    def __init__(self, graph):

        self.__tree = []
        self.__weight = 0

        heap = MinHeap()
        for i in range(graph.get_node_nums()):
            adj = graph.iter_nodes(i)
            for edge in adj:
                if edge.orgin < edge.goal:

        union_find = UnionFind(graph.get_node_nums())
        while not heap.is_empty() and len(
                self.__tree) < graph.get_node_nums() - 1:

            edge = heap.pop()

            if not union_find.is_connected(edge.orgin, edge.goal):
                union_find.union(edge.orgin, edge.goal)

        for x in self.__tree:
            self.__weight += x.weight
 def has_shortest_path(self):
     judge if there is a shortest path between start point and target point
     yes -- return the path
     no -- return an empty list
     direction = self.get_direction()
     limit_x = abs(self.tarX - self.x)
     limit_y = abs(self.tarY - self.y)
     groups = []
     move_steps_1 = [(1, 0), (0, 1)]  # Top Right
     move_steps_2 = [(-1, 0), (0, 1)]  # Top Left
     move_steps_3 = [(-1, 0), (0, -1)]  # Bottom Left
     move_steps_4 = [(1, 0), (0, -1)]  # Bottom Right
     if 1 == direction:
         for i in range(limit_x + 1):
             for j in range(limit_y + 1):
                 wind = self.wind_matrix[self.x + i -
                                         1][self.y + j -
                                            1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                                (i + j)) // 60]
                 rain = self.rain_matrix[self.x + i -
                                         1][self.y + j -
                                            1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                                (i + j)) // 60]
                 if wind < self.wind_threshold and rain < self.rain_threshold:
                     group = []
                     group.append((self.x + i, self.y + j))
                     for move_step in move_steps_1:
                         if self.x + i + move_step[0] >= self.x and \
                            self.x + i + move_step[0] <= self.tarX and \
                            self.y + j + move_step[1] >= self.y and \
                            self.y + j + move_step[1] <= self.tarY:
                             if (self.distance + 2 *
                                 (i + j + abs(move_step[0]) +
                                  abs(move_step[1]))) < self.limit_life:
                                 wind = self.wind_matrix[
                                     self.x + i + move_step[0] -
                                     1][self.y + j + move_step[1] -
                                        1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                            (abs(i + move_step[0]) +
                                             abs(j + move_step[1]))) // 60]
                                 rain = self.rain_matrix[
                                     self.x + i + move_step[0] -
                                     1][self.y + j + move_step[1] -
                                        1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                            (abs(i + move_step[0]) +
                                             abs(j + move_step[1]))) // 60]
                                 if wind >= self.wind_threshold or rain >= self.rain_threshold:
                                 group.append((self.x + i + move_step[0],
                                               self.y + j + move_step[1]))
     if 2 == direction:
         for i in range(limit_x + 1):
             for j in range(limit_y + 1):
                 wind = self.wind_matrix[self.x - i -
                                         1][self.y + j -
                                            1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                                (i + j)) // 60]
                 rain = self.rain_matrix[self.x - i -
                                         1][self.y + j -
                                            1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                                (i + j)) // 60]
                 if wind < self.wind_threshold and rain < self.rain_threshold:
                     group = []
                     group.append((self.x - i, self.y + j))
                     for move_step in move_steps_2:
                         if self.x - i + move_step[0] <= self.x and \
                            self.x - i + move_step[0] >= self.tarX and \
                            self.y + j + move_step[1] >= self.y and \
                            self.y + j + move_step[1] <= self.tarY:
                             if (self.distance + 2 *
                                 (i + j + abs(move_step[0]) +
                                  abs(move_step[1]))) < self.limit_life:
                                 wind = self.wind_matrix[self.x - i + move_step[0] - 1][self.y + j + move_step[1] - 1] \
                                     [(self.distance + 2 * (
                                             abs(i- move_step[0]) + abs(j + move_step[1]))) // 60]
                                 rain = self.rain_matrix[self.x - i + move_step[0] - 1][self.y + j + move_step[1] - 1] \
                                     [(self.distance + 2 * (
                                         abs(i - move_step[0]) + abs(j + move_step[1]))) // 60]
                                 if wind >= self.wind_threshold or rain >= self.rain_threshold:
                                 group.append((self.x - i + move_step[0],
                                               self.y + j + move_step[1]))
     if 3 == direction:
         for i in range(limit_x + 1):
             for j in range(limit_y + 1):
                 wind = self.wind_matrix[self.x - i -
                                         1][self.y - j -
                                            1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                                (i + j)) // 60]
                 rain = self.rain_matrix[self.x - i -
                                         1][self.y - j -
                                            1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                                (i + j)) // 60]
                 if wind < self.wind_threshold and rain < self.rain_threshold:
                     group = []
                     group.append((self.x - i, self.y - j))
                     for move_step in move_steps_3:
                         if self.x - i + move_step[0] <= self.x and \
                            self.x - i + move_step[0] >= self.tarX and \
                            self.y - j + move_step[1] <= self.y and \
                            self.y - j + move_step[1] >= self.tarY:
                             if (self.distance + 2 *
                                 (i + j + abs(move_step[0]) +
                                  abs(move_step[1]))) < self.limit_life:
                                 wind = self.wind_matrix[
                                     self.x - i + move_step[0] -
                                     1][self.y - j + move_step[1] -
                                        1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                            (abs(i - move_step[0]) +
                                             abs(j - move_step[1]))) // 60]
                                 rain = self.rain_matrix[
                                     self.x - i + move_step[0] -
                                     1][self.y - j + move_step[1] -
                                        1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                            (abs(i - move_step[0]) +
                                             abs(j - move_step[1]))) // 60]
                                 if wind >= self.wind_threshold or rain >= self.rain_threshold:
                                 group.append((self.x - i + move_step[0],
                                               self.y - j + move_step[1]))
     if 4 == direction:
         for i in range(limit_x + 1):
             for j in range(limit_y + 1):
                 wind = self.wind_matrix[self.x + i -
                                         1][self.y - j -
                                            1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                                (i + j)) // 60]
                 rain = self.rain_matrix[self.x + i -
                                         1][self.y - j -
                                            1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                                (i + j)) // 60]
                 if wind < self.wind_threshold and rain < self.rain_threshold:
                     group = []
                     group.append((self.x + i, self.y - j))
                     for move_step in move_steps_4:
                         if self.x + i + move_step[0] >= self.x and \
                            self.x + i + move_step[0] <= self.tarX and \
                            self.y - j + move_step[1] <= self.y and \
                            self.y - j + move_step[1] >= self.tarY:
                             if (self.distance + 2 *
                                 (i + j + abs(move_step[0]) +
                                  abs(move_step[1]))) < self.limit_life:
                                 wind = self.wind_matrix[
                                     self.x + i + move_step[0] -
                                     1][self.y - j + move_step[1] -
                                        1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                            (abs(i + move_step[0]) +
                                             abs(j - move_step[1]))) // 60]
                                 rain = self.rain_matrix[
                                     self.x + i + move_step[0] -
                                     1][self.y - j + move_step[1] -
                                        1][(self.distance + 2 *
                                            (abs(i + move_step[0]) +
                                             abs(j - move_step[1]))) // 60]
                                 if wind >= self.wind_threshold or rain >= self.rain_threshold:
                                 group.append((self.x + i + move_step[0],
                                               self.y - j + move_step[1]))
     u = UnionFind(groups)
     items = list(u.get_items())
     d = {}  # corresponding number of the point
     if u.is_connected((self.x, self.y), (self.tarX, self.tarY)):
         for i, item in enumerate(items):
             d[str(item)] = i
         g = nx.DiGraph()
         for group in groups:
             for i in range(1, len(group)):
                 wind = self.wind_matrix[group[i][0] - 1][group[i][1] - 1][(
                     self.distance + 2 *
                     (abs(group[i][0] - self.x) + abs(group[i][1] - self.y))
                 ) // 60]
                 rain = self.rain_matrix[group[i][0] - 1][group[i][1] - 1][(
                     self.distance + 2 *
                     (abs(group[i][0] - self.x) + abs(group[i][1] - self.y))
                 ) // 60]
                 wind = wind / self.wind_threshold
                 rain = rain / self.rain_threshold
                     (d[str(group[0])], d[str(group[i])], max(wind, rain))
         if nx.has_path(g,
                        source=d[str((self.x, self.y))],
                        target=d[str((self.tarX, self.tarY))]):
             shortest_path = nx.shortest_path(g,
                                                  (self.x, self.y))],
                                                  (self.tarX, self.tarY))],
             shortest_path_label = []
             for path in shortest_path:
             return shortest_path_label
             return []
         return []