 def __init__(self, f_bkg, f_mig, f_eff, f_data, fb = 1.0, regMode = ROOT.TUnfold.kRegModeDerivative, normMode = 0):
   self.f_bkg = f_bkg
   self.tunfolder_reg = getTUnfolder(f_bkg, f_mig, f_eff, f_data, regMode = regMode, normMode = normMode)
   self.f_eff = f_eff
   self.fb = fb
   self.f_bkg_noerr = H1D(self.f_bkg)
   for k in range(0, len(self.f_bkg_noerr.err)):
     self.f_bkg_noerr.err[k] = 0
   self.f_eff_noerr = H1D(self.f_eff)
   for k in range(0, len(self.f_eff_noerr.err)):
     self.f_eff_noerr.err[k] = 0
def getHistogramsFromPkl(fname = "histograms.pkl", direc = "A"):
  m = None
  with open(fname, 'rb') as inp:
    model = pickle.load(inp)
    while model != None:
      if model["name"] != direc:
        model = pickle.load(inp)
      m = model
  truth = m["truth"]
  recoWithFakes = m["reco"]
  # input assumed to have reco in X axis and truth in Y, so transpose it to the truth in X axis convention
  mig = m["mig"].T()

  # fakes
  bkg = m["bkg"]

  tr_1dtruth = mig.project('x')
  nrt = truth - tr_1dtruth

  ones = H1D(np.ones(len(nrt.val)))
  ones.err = copy.deepcopy(np.zeros(len(nrt.val)))
  ones.err_up = copy.deepcopy(np.zeros(len(nrt.val)))
  ones.err_dw = copy.deepcopy(np.zeros(len(nrt.val)))
  ones.x = copy.deepcopy(nrt.x)
  ones.x_err = copy.deepcopy(nrt.x_err)
  eff = ones + nrt.divideBinomial(truth)*(-1.0)
  #eff = mig.project('x').divideBinomial(truth)

  return [truth, recoWithFakes, bkg, mig, eff, nrt]
 def __call__(self, tau, data):
   dataMinusBkg = (data - self.f_bkg_noerr).toROOT("data_minus_bkg_tmp")
   self.tunfolder_reg.SetInput(dataMinusBkg, self.fb)
   tmp = self.tunfolder_reg.GetOutput("tunfold_result_tmp")
   tunfold_mig = H1D(tmp)
   tunfold_result = tunfold_mig/self.f_eff_noerr
   del tmp
   del dataMinusBkg
   return tunfold_result
def getTUnfolder(bkg, mig, eff, data, regMode=None, normMode=None):
    if regMode == None: regMode = ROOT.TUnfold.kRegModeDerivative
    if normMode == None: normMode = ROOT.TUnfold.kEConstraintArea
    tunfolder = ROOT.TUnfoldDensity(mig.T().toROOT("tunfold_mig"),
                                    ROOT.TUnfold.kHistMapOutputVert, regMode,
    bkg_noerr = H1D(bkg)
    for k in range(0, len(bkg.err)):
        bkg_noerr.err[k] = 0
    dataBkgSub = data - bkg_noerr
    tunfolder.SetInput(dataBkgSub.toROOT("data_minus_bkg"), 0)
    return tunfolder
def getHistograms(fname = "out_ttallhad_psrw_Syst.root", direc = "nominal", variable = "mttCoarse"):
  L = luminosity
  f = ROOT.TFile.Open(fname)
  truth = L*H1D(f.Get("%s/%s" % (direc, "unfoldPart_%s" % variable)))
  recoWithFakes = L*H1D(f.Get("%s/%s" % (direc, "unfoldReco_%s_cat2b2HTTmasscut" % variable)))
  # input assumed to have reco in X axis and truth in Y, so transpose it to the truth in X axis convention
  mig = L*H2D(f.Get("%s/%s" % (direc, "unfoldMigRecoPart_%s_cat2b2HTTmasscut" % variable))).T()

  # fakes
  bkg = L*H1D(f.Get("%s/%s" % (direc, "unfoldRecoNotPart_%s_cat2b2HTTmasscut" % variable)))
  #bkg = bkg + other bkgs!!! FIXME

  tr_1dtruth = mig.project('x')
  nrt = truth - tr_1dtruth

  ones = H1D(np.ones(len(nrt.val)))
  ones.err = copy.deepcopy(np.zeros(len(nrt.val)))
  ones.x = copy.deepcopy(nrt.x)
  ones.x_err = copy.deepcopy(nrt.x_err)
  eff = ones + nrt.divideBinomial(truth)*(-1.0)
  #eff = mig.project('x').divideBinomial(truth)

  return [truth, recoWithFakes, bkg, mig, eff, nrt]
 def __call__(self, tau, data):
     #f_truth, f_recoWithFakes, f_bkg, f_mig, f_eff, f_nrt = getHistograms("out_ttallhad_psrw_Syst.root", "nominal", "mttAsymm")
     #tunfolder_reg = getTUnfolder(f_bkg, f_mig, data, regMode = ROOT.TUnfold.kRegModeDerivative)
     dataMinusBkg = (data - self.f_bkg_noerr).toROOT("data_minus_bkg_tmp")
     self.tunfolder_reg.SetInput(dataMinusBkg, self.fb)
     tmp = self.tunfolder_reg.GetOutput("tunfold_result_tmp")
     tunfold_mig = H1D(tmp)
     tunfold_result = tunfold_mig / self.f_eff_noerr
     del tmp
     del dataMinusBkg
     return tunfold_result
def getDAgostini(bkg, mig, eff, data, nIter=1):
    reco = (mig.project('y') + bkg).toROOT("reco_rp")
    truth = (mig.project('x') / eff).toROOT("truth_p")
    m = mig.T().toROOT("m")
    unf_response = ROOT.RooUnfoldResponse(reco, truth, m)
    dataBkgSub = data  # - bkg
    dd = dataBkgSub.toROOT("dataBkgSub_dagostini")
    dagostini = ROOT.RooUnfoldBayes(unf_response, dd, int(nIter))
    dagostini_hreco = dagostini.Hreco()
    del dagostini
    del unf_response
    del m
    r = H1D(dagostini_hreco)
    del dagostini_hreco
    return r
def generateHistograms(fname="histograms.pkl"):
    Nev = 400000
    wL = 100.0  # generate wL times more events than we expect in data

    # number of truth bins
    xt = 0.5 * np.exp(np.arange(0, 12, 1) * 0.15)
    xt_err = np.diff(xt) * 0.5
    xt = xt[:-1]
    xt += xt_err
    Nt = len(xt)

    # number of reco bins
    xf = 0.5 * np.exp(np.arange(0, 24, 1) * 0.15 * 0.5)
    xf_err = np.diff(xf) * 0.5
    xf = xf[:-1]
    xf += xf_err
    Nr = len(xf)

    e = {}
    b = {}
    a = {}
    b = {}
    e["A"] = [0.40 for x in range(0, Nt)]
    e["B"] = [0.42 for x in range(0, Nt)]
    e["C"] = [0.38 for x in range(0, Nt)]

    a["A"] = 0.20
    a["B"] = 0.25
    a["C"] = 0.15
    b["A"] = 0.02
    b["B"] = 0.03
    b["C"] = 0.01

    #a["A"] = 0
    #a["B"] = 0
    #a["C"] = 0
    #b["A"] = 0
    #b["B"] = 0
    #b["C"] = 0

    gs = GenerateSample(minMass=0.5, sqrts=7)

    truth = {}
    reco = {}
    mig = {}
    bkg = {}

    truth2 = {}
    reco2 = {}
    mig2 = {}
    bkg2 = {}
    for direc in ["A", "B", "C"]:
        truth[direc] = H1D(np.zeros(Nt))
        truth[direc].x = xt
        truth[direc].x_err = xt_err
        mig[direc] = H2D(np.zeros((Nt, Nr)))
        mig[direc].x = xt
        mig[direc].x_err = xt_err
        mig[direc].y = xf
        mig[direc].y_err = xf_err
        reco[direc] = H1D(np.zeros(Nr))
        reco[direc].x = xf
        reco[direc].x_err = xf_err
        bkg[direc] = H1D(np.zeros(Nr))
        bkg[direc].x = xf
        bkg[direc].x_err = xf_err
        for i in range(0, Nr):
            bkg[direc].err[i] = 0

    for k in range(0, int(Nev * wL)):
        O = gs.sample()
        w = 1.0 / wL

        # implement overflow bin
        O_over = O
        if O_over > xt[-1] + xt_err[-1]:
            O_over = xt[-1]
        # guarantee same truth histogram for all
        # do not histogram events below lowest bin (ie: do not plot underflow)
        # we assume this is the boundary of the fiducial region
        # but use those low O events in the migration model, as they can be smeared in
        if O_over > xt[0] - xt_err[0]:
            for direc in ["A", "B", "C"]:
                bt = truth[direc].fill(O_over, w)

        # migration model
        for direc in ["A", "B", "C"]:
            dm = O * (a[direc] / np.sqrt(O) + b[direc])
            Or = O + np.random.normal(0, dm)

            # if reco-level bin is below lowest bin, reject it
            # this effect is considered in the efficiency later
            if Or < xf[0] - xf_err[0]:
            # implement overflow bin
            if Or > xf[-1] + xf_err[-1]:
                Or = xf[-1]

            # implement efficiency
            if np.random.uniform(0, 1) > e[direc][bt]:
            mig[direc].fill(O_over, Or, w)
            br = reco[direc].fill(Or, w)
        reco[direc] = reco[direc] + bkg[direc]

    with open(fname, 'wb') as output:
        for direc in ["A", "B", "C"]:
            model = {}
            model["name"] = direc
            model["mig"] = mig[direc].T()
            model["truth"] = truth[direc]
            model["reco"] = reco[direc]
            model["bkg"] = bkg[direc]
            pickle.dump(model, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
recoWithoutFakes = {}
bkg = {}
bkg_noerr = {}
mig = {}
eff = {}
eff_noerr = {}
nrt = {}

truth["A"], recoWithFakes["A"], bkg["A"], mig["A"], eff["A"], nrt["A"] = getHistograms(direc = "A")
truth["B"], recoWithFakes["B"], bkg["B"], mig["B"], eff["B"], nrt["B"] = getHistograms(direc = "B")
#truth["C"], recoWithFakes["C"], bkg["C"], mig["C"], eff["C"], nrt["C"] = getHistograms("histograms.pkl", "C")

for i in recoWithFakes:
  recoWithoutFakes[i] = mig[i].project("y")

  bkg_noerr[i] = H1D(bkg[i])
  for k in range(0, len(bkg_noerr[i].err)):
    bkg_noerr[i].err[k] = 0
  eff_noerr[i] = H1D(eff[i])
  for k in range(0, len(eff_noerr[i].err)):
    eff_noerr[i].err[k] = 0

# generate perfect fake data
data = recoWithFakes["A"]

# generate fake data from model
pseudo_data = getDataFromModel(bkg["A"], mig["A"], eff["A"])

# functor to unfold
class TUnfoldForRegularizationTest:
from Unfolder.ComparisonHelpers import *
from Unfolder.Unfolder import Unfolder
from Unfolder.Histogram import H1D, H2D, plotH1D, plotH2D
from readHistograms import *

sns.set(context="paper", style="whitegrid", font_scale=1.1)

varname = "observable"
extension = "eps"

# get histograms from file
truth, recoWithFakes, bkg, mig, eff, nrt = getHistograms(direc="A")

recoWithoutFakes = mig.project("y")

eff_noerr = H1D(eff)
for k in range(0, len(eff_noerr.err)):
    eff_noerr.err[k] = 0

bkg_noerr = H1D(bkg)
for k in range(0, len(bkg_noerr.err)):
    bkg_noerr.err[k] = 0

# generate fake data
data = recoWithFakes

# Create unfolding class
m = Unfolder(bkg, mig, eff, truth)
def getHistogramsFromJson(fname = "toyModel/ModelChrisSmallVar.json", direc = "A"):
  parsed_json = json.load(open(fname))

  # initial (real) data --> this actually depends on the model used
  # it will be changed below
  recoWithFakes = H1D(np.asarray(parsed_json["Data"]))

  # this is the response matrix, which is response = eff(truth = i) * P(reco = j|truth = i) = eff(truth = i) * P(t = i, r = j) / P(t = i)
  # the migration matrix is eff(truth = i) * P(t=i,r=j) = response(t = i, r = j) * P(t = i)
  if direc == "A":
    resp = H2D(np.asarray(parsed_json["Nominal"]["Mig"], dtype = np.float64))
    resp.err = np.zeros(shape = resp.val.shape)
    resp.err_up = np.zeros(shape = resp.val.shape)
    resp.err_dw = np.zeros(shape = resp.val.shape)
    resp = H2D(np.asarray(parsed_json["ModelVars"]["resolution"]["Variation"]["Mig"], dtype = np.float64))
    resp.err = np.zeros(shape = resp.val.shape)
    resp.err_up = np.zeros(shape = resp.val.shape)
    resp.err_dw = np.zeros(shape = resp.val.shape)

  # input assumed to have reco in Y axis and truth in X
  # from here on
  Ntruth = resp.val.shape[0]
  Nreco = resp.val.shape[1]

  # no background for now
  bkg = H1D(np.zeros(Nreco, dtype = np.float64))

  #print("Response matrix")

  # sum of response matrix in the reco rows gives the efficiency
  eff = H1D(np.zeros(Ntruth, dtype = np.float64))
  for itruth in range(Ntruth):
    for ireco in range(Nreco):
      eff.val[itruth] += resp.val[itruth, ireco]


  # get response matrix assuming efficiency = 1
  resp_noeff = copy.deepcopy(resp)
  for itruth in range(Ntruth):
    for ireco in range(Nreco):
      resp_noeff.val[itruth, ireco] /= eff.val[itruth]

  #print("Response matrix/eff: ")

  truth_a = []
  for i in range(Ntruth):
    truth_a.append(parsed_json["ModelVars"]["truthbin%d" % i]["InitialValue"])
  truth = H1D(np.asarray(truth_a, dtype = np.float64))
  truth.err = np.zeros(shape = truth.val.shape)
  truth.err_up = np.zeros(shape = truth.val.shape)
  truth.err_dw = np.zeros(shape = truth.val.shape)
  #print("Truth: ", truth.val)

  # get migration matrix, by multiplying by P(truth=i)
  mig = copy.deepcopy(resp)
  for itruth in range(Ntruth):
    for ireco in range(Nreco):
      mig.val[itruth, ireco] *= truth.val[itruth]

  #print("Migration matrix: ")

  recoWithFakes_a = []
  for ireco in range(Nreco):
    for itruth in range(Ntruth):
      recoWithFakes_a[-1] += resp.val[itruth, ireco]*truth.val[itruth]
  recoWithFakes = H1D(np.asarray(recoWithFakes_a, dtype = np.float64))
  for ireco in range(Nreco):
    recoWithFakes.err[ireco] = 0

  tr_1dtruth = mig.project('x')
  tr_1dtruth.err = np.zeros(shape = tr_1dtruth.val.shape)
  tr_1dtruth.err_up = np.zeros(shape = tr_1dtruth.val.shape)
  tr_1dtruth.err_dw = np.zeros(shape = tr_1dtruth.val.shape)
  nrt = truth - tr_1dtruth

  ones = H1D(np.ones(len(nrt.val)))
  ones.err = copy.deepcopy(np.zeros(len(nrt.val)))
  ones.err_up = copy.deepcopy(np.zeros(len(nrt.val)))
  ones.err_dw = copy.deepcopy(np.zeros(len(nrt.val)))
  ones.x = copy.deepcopy(nrt.x)
  ones.x_err = copy.deepcopy(nrt.x_err)
  eff = ones + nrt.divideBinomial(truth)*(-1.0)
  #eff = mig.project('x').divideBinomial(truth)
  return [truth, recoWithFakes, bkg, mig, eff, nrt]
def scanRegParameter(unfoldFunction,
                     rangeAlpha=np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 1e-3),
    bias = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    bias_std = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    bias_chi2 = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    bias_norm = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    bias_norm_std = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    bias_syst = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    minBias = 1e10
    bestAlpha = 0
    bestChi2 = 0
    bestI = 0
    import sys
    for i in range(0, len(rangeAlpha)):
        #if i % 100 == 0:
        print("scanRegParameter: parameter = ", rangeAlpha[i], " / ",
        bias[i], bias_std[i], bias_chi2[i], bias_norm[i], bias_norm_std[
            i], bias_syst[i] = getBiasFromToys(unfoldFunction, rangeAlpha[i],
                                               N, bkg, mig, eff, truth)
        print(" -- --> scanRegParameter: parameter = ", rangeAlpha[i], " / ",
              rangeAlpha[-1], " with chi2 = ", bias_chi2[i],
              ", mean and std = ", bias[i], bias_std[i])
        if np.abs(bias_chi2[i] - 0.5) < minBias:
            minBias = np.abs(bias_chi2[i] - 0.5)
            bestAlpha = rangeAlpha[i]
            bestChi2 = bias_chi2[i]
            bestI = i
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    plt_bias = H1D(bias)
    plt_bias.val = bias
    plt_bias.err = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    plt_bias.x = rangeAlpha
    plt_bias.x_err = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    plt_bias_e = H1D(bias)
    plt_bias_e.val = bias_std
    plt_bias_e.err = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    plt_bias_e.x = rangeAlpha
    plt_bias_e.x_err = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    plt_bias_syst = H1D(bias)
    plt_bias_syst.val = bias_syst
    plt_bias_syst.err = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    plt_bias_syst.x = rangeAlpha
    plt_bias_syst.x_err = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    #plotH1DLines({r"$E_{\mathrm{bins}}[|E_{\mathrm{toys}}[\mathrm{bias}]|]$": plt_bias, r"$E_{\mathrm{bins}}[\sqrt{\mathrm{Var}_{\mathrm{toys}}[\mathrm{bias}]}]$": plt_bias_e, r"$E_{\mathrm{bins}}[|\mathrm{only \;\; syst. \;\; bias}|]$": plt_bias_syst}, "Regularization parameter", "Bias", "", fname)
        }, "Regularization parameter", "Bias", "", fname)
    plt_bias_norm = H1D(bias)
    plt_bias_norm.val = bias_norm
    plt_bias_norm.err = np.power(bias_norm_std, 2)
    plt_bias_norm.x = rangeAlpha
    plt_bias_norm.x_err = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    plt_bias_norm_e = H1D(bias)
    plt_bias_norm_e.val = bias_norm_std
    plt_bias_norm_e.err = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    plt_bias_norm_e.x = rangeAlpha
    plt_bias_norm_e.x_err = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
            r"$E_{\mathrm{toys}}[\mathrm{norm. \;\; bias}]$":
            r"$\sqrt{\mathrm{Var}_{\mathrm{toys}}[\mathrm{norm. \;\; bias}]}$":
        }, "Regularization parameter", "Normalisation bias", "", fname_norm)
    plt_bias_chi2 = H1D(bias_chi2)
    plt_bias_chi2.val = bias_chi2
    plt_bias_chi2.err = np.ones(len(rangeAlpha)) * np.sqrt(
        float(len(truth.val)) / float(N)
    )  # error in chi^2 considering errors in the mean of std/sqrt(N)
    plt_bias_chi2.x = rangeAlpha
    plt_bias_chi2.x_err = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
    plt_cte = H1D(plt_bias_chi2)
    plt_cte.val = 0.5 * np.ones(len(rangeAlpha))
    plt_cte.err = np.zeros(len(rangeAlpha))
        }, "Regularisation parameter",
        r"Bias $\mathrm{mean}^2/\mathrm{variance}$", "", fname_chi2)
    return [
        bestAlpha, bestChi2, bias[bestI], bias_std[bestI], bias_norm[bestI],
def getDataFromModel(bkg, mig, eff):
    truth = mig.project('x') / eff
    response_noeff = H2D(mig)  # = P(r|t) = Mtr/sum_k=1^Nr Mtk
    for i in range(0, mig.shape[0]):  # for each truth bin
        rsum = 0.0
        for j in range(0, mig.shape[1]):  # for each reco bin
            rsum += mig.val[
                j]  # calculate the sum of all reco bins in the same truth bin
        for j in range(0, mig.shape[1]):  # for each reco bin
            response_noeff.val[i, j] = mig.val[i, j] / rsum

    data = H1D(
        bkg)  # original bkg histogram is ignored: only used to clone X axis
    # simulate background
    for j in range(0, len(bkg.val)):  # j is the reco bin
        bv = bkg.val[j]
        if bv < 0: bv = 0
        bkgCount = np.random.poisson(
            bv)  # this simulates a counting experiment for the bkg
        data.val[j] = bkgCount  # overwrite background so that we use a Poisson
        data.err[j] = bkgCount

    # for each truth bin
    for i in range(0, len(truth.val)):  # i is the truth bin
        trueCount = np.random.poisson(
            truth.val[i])  # this simulates a counting experiment for the truth
        #trueCount = int(truth.val[i]) # dirac delta pdf for the truth distribution
        # calculate cumulative response for bin i
        # C(k|i) = sum_l=0^k P(r=l|t=i)
        C = np.zeros(len(bkg.val))
        for k in range(0, len(bkg.val)):
            for l in range(0, k + 1):
                C[k] += response_noeff.val[i, l]
        # a uniform random number is between 0 and C[0] with prob. response_noeff.val[i, 0]
        # it is between C[0] and C[1] with prob. response_noeff.val[i, 1], etc.
        for n in range(
                0, trueCount
        ):  # number of experiments is the count in the truth bin
            # simulate efficiency by rejecting events with efficiency eff.val[i]
            if np.random.uniform(0, 1) > eff.val[i]:

            # find the reco bin using the migration matrix mig
            # we know that the probability of getting reco bin j given that we are in truth bin i is:
            # P(r=j|t=i) = response_noeff.val[i, j]
            # first throw a random number between 0 and 1
            rn = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
            recoBin = len(bkg.val) - 1  # set it to the last bin
            for k in range(
                    0, len(bkg.val)
            ):  # loop over reco bins and get where the random number is in the cum. distribution
                if rn >= C[
                        k]:  # if the random number is bigger than the cum. distribution boundary
                    # keep going as we are not yet at the boundary
                # if the random number is smaller than the cum. dist., we have already crossed the boundary
                # stop and set the reco bin
                recoBin = k
            data.val[recoBin] += 1
            data.err[recoBin] += 1
    return data
from Unfolder.Unfolder import Unfolder
from Unfolder.Histogram import H1D, H2D, plotH1D, plotH2D
from readHistograms import *

sns.set(context="paper", style="whitegrid", font_scale=2)

varname = "observable"
extension = "eps"

# get histograms from file
truth, recoWithFakes, bkg, mig, eff, nrt = getHistograms(
    "out_ttallhad_psrw_Syst.root", "nominal", "mttAsymm")

recoWithoutFakes = mig.project("y")

eff_noerr = H1D(eff)
for k in range(0, len(eff_noerr.err)):
    eff_noerr.err[k] = 0

bkg_noerr = H1D(bkg)
for k in range(0, len(bkg_noerr.err)):
    bkg_noerr.err[k] = 0

# generate fake data
data = recoWithFakes

# Try alternative
# Create alternative method for unfolding
#tunfolder = getTUnfolder(bkg, mig, eff, data, regMode = ROOT.TUnfold.kRegModeDerivative)
tunfolder = getTUnfolder(bkg,