder':[-2.18,2.85], 'elbow' : [-4,2.24], #-2.77 'yaw' : [-3.7,3.7] } self.dock_pos = {'shoulder': 2.76, 'elbow' : -2.51, 'yaw' : -3.01 } self.dock_speeds = [.01,.006] self.forcing = False try: while 1: start_time = time.time() self.update() while (time.time() - start_time) < 0.1: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: self.send_speeds( {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names}, {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names} ) raise except: self.send_speeds( {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names}, {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names} ) raise #deadbands & nonlinear controls on speed def condition_input(self,target): target['x'] = - target['x'] if(target['pitch'] > .1): target['pitch'] = -1.23* (target['pitch']-.1)**2 elif(target['pitch'] < -.1): target['pitch'] = 1.23* (target['pitch']+.1)**2 else: target['pitch'] = 0 target['grip'] = .04*target['grip'] target['roll'] = .01*target['roll'] target['z'] = - target['z'] if(target['yaw'] > .1): target['yaw'] = 0.008* (1.1 * (target['yaw']-.1))**3 elif(target['yaw'] < -.1): target['yaw'] = 0.008* (1.1 * (target['yaw']+.1))**3 else: target['yaw'] = 0 # rotates command frame to end effector orientation angle = self.xyz_positions['yaw'] x = -target['x']*abs(target['x']) y = target['y']*abs(target['y']) if(target['trueXYZ'] == 0): target['x'] = x*math.cos(angle) - y*math.sin(angle) target['y'] = x*math.sin(angle) + y*math.cos(angle) return target #output all speeds to all motors def send_speeds(self, speeds, target): for motor in self.motor_names: print('driving', motor, 'at', int(self.SPEED_SCALE * self.CPR[motor] * speeds[motor])) if int(self.SPEED_SCALE * self.CPR[motor] * speeds[motor]) == 0: self.rc.drive_duty(motor, 0) else: self.rc.drive_speed(motor, int(self.SPEED_SCALE * self.CPR[motor] * speeds[motor])) for motor in self.pwm_names: print('driving pwm', motor, 'at', int(20000*target[motor])) self.rc.drive_duty(motor, int(20000*target[motor])) #check if motors are homed, get position & currents def get_status(self): self.forcing = False for i,motor in enumerate(self.cartesian_motors): encoder = self.rc.read_encoder(motor)[1] print(motor,encoder) self.native_positions[motor] = 2 * math.pi * encoder/self.CPR[motor] self.currents[motor] = self.rc.read_current(motor) if(self.currents[motor] > 1.5): self.forcing = True self.xyz_positions = self.native_to_xyz(self.native_positions) print("Current Native: ", self.native_positions) print("Current XYZ: ", self.xyz_positions) def xyz_to_native(self, xyz): native = {} distance = math.sqrt(xyz['x']**2 + xyz['y']**2) angle = -math.atan2(xyz['x'], xyz['y']) offset = math.acos( ( FIRST_LINK**2 + distance**2 - SECOND_LINK**2 ) / (2*distance * FIRST_LINK) ) inside = math.acos( ( FIRST_LINK**2 + SECOND_LINK**2 - distance**2 ) / (2*SECOND_LINK * FIRST_LINK) ) if self.elbow_left: # is in first working configuration native['shoulder'] = angle + offset - math.pi native['elbow'] = - (math.pi - inside) else: native['shoulder'] = angle - offset - math.pi native['elbow'] = (math.pi - inside) native['yaw'] = xyz['yaw'] -native['shoulder']-native['elbow'] # native['pitch'] = xyz['pitch'] return native def native_to_xyz(self, native): xyz = {} xyz['x'] = -FIRST_LINK * math.sin(native['shoulder']) - SECOND_LINK * math.sin(native['shoulder'] + native['elbow']) xyz['y'] = FIRST_LINK * math.cos(native['shoulder']) + SECOND_LINK * math.cos(native['shoulder'] + native['elbow']) xyz['yaw'] = native['yaw'] + (native['shoulder']+native['elbow']) # xyz['pitch'] = native['pitch'] return xyz # analytic jacobian of angles -> XYZ def dnative(self, dxyz): x = self.xyz_positions['x'] y = self.xyz_positions['y'] shoulder_diff_x = y/(x**2 + y**2) - (x/(FIRST_LINK*math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)) - x*(FIRST_LINK**2 - SECOND_LINK**2 + x**2 + y**2)/(2*FIRST_LINK*(x**2 + y**2)**(3/2)))/math.sqrt(1 - (FIRST_LINK**2 - SECOND_LINK**2 + x**2 + y**2)**2/(4*FIRST_LINK**2*(x**2 + y**2))) shoulder_diff_y = -x/(x**2 + y**2) - (y/(FIRST_LINK*math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)) - y*(FIRST_LINK**2 - SECOND_LINK**2 + x**2 + y**2)/(2*FIRST_LINK*(x**2 + y**2)**(3/2)))/math.sqrt(1 - (FIRST_LINK**2 - SECOND_LINK**2 + x**2 + y**2)**2/(4*FIRST_LINK**2*(x**2 + y**2))) elbow_diff_x = -x/(FIRST_LINK*SECOND_LINK*math.sqrt(1 - (FIRST_LINK**2 + SECOND_LINK**2 - x**2 - y**2)**2/(4*FIRST_LINK**2*SECOND_LINK**2))) elbow_diff_y = -y/(FIRST_LINK*SECOND_LINK*math.sqrt(1 - (FIRST_LINK**2 + SECOND_LINK**2 - x**2 - y**2)**2/(4*FIRST_LINK**2*SECOND_LINK**2))) dnative = {} dnative['shoulder'] = shoulder_diff_x * dxyz['x'] + shoulder_diff_y * dxyz['y'] dnative['elbow'] = elbow_diff_x * dxyz['x'] + elbow_diff_y * dxyz['y'] print("Dxyz : ", dxyz) print("Dnative: ", dnative) print("new location: ", self.native_to_xyz ( {motor:dnative[motor] + self.native_positions[motor] for motor in self.motor_names}) ) return dnative #numerical jacobian of angles -> XYZ def dnative2(self, dxyz): h = 0.00000001 # print dxyz, self.xyz_positions x_plus_h = { axis:self.xyz_positions[axis] + h*dxyz[axis] for axis in self.xyz_names} f_x_plus_h = self.xyz_to_native(x_plus_h) f_x = self.xyz_to_native(self.xyz_positions) dnative = {motor:(f_x_plus_h[motor] - f_x[motor])/h for motor in self.cartesian_motors} print("Dxyz : ", dxyz) print("Dnative: ", dnative) print("new location: ", self.native_to_xyz ( {motor:dnative[motor] + f_x[motor] for motor in self.cartesian_motors}) ) return dnative def sign(self,val): return int(val > 0) - int(val < 0) #prevent movement near singularity or if the motor is out of bounds or at home def check_in_bounds(self, speeds): inBounds = True if(abs(self.native_positions['elbow']) < .4): if(self.native_positions['elbow'] < 0 and self.sign(speeds['elbow']) == 1): inBounds = False print("SINGULARITY") elif(self.native_positions['elbow'] > 0 and self.sign(speeds['elbow']) == -1): inBounds = False print("SINGULARITY") for motor in self.cartesian_motors: if(self.sign(speeds[motor]) == -1): if(self.native_positions[motor] < self.limits[motor][0]): inBounds = False elif(self.native_positions[motor] > self.limits[motor][1]): inBounds = False if(not inBounds): for motor in self.cartesian_motors: speeds[motor] = 0 return speeds def check_limits(self, speeds): inBounds = True if(GPIO.input(SHOULDER_HOME_INPUT) and self.sign(speeds['elbow']) == 1): self.rc.set_encoder('shoulder',SHOULDER_HOME) inBounds = False if(GPIO.input(ELBOW_HOME_INPUT) and self.sign(speeds['elbow']) == -1): self.rc.set_encoder('elbow',ELBOW_HOME*self.cpr['elbow']) inBounds = False if(not inBounds): for motor in self.cartesian_motors: speeds[motor] = 0 return speeds #return to our docking position def dock(self,speeds): if(abs(self.native_positions['yaw']-self.dock_pos['yaw']-.03)>.01): speeds['shoulder'] = 0 speeds['elbow'] = 0 speeds['yaw'] = self.dock_speed(self.native_positions['yaw'],self.dock_pos['yaw']+.03,self.dock_speeds[0],self.dock_speeds[1]) elif(abs(self.native_positions['elbow']-self.dock_pos['elbow']+.03)>.01): speeds['shoulder'] = 0 speeds['elbow'] = self.dock_speed(self.native_positions['elbow'],self.dock_pos['elbow']-.03,self.dock_speeds[0],self.dock_speeds[1]) speeds['yaw'] = 0 elif(abs(self.native_positions['shoulder']-self.dock_pos['shoulder']-.03)>.01): speeds['shoulder'] = self.dock_speed(self.native_positions['shoulder'],self.dock_pos['shoulder']+.03,self.dock_speeds[0],self.dock_speeds[1]) speeds['elbow'] = 0 speeds['yaw'] = 0 return speeds #PID for docking speed def dock_speed(self,curPos,desiredPos,P,maxV): dir = self.sign(desiredPos-curPos) output = abs(curPos-desiredPos)*P+.0005 if(output > maxV): output = maxV return output*dir def update(self): print() print("new iteration") self.get_status() output = {} print("read status of shoulder", GPIO.input(20)) for d in (self.native_positions,self.xyz_positions): output.update(d) #print("HOME STATUS ", self.home_status) #output.update({"shoulder limit", self.home_status["shoulder"]}) output.update({"forcing":self.forcing}) self.output_pub.send(output) try: target = self.target_vel.get() # TODO: This shouldn't be necessary, how to fix in UDPComms? target = {bytes(key): value for key, value in target.iteritems()} target_f = self.condition_input(target) speeds = self.dnative2(target_f) if(not self.zeroed): speeds['elbow'] = 0 speeds['shoulder'] = 0 speeds = self.check_in_bounds(speeds) speeds['elbow'] -= 0.002 * target_f['hat'][0] speeds['shoulder'] -= 0.002 * target_f['hat'][1] speeds['yaw'] += target_f['yaw'] speeds['roll'] = target_f['roll'] speeds['grip'] = target_f['grip'] + speeds['roll'] speeds = self.check_limits(speeds) if speeds['elbow'] == 0 and speeds['shoulder'] == 0: self.elbow_left = self.native_positions['elbow'] < 0 if(target_f['dock']): speeds=self.dock(speeds) if target_f["reset"]: print ("RESETTING!!!") self.zeroed = True speeds = {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names} target_f = {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names} self.send_speeds(speeds, target_f) self.rc.set_encoder("shoulder",0) self.rc.set_encoder("elbow",0) self.rc.set_encoder("yaw",0) elif target_f["resetdock"]: print ("RESETTING (in dock position)!!!") self.zeroed = True speeds = {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names} target_f = {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names} self.send_speeds(speeds, target_f) self.rc.set_encoder("shoulder",int(self.CPR["shoulder"]*self.dock_pos['shoulder']/6.28)) self.rc.set_encoder("elbow",int(self.CPR["elbow"]*self.dock_pos['elbow']/6.28)) self.rc.set_encoder("yaw",int(self.CPR["yaw"]*self.dock_pos['yaw']/6.28)) except timeout: print ("TIMEOUT No commands recived") speeds = {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names} target_f = {} target_f = {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names} except ValueError: print ("ValueError The math failed") speeds = {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names} speeds['elbow'] -= 0.002 * target_f['hat'][0] speeds['shoulder'] -= 0.002 * target_f['hat'][1] except: speeds = {motor: 0 for motor in self.motor_names} target_f = {motor: 0 for motor in self.pwm_names} raise finally: print ("SPEEDS"), speeds, target_f self.send_speeds(speeds, target_f)