def main(args, opt): trees = {} for filename in os.listdir(args[0]): if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.root': continue isdata, pname, splitno = resolveFilename(filename) treefile = os.path.join(args[0], filename) tfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(treefile, 'READ') trees[pname] = tfile.Get(TREENAME) try: cachefile = open('genmlbhists.pck', 'r') hists = pickle.load(cachefile) print '>>> Read syst histos from cache (.svlsysthistos.pck)' cachefile.close() except IOError: hists = {} for tag, sel in MLBSELECTIONS: for pname in trees.keys(): print '... processing', pname, tag hists[(pname, tag)] = getHistoFromTree(trees[pname], sel=sel, var='GenMlb', hname="GenMlb_%s_%s" % (pname, tag), nbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=200, titlex=MLBAXISTITLE) cachefile = open('genmlbhists.pck', 'w') pickle.dump(hists, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print '>>> Dumped histos to cachefile (genmlbhists.pck)' cachefile.close() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(1) for tag, _ in MLBSELECTIONS: plot = RatioPlot('genmlb') plot.normalized = False plot.add(hists[('TTJets_MSDecays_172v5', tag)], 'Nominal') plot.add(hists[('TTJets_MSDecays_scaleup', tag)], 'Q^{2} scale up') plot.add(hists[('TTJets_MSDecays_scaledown', tag)], 'Q^{2} scale down') plot.tag = "Generator level m_{lb} shape" if tag == 'cor': plot.subtag = "Correct combinations" else: plot.subtag = "Wrong combinations" plot.ratiotitle = 'Ratio wrt nominal' plot.titlex = MLBAXISTITLE plot.tagpos = (0.22, 0.85) plot.subtagpos = (0.22, 0.78) plot.legpos = (0.20, 0.55) plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15) plot.colors = [ROOT.kBlue - 3, ROOT.kRed - 4, ROOT.kOrange - 3]"genmlb_scale_%s" % tag, opt.outDir) return 0
def makeSVMassPlots(histodict): ratplot = RatioPlot('SVMass') ratplot.normalized = True ratplot.ratiorange = (0.5,1.5) ratplot.legpos = (0.65, 0.60) ratplot.ratiotitle = 'Data/MC' ratplot.extratext = '' #Work in Progress' ratplot.tag = "Inclusive" # ratplot.tag = "e#mu channel" ratplot.tagpos = (0.80,0.55) ratplot.add(histodict[('nominal','SVMass',3)], 'N_{trk}=3 t#bar{t} MC', includeInRatio=False) ratplot.add(histodict[('data', 'SVMass',3)], 'N_{trk}=3 Data', includeInRatio=True) ratplot.add(histodict[('nominal','SVMass',4)], 'N_{trk}=4 t#bar{t} MC', includeInRatio=False) ratplot.add(histodict[('data', 'SVMass',4)], 'N_{trk}=4 Data', includeInRatio=True) ratplot.add(histodict[('nominal','SVMass',5)], 'N_{trk}=5 t#bar{t} MC', includeInRatio=False) ratplot.add(histodict[('data', 'SVMass',5)], 'N_{trk}=5 Data', includeInRatio=True) ratplot.reference = [histodict[('nominal','SVMass',3)]] ratplot.reference.append(histodict[('nominal','SVMass',4)]) ratplot.reference.append(histodict[('nominal','SVMass',5)]) ratplot.colors = [ROOT.kMagenta+1, ROOT.kMagenta+1, ROOT.kViolet+2, ROOT.kViolet+2, ROOT.kAzure+7, ROOT.kAzure+7] ratplot.drawoptions = ['hist', 'PE', 'hist', 'PE', 'hist', 'PE'] ratplot.markerstyles = [24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26] ratplot.markersizes = len(ratplot.histos)*[1.4]'svmassplot',opt.outDir) ratplot.saveRatios('svmass_weights',opt.outDir,['SVMass_weight_3','SVMass_weight_4','SVMass_weight_5'])
def main(args, opt): trees = {} for filename in os.listdir(args[0]): if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.root': continue isdata, pname, splitno = resolveFilename(filename) treefile = os.path.join(args[0], filename) tfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(treefile,'READ') trees[pname] = tfile.Get(TREENAME) try: cachefile = open('genmlbhists.pck', 'r') hists = pickle.load(cachefile) print '>>> Read syst histos from cache (.svlsysthistos.pck)' cachefile.close() except IOError: hists = {} for tag,sel in MLBSELECTIONS: for pname in trees.keys(): print '... processing', pname, tag hists[(pname,tag)] = getHistoFromTree(trees[pname], sel=sel, var='GenMlb', hname="GenMlb_%s_%s"%(pname,tag), nbins=100,xmin=0,xmax=200, titlex=MLBAXISTITLE) cachefile = open('genmlbhists.pck', 'w') pickle.dump(hists, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print '>>> Dumped histos to cachefile (genmlbhists.pck)' cachefile.close() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(1) for tag,_ in MLBSELECTIONS: plot = RatioPlot('genmlb') plot.normalized = False plot.add(hists[('TTJets_MSDecays_172v5', tag)], 'Nominal') plot.add(hists[('TTJets_MSDecays_scaleup', tag)], 'Q^{2} scale up') plot.add(hists[('TTJets_MSDecays_scaledown', tag)], 'Q^{2} scale down') plot.tag = "Generator level m_{lb} shape" if tag == 'cor': plot.subtag = "Correct combinations" else: plot.subtag = "Wrong combinations" plot.ratiotitle = 'Ratio wrt nominal' plot.titlex = MLBAXISTITLE plot.tagpos = (0.22, 0.85) plot.subtagpos = (0.22, 0.78) plot.legpos = (0.20, 0.55) plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15) plot.colors = [ROOT.kBlue-3, ROOT.kRed-4, ROOT.kOrange-3]"genmlb_scale_%s"%tag, opt.outDir) return 0
def makeSVMassPlots(histodict): ratplot = RatioPlot('SVMass') ratplot.normalized = True ratplot.ratiorange = (0.5, 1.5) ratplot.legpos = (0.65, 0.60) ratplot.ratiotitle = 'Data/MC' ratplot.extratext = '' #Work in Progress' ratplot.tag = "Inclusive" # ratplot.tag = "e#mu channel" ratplot.tagpos = (0.80, 0.55) ratplot.add(histodict[('nominal', 'SVMass', 3)], 'N_{trk}=3 t#bar{t} MC', includeInRatio=False) ratplot.add(histodict[('data', 'SVMass', 3)], 'N_{trk}=3 Data', includeInRatio=True) ratplot.add(histodict[('nominal', 'SVMass', 4)], 'N_{trk}=4 t#bar{t} MC', includeInRatio=False) ratplot.add(histodict[('data', 'SVMass', 4)], 'N_{trk}=4 Data', includeInRatio=True) ratplot.add(histodict[('nominal', 'SVMass', 5)], 'N_{trk}=5 t#bar{t} MC', includeInRatio=False) ratplot.add(histodict[('data', 'SVMass', 5)], 'N_{trk}=5 Data', includeInRatio=True) ratplot.reference = [histodict[('nominal', 'SVMass', 3)]] ratplot.reference.append(histodict[('nominal', 'SVMass', 4)]) ratplot.reference.append(histodict[('nominal', 'SVMass', 5)]) ratplot.colors = [ ROOT.kMagenta + 1, ROOT.kMagenta + 1, ROOT.kViolet + 2, ROOT.kViolet + 2, ROOT.kAzure + 7, ROOT.kAzure + 7 ] ratplot.drawoptions = ['hist', 'PE', 'hist', 'PE', 'hist', 'PE'] ratplot.markerstyles = [24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26] ratplot.markersizes = len(ratplot.histos) * [1.4]'svmassplot', opt.outDir) ratplot.saveRatios( 'svmass_weights', opt.outDir, ['SVMass_weight_3', 'SVMass_weight_4', 'SVMass_weight_5'])
def main(args, options): os.system('mkdir -p %s'%options.outDir) try: treefiles = {} # procname -> filename for filename in os.listdir(args[0]): if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.root': continue procname = filename.split('_',1)[1][:-5] treefiles[procname] = os.path.join(args[0],filename) except OSError: print "Not a valid input directory: %s" % args[0] return -1 except IndexError: print "Need to provide an input directory" return -1 ## Collect all the trees svltrees = {} # proc -> tree for proc in treefiles.keys(): tfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(treefiles[proc], 'READ') if not filterUseless(treefiles[proc]): continue svltrees[proc] = tfile.Get(TREENAME) ## Produce all the relevant histograms if not options.cached: masshistos = {} # (selection tag, process) -> histo methistos = {} # (selection tag, process) -> histo fittertkhistos = {} # (selection tag, process) -> [h_ntk1, h_ntk2, ...] for tag,sel,_ in SELECTIONS: for proc, tree in svltrees.iteritems(): if not filterUseless(treefiles[proc], sel): continue htag = ("%s_%s"%(tag, proc)).replace('.','') print ' ... processing %-30s %s htag=%s' % (proc, sel, htag) masshistos[(tag, proc)] = getHistoFromTree(tree, sel=sel, var='SVLMass', hname="SVLMass_%s"%(htag), titlex=MASSXAXISTITLE) methistos[(tag, proc)] = getHistoFromTree(tree, sel=sel, var='MET', hname="MET_%s"%(htag), xmin=0,xmax=200, titlex="Missing E_{T} [GeV]") fittertkhistos[(tag,proc)] = getNTrkHistos(tree, sel=sel, tag=htag, var='SVLMass', titlex=MASSXAXISTITLE) cachefile = open(".svlqcdmasshistos.pck", 'w') pickle.dump(masshistos, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) pickle.dump(methistos, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) pickle.dump(fittertkhistos, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) cachefile.close() else: cachefile = open(".svlqcdmasshistos.pck", 'r') masshistos = pickle.load(cachefile) methistos = pickle.load(cachefile) fittertkhistos = pickle.load(cachefile) cachefile.close() ######################################################### ## Write out the histograms, make data/mc plots outputFileName = os.path.join(options.outDir,'qcd_DataMCHists.root') ofi = ROOT.TFile(outputFileName, 'recreate') for hist in [h for h in masshistos.values() + methistos.values()]: hist.Write(hist.GetName()) for hist in [h for hists in fittertkhistos.values() for h in hists]: hist.Write(hist.GetName()) ofi.Write() ofi.Close() ## Run the plotter to get scaled MET plots ## Can then use those to subtract non-QCD backgrounds from data template ## Overwrite some of the options options.filter = 'SVLMass,MET' ## only run SVLMass and MET plots # options.excludeProcesses = 'QCD' options.outFile = 'scaled_met_inputs.root' options.cutUnderOverFlow = True os.system('rm %s' % os.path.join(options.outDir, options.outFile)) runPlotter(outputFileName, options) ######################################################### ## Build the actual templates from the single histograms templates = {} # selection tag -> template histo inputfile = openTFile(os.path.join(options.outDir, options.outFile)) for tag,sel,_ in SELECTIONS: categories = ['MET', 'SVLMass'] for x,_ in NTRKBINS: categories.append('SVLMass_tot_%d'%int(x)) for category in categories: plotdirname = '%s_%s'%(category,tag) plotdir = inputfile.Get(plotdirname) h_bg = None h_data = None for tkey in plotdir.GetListOfKeys(): key = tkey.GetName() if key.startswith('Graph_from'): continue if key.startswith('MC8TeV_QCD'): continue hist = inputfile.Get('%s/%s'%(plotdirname,key)) if key.startswith('MC8TeV'): if not h_bg: h_bg = hist.Clone("%s_BGs" % tag) else: h_bg.Add(hist) if key.startswith('Data8TeV'): h_data = hist.Clone("%s_Data" % tag) ## Determine a suitable output name histname = '%s_template'%tag if category == 'MET': histname = "%s_%s" % ('met',histname) if 'tot' in category: tkbin = int(category.split('_')[2]) histname = "%s_%d" % (histname, tkbin) h_data_subtr = h_data.Clone(histname) ## Now subtract the combined MC from the data h_data_subtr.Add(h_bg, -1) dicttag = tag if category == 'MET': dicttag = 'met_%s'%tag if '_tot_' in category: dicttag = '%s_%d' % (tag, tkbin) templates[dicttag] = h_data_subtr ofi = ROOT.TFile(os.path.join(options.outDir,'qcd_templates.root'), 'recreate') for hist in templates.values(): hist.Write(hist.GetName()) ofi.Write() ofi.Close() for key,hist in sorted(templates.iteritems()): print key ######################################################### ## Make a plot comparing the templates for tag,_,seltag in SELECTIONS: if not tag.endswith('_qcd'): continue templateplot = RatioPlot('qcdtemplates_%s'%tag) for key,hist in sorted(templates.iteritems()): if not tag in key: continue if key.startswith('met'): continue if key == tag: templateplot.add(hist, 'Inclusive') templateplot.reference = hist else: ntrkbin = int(key.rsplit('_',1)[1]) templateplot.add(hist, 'N_{track} = %d'%ntrkbin) templateplot.tag = 'QCD templates' templateplot.subtag = seltag templateplot.tagpos = (0.90, 0.85) templateplot.subtagpos = (0.90, 0.78) templateplot.legpos = (0.75, 0.25) templateplot.ratiotitle = 'Ratio wrt Inclusive' templateplot.extratext = '' #Work in Progress' templateplot.ratiorange = (0.2, 2.2) templateplot.colors = [ROOT.kBlack, ROOT.kBlue-8, ROOT.kAzure-2, ROOT.kCyan-3]"qcdtemplates_%s"%tag, options.outDir) templateplot.reset() return 0
def main(args, options): os.system('mkdir -p %s' % options.outDir) try: treefiles = {} # procname -> filename for filename in os.listdir(args[0]): if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.root': continue procname = filename.split('_', 1)[1][:-5] treefiles[procname] = os.path.join(args[0], filename) except OSError: print "Not a valid input directory: %s" % args[0] return -1 except IndexError: print "Need to provide an input directory" return -1 ## Collect all the trees svltrees = {} # proc -> tree for proc in treefiles.keys(): tfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(treefiles[proc], 'READ') if not filterUseless(treefiles[proc]): continue svltrees[proc] = tfile.Get(TREENAME) ## Produce all the relevant histograms if not options.cached: masshistos = {} # (selection tag, process) -> histo methistos = {} # (selection tag, process) -> histo fittertkhistos = { } # (selection tag, process) -> [h_ntk1, h_ntk2, ...] for tag, sel, _ in SELECTIONS: for proc, tree in svltrees.iteritems(): if not filterUseless(treefiles[proc], sel): continue htag = ("%s_%s" % (tag, proc)).replace('.', '') print ' ... processing %-30s %s htag=%s' % (proc, sel, htag) masshistos[(tag, proc)] = getHistoFromTree( tree, sel=sel, var='SVLMass', hname="SVLMass_%s" % (htag), titlex=MASSXAXISTITLE) methistos[(tag, proc)] = getHistoFromTree( tree, sel=sel, var='MET', hname="MET_%s" % (htag), xmin=0, xmax=200, titlex="Missing E_{T} [GeV]") fittertkhistos[(tag, proc)] = getNTrkHistos(tree, sel=sel, tag=htag, var='SVLMass', titlex=MASSXAXISTITLE) cachefile = open(".svlqcdmasshistos.pck", 'w') pickle.dump(masshistos, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) pickle.dump(methistos, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) pickle.dump(fittertkhistos, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) cachefile.close() else: cachefile = open(".svlqcdmasshistos.pck", 'r') masshistos = pickle.load(cachefile) methistos = pickle.load(cachefile) fittertkhistos = pickle.load(cachefile) cachefile.close() ######################################################### ## Write out the histograms, make data/mc plots outputFileName = os.path.join(options.outDir, 'qcd_DataMCHists.root') ofi = ROOT.TFile(outputFileName, 'recreate') for hist in [h for h in masshistos.values() + methistos.values()]: hist.Write(hist.GetName()) for hist in [h for hists in fittertkhistos.values() for h in hists]: hist.Write(hist.GetName()) ofi.Write() ofi.Close() ## Run the plotter to get scaled MET plots ## Can then use those to subtract non-QCD backgrounds from data template ## Overwrite some of the options options.filter = 'SVLMass,MET' ## only run SVLMass and MET plots # options.excludeProcesses = 'QCD' options.outFile = 'scaled_met_inputs.root' options.cutUnderOverFlow = True os.system('rm %s' % os.path.join(options.outDir, options.outFile)) runPlotter(outputFileName, options) ######################################################### ## Build the actual templates from the single histograms templates = {} # selection tag -> template histo inputfile = openTFile(os.path.join(options.outDir, options.outFile)) for tag, sel, _ in SELECTIONS: categories = ['MET', 'SVLMass'] for x, _ in NTRKBINS: categories.append('SVLMass_tot_%d' % int(x)) for category in categories: plotdirname = '%s_%s' % (category, tag) plotdir = inputfile.Get(plotdirname) h_bg = None h_data = None for tkey in plotdir.GetListOfKeys(): key = tkey.GetName() if key.startswith('Graph_from'): continue if key.startswith('MC8TeV_QCD'): continue hist = inputfile.Get('%s/%s' % (plotdirname, key)) if key.startswith('MC8TeV'): if not h_bg: h_bg = hist.Clone("%s_BGs" % tag) else: h_bg.Add(hist) if key.startswith('Data8TeV'): h_data = hist.Clone("%s_Data" % tag) ## Determine a suitable output name histname = '%s_template' % tag if category == 'MET': histname = "%s_%s" % ('met', histname) if 'tot' in category: tkbin = int(category.split('_')[2]) histname = "%s_%d" % (histname, tkbin) h_data_subtr = h_data.Clone(histname) ## Now subtract the combined MC from the data h_data_subtr.Add(h_bg, -1) dicttag = tag if category == 'MET': dicttag = 'met_%s' % tag if '_tot_' in category: dicttag = '%s_%d' % (tag, tkbin) templates[dicttag] = h_data_subtr ofi = ROOT.TFile(os.path.join(options.outDir, 'qcd_templates.root'), 'recreate') for hist in templates.values(): hist.Write(hist.GetName()) ofi.Write() ofi.Close() for key, hist in sorted(templates.iteritems()): print key ######################################################### ## Make a plot comparing the templates for tag, _, seltag in SELECTIONS: if not tag.endswith('_qcd'): continue templateplot = RatioPlot('qcdtemplates_%s' % tag) for key, hist in sorted(templates.iteritems()): if not tag in key: continue if key.startswith('met'): continue if key == tag: templateplot.add(hist, 'Inclusive') templateplot.reference = hist else: ntrkbin = int(key.rsplit('_', 1)[1]) templateplot.add(hist, 'N_{track} = %d' % ntrkbin) templateplot.tag = 'QCD templates' templateplot.subtag = seltag templateplot.tagpos = (0.90, 0.85) templateplot.subtagpos = (0.90, 0.78) templateplot.legpos = (0.75, 0.25) templateplot.ratiotitle = 'Ratio wrt Inclusive' templateplot.extratext = '' #Work in Progress' templateplot.ratiorange = (0.2, 2.2) templateplot.colors = [ ROOT.kBlack, ROOT.kBlue - 8, ROOT.kAzure - 2, ROOT.kCyan - 3 ]"qcdtemplates_%s" % tag, options.outDir) templateplot.reset() return 0
def main(args, opt): os.system('mkdir -p %s' % opt.outDir) systfiles = {} # procname -> filename try: for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(args[0], 'syst')): if not os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == '.root': continue for syst, _, systfile, _ in SYSTSFROMFILES: if fname in systfile: systfiles[syst] = [os.path.join(args[0], 'syst', fname)] # Get the split nominal files systfiles['nominal'] = [] for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(args[0], 'Chunks')): if not os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == '.root': continue isdata, procname, splitno = resolveFilename(fname) if not procname == 'TTJets_MSDecays_172v5': continue if not splitno: continue # file is split systfiles['nominal'].append(os.path.join(args[0], 'Chunks', fname)) if len(systfiles['nominal']) < 20: print "ERROR >>> Missing files for split nominal sample?" return -1 except IndexError: print "Please provide a valid input directory" exit(-1) hname_to_keys = {} # hname -> (tag, syst, comb) tasklist = {} # treefile -> tasklist for fsyst in systfiles.keys(): if not fsyst in tasklist: tasklist[fsyst] = [] for tag, sel, _ in SELECTIONS: if fsyst == 'nominal': for syst, _, weight, combs in SYSTSFROMWEIGHTS: tasks = makeSystTask(tag, sel, syst, hname_to_keys, weight=weight, combs=combs) tasklist[fsyst] += tasks tasks = [] for comb, combsel in COMBINATIONS.iteritems(): for var, nbins, xmin, xmax, titlex in CONTROLVARS: hname = "%s_%s_%s" % (var, comb, tag) finalsel = "%s*(%s&&%s)" % (COMMONWEIGHT, sel, combsel) tasks.append( (hname, var, finalsel, nbins, xmin, xmax, titlex)) hname_to_keys[hname] = (tag, var, comb) tasklist[fsyst] += tasks tasks = [] for name, nus in [('nu', 1), ('nonu', 0), ('nuunm', -1)]: hname = "SVLMass_%s_%s_%s" % ('tot', tag, name) finalsel = "%s*(%s&&BHadNeutrino==%d)" % (COMMONWEIGHT, sel, nus) tasks.append((hname, 'SVLMass', finalsel, NBINS, XMIN, XMAX, MASSXAXISTITLE)) hname_to_keys[hname] = (tag, name, 'tot') tasklist[fsyst] += tasks else: tasks = makeSystTask(tag, sel, fsyst, hname_to_keys) tasklist[fsyst] += tasks if not opt.cache: # print ' Will process the following tasks:' # for filename,tasks in sorted(tasklist.iteritems()): # print filename # for task in tasks: # print task # raw_input("Press any key to continue...") runTasks(systfiles, tasklist, opt, 'syst_histos') systhistos = {} # (tag, syst, comb) -> histo systhistos = gatherHistosFromFiles( tasklist, systfiles, os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_histos'), hname_to_keys) cachefile = open(".svlsysthistos.pck", 'w') pickle.dump(systhistos, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) cachefile.close() # print "Wrote syst histos to cache file" # raw_input("press key") cachefile = open(".svlsysthistos.pck", 'r') systhistos = pickle.load(cachefile) print '>>> Read syst histos from cache (.svlsysthistos.pck)' cachefile.close() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(1) for var, _, _, _, _ in CONTROLVARS: for sel, tag in [ #('inclusive', 'Fully Inclusive'), #('inclusive_mrank1', 'Mass ranked, leading p_{T}'), #('inclusive_mrank1dr', 'Mass ranked, #DeltaR<2, leading p_{T}'), #('inclusive_drrank1dr', '#DeltaR ranked, #DeltaR<2, leading p_{T}'), ('inclusive_optmrank', 'Optimized mass rank') ]: try: makeControlPlot(systhistos, var, sel, tag, opt) except KeyError: print 'control plots for %s selection not found' % sel for tag, _, _ in SELECTIONS: if not 'inclusive' in tag: continue print "... processing %s" % tag # Make plot of mass with and without neutrino: # for comb in COMBINATIONS.keys(): # plot = RatioPlot('neutrino_%s'%tag) # plot.rebin = 2 # plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nonu', 'tot')], 'Without neutrino') # plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nu', 'tot')], 'With neutrino') # plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nuunm','tot')], 'Unmatched') # plot.reference = systhistos[(tag,'nominal','tot')] # plot.tag = "Mass shape with and without neutrinos" # plot.subtag = SELNAMES[tag] + COMBNAMES['tot'] # plot.ratiotitle = 'Ratio wrt Total' # plot.ratiorange = (0.7, 1.3) # plot.colors = [ROOT.kBlue-3, ROOT.kRed-4, ROOT.kOrange-3] #"neutrino_%s_%s"%(tag,'tot'), # os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_plots')) # plot.reset() for name, title, systs, colors, comb in SYSTPLOTS: print name, title, systs, colors, comb plot = RatioPlot('%s_%s' % (name, comb)) plot.rebin = 2 for syst in systs: try: plot.add(systhistos[(tag, syst, comb)], SYSTNAMES[syst]) except: print 'failed to add', (tag, syst, comb), syst plot.tag = title subtag = SELNAMES[tag] + COMBNAMES[comb] plot.subtag = subtag plot.ratiotitle = 'Ratio wrt %s' % SYSTNAMES[systs[0]] plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15) plot.colors = colors filename = "%s_%s" % (name, tag) if comb != 'tot': filename += '_%s' % comb, os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_plots')) plot.reset() # Make top pt plot with both correct and wrong plot = RatioPlot('toppt_paper_cor_wro') plot.canvassize = (600, 600) plot.tag = 'Top quark p_{T} mismodeling' plot.rebin = 2 plot.subtag = 'Inclusive channels' plot.tagpos = (0.92, 0.85) plot.subtagpos = (0.92, 0.78) plot.titlex = 'm_{svl} [GeV]' plot.ratiotitle = '1 / Nominal' # plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15) plot.ratiorange = (0.92, 1.08) plot.legpos = (0.55, 0.38) plot.ratioydivisions = 405 plot.colors = [ ROOT.kGreen + 2, ROOT.kGreen - 6, ROOT.kRed + 2, ROOT.kRed - 6 ] plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'cor')], 'Nominal (correct)', includeInRatio=False) plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'toppt', 'cor')], 'p_{T} weighted (correct)', includeInRatio=True) plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'wro')], 'Nominal (wrong)', includeInRatio=False) plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'toppt', 'wro')], 'p_{T} weighted (wrong)', includeInRatio=True) plot.reference = [ systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'cor')], systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'wro')] ]'toppt_cor_wro_forpaper_%s' % tag, os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_plots')) plot.reset() # Make b fragmentation plot for paper plot = RatioPlot('bfrag_paper') plot.canvassize = (600, 600) plot.tag = 'b fragmentation' plot.titlex = 'm_{svl} [GeV]' plot.rebin = 2 plot.subtag = 'Inclusive channels' plot.tagpos = (0.92, 0.85) plot.subtagpos = (0.92, 0.78) plot.ratiotitle = '1 / Z2* #it{r}_{b} LEP' # plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15) plot.ratiorange = (0.92, 1.08) plot.legpos = (0.65, 0.20) plot.ratioydivisions = 405 plot.colors = [ ROOT.kMagenta, ROOT.kMagenta + 2, ROOT.kMagenta - 9, ROOT.kAzure + 7 ] plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'tot')], 'Z2* #it{r}_{b} LEP', includeInRatio=False) plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'bfragdn', 'tot')], 'Z2* #it{r}_{b} LEP soft') plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'bfragup', 'tot')], 'Z2* #it{r}_{b} LEP hard') plot.add(systhistos[(tag, 'bfragz2s', 'tot')], 'Z2* nominal') plot.reference = [systhistos[(tag, 'nominal', 'tot')]]'bfrag_paper_%s' % tag, os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_plots')) plot.reset() # for tag,sel,seltag in SELECTIONS: # print 70*'-' # print '%-10s: %s' % (tag, sel) # fcor, fwro, funm = {}, {}, {} # for mass in sorted(massfiles.keys()): # # mass = 172.5 # hists = masshistos[(tag, mass)] # n_tot, n_cor, n_wro, n_unm = (x.GetEntries() for x in hists) # fcor[mass] = 100.*(n_cor/float(n_tot)) # fwro[mass] = 100.*(n_wro/float(n_tot)) # funm[mass] = 100.*(n_unm/float(n_tot)) # print (' %5.1f GeV: %7d entries \t' # '(%4.1f%% corr, %4.1f%% wrong, %4.1f%% unmatched)' % # (mass, n_tot, fcor[mass], fwro[mass], funm[mass])) # oname = os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'fracvsmt_%s'%tag) # plotFracVsTopMass(fcor, fwro, funm, tag, seltag, oname) # print 112*'-' # print 'Estimated systematics (from a crude chi2 fit)' # print '%20s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s' % ( # 'selection', 'bfrag', 'scale', # 'toppt', 'matching', 'uecr') # for tag,_,_ in SELECTIONS: # sys.stdout.write("%20s | " % tag) # for syst in ['bfrag', 'scale', 'toppt', 'matching', 'uecr']: # err, chi2 = systematics[(tag,syst)] # sys.stdout.write('%4.1f (%4.1f GeV)' % (chi2*1e5, err)) # # sys.stdout.write('%4.1f (%4.1f GeV)' % (chi2, err)) # sys.stdout.write(' | ') # sys.stdout.write('\n') # print 112*'-' return 0
def main(args, opt): os.system('mkdir -p %s'%opt.outDir) systfiles = {} # procname -> filename try: for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(args[0],'syst')): if not os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == '.root': continue for syst,_,systfile,_ in SYSTSFROMFILES: if fname in systfile: systfiles[syst] = [os.path.join(args[0], 'syst', fname)] # Get the split nominal files systfiles['nominal'] = [] for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(args[0],'Chunks')): if not os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == '.root': continue isdata,procname,splitno = resolveFilename(fname) if not procname == 'TTJets_MSDecays_172v5': continue if not splitno: continue # file is split systfiles['nominal'].append(os.path.join(args[0],'Chunks',fname)) if len(systfiles['nominal']) < 20: print "ERROR >>> Missing files for split nominal sample?" return -1 except IndexError: print "Please provide a valid input directory" exit(-1) hname_to_keys = {} # hname -> (tag, syst, comb) tasklist = {} # treefile -> tasklist for fsyst in systfiles.keys(): if not fsyst in tasklist: tasklist[fsyst] = [] for tag,sel,_ in SELECTIONS: if fsyst == 'nominal': for syst,_,weight,combs in SYSTSFROMWEIGHTS: tasks = makeSystTask(tag, sel, syst, hname_to_keys, weight=weight, combs=combs) tasklist[fsyst] += tasks tasks = [] for comb,combsel in COMBINATIONS.iteritems(): for var,nbins,xmin,xmax,titlex in CONTROLVARS: hname = "%s_%s_%s" % (var, comb, tag) finalsel = "%s*(%s&&%s)"%(COMMONWEIGHT, sel, combsel) tasks.append((hname, var, finalsel, nbins, xmin, xmax, titlex)) hname_to_keys[hname] = (tag, var, comb) tasklist[fsyst] += tasks tasks = [] for name, nus in [('nu', 1), ('nonu', 0), ('nuunm', -1)]: hname = "SVLMass_%s_%s_%s" % ('tot', tag, name) finalsel = "%s*(%s&&BHadNeutrino==%d)"%( COMMONWEIGHT, sel, nus) tasks.append((hname, 'SVLMass', finalsel, NBINS, XMIN, XMAX, MASSXAXISTITLE)) hname_to_keys[hname] = (tag, name, 'tot') tasklist[fsyst] += tasks else: tasks = makeSystTask(tag, sel, fsyst, hname_to_keys) tasklist[fsyst] += tasks if not opt.cache: # print ' Will process the following tasks:' # for filename,tasks in sorted(tasklist.iteritems()): # print filename # for task in tasks: # print task # raw_input("Press any key to continue...") runTasks(systfiles, tasklist, opt, 'syst_histos') systhistos = {} # (tag, syst, comb) -> histo systhistos = gatherHistosFromFiles(tasklist, systfiles, os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_histos'), hname_to_keys) cachefile = open(".svlsysthistos.pck", 'w') pickle.dump(systhistos, cachefile, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) cachefile.close() # print "Wrote syst histos to cache file" # raw_input("press key") cachefile = open(".svlsysthistos.pck", 'r') systhistos = pickle.load(cachefile) print '>>> Read syst histos from cache (.svlsysthistos.pck)' cachefile.close() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(1) for var,_,_,_,_ in CONTROLVARS: for sel,tag in [ #('inclusive', 'Fully Inclusive'), #('inclusive_mrank1', 'Mass ranked, leading p_{T}'), #('inclusive_mrank1dr', 'Mass ranked, #DeltaR<2, leading p_{T}'), #('inclusive_drrank1dr', '#DeltaR ranked, #DeltaR<2, leading p_{T}'), ('inclusive_optmrank', 'Optimized mass rank')]: try: makeControlPlot(systhistos, var, sel, tag, opt) except KeyError: print 'control plots for %s selection not found' % sel for tag,_,_ in SELECTIONS: if not 'inclusive' in tag : continue print "... processing %s"%tag # Make plot of mass with and without neutrino: # for comb in COMBINATIONS.keys(): # plot = RatioPlot('neutrino_%s'%tag) # plot.rebin = 2 # plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nonu', 'tot')], 'Without neutrino') # plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nu', 'tot')], 'With neutrino') # plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nuunm','tot')], 'Unmatched') # plot.reference = systhistos[(tag,'nominal','tot')] # plot.tag = "Mass shape with and without neutrinos" # plot.subtag = SELNAMES[tag] + COMBNAMES['tot'] # plot.ratiotitle = 'Ratio wrt Total' # plot.ratiorange = (0.7, 1.3) # plot.colors = [ROOT.kBlue-3, ROOT.kRed-4, ROOT.kOrange-3] #"neutrino_%s_%s"%(tag,'tot'), # os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'syst_plots')) # plot.reset() for name, title, systs, colors, comb in SYSTPLOTS: print name, title, systs, colors, comb plot = RatioPlot('%s_%s'%(name,comb)) plot.rebin = 2 for syst in systs: try: plot.add(systhistos[(tag,syst,comb)], SYSTNAMES[syst]) except: print 'failed to add',(tag,syst,comb),syst plot.tag = title subtag = SELNAMES[tag] + COMBNAMES[comb] plot.subtag = subtag plot.ratiotitle = 'Ratio wrt %s' % SYSTNAMES[systs[0]] plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15) plot.colors = colors filename = "%s_%s"%(name,tag) if comb != 'tot': filename += '_%s'%comb, os.path.join(opt.outDir,'syst_plots')) plot.reset() # Make top pt plot with both correct and wrong plot = RatioPlot('toppt_paper_cor_wro') plot.canvassize = (600,600) plot.tag = 'Top quark p_{T} mismodeling' plot.rebin = 2 plot.subtag = 'Inclusive channels' plot.tagpos = (0.92,0.85) plot.subtagpos = (0.92,0.78) plot.titlex = 'm_{svl} [GeV]' plot.ratiotitle = '1 / Nominal' # plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15) plot.ratiorange = (0.92, 1.08) plot.legpos = (0.55, 0.38) plot.ratioydivisions = 405 plot.colors = [ROOT.kGreen+2, ROOT.kGreen-6, ROOT.kRed+2, ROOT.kRed-6] plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nominal','cor')], 'Nominal (correct)', includeInRatio=False) plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'toppt','cor')], 'p_{T} weighted (correct)', includeInRatio=True) plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nominal','wro')], 'Nominal (wrong)', includeInRatio=False) plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'toppt','wro')], 'p_{T} weighted (wrong)', includeInRatio=True) plot.reference = [systhistos[(tag,'nominal','cor')], systhistos[(tag,'nominal','wro')]]'toppt_cor_wro_forpaper_%s'%tag, os.path.join(opt.outDir,'syst_plots')) plot.reset() # Make b fragmentation plot for paper plot = RatioPlot('bfrag_paper') plot.canvassize = (600,600) plot.tag = 'b fragmentation' plot.titlex = 'm_{svl} [GeV]' plot.rebin = 2 plot.subtag = 'Inclusive channels' plot.tagpos = (0.92,0.85) plot.subtagpos = (0.92,0.78) plot.ratiotitle = '1 / Z2* #it{r}_{b} LEP' # plot.ratiorange = (0.85, 1.15) plot.ratiorange = (0.92, 1.08) plot.legpos = (0.65, 0.20) plot.ratioydivisions = 405 plot.colors = [ROOT.kMagenta, ROOT.kMagenta+2, ROOT.kMagenta-9, ROOT.kAzure+7] plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'nominal', 'tot')], 'Z2* #it{r}_{b} LEP', includeInRatio=False) plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'bfragdn', 'tot')], 'Z2* #it{r}_{b} LEP soft') plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'bfragup', 'tot')], 'Z2* #it{r}_{b} LEP hard') plot.add(systhistos[(tag,'bfragz2s','tot')], 'Z2* nominal') plot.reference = [systhistos[(tag,'nominal','tot')]]'bfrag_paper_%s'%tag, os.path.join(opt.outDir,'syst_plots')) plot.reset() # for tag,sel,seltag in SELECTIONS: # print 70*'-' # print '%-10s: %s' % (tag, sel) # fcor, fwro, funm = {}, {}, {} # for mass in sorted(massfiles.keys()): # # mass = 172.5 # hists = masshistos[(tag, mass)] # n_tot, n_cor, n_wro, n_unm = (x.GetEntries() for x in hists) # fcor[mass] = 100.*(n_cor/float(n_tot)) # fwro[mass] = 100.*(n_wro/float(n_tot)) # funm[mass] = 100.*(n_unm/float(n_tot)) # print (' %5.1f GeV: %7d entries \t' # '(%4.1f%% corr, %4.1f%% wrong, %4.1f%% unmatched)' % # (mass, n_tot, fcor[mass], fwro[mass], funm[mass])) # oname = os.path.join(opt.outDir, 'fracvsmt_%s'%tag) # plotFracVsTopMass(fcor, fwro, funm, tag, seltag, oname) # print 112*'-' # print 'Estimated systematics (from a crude chi2 fit)' # print '%20s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s | %-15s' % ( # 'selection', 'bfrag', 'scale', # 'toppt', 'matching', 'uecr') # for tag,_,_ in SELECTIONS: # sys.stdout.write("%20s | " % tag) # for syst in ['bfrag', 'scale', 'toppt', 'matching', 'uecr']: # err, chi2 = systematics[(tag,syst)] # sys.stdout.write('%4.1f (%4.1f GeV)' % (chi2*1e5, err)) # # sys.stdout.write('%4.1f (%4.1f GeV)' % (chi2, err)) # sys.stdout.write(' | ') # sys.stdout.write('\n') # print 112*'-' return 0