def __init__(self, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.ui = Ui_feedIO() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.raise_() self.newFont = QFont() self.newFont.setWeight(75) self.unreadFont = QFont() self.unreadFont.setWeight(75) self.readFont = QFont() self.readFont.setWeight(50) self.readColor = QColor("#666666") self.unreadColor = QColor("#444444") self.newColor = QColor("#070788") self.feedList = [] self.itemList = [] self.topicList = [] self.readList = [] self.currentItem = None self.currentTopic = classifier.getTopic("General") self.updated = True self.displayTopics() self.displayFeeds() self.displayItems() self.ui.listOld.setFocus() self.ui.comboFeed.setCurrentIndex(len(self.feedList)) # Twitter authentication details. # self.twitterAuthenticated = False # self.twitterAuthKey = '' # self.twitterAuthSecret = '' self.connect(self.ui.comboFeed, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.displayItems) self.connect(self.ui.comboTopic, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.displayItems) self.connect(self.ui.listUnread, SIGNAL("currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *,QTreeWidgetItem *)"), self.setCurrentFromUnread) self.connect(self.ui.listUnread, SIGNAL("itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *,int)"), self.on_actionReadItLater_activated) self.connect(self.ui.listOld, SIGNAL("itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *,int)"), self.on_actionReadItLater_activated) self.connect(self.ui.listOld, SIGNAL("currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *,QTreeWidgetItem *)"), self.setCurrentFromOld) self.connect(self.ui.actionVisitPage, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.visitPage) self.connect(self.ui.actionFetchAllFeeds, SIGNAL("activated()"), parent.fetchAllFeeds) self.connect(self.ui.actionReCalculateScores, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.reCalculateAllScores) self.connect(self.ui.actionFetchFeed, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.fetchFeed) self.connect(self.ui.actionUpVote, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.upVoteArticle) self.connect(self.ui.actionDownVote, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.downVoteArticle) self.connect(self.ui.actionUnread, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.markAsUnread) # self.connect(self, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.closeEvent) self.connect(self.ui.btnUp, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.upVoteArticle) self.connect(self.ui.btnDown, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.downVoteArticle)
class mainUI(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.ui = Ui_feedIO() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.raise_() self.newFont = QFont() self.newFont.setWeight(75) self.unreadFont = QFont() self.unreadFont.setWeight(75) self.readFont = QFont() self.readFont.setWeight(50) self.readColor = QColor("#666666") self.unreadColor = QColor("#444444") self.newColor = QColor("#070788") self.feedList = [] self.itemList = [] self.topicList = [] self.readList = [] self.currentItem = None self.currentTopic = classifier.getTopic("General") self.updated = True self.displayTopics() self.displayFeeds() self.displayItems() self.ui.listOld.setFocus() self.ui.comboFeed.setCurrentIndex(len(self.feedList)) # Twitter authentication details. # self.twitterAuthenticated = False # self.twitterAuthKey = '' # self.twitterAuthSecret = '' self.connect(self.ui.comboFeed, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.displayItems) self.connect(self.ui.comboTopic, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.displayItems) self.connect(self.ui.listUnread, SIGNAL("currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *,QTreeWidgetItem *)"), self.setCurrentFromUnread) self.connect(self.ui.listUnread, SIGNAL("itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *,int)"), self.on_actionReadItLater_activated) self.connect(self.ui.listOld, SIGNAL("itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *,int)"), self.on_actionReadItLater_activated) self.connect(self.ui.listOld, SIGNAL("currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *,QTreeWidgetItem *)"), self.setCurrentFromOld) self.connect(self.ui.actionVisitPage, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.visitPage) self.connect(self.ui.actionFetchAllFeeds, SIGNAL("activated()"), parent.fetchAllFeeds) self.connect(self.ui.actionReCalculateScores, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.reCalculateAllScores) self.connect(self.ui.actionFetchFeed, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.fetchFeed) self.connect(self.ui.actionUpVote, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.upVoteArticle) self.connect(self.ui.actionDownVote, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.downVoteArticle) self.connect(self.ui.actionUnread, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.markAsUnread) # self.connect(self, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.closeEvent) self.connect(self.ui.btnUp, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.upVoteArticle) self.connect(self.ui.btnDown, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.downVoteArticle) def closeEvent(self, event): """ Modification to the closeEvent so that pressing the close button in main window will only exit the """ self.hide() event.ignore() def displayTopics(self): self.topicList = classifier.listTopics() topicTitles = [topic.title for topic in self.topicList] self.ui.comboTopic.clear() self.ui.comboTopic.addItems(topicTitles) def displayFeeds(self): self.feedList = fm.listFeeds() feedTitles = [feed.title for feed in self.feedList] feedTitles.append("All Feeds") self.ui.comboFeed.clear() self.ui.comboFeed.addItems(feedTitles) self.ui.comboFeed.setCurrentIndex(len(self.feedList)) def displayItems(self): """ Function to display unread and read article lists in the Two QTreeWidget boxes using two seperate threads to keep the UI responsiveness. """ self.displayUnread() self.displayRead() def displayUnread(self): """ function to update the Unread Articles list according to the selected feeds list. """ selectedFeedIndex = self.ui.comboFeed.currentIndex() selectedTopicIndex = self.ui.comboTopic.currentIndex() self.currentTopic = self.topicList[selectedTopicIndex] print self.currentTopic if len(self.feedList) == 0: self.scoreItemList = [] else: if selectedFeedIndex == len(self.feedList): pri = prioritizer.Prioritizer(self.currentTopic) self.scoreItemList = pri.listScoreItems() # Now filter out the Old items using a generator #this is being done in the prioritizer now # self.scoreItemList = [scoreItem for scoreItem in self.scoreItemList if scoreItem.item.isUnread is True] # prioritize the list according to the scores self.scoreItemList = pri.prioritize(self.scoreItemList) windowTitle = "All Feeds - feedIO" self.setWindowTitle(windowTitle) else: selectedFeed = self.feedList[selectedFeedIndex] pri = prioritizer.Prioritizer(self.currentTopic) self.scoreItemList = pri.listScoreItems(selectedFeed) # Now filter out the items for the current Feed using a generator #this is being done in the prioritizer now # self.scoreItemList = [scoreItem for scoreItem in self.scoreItemList if (scoreItem.item.feed is selectedFeed and scoreItem.item.isUnread is True)] self.scoreItemList = pri.prioritize(self.scoreItemList) #Code to change the window title to the currently viewing feed's title windowTitle = selectedFeed.title + " - feedIO" self.setWindowTitle(windowTitle) self.ui.listUnread.clear() itemIcon = QIcon() itemIcon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/article.png"), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off) # Sort self.scoreItemList according to "isNew" property as primary # Secondary sort it by isUnread # Then sort it according to Score # then sort it according to the Article date. for scoreItem in self.scoreItemList: # treeItem=QTreeWidgetItem([ str(scoreItem.score), scoreItem.item.title]) treeItem=QTreeWidgetItem([scoreItem.item.title,]) treeItem.article = scoreItem.item treeItem.setIcon(0, itemIcon) # # Set a part of the article text as the tooltip of Items # itemTip = purify.cleanText(str(scoreItem.score)) itemTip = "Score: <b>" + str(scoreItem.score) + "</b> " + "<br>Topic: " + "<i>" + scoreItem.topic.title + "</i>" + "<br>Via: " + "<i>" + scoreItem.item.feed.title + "</i>" # tip = purify.shorten(itemTip, 200) treeItem.setToolTip(0, itemTip) if scoreItem.item.age is 0: treeItem.setFont(0, self.newFont) treeItem.setTextColor(0, self.newColor) elif scoreItem.item.age is 1: treeItem.setFont(0, self.unreadFont) treeItem.setTextColor(0, self.unreadColor) else: treeItem.setFont(0, self.readFont) treeItem.setTextColor(0, self.readColor) self.ui.listUnread.addTopLevelItem(treeItem) self.ui.listOld.setFocus() def displayRead(self): """ function to update the read Articles list according to the selected feeds list. """ pass selectedFeedIndex = self.ui.comboFeed.currentIndex() if len(self.feedList) == 0: self.readList = [] else: if selectedFeedIndex == len(self.feedList): self.readList = fm.listRead() else: selectedFeed = self.feedList[selectedFeedIndex] self.readList = fm.listRead(selectedFeed) self.ui.listOld.clear() itemIcon = QIcon() itemIcon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/article.png"), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off) for article in self.readList: treeItem=QTreeWidgetItem([article.title,]) treeItem.article = article treeItem.setIcon(0, itemIcon) treeItem.setFont(0, self.readFont) treeItem.setTextColor(0, self.readColor) self.ui.listOld.addTopLevelItem(treeItem) def setCurrentFromUnread(self): """ Function to set the currently selected Item in the Unread list as the self.currentItem """ self.currentItem = self.ui.listUnread.currentItem() self.displayArticle() def setCurrentFromOld(self): """ Function to set the currently selected Item in the Old list as the self.currentItem """ self.currentItem = self.ui.listOld.currentItem() self.displayArticle() def displayArticle(self): """ displays the selected article on the viewer. """ try: selected = self.currentItem selectedItem = selected.article text = "<style>.bg_color {background-color: #f8f8ff ;}.blue {color: #6f6fff;}.big { font-size: 8em; }.bold { font-weight: bold; }.date{ font-weight: bold; color: #066bb6; }.info { font-size: .95em; margin: 2px 0 6px !important; color: #148d04; }.headline_font_size {font-size: .80em;}</style>" + \ "<div class=\" bg_color \">" + \ "<div class=\" blue \">" + \ "<H3>" + selectedItem.title + \ "</div>" + \ "<div class=\" bold headline_font_size\">" + \ "</H3>(" + selectedItem.feed.title + ")<br>" + \ "</div>" + \ "<div class=\"date info\">" + \ time.ctime(selectedItem.updated) + "<br>" + \ "</div>" + \ "<div class = \"bg_color\">" + \ selectedItem.description + \ "</div>" except: text = "Add some interesting feeds!" else: self.ui.viewArticle.setHtml(text) windowTitle = selectedItem.title + " - " + selectedItem.feed.title + " - feedIO" self.setWindowTitle(windowTitle) if selectedItem.age == 0 or selectedItem.age == 1: selected.setFont(0, self.readFont) selected.setTextColor(0, self.readColor) fm.setItemFlag(selectedItem, 2) def markAsRead(self): # create font with normal weight to show the read articles selected = self.currentItem selected.setFont(0, self.readFont) selected.setTextColor(0,self.readColor) fm.setItemFlag(selected.article, 2) def markAsUnread(self): # create font with heavy weight to show the unread articles selected = self.currentItem selected.setFont(0, self.unreadFont) selected.setTextColor(0, self.unreadColor) fm.setItemFlag(selected.article, 1) def fetchAllFeeds(self): """ Fetch all action implementataion. Creates a new thread and fetches the updates for them in that thread. """ thread = threading.Thread(target=self.fetchAll, args=()) thread.start() # thread.join() # self.displayItems() def fetchAll(self): print "fetching Updates..." fm.updateAll() print "Calculating priority Scores" self.parent.setNewItemScores() def fetchFeed(self): """ Fetch the selected feed. """ selected = self.currentItem thread = threading.Thread(target=fm.updateFeed, args=(selected.article.feed,)) thread.start() def visitPage(self): """ function to visit the original web page of selected article from the built in web browser. """ try: selected = self.currentItem except: text = "Not implemented yet." else: self.ui.viewArticle.load(QUrl(selected.article.url)) self.parent.status = "Visiting %s in browser mode..." % selected.article.feed.title self.parent.sendNotification() def upVoteArticle(self): """ Function to upvote the current article """ selected = self.currentItem if selected == None: print "Nothing to vote!" else: selectedTopicIndex = self.ui.comboTopic.currentIndex() selectedTopic = self.topicList[selectedTopicIndex] #call the classifier module classifier.voteArticle("up",selected.article, selectedTopic) # #upVote the feed # classifier.voteFeed("up", selected.article.feed) # print "Up Voted %s" % selected.article.title self.parent.status = "Up Voted %s under %s" % (selected.article.title, selectedTopic.title) self.parent.sendNotification() def downVoteArticle(self): """ Function to Down Vote the current article """ selected = self.currentItem if selected == None: print "Nothing to vote!" else: selectedTopicIndex = self.ui.comboTopic.currentIndex() selectedTopic = self.topicList[selectedTopicIndex] #call the classifier module classifier.voteArticle("down", selected.article, selectedTopic) # #downVote the feed # classifier.voteFeed("down", selected.article.feed) # print "Down Voted %s" % selected.article.title self.parent.status = "Down Voted %s under %s" % (selected.article.title, selectedTopic.title) self.parent.sendNotification() def reCalculateAllScores(self): """ calls the parent.reCalculateAllScores inside a thread. """ print "reCalculateAllScores called" thread = threading.Thread(target=self.parent.reCalculateAllScores, args=()) # thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() def on_actionManageFeeds_activated(self, i = None): """ Manage feeds action implementataion. displays the manageFeeds dialog box. """ if i is None: return ManageFeedsDialog(self).exec_() if self.parent.refreshDisplay is True: self.displayFeeds() self.parent.refreshDisplay = False def on_actionAddFeed_activated(self, i = None): if i is None: return AddFeedDialog(self).exec_() #self.displayFeeds() def on_actionRemoveFeed_activated(self, i = None): if i is None: return RemoveFeedDialog(self).exec_() if self.parent.refreshDisplay is True: self.displayFeeds() self.parent.refreshDisplay = False def on_actionManageTopics_activated(self, i = None): """ Manage feeds action implementataion. displays the manageFeeds dialog box. """ if i is None: return ManageTopicsDialog(self).exec_() if self.parent.refreshDisplay is True: self.displayTopics() self.parent.refreshDisplay = False def on_actionAddTopic_activated(self, i = None): if i is None: return AddTopicDialog(self).exec_() if self.parent.refreshDisplay is True: self.displayTopics() self.parent.refreshDisplay = False def on_actionRemoveTopic_activated(self, i = None): if i is None: return RemoveTopicDialog(self).exec_() if self.parent.refreshDisplay is True: self.displayTopics() self.parent.refreshDisplay = False def on_actionExit_activated(self, i = None): """ Exit action implementataion. Exits the application. """ if i is None: return self.parent.close() def on_actionMinimizeToTray_activated(self, i = None): """ Exit action implementataion. Exits the application. """ if i is None: return self.close() def on_actionAbout_activated(self, i = None): """ About action implementataion. """ if i is None: return AboutDialog(self).exec_() def on_actionRead_activated(self, i = None): """ Read article implementataion.Can play or stop the selected article. """ if i is None: return selected = self.currentItem if self.parent.playerState =='standby': self.parent.playerState = 'playing' self.parent.sp.say(purify.cleanText(str(selected.article.title + "....." + selected.article.description))) #self.sp.say(selected.article.description) else: self.parent.sp.stop() self.parent.playerState='standby' def on_actionPreferences_activated(self, i = None): """ Settings action implementataion. """ if i is None: return SettingsDialog(self).exec_() def on_actionSignInToTwitter_activated(self, i = None): """ Sign into twitter. """ if i is None: return # create a QSettings object to get twitter auth data. s = QSettings() twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY = str(s.value("TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY").toString()) twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET = str(s.value("TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET").toString()) if twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY is '': try: print "signing into twitter using the browser..." tp = twitterPlugin.TwitterPlugin() auth_url = tp.authenticate() webbrowser.open_new(auth_url) TwitterPinDialog(self).exec_() # return is the VERIFIER code is not set. if twitterPlugin.VERIFIER is '': return (twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY, twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET) = tp.verify() #Store the values using in a QSettings object. s = QSettings() s.setValue("TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY", twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY) s.setValue("TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET", twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET) except tweepy.TweepError: print "Not authenticated properly. check the PIN number" self.parent.status = "Error Logging to!" self.parent.sendNotification() else: self.parent.status = "You have Signed in to" self.parent.sendNotification() def on_actionSignOffFromTwitter_activated(self, i = None): """ Sign off from the twitter session. """ if i is None: return twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY = '' twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET = '' twitterPlugin.VERIFIER = '' #Store the values using in a QSettings object. s = QSettings() s.setValue("TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY", twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY) s.setValue("TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET", twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET) self.parent.status = "You have Signed Off from twitter." self.parent.sendNotification() print "Signed off from twitter." def on_actionPostToTwitter_activated(self, i = None): """ post to twitter action implementataion. """ if i is None: return selected = self.currentItem shortUrl = purify.shortenUrl(selected.article.url) if shortUrl is False: return # # Dirty hack to make the tweet limit to 140 chars. # urlWidth = len(selected.article.url) # articleTitle = purify.shorten(selected.article.title, (135-urlWidth)) message = selected.article.title +" "+ shortUrl # message = selected.article.url + selected.article.title # create a QSettings object to get twitter auth data. s = QSettings() twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY = str(s.value("TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY").toString()) twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET = str(s.value("TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET").toString()) if twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY is '': try: print "signing into twitter using the browser..." tp = twitterPlugin.TwitterPlugin() auth_url = tp.authenticate() webbrowser.open_new(auth_url) TwitterPinDialog(self).exec_() # return is the VERIFIER code is not set. if twitterPlugin.VERIFIER is '': return (twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY, twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET) = tp.verify() #Store the values using in a QSettings object. s = QSettings() s.setValue("TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY", twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY) s.setValue("TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET", twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET) except tweepy.TweepError: print "Not authenticated properly. check the PIN number" self.parent.status = "Error Logging to!" self.parent.sendNotification() else: tp.tweet(message) self.parent.status = message + " posted to twitter." self.parent.sendNotification() else: try: tp = twitterPlugin.TwitterPlugin() tp.tweet(message) except: print "Error in tweeting" else: self.parent.status = message + " posted to twitter." self.parent.sendNotification() def on_actionSignInToRIL_activated(self, i = None): """ Sign in to Read It Later, action implementataion. """ if i is None: return rilPlugin.SESSION = None print "Asking to Sign into RIL..." RilLoginDialog(self).exec_() if rilPlugin.SESSION is None: return # TODO: do something like bookmarking the selected article. self.parent.status = "Signed in to Read It Later..." self.parent.sendNotification() def on_actionSignOffFromRIL_activated(self, i = None): """ Sign off from Read It Later, action implementataion. """ if i is None: return rilPlugin.SESSION = None # create a QSettings object to get RIL auth data. s = QSettings() s.setValue("RIL_USER", '') s.setValue("RIL_PW", '') self.parent.status = "You have Signed Off from Read It Later." self.parent.sendNotification() print "Signed off from RIL." def on_actionReadItLater_activated(self, i = None): """ Read It Later, action implementataion. """ if i is None: return selected = self.currentItem if rilPlugin.SESSION is None: s = QSettings() username = str(s.value("RIL_USER").toString()) pw = str(s.value("RIL_PW").toString()) if username is not '' and pw is not '': # Not logged in but the username and pw is there. try: rilPlugin.SESSION = rilPlugin.RilSession(username, pw) rilPlugin.SESSION.submitItem(selected.article) except rilPlugin.LogInError: print "LoginError! invalid username/pw." ## invalid credentials. prompt to re-enter username/pw. #self.on_actionSignOffFromRIL_activated() else: # TODO: do something like bookmarking the selected article. self.parent.status = selected.article.title + "Added to Read It Later List." self.parent.sendNotification() else: # Not logged in and the username and pw is not stored. print "Asking to Sign into RIL..." RilLoginDialog(self).exec_() if rilPlugin.SESSION is not None: try: rilPlugin.SESSION.submitItem(selected.article) except: print "Error in Submitting to RIL" else: # TODO: do something like bookmarking the selected article. self.parent.status = selected.article.title + "Added to Read It Later List." self.parent.sendNotification() else: try: rilPlugin.SESSION.submitItem(selected.article) except: print "Error in Submitting to RIL" else: # TODO: do something like bookmarking the selected article. self.parent.status = selected.article.title + "Added to Read It Later List." self.parent.sendNotification()
class mainUI(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.ui = Ui_feedIO() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.raise_() self.newFont = QFont() self.newFont.setWeight(75) self.unreadFont = QFont() self.unreadFont.setWeight(75) self.readFont = QFont() self.readFont.setWeight(50) self.readColor = QColor("#666666") self.unreadColor = QColor("#444444") self.newColor = QColor("#070788") self.feedList = [] self.itemList = [] self.topicList = [] self.readList = [] self.currentItem = None self.currentTopic = classifier.getTopic("General") self.updated = True self.displayTopics() self.displayFeeds() self.displayItems() self.ui.listOld.setFocus() self.ui.comboFeed.setCurrentIndex(len(self.feedList)) # Twitter authentication details. # self.twitterAuthenticated = False # self.twitterAuthKey = '' # self.twitterAuthSecret = '' self.connect(self.ui.comboFeed, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.displayItems) self.connect(self.ui.comboTopic, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.displayItems) self.connect( self.ui.listUnread, SIGNAL("currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *,QTreeWidgetItem *)"), self.setCurrentFromUnread) self.connect(self.ui.listUnread, SIGNAL("itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *,int)"), self.on_actionReadItLater_activated) self.connect(self.ui.listOld, SIGNAL("itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *,int)"), self.on_actionReadItLater_activated) self.connect( self.ui.listOld, SIGNAL("currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *,QTreeWidgetItem *)"), self.setCurrentFromOld) self.connect(self.ui.actionVisitPage, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.visitPage) self.connect(self.ui.actionFetchAllFeeds, SIGNAL("activated()"), parent.fetchAllFeeds) self.connect(self.ui.actionReCalculateScores, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.reCalculateAllScores) self.connect(self.ui.actionFetchFeed, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.fetchFeed) self.connect(self.ui.actionUpVote, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.upVoteArticle) self.connect(self.ui.actionDownVote, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.downVoteArticle) self.connect(self.ui.actionUnread, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.markAsUnread) # self.connect(self, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.closeEvent) self.connect(self.ui.btnUp, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.upVoteArticle) self.connect(self.ui.btnDown, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.downVoteArticle) def closeEvent(self, event): """ Modification to the closeEvent so that pressing the close button in main window will only exit the """ self.hide() event.ignore() def displayTopics(self): self.topicList = classifier.listTopics() topicTitles = [topic.title for topic in self.topicList] self.ui.comboTopic.clear() self.ui.comboTopic.addItems(topicTitles) def displayFeeds(self): self.feedList = fm.listFeeds() feedTitles = [feed.title for feed in self.feedList] feedTitles.append("All Feeds") self.ui.comboFeed.clear() self.ui.comboFeed.addItems(feedTitles) self.ui.comboFeed.setCurrentIndex(len(self.feedList)) def displayItems(self): """ Function to display unread and read article lists in the Two QTreeWidget boxes using two seperate threads to keep the UI responsiveness. """ self.displayUnread() self.displayRead() def displayUnread(self): """ function to update the Unread Articles list according to the selected feeds list. """ selectedFeedIndex = self.ui.comboFeed.currentIndex() selectedTopicIndex = self.ui.comboTopic.currentIndex() self.currentTopic = self.topicList[selectedTopicIndex] print self.currentTopic if len(self.feedList) == 0: self.scoreItemList = [] else: if selectedFeedIndex == len(self.feedList): pri = prioritizer.Prioritizer(self.currentTopic) self.scoreItemList = pri.listScoreItems() # Now filter out the Old items using a generator #this is being done in the prioritizer now # self.scoreItemList = [scoreItem for scoreItem in self.scoreItemList if scoreItem.item.isUnread is True] # prioritize the list according to the scores self.scoreItemList = pri.prioritize(self.scoreItemList) windowTitle = "All Feeds - feedIO" self.setWindowTitle(windowTitle) else: selectedFeed = self.feedList[selectedFeedIndex] pri = prioritizer.Prioritizer(self.currentTopic) self.scoreItemList = pri.listScoreItems(selectedFeed) # Now filter out the items for the current Feed using a generator #this is being done in the prioritizer now # self.scoreItemList = [scoreItem for scoreItem in self.scoreItemList if (scoreItem.item.feed is selectedFeed and scoreItem.item.isUnread is True)] self.scoreItemList = pri.prioritize(self.scoreItemList) #Code to change the window title to the currently viewing feed's title windowTitle = selectedFeed.title + " - feedIO" self.setWindowTitle(windowTitle) self.ui.listUnread.clear() itemIcon = QIcon() itemIcon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/article.png"), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off) # Sort self.scoreItemList according to "isNew" property as primary # Secondary sort it by isUnread # Then sort it according to Score # then sort it according to the Article date. for scoreItem in self.scoreItemList: # treeItem=QTreeWidgetItem([ str(scoreItem.score), scoreItem.item.title]) treeItem = QTreeWidgetItem([ scoreItem.item.title, ]) treeItem.article = scoreItem.item treeItem.setIcon(0, itemIcon) # # Set a part of the article text as the tooltip of Items # itemTip = purify.cleanText(str(scoreItem.score)) itemTip = "Score: <b>" + str( scoreItem.score ) + "</b> " + "<br>Topic: " + "<i>" + scoreItem.topic.title + "</i>" + "<br>Via: " + "<i>" + scoreItem.item.feed.title + "</i>" # tip = purify.shorten(itemTip, 200) treeItem.setToolTip(0, itemTip) if scoreItem.item.age is 0: treeItem.setFont(0, self.newFont) treeItem.setTextColor(0, self.newColor) elif scoreItem.item.age is 1: treeItem.setFont(0, self.unreadFont) treeItem.setTextColor(0, self.unreadColor) else: treeItem.setFont(0, self.readFont) treeItem.setTextColor(0, self.readColor) self.ui.listUnread.addTopLevelItem(treeItem) self.ui.listOld.setFocus() def displayRead(self): """ function to update the read Articles list according to the selected feeds list. """ pass selectedFeedIndex = self.ui.comboFeed.currentIndex() if len(self.feedList) == 0: self.readList = [] else: if selectedFeedIndex == len(self.feedList): self.readList = fm.listRead() else: selectedFeed = self.feedList[selectedFeedIndex] self.readList = fm.listRead(selectedFeed) self.ui.listOld.clear() itemIcon = QIcon() itemIcon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/article.png"), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off) for article in self.readList: treeItem = QTreeWidgetItem([ article.title, ]) treeItem.article = article treeItem.setIcon(0, itemIcon) treeItem.setFont(0, self.readFont) treeItem.setTextColor(0, self.readColor) self.ui.listOld.addTopLevelItem(treeItem) def setCurrentFromUnread(self): """ Function to set the currently selected Item in the Unread list as the self.currentItem """ self.currentItem = self.ui.listUnread.currentItem() self.displayArticle() def setCurrentFromOld(self): """ Function to set the currently selected Item in the Old list as the self.currentItem """ self.currentItem = self.ui.listOld.currentItem() self.displayArticle() def displayArticle(self): """ displays the selected article on the viewer. """ try: selected = self.currentItem selectedItem = selected.article text = "<style>.bg_color {background-color: #f8f8ff ;}.blue {color: #6f6fff;}.big { font-size: 8em; }.bold { font-weight: bold; }.date{ font-weight: bold; color: #066bb6; }.info { font-size: .95em; margin: 2px 0 6px !important; color: #148d04; }.headline_font_size {font-size: .80em;}</style>" + \ "<div class=\" bg_color \">" + \ "<div class=\" blue \">" + \ "<H3>" + selectedItem.title + \ "</div>" + \ "<div class=\" bold headline_font_size\">" + \ "</H3>(" + selectedItem.feed.title + ")<br>" + \ "</div>" + \ "<div class=\"date info\">" + \ time.ctime(selectedItem.updated) + "<br>" + \ "</div>" + \ "<div class = \"bg_color\">" + \ selectedItem.description + \ "</div>" except: text = "Add some interesting feeds!" else: self.ui.viewArticle.setHtml(text) windowTitle = selectedItem.title + " - " + selectedItem.feed.title + " - feedIO" self.setWindowTitle(windowTitle) if selectedItem.age == 0 or selectedItem.age == 1: selected.setFont(0, self.readFont) selected.setTextColor(0, self.readColor) fm.setItemFlag(selectedItem, 2) def markAsRead(self): # create font with normal weight to show the read articles selected = self.currentItem selected.setFont(0, self.readFont) selected.setTextColor(0, self.readColor) fm.setItemFlag(selected.article, 2) def markAsUnread(self): # create font with heavy weight to show the unread articles selected = self.currentItem selected.setFont(0, self.unreadFont) selected.setTextColor(0, self.unreadColor) fm.setItemFlag(selected.article, 1) def fetchAllFeeds(self): """ Fetch all action implementataion. Creates a new thread and fetches the updates for them in that thread. """ thread = threading.Thread(target=self.fetchAll, args=()) thread.start() # thread.join() # self.displayItems() def fetchAll(self): print "fetching Updates..." fm.updateAll() print "Calculating priority Scores" self.parent.setNewItemScores() def fetchFeed(self): """ Fetch the selected feed. """ selected = self.currentItem thread = threading.Thread(target=fm.updateFeed, args=(selected.article.feed, )) thread.start() def visitPage(self): """ function to visit the original web page of selected article from the built in web browser. """ try: selected = self.currentItem except: text = "Not implemented yet." else: self.ui.viewArticle.load(QUrl(selected.article.url)) self.parent.status = "Visiting %s in browser mode..." % selected.article.feed.title self.parent.sendNotification() def upVoteArticle(self): """ Function to upvote the current article """ selected = self.currentItem if selected == None: print "Nothing to vote!" else: selectedTopicIndex = self.ui.comboTopic.currentIndex() selectedTopic = self.topicList[selectedTopicIndex] #call the classifier module classifier.voteArticle("up", selected.article, selectedTopic) # #upVote the feed # classifier.voteFeed("up", selected.article.feed) # print "Up Voted %s" % selected.article.title self.parent.status = "Up Voted %s under %s" % ( selected.article.title, selectedTopic.title) self.parent.sendNotification() def downVoteArticle(self): """ Function to Down Vote the current article """ selected = self.currentItem if selected == None: print "Nothing to vote!" else: selectedTopicIndex = self.ui.comboTopic.currentIndex() selectedTopic = self.topicList[selectedTopicIndex] #call the classifier module classifier.voteArticle("down", selected.article, selectedTopic) # #downVote the feed # classifier.voteFeed("down", selected.article.feed) # print "Down Voted %s" % selected.article.title self.parent.status = "Down Voted %s under %s" % ( selected.article.title, selectedTopic.title) self.parent.sendNotification() def reCalculateAllScores(self): """ calls the parent.reCalculateAllScores inside a thread. """ print "reCalculateAllScores called" thread = threading.Thread(target=self.parent.reCalculateAllScores, args=()) # thread.setDaemon(True) thread.start() def on_actionManageFeeds_activated(self, i=None): """ Manage feeds action implementataion. displays the manageFeeds dialog box. """ if i is None: return ManageFeedsDialog(self).exec_() if self.parent.refreshDisplay is True: self.displayFeeds() self.parent.refreshDisplay = False def on_actionAddFeed_activated(self, i=None): if i is None: return AddFeedDialog(self).exec_() #self.displayFeeds() def on_actionRemoveFeed_activated(self, i=None): if i is None: return RemoveFeedDialog(self).exec_() if self.parent.refreshDisplay is True: self.displayFeeds() self.parent.refreshDisplay = False def on_actionManageTopics_activated(self, i=None): """ Manage feeds action implementataion. displays the manageFeeds dialog box. """ if i is None: return ManageTopicsDialog(self).exec_() if self.parent.refreshDisplay is True: self.displayTopics() self.parent.refreshDisplay = False def on_actionAddTopic_activated(self, i=None): if i is None: return AddTopicDialog(self).exec_() if self.parent.refreshDisplay is True: self.displayTopics() self.parent.refreshDisplay = False def on_actionRemoveTopic_activated(self, i=None): if i is None: return RemoveTopicDialog(self).exec_() if self.parent.refreshDisplay is True: self.displayTopics() self.parent.refreshDisplay = False def on_actionExit_activated(self, i=None): """ Exit action implementataion. Exits the application. """ if i is None: return self.parent.close() def on_actionMinimizeToTray_activated(self, i=None): """ Exit action implementataion. Exits the application. """ if i is None: return self.close() def on_actionAbout_activated(self, i=None): """ About action implementataion. """ if i is None: return AboutDialog(self).exec_() def on_actionRead_activated(self, i=None): """ Read article implementataion.Can play or stop the selected article. """ if i is None: return selected = self.currentItem if self.parent.playerState == 'standby': self.parent.playerState = 'playing' self.parent.sp.say( purify.cleanText( str(selected.article.title + "....." + selected.article.description))) #self.sp.say(selected.article.description) else: self.parent.sp.stop() self.parent.playerState = 'standby' def on_actionPreferences_activated(self, i=None): """ Settings action implementataion. """ if i is None: return SettingsDialog(self).exec_() def on_actionSignInToTwitter_activated(self, i=None): """ Sign into twitter. """ if i is None: return # create a QSettings object to get twitter auth data. s = QSettings() twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY = str( s.value("TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY").toString()) twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET = str( s.value("TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET").toString()) if twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY is '': try: print "signing into twitter using the browser..." tp = twitterPlugin.TwitterPlugin() auth_url = tp.authenticate() webbrowser.open_new(auth_url) TwitterPinDialog(self).exec_() # return is the VERIFIER code is not set. if twitterPlugin.VERIFIER is '': return (twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY, twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET) = tp.verify() #Store the values using in a QSettings object. s = QSettings() s.setValue("TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY", twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY) s.setValue("TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET", twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET) except tweepy.TweepError: print "Not authenticated properly. check the PIN number" self.parent.status = "Error Logging to!" self.parent.sendNotification() else: self.parent.status = "You have Signed in to" self.parent.sendNotification() def on_actionSignOffFromTwitter_activated(self, i=None): """ Sign off from the twitter session. """ if i is None: return twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY = '' twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET = '' twitterPlugin.VERIFIER = '' #Store the values using in a QSettings object. s = QSettings() s.setValue("TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY", twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY) s.setValue("TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET", twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET) self.parent.status = "You have Signed Off from twitter." self.parent.sendNotification() print "Signed off from twitter." def on_actionPostToTwitter_activated(self, i=None): """ post to twitter action implementataion. """ if i is None: return selected = self.currentItem shortUrl = purify.shortenUrl(selected.article.url) if shortUrl is False: return # # Dirty hack to make the tweet limit to 140 chars. # urlWidth = len(selected.article.url) # articleTitle = purify.shorten(selected.article.title, (135-urlWidth)) message = selected.article.title + " " + shortUrl # message = selected.article.url + selected.article.title # create a QSettings object to get twitter auth data. s = QSettings() twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY = str( s.value("TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY").toString()) twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET = str( s.value("TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET").toString()) if twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY is '': try: print "signing into twitter using the browser..." tp = twitterPlugin.TwitterPlugin() auth_url = tp.authenticate() webbrowser.open_new(auth_url) TwitterPinDialog(self).exec_() # return is the VERIFIER code is not set. if twitterPlugin.VERIFIER is '': return (twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY, twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET) = tp.verify() #Store the values using in a QSettings object. s = QSettings() s.setValue("TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY", twitterPlugin.ACCESS_KEY) s.setValue("TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET", twitterPlugin.ACCESS_SECRET) except tweepy.TweepError: print "Not authenticated properly. check the PIN number" self.parent.status = "Error Logging to!" self.parent.sendNotification() else: tp.tweet(message) self.parent.status = message + " posted to twitter." self.parent.sendNotification() else: try: tp = twitterPlugin.TwitterPlugin() tp.tweet(message) except: print "Error in tweeting" else: self.parent.status = message + " posted to twitter." self.parent.sendNotification() def on_actionSignInToRIL_activated(self, i=None): """ Sign in to Read It Later, action implementataion. """ if i is None: return rilPlugin.SESSION = None print "Asking to Sign into RIL..." RilLoginDialog(self).exec_() if rilPlugin.SESSION is None: return # TODO: do something like bookmarking the selected article. self.parent.status = "Signed in to Read It Later..." self.parent.sendNotification() def on_actionSignOffFromRIL_activated(self, i=None): """ Sign off from Read It Later, action implementataion. """ if i is None: return rilPlugin.SESSION = None # create a QSettings object to get RIL auth data. s = QSettings() s.setValue("RIL_USER", '') s.setValue("RIL_PW", '') self.parent.status = "You have Signed Off from Read It Later." self.parent.sendNotification() print "Signed off from RIL." def on_actionReadItLater_activated(self, i=None): """ Read It Later, action implementataion. """ if i is None: return selected = self.currentItem if rilPlugin.SESSION is None: s = QSettings() username = str(s.value("RIL_USER").toString()) pw = str(s.value("RIL_PW").toString()) if username is not '' and pw is not '': # Not logged in but the username and pw is there. try: rilPlugin.SESSION = rilPlugin.RilSession(username, pw) rilPlugin.SESSION.submitItem(selected.article) except rilPlugin.LogInError: print "LoginError! invalid username/pw." ## invalid credentials. prompt to re-enter username/pw. #self.on_actionSignOffFromRIL_activated() else: # TODO: do something like bookmarking the selected article. self.parent.status = selected.article.title + "Added to Read It Later List." self.parent.sendNotification() else: # Not logged in and the username and pw is not stored. print "Asking to Sign into RIL..." RilLoginDialog(self).exec_() if rilPlugin.SESSION is not None: try: rilPlugin.SESSION.submitItem(selected.article) except: print "Error in Submitting to RIL" else: # TODO: do something like bookmarking the selected article. self.parent.status = selected.article.title + "Added to Read It Later List." self.parent.sendNotification() else: try: rilPlugin.SESSION.submitItem(selected.article) except: print "Error in Submitting to RIL" else: # TODO: do something like bookmarking the selected article. self.parent.status = selected.article.title + "Added to Read It Later List." self.parent.sendNotification()
class mainUI(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.ui = Ui_feedIO() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.raise_() self.newFont = QFont() self.newFont.setWeight(75) self.unreadFont = QFont() self.unreadFont.setWeight(75) self.readFont = QFont() self.readFont.setWeight(50) self.readColor = QColor("#666666") self.unreadColor = QColor("#444444") self.newColor = QColor("#070788") self.feedList = [] self.itemList = [] self.topicList = [] self.readList = [] self.currentItem = None self.currentTopic = classifier.getTopic("General") self.updated = True self.displayTopics() self.displayFeeds() self.displayItems() self.ui.listOld.setFocus() self.ui.comboFeed.setCurrentIndex(len(self.feedList)) self.connect(self.ui.comboFeed, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.displayItems) self.connect(self.ui.comboTopic, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.displayItems) self.connect(self.ui.listUnread, SIGNAL("currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *,QTreeWidgetItem *)"), self.setCurrentFromUnread) self.connect(self.ui.listOld, SIGNAL("currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *,QTreeWidgetItem *)"), self.setCurrentFromOld) self.connect(self.ui.actionVisitPage, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.visitPage) self.connect(self.ui.actionFetchAllFeeds, SIGNAL("activated()"), parent.fetchAllFeeds) self.connect(self.ui.actionFetchFeed, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.fetchFeed) self.connect(self.ui.actionUpVote, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.upVoteArticle) self.connect(self.ui.actionDownVote, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.downVoteArticle) self.connect(self.ui.actionUnread, SIGNAL("activated()"), self.markAsUnread) # self.connect(self, SIGNAL('triggered()'), self.closeEvent) self.connect(self.ui.btnUp, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.upVoteArticle) self.connect(self.ui.btnDown, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.downVoteArticle) def closeEvent(self, event): """ Modification to the closeEvent so that pressing the close button in main window will only exit the """ self.hide() event.ignore() def displayTopics(self): self.topicList = classifier.listTopics() topicTitles = [topic.title for topic in self.topicList] self.ui.comboTopic.clear() self.ui.comboTopic.addItems(topicTitles) def displayFeeds(self): self.feedList = fm.listFeeds() feedTitles = [feed.title for feed in self.feedList] feedTitles.append("All Feeds") self.ui.comboFeed.clear() self.ui.comboFeed.addItems(feedTitles) self.ui.comboFeed.setCurrentIndex(len(self.feedList)) def displayItems(self): """ Function to display unread and read article lists in the Two QTreeWidget boxes using two seperate threads to keep the UI responsiveness. """ self.displayUnread() self.displayRead() def displayUnread(self): """ function to update the Unread Articles list according to the selected feeds list. """ selectedFeedIndex = self.ui.comboFeed.currentIndex() selectedTopicIndex = self.ui.comboTopic.currentIndex() self.currentTopic = self.topicList[selectedTopicIndex] print self.currentTopic if len(self.feedList) == 0: self.scoreItemList = [] else: if selectedFeedIndex == len(self.feedList): pri = prioritizer.Prioritizer(self.currentTopic) self.scoreItemList = pri.listScoreItems() # Now filter out the Old items using a generator self.scoreItemList = [scoreItem for scoreItem in self.scoreItemList if scoreItem.item.isUnread is True] # prioritize the list according to the scores self.scoreItemList = pri.prioritize(self.scoreItemList) windowTitle = "All Feeds - feedIO" self.setWindowTitle(windowTitle) else: selectedFeed = self.feedList[selectedFeedIndex] pri = prioritizer.Prioritizer(self.currentTopic) self.scoreItemList = pri.listScoreItems() # Now filter out the items for the current Feed using a generator self.scoreItemList = [scoreItem for scoreItem in self.scoreItemList if (scoreItem.item.feed is selectedFeed and scoreItem.item.isUnread is True)] self.scoreItemList = pri.prioritize(self.scoreItemList) #Code to change the window title to the currently viewing feed's title windowTitle = selectedFeed.title + " - feedIO" self.setWindowTitle(windowTitle) self.ui.listUnread.clear() itemIcon = QIcon() itemIcon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/article.png"), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off) # Sort self.scoreItemList according to "isNew" property as primary # Secondary sort it by isUnread # Then sort it according to Score # then sort it according to the Article date. for scoreItem in self.scoreItemList: # treeItem=QTreeWidgetItem([scoreItem.item.title, str(time.ctime(scoreItem.item.updated))]) treeItem=QTreeWidgetItem([scoreItem.item.title,]) treeItem.article = scoreItem.item treeItem.setIcon(0, itemIcon) # # Set a part of the article text as the tooltip of Items # tipLong = purify.cleanText(item.article.description) # tip = purify.shorten(tipLong, 200) # treeItem.setToolTip(0, tip) if scoreItem.item.age is 0: treeItem.setFont(0, self.newFont) treeItem.setTextColor(0, self.newColor) elif scoreItem.item.age is 1: treeItem.setFont(0, self.unreadFont) treeItem.setTextColor(0, self.unreadColor) else: treeItem.setFont(0, self.readFont) treeItem.setTextColor(0, self.readColor) self.ui.listUnread.addTopLevelItem(treeItem) self.ui.listOld.setFocus() def displayRead(self): """ function to update the read Articles list according to the selected feeds list. """ pass selectedFeedIndex = self.ui.comboFeed.currentIndex() if len(self.feedList) == 0: self.readList = [] else: if selectedFeedIndex == len(self.feedList): self.readList = fm.listRead() else: selectedFeed = self.feedList[selectedFeedIndex] self.readList = fm.listRead(selectedFeed) self.ui.listOld.clear() itemIcon = QIcon() itemIcon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/article.png"), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off) for article in self.readList: treeItem=QTreeWidgetItem([article.title,]) treeItem.article = article treeItem.setIcon(0, itemIcon) treeItem.setFont(0, self.readFont) treeItem.setTextColor(0, self.readColor) self.ui.listOld.addTopLevelItem(treeItem) def setCurrentFromUnread(self): """ Function to set the currently selected Item in the Unread list as the self.currentItem """ self.currentItem = self.ui.listUnread.currentItem() self.displayArticle() def setCurrentFromOld(self): """ Function to set the currently selected Item in the Old list as the self.currentItem """ self.currentItem = self.ui.listOld.currentItem() self.displayArticle() def displayArticle(self): """ displays the selected article on the viewer. """ try: selected = self.currentItem selectedItem = selected.article text = "<font face=Georgia color =#444444 >" + "<H3>" + selectedItem.title + \ "</H3>(" + selectedItem.feed.title + ")<br>" + \ time.ctime(selectedItem.updated) + "<br>" + \ selectedItem.description + "</font>" except: text = "Add some interesting feeds!" else: self.ui.viewArticle.setHtml(text) windowTitle = selectedItem.title + " - " + selectedItem.feed.title + " - feedIO" self.setWindowTitle(windowTitle) if selectedItem.age == 0 or selectedItem.age == 1: selected.setFont(0, self.readFont) selected.setTextColor(0, self.readColor) fm.setItemFlag(selectedItem, 2) def markAsRead(self): # create font with normal weight to show the read articles selected = self.currentItem selected.setFont(0, self.readFont) selected.setTextColor(0,self.readColor) fm.setItemFlag(selected.article, 2) def markAsUnread(self): # create font with heavy weight to show the unread articles selected = self.currentItem selected.setFont(0, self.unreadFont) selected.setTextColor(0, self.unreadColor) fm.setItemFlag(selected.article, 1) def fetchAllFeeds(self): """ Fetch all action implementataion. Creates a new thread and fetches the updates for them in that thread. """ thread = threading.Thread(target=self.fetchAll, args=()) thread.start() # thread.join() # self.displayItems() def fetchAll(self): print "fetching Updates..." fm.updateAll() print "Calculating priority Scores" self.parent.setNewItemScores() def fetchFeed(self): """ Fetch the selected feed. """ selected = self.currentItem thread = threading.Thread(target=fm.updateFeed, args=(selected.article.feed,)) thread.start() def visitPage(self): """ function to visit the original web page of selected article from the built in web browser. """ try: selected = self.currentItem except: text = "Not implemented yet." else: self.ui.viewArticle.load(QUrl(selected.article.url)) self.parent.status = "Visiting %s in browser mode..." % selected.article.feed.title self.parent.sendNotification() def upVoteArticle(self): """ Function to upvote the current article """ selected = self.currentItem if selected == None: print "Nothing to vote!" else: selectedTopicIndex = self.ui.comboTopic.currentIndex() selectedTopic = self.topicList[selectedTopicIndex] #call the classifier module classifier.voteArticle("up",selected.article, selectedTopic.title) #upVote the feed classifier.voteFeed("up", selected.article.feed) print "Up Voted %s" % selected.article.title self.parent.status = "Up Voted %s under %s" % (selected.article.title, selectedTopic.title) self.parent.sendNotification() def downVoteArticle(self): """ Function to Down Vote the current article """ selected = self.currentItem if selected == None: print "Nothing to vote!" else: selectedTopicIndex = self.ui.comboTopic.currentIndex() selectedTopic = self.topicList[selectedTopicIndex] #call the classifier module classifier.voteArticle("down", selected.article, selectedTopic.title) #downVote the feed classifier.voteFeed("down", selected.article.feed) print "Down Voted %s" % selected.article.title self.parent.status = "Down Voted %s under %s" % (selected.article.title, selectedTopic.title) self.parent.sendNotification() def on_actionManageFeeds_activated(self, i = None): """ Manage feeds action implementataion. displays the manageFeeds dialog box. """ if i is None: return ManageFeedsDialog(self).exec_() self.displayFeeds() def on_actionAddFeed_activated(self, i = None): if i is None: return AddFeedDialog(self).exec_() self.displayFeeds() def on_actionRemoveFeed_activated(self, i = None): if i is None: return RemoveFeedDialog(self).exec_() self.displayFeeds() def on_actionManageTopics_activated(self, i = None): """ Manage feeds action implementataion. displays the manageFeeds dialog box. """ if i is None: return ManageTopicsDialog(self).exec_() self.displayTopics() def on_actionAddTopic_activated(self, i = None): if i is None: return AddTopicDialog(self).exec_() self.displayTopics() def on_actionRemoveTopic_activated(self, i = None): if i is None: return RemoveTopicDialog(self).exec_() self.displayTopics() def on_actionExit_activated(self, i = None): """ Exit action implementataion. Exits the application. """ if i is None: return self.parent.close() def on_actionMinimizeToTray_activated(self, i = None): """ Exit action implementataion. Exits the application. """ if i is None: return self.close() def on_actionAbout_activated(self, i = None): """ About action implementataion. """ if i is None: return AboutDialog(self).exec_()