def gp(hyp, inffunc, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, xs=None, ys=None, der=None):
    # Gaussian Process inference and prediction. The gp function provides a
    # flexible framework for Bayesian inference and prediction with Gaussian
    # processes for scalar targets, i.e. both regression and binary
    # classification. The prior is Gaussian process, defined through specification
    # of its mean and covariance function. The likelihood function is also
    # specified. Both the prior and the likelihood may have hyperparameters
    # associated with them.
    # Two modes are possible: training or prediction: if no test cases are
    # supplied, then the negative log marginal likelihood and its partial
    # derivatives w.r.t. the hyperparameters is computed; this mode is used to fit
    # the hyperparameters. If test cases are given, then the test set predictive
    # probabilities are returned. Usage:
    #   training: [nlZ dnlZ          ] = gp(hyp, inf, mean, cov, lik, x, y, None, None, der);
    # prediction: [ymu ys2 fmu fs2   ] = gp(hyp, inf, mean, cov, lik, x, y, xs, None, None, None);
    #         or: [ymu ys2 fmu fs2 lp] = gp(hyp, inf, mean, cov, lik, x, y, xs, ys, None);
    # where:
    #   hyp          column vector of hyperparameters
    #   inffunc      function specifying the inference method 
    #   covfunc      prior covariance function (see below)
    #   meanfunc     prior mean function
    #   likfunc      likelihood function
    #   x            n by D matrix of training inputs
    #   y            column vector of length n of training targets
    #   xs           ns by D matrix of test inputs
    #   ys           column vector of length nn of test targets
    #   der          flag for dnlZ computation determination (when xs == None also)
    #   nlZ          returned value of the negative log marginal likelihood
    #   dnlZ         column vector of partial derivatives of the negative
    #                    log marginal likelihood w.r.t. each hyperparameter
    #   ymu          column vector (of length ns) of predictive output means
    #   ys2          column vector (of length ns) of predictive output variances
    #   fmu          column vector (of length ns) of predictive latent means
    #   fs2          column vector (of length ns) of predictive latent variances
    #   lp           column vector (of length ns) of log predictive probabilities
    #   post         struct representation of the (approximate) posterior
    #                3rd output in training mode and 6th output in prediction mode
    # See also covFunctions.m, infMethods.m, likFunctions.m, meanFunctions.m.
    # Copyright (c) by Carl Edward Rasmussen and Hannes Nickisch, 2011-02-18

    if not inffunc:
        inffunc = ['inf.infExact']                           # set default inf
    if not meanfunc:
        meanfunc = ['means.meanZero']                     # set default mean
    if not covfunc:
        raise Exception('Covariance function cannot be empty') # no default covariance

    if covfunc[0] == 'kernels.covFITC':
        inffunc = ['inf.infFITC']                     # only one possible inference alg for covFITC
    if not likfunc:
        likfunc = ['lik.likGauss']                # set default lik

    D = np.shape(x)[1]

    if not checkParameters(meanfunc,hyp.mean,D):
        should,andis = numberOfHyper(meanfunc,hyp.mean,D)
        raise Exception('Number of mean function hyperparameters disagree with mean function' + str(should) + " and " + str(andis))
    if not checkParameters(covfunc,hyp.cov,D):
        should,andis = numberOfHyper(covfunc,hyp.cov,D)
        raise Exception('Number of cov function hyperparameters disagree with cov function: ' + str(should) + " and " + str(andis))
    if not checkParameters(likfunc,hyp.lik,D):
        should,andis = numberOfHyper(likfunc,hyp.lik,D)
        raise Exception('Number of lik function hyperparameters disagree with lik function' + str(should) + " and " + str(andis))

    try:                                         # call the inference method
        # issue a warning if a classification likelihood is used in conjunction with
        # labels different from +1 and -1
        if likfunc[0] == ['lik.likErf'] or likfunc[0] == ['lik.likLogistic']:
            uy = unique(y)
            ind = ( uy != 1 )
            if any( uy[ind] != -1):
                raise Exception('You attempt classification using labels different from {+1,-1}\n')
        if not xs == None:   # compute marginal likelihood and its derivatives only if needed
            vargout = Tools.general.feval(inffunc,hyp, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, 1)
            post = vargout[0]
            if not der:
                vargout = Tools.general.feval(inffunc, hyp, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, 2)
                post = vargout[0]; nlZ = vargout[1] 
                vargout = Tools.general.feval(inffunc, hyp, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, 3)
                post = vargout[0]; nlZ = vargout[1]; dnlZ = vargout[2] 
    except Exception, e:
        raise Exception('Inference method failed ' + str(e) + '\n') 
def gp(hyp, inffunc, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, xs=None, ys=None, der=None):
    # Gaussian Process inference and prediction. The gp function provides a
    # flexible framework for Bayesian inference and prediction with Gaussian
    # processes for scalar targets, i.e. both regression and binary
    # classification. The prior is Gaussian process, defined through specification
    # of its mean and covariance function. The likelihood function is also
    # specified. Both the prior and the likelihood may have hyperparameters
    # associated with them.
    # Two modes are possible: training or prediction: if no test cases are
    # supplied, then the negative log marginal likelihood and its partial
    # derivatives w.r.t. the hyperparameters is computed; this mode is used to fit
    # the hyperparameters. If test cases are given, then the test set predictive
    # probabilities are returned. Usage:
    #   training: [nlZ dnlZ          ] = gp(hyp, inf, mean, cov, lik, x, y, None, None, der);
    # prediction: [ymu ys2 fmu fs2   ] = gp(hyp, inf, mean, cov, lik, x, y, xs, None, None, None);
    #         or: [ymu ys2 fmu fs2 lp] = gp(hyp, inf, mean, cov, lik, x, y, xs, ys, None);
    # where:
    #   hyp          column vector of hyperparameters
    #   inffunc      function specifying the inference method 
    #   covfunc      prior covariance function (see below)
    #   meanfunc     prior mean function
    #   likfunc      likelihood function
    #   x            n by D matrix of training inputs
    #   y            column vector of length n of training targets
    #   xs           ns by D matrix of test inputs
    #   ys           column vector of length nn of test targets
    #   der          flag for dnlZ computation determination (when xs == None also)
    #   nlZ          returned value of the negative log marginal likelihood
    #   dnlZ         column vector of partial derivatives of the negative
    #                    log marginal likelihood w.r.t. each hyperparameter
    #   ymu          column vector (of length ns) of predictive output means
    #   ys2          column vector (of length ns) of predictive output variances
    #   fmu          column vector (of length ns) of predictive latent means
    #   fs2          column vector (of length ns) of predictive latent variances
    #   lp           column vector (of length ns) of log predictive probabilities
    #   post         struct representation of the (approximate) posterior
    #                3rd output in training mode and 6th output in prediction mode
    # This is a python implementation of gpml functionality (Copyright (c) by
    # Carl Edward Rasmussen and Hannes Nickisch, 2011-02-18).
    # Copyright (c) by Marion Neumann and Daniel Marthaler, 20/05/2013

    if not inffunc:
        inffunc = ['inf.infExact']                           # set default inf
    if not meanfunc:
        meanfunc = ['means.meanZero']                     # set default mean
    if not covfunc:
        raise Exception('Covariance function cannot be empty') # no default covariance

    if covfunc[0] == 'kernels.covFITC':
        inffunc = ['inf.infFITC']                     # only one possible inference alg for covFITC
    if not likfunc:
        likfunc = ['lik.likGauss']                # set default lik

    D = np.shape(x)[1]

    if not checkParameters(meanfunc,hyp.mean,D):
        raise Exception('Number of mean function hyperparameters disagree with mean function')
    if not checkParameters(covfunc,hyp.cov,D):
        raise Exception('Number of cov function hyperparameters disagree with cov function')
    if not checkParameters(likfunc,hyp.lik,D):
        raise Exception('Number of lik function hyperparameters disagree with lik function')

    # call the inference method
    # issue a warning if a classification likelihood is used in conjunction with
    # labels different from +1 and -1
    if likfunc[0] == ['lik.likErf'] or likfunc[0] == ['lik.likLogistic']:
        uy = unique(y)
        ind = ( uy != 1 )
        if any( uy[ind] != -1):
            raise Exception('You attempt classification using labels different from {+1,-1}\n')
    if not xs == None:   # compute marginal likelihood and its derivatives only if needed
        vargout = Tools.general.feval(inffunc,hyp, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, 1)
        post = vargout[0]
        if not der:
            vargout = Tools.general.feval(inffunc, hyp, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, 2)
            post = vargout[0]; nlZ = vargout[1] 
            vargout = Tools.general.feval(inffunc, hyp, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, 3)
            post = vargout[0]; nlZ = vargout[1]; dnlZ = vargout[2] 

    if xs == None:                           # if no test cases are provided
        if not der:
            varargout = [nlZ, post]          # report -log marg lik, derivatives and post
            varargout = [nlZ, dnlZ, post]    # report -log marg lik, derivatives and post
        alpha = post.alpha
        L     = post.L
        sW    = post.sW
        #if issparse(alpha)                         # handle things for sparse representations
        #    nz = alpha != 0                        # determine nonzero indices
        #    if issparse(L), L = full(L(nz,nz))     # convert L and sW if necessary
        #    if issparse(sW), sW = full(sW(nz))
        nz = range(len(alpha[:,0]))      # non-sparse representation 
        if L == []:                      # in case L is not provided, we compute it
            K = Tools.general.feval(covfunc, hyp.cov, x[nz,:])
            L = np.linalg.cholesky( (np.eye(nz) + np.dot(sW,sW.T)*K).T )
        Ltril     = np.all( np.tril(L,-1) == 0 ) # is L an upper triangular matrix?
        ns        = xs.shape[0]                  # number of data points
        nperbatch = 1000                         # number of data points per mini batch
        nact      = 0                            # number of already processed test data points
        ymu = np.zeros((ns,1)); ys2 = np.zeros((ns,1))
        fmu = np.zeros((ns,1)); fs2 = np.zeros((ns,1)); lp  = np.zeros((ns,1))   

        while nact<ns-1:                           # process minibatches of test cases to save memory
            id  = range(nact,min(nact+nperbatch,ns))                        # data points to process
            kss = Tools.general.feval(covfunc, hyp.cov, xs[id,:], 'diag')   # self-variances
            Ks  = Tools.general.feval(covfunc, hyp.cov, x[nz,:], xs[id,:])  # cross-covariances
            ms  = Tools.general.feval(meanfunc, hyp.mean, xs[id,:])
            N = (alpha.shape)[1]                                            # number of alphas (usually 1; more in case of sampling)
            Fmu = np.tile(ms,(1,N)) + np.dot(Ks.T,alpha[nz])                # conditional mean fs|f
            fmu[id] = np.reshape(Fmu.sum(axis=1)/N,(len(id),1))             # predictive means
            #fmu[id] = ms + np.dot(Ks.T,alpha[nz])                          # conditional mean fs|f
            if Ltril: # L is triangular => use Cholesky parameters (alpha,sW,L)
                V       = np.linalg.solve(L.T,np.tile(sW,(1,len(id)))*Ks)
                fs2[id] = kss - np.array([(V*V).sum(axis=0)]).T             # predictive variances
            else:     # L is not triangular => use alternative parametrization
                fs2[id] = kss + np.array([(Ks*np.dot(L,Ks)).sum(axis=0)]).T # predictive variances
            fs2[id] = np.maximum(fs2[id],0)         # remove numerical noise i.e. negative variances
            Fs2 = np.tile(fs2[id],(1,N))            # we have multiple values in case of sampling
            if ys == None:
                [Lp, Ymu, Ys2] = Tools.general.feval(likfunc,hyp.lik,None,Fmu[:],Fs2[:],None,None,3)
                [Lp, Ymu, Ys2] = Tools.general.feval(likfunc,hyp.lik,np.tile(ys[id],(1,N)),Fmu[:],Fs2[:],None,None,3)
            lp[id]  = np.reshape( np.reshape(Lp,(np.prod(Lp.shape),N)).sum(axis=1)/N , (len(id),1) )   # log probability; sample averaging
            ymu[id] = np.reshape( np.reshape(Ymu,(np.prod(Ymu.shape),N)).sum(axis=1)/N ,(len(id),1) )  # predictive mean ys|y and ...
            ys2[id] = np.reshape( np.reshape(Ys2,(np.prod(Ys2.shape),N)).sum(axis=1)/N , (len(id),1) ) # .. variance
            nact = id[-1]          # set counter to index of last processed data point
        if ys == None:
            varargout = [ymu, ys2, fmu, fs2, None, post]        # assign output arguments
            varargout = [ymu, ys2, fmu, fs2, lp, post]          # assign output arguments

    return varargout
def gp(hyp,
    # Gaussian Process inference and prediction. The gp function provides a
    # flexible framework for Bayesian inference and prediction with Gaussian
    # processes for scalar targets, i.e. both regression and binary
    # classification. The prior is Gaussian process, defined through specification
    # of its mean and covariance function. The likelihood function is also
    # specified. Both the prior and the likelihood may have hyperparameters
    # associated with them.
    # Two modes are possible: training or prediction: if no test cases are
    # supplied, then the negative log marginal likelihood and its partial
    # derivatives w.r.t. the hyperparameters is computed; this mode is used to fit
    # the hyperparameters. If test cases are given, then the test set predictive
    # probabilities are returned. Usage:
    #   training: [nlZ dnlZ          ] = gp(hyp, inf, mean, cov, lik, x, y, None, None, der);
    # prediction: [ymu ys2 fmu fs2   ] = gp(hyp, inf, mean, cov, lik, x, y, xs, None, None, None);
    #         or: [ymu ys2 fmu fs2 lp] = gp(hyp, inf, mean, cov, lik, x, y, xs, ys, None);
    # where:
    #   hyp          column vector of hyperparameters
    #   inffunc      function specifying the inference method
    #   covfunc      prior covariance function (see below)
    #   meanfunc     prior mean function
    #   likfunc      likelihood function
    #   x            n by D matrix of training inputs
    #   y            column vector of length n of training targets
    #   xs           ns by D matrix of test inputs
    #   ys           column vector of length nn of test targets
    #   der          flag for dnlZ computation determination (when xs == None also)
    #   nlZ          returned value of the negative log marginal likelihood
    #   dnlZ         column vector of partial derivatives of the negative
    #                    log marginal likelihood w.r.t. each hyperparameter
    #   ymu          column vector (of length ns) of predictive output means
    #   ys2          column vector (of length ns) of predictive output variances
    #   fmu          column vector (of length ns) of predictive latent means
    #   fs2          column vector (of length ns) of predictive latent variances
    #   lp           column vector (of length ns) of log predictive probabilities
    #   post         struct representation of the (approximate) posterior
    #                3rd output in training mode and 6th output in prediction mode
    # See also covFunctions.m, infMethods.m, likFunctions.m, meanFunctions.m.
    # Copyright (c) by Carl Edward Rasmussen and Hannes Nickisch, 2011-02-18

    if not inffunc:
        inffunc = ['inf.infExact']  # set default inf
    if not meanfunc:
        meanfunc = ['means.meanZero']  # set default mean
    if not covfunc:
        raise Exception(
            'Covariance function cannot be empty')  # no default covariance

    if covfunc[0] == 'kernels.covFITC':
        inffunc = ['inf.infFITC'
                   ]  # only one possible inference alg for covFITC
    if not likfunc:
        likfunc = ['lik.likGauss']  # set default lik

    D = np.shape(x)[1]

    if not checkParameters(meanfunc, hyp.mean, D):
        raise Exception(
            'Number of mean function hyperparameters disagree with mean function'
    if not checkParameters(covfunc, hyp.cov, D):
        raise Exception(
            'Number of cov function hyperparameters disagree with cov function'
    if not checkParameters(likfunc, hyp.lik, D):
        raise Exception(
            'Number of lik function hyperparameters disagree with lik function'

    try:  # call the inference method
        # issue a warning if a classification likelihood is used in conjunction with
        # labels different from +1 and -1
        if likfunc[0] == ['lik.likErf'] or likfunc[0] == ['lik.likLogistic']:
            uy = unique(y)
            ind = (uy != 1)
            if any(uy[ind] != -1):
                raise Exception(
                    'You attempt classification using labels different from {+1,-1}\n'
        if not xs == None:  # compute marginal likelihood and its derivatives only if needed
            vargout = Tools.general.feval(inffunc, hyp, meanfunc, covfunc,
                                          likfunc, x, y, 1)
            post = vargout[0]
            if not der:
                vargout = Tools.general.feval(inffunc, hyp, meanfunc, covfunc,
                                              likfunc, x, y, 2)
                post = vargout[0]
                nlZ = vargout[1]
                vargout = Tools.general.feval(inffunc, hyp, meanfunc, covfunc,
                                              likfunc, x, y, 3)
                post = vargout[0]
                nlZ = vargout[1]
                dnlZ = vargout[2]
        raise Exception('Inference method failed\n')

    if xs == None:  # if no test cases are provided
        if not der:
            varargout = [nlZ,
                         post]  # report -log marg lik, derivatives and post
            varargout = [nlZ, dnlZ,
                         post]  # report -log marg lik, derivatives and post
        alpha = post.alpha
        L = post.L
        sW = post.sW
        #if issparse(alpha)                  # handle things for sparse representations
        #    nz = alpha != 0                 # determine nonzero indices
        #    if issparse(L), L = full(L(nz,nz)); end      # convert L and sW if necessary
        #    if issparse(sW), sW = full(sW(nz)); end
        nz = range(len(alpha[:, 0]))  # non-sparse representation
        if L == []:  # in case L is not provided, we compute it
            K = Tools.general.feval(covfunc, hyp.cov, x[nz, :])
            L = np.linalg.cholesky((np.eye(nz) + np.dot(sW, sW.T) * K).T)
        Ltril = np.all(np.tril(L, -1) == 0)  # is L an upper triangular matrix?
        ns = xs.shape[0]  # number of data points
        nperbatch = 1000  # number of data points per mini batch
        nact = 0  # number of already processed test data points
        ymu = np.zeros((ns, 1))
        ys2 = np.zeros((ns, 1))
        fmu = np.zeros((ns, 1))
        fs2 = np.zeros((ns, 1))
        lp = np.zeros((ns, 1))

        while nact < ns - 1:  # process minibatches of test cases to save memory
            id = range(nact, min(nact + nperbatch,
                                 ns))  # data points to process
            kss = Tools.general.feval(covfunc, hyp.cov, xs[id, :],
                                      'diag')  # self-variances
            Ks = Tools.general.feval(covfunc, hyp.cov, x[nz, :],
                                     xs[id, :])  # cross-covariances
            ms = Tools.general.feval(meanfunc, hyp.mean, xs[id, :])
            N = (alpha.shape
                 )[1]  # number of alphas (usually 1; more in case of sampling)
            Fmu = np.tile(ms, (1, N)) + np.dot(
                Ks.T, alpha[nz])  # conditional mean fs|f
            fmu[id] = np.reshape(Fmu.sum(axis=1) / N,
                                 (len(id), 1))  # predictive means
            #fmu[id] = ms + np.dot(Ks.T,alpha[nz])         # conditional mean fs|f
            if Ltril:  # L is triangular => use Cholesky parameters (alpha,sW,L)
                V = np.linalg.solve(L.T, np.tile(sW, (1, len(id))) * Ks)
                fs2[id] = kss - np.array([(V * V).sum(axis=0)
                                          ]).T  # predictive variances
            else:  # L is not triangular => use alternative parametrization
                fs2[id] = kss + np.array([(Ks * np.dot(L, Ks)).sum(axis=0)
                                          ]).T  # predictive variances
            fs2[id] = np.maximum(
                fs2[id], 0)  # remove numerical noise i.e. negative variances
            Fs2 = np.tile(
                fs2[id], (1, N))  # we have multiple values in case of sampling
            if ys == None:
                [Lp, Ymu,
                 Ys2] = Tools.general.feval(likfunc, hyp.lik, None, Fmu[:],
                                            Fs2[:], None, None, 3)
                [Lp, Ymu, Ys2] = Tools.general.feval(likfunc, hyp.lik,
                                                             (1, N)), Fmu[:],
                                                     Fs2[:], None, None, 3)
            lp[id] = np.reshape(
                np.reshape(Lp, (np.prod(Lp.shape), N)).sum(axis=1) / N,
                (len(id), 1))  # log probability; sample averaging
            ymu[id] = np.reshape(
                np.reshape(Ymu, (np.prod(Ymu.shape), N)).sum(axis=1) / N,
                (len(id), 1))  # predictive mean ys|y and ...
            ys2[id] = np.reshape(
                np.reshape(Ys2, (np.prod(Ys2.shape), N)).sum(axis=1) / N,
                (len(id), 1))  # .. variance
            nact = id[-1]  # set counter to index of last processed data point

        if ys == None:
            varargout = [ymu, ys2, fmu, fs2, None,
                         post]  # assign output arguments
            varargout = [ymu, ys2, fmu, fs2, lp, post]

    return varargout