def send_driver_face_info(self): rs = xlrd.open_workbook(self.face_case_name) table = rs.sheets()[0] cols = table.ncols face_info_list = '' for n in range(1, cols + 1, 4): data_len = table.col_values(n)[1:] data_content = table.col_values(n + 1)[1:] self.file_list.append(data_content[5]) deal_data = list(map(read_value, data_content)) data = list(map(data2hex, deal_data, data_len)) if self.modify_info_mask: face_info_list += num2big(self.modify_info_mask, 1) face_info_list += ''.join(data) if self.modify_info_mask == 0: msg_body = '033D' + '65' + 'E9' + '00' + num2big( len(self.file_list), 2) + face_info_list data = '7E' + calc_check_code(msg_body) + num2big( GlobalVar.get_serial_no()) + msg_body + '7E' send_queue.put(data) else: msg_body = '033D' + '65' + 'E9' + '03' + num2big( len(self.file_list), 2) + face_info_list data = '7E' + calc_check_code(msg_body) + num2big( GlobalVar.get_serial_no()) + msg_body + '7E' send_queue.put(data)
def run(self): log_data.debug(threading.current_thread().getName()) while True: while not location_queue.empty(): location_data = location_queue.get_nowait() status, latitude, longitude, speed, report_time, mileage = location_data alarm_flag = '00000000' height = '0000' direction = '0000' # status = '00000003' # latitude = '0157CB96' # longitude = '06CA9628' # speed = num2big(880, 2) # report_time = '200206221122' msg_body = alarm_flag + status + latitude + longitude + height + speed + direction + report_time + '0104' + mileage body = '0200' + calc_length_su_ter( msg_body) + self.device_id + num2big( get_serial_no()) + msg_body data = '7E' + body + calc_check_code(body) + '7E' send_queue.put(data) msg_body = '' body = '0002' + calc_length_su_ter( msg_body) + self.device_id + num2big( get_serial_no()) + msg_body data = '7E' + body + calc_check_code(body) + '7E' send_queue.put(data) time.sleep(0.1)
def parse_query_terminal_para(data): msg_body = data[12:-1] serial_no = data[10:12] para_num = big2num(byte2str(msg_body[0:1])) para_body = msg_body[1:] para_id_list = [] para_data_list = '' for n in range(para_num): para_id = byte2str(para_body[n * 4:(n + 1) * 4]) para_id_list.append(para_id) para_data = para_data_content.get(para_id) para_data_list = para_data_list + para_id + num2big( len(para_data) // 2, 1) + para_data log_data.debug('—————— 查询终端参数 ——————') log_data.debug('参数总数 {}'.format(para_num)) log_data.debug('参数列表 {}'.format(', '.join(para_id_list))) log_data.debug('—————— END ——————') msg_body = byte2str(serial_no) + num2big(para_num, 1) + para_data_list body = '0104' + calc_length_su_ter(msg_body) + communication_id + num2big( get_serial_no()) + msg_body data = '7E' + body + calc_check_code(body) + '7E' send_queue.put(data)
def alarm_file_info(self): device_id = str2hex(communication_id[-7:], 7) info_type = '00' attachment_num = '04' file_info_list = '' alarm_type = alarm_flag_alarm_type.get(self.alarm_flag) if alarm_type: alarm_flag_alarm_type.pop(self.alarm_flag) self.file_path = os.path.join(self.file_path, alarm_type) self.file_list = os.listdir(self.file_path) for file in self.file_list: name, file_type = file.split('.') name_list = name.split('_') name_list[1] = alarm_type[:2] name_list[2] = alarm_type name_list[-1] = bytes.fromhex(self.alarm_no).decode('gbk') new_file = '_'.join(name_list) new_file = new_file + '.' + file_type os.rename(os.path.join(self.file_path, file), os.path.join(self.file_path, new_file)) index = self.file_list.index(file) self.file_list[index] = new_file file_name_len = len(new_file) file_name = str2hex(new_file, file_name_len) file_size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(self.file_path, new_file)) file_info_list += num2big(file_name_len, 1) + file_name + num2big( file_size, 4) msg_body = device_id + self.alarm_flag + self.alarm_no + info_type + attachment_num + file_info_list body = '1210' + calc_length_su_ter( msg_body) + communication_id + num2big(get_serial_no()) + msg_body data = '7E' + body + calc_check_code(body) + '7E' log_file.debug('—————— 报警附件信息 ——————') send_queue_file.put(data)
def send_driver_face_data(self, file): file_name_len = num2big(len(file), 1) file_name = byte2str(file.encode('utf-8')) file_type = '00' path = os.path.join(self.file_path, file) with open(path, 'rb') as f: file_content = file_size = num2big(len(file_content), 4) code = num2big(sum(file_content))[-2:] msg_body = '033D' + '65' + 'E8' + file_name_len + file_name + file_type + file_size + code data = '7E' + calc_check_code(msg_body) + num2big( GlobalVar.get_serial_no()) + msg_body + '7E' send_queue.put(data) event.clear() event.wait() file_size_int = big2num(file_size) piece = 65536 r = file_size_int % piece pkg_num = file_size_int // piece if r == 0 else (file_size_int // piece) + 1 for x in range(pkg_num): offset = x * piece if x == pkg_num - 1: piece = piece if r == 0 else r pkg_no = x file_content_piece = file_content[offset:offset + piece] msg_body = '033D' + '65' + 'E7' + file_name_len + file_name + num2big( pkg_num, 2) + num2big(pkg_no, 2) + num2big(offset, 4) + num2big( piece, 4) + byte2str(file_content_piece) data = '7E' + calc_check_code(msg_body) + num2big( GlobalVar.get_serial_no()) + msg_body + '7E' logger.debug( '—————— 人脸数据下发 {} 文件大小 {} 包总数 {} 包序号 {} 偏移量 {} 数据长度 {} ——————' .format(file, file_size_int, pkg_num, pkg_no, offset, piece)) send_queue.put(data) time.sleep(0.1) msg_body = '033D' + '65' + 'E6' + file_name_len + file_name + file_type + file_size data = '7E' + calc_check_code(msg_body) + num2big( GlobalVar.get_serial_no()) + msg_body + '7E' send_queue.put(data)
def comm_reply_su_ter(data, reply_result): device_id = data[4:10] msg_id = data[0:2] serial_no = data[10:12] result = reply_result msg_body = byte2str(serial_no) + byte2str(msg_id) + result body = '0001' + calc_length_su_ter(msg_body) + byte2str( device_id) + num2big(get_serial_no()) + msg_body data = '7E' + body + calc_check_code(body) + '7E' return data
def file_info_upload(self, file): file_name_len = len(file) file_name = str2hex(file, file_name_len) file_type = os.path.splitext(file)[-1] if file_type == '.jpg': file_type = '00' elif file_type == '.mp4': file_type = '02' file_size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(self.file_path, file)) msg_body = num2big(file_name_len, 1) + file_name + file_type + num2big( file_size, 4) body = '1211' + calc_length_su_ter( msg_body) + communication_id + num2big(get_serial_no()) + msg_body data = '7E' + body + calc_check_code(body) + '7E' log_file.debug('—————— 文件信息上传 {} ——————'.format(file)) send_queue_file.put(data)
def file_data_upload(self, file): file_size = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(self.file_path, file)) piece = 65536 n = file_size // piece r = file_size % piece with open(os.path.join(self.file_path, file), 'rb') as f: file_data = for x in range(n): offset = x * piece file_data_piece = file_data[offset:offset + piece] data = '30316364' + str2hex(file, 50) + num2big( offset, 4) + num2big(piece, 4) + byte2str(file_data_piece) log_file.debug('—————— 文件数据上传 {} 偏移量 {} 数据长度 {} ——————'.format( file, offset, piece)) send_queue_file.put(data) offset = n * piece if r: piece = r file_data_piece = file_data[offset:offset + piece] data = '30316364' + str2hex(file, 50) + num2big( offset, 4) + num2big(piece, 4) + byte2str(file_data_piece) log_file.debug('—————— 文件数据上传 {} 偏移量 {} 数据长度 {} ——————'.format( file, offset, piece)) send_queue_file.put(data) file_name_len = len(file) file_name = str2hex(file, file_name_len) file_type = os.path.splitext(file)[-1] if file_type == '.jpg': file_type = '00' elif file_type == '.mp4': file_type = '02' import time time.sleep(0.5) msg_body = num2big(file_name_len, 1) + file_name + file_type + num2big( file_size, 4) body = '1212' + calc_length_su_ter( msg_body) + communication_id + num2big(get_serial_no()) + msg_body data = '7E' + body + calc_check_code(body) + '7E' log_file.debug('—————— 文件上传完成 {} ——————'.format(file)) send_queue_file.put(data)
def parse_query_terminal_property(): log_data.debug('—————— 查询终端属性 ——————') terminal_type = '0000' maker_id = str2hex('recon', 5) terminal_model = str2hex('Reconova_P500', 20) terminal_id = str2hex('12_0107', 7) sim_iccid = str2hex('1351101122', 10) hw_len = 32 hw = str2hex('This is HardWare.0107', hw_len) fw_len = 32 fw = str2hex('This is FirmWare.', fw_len) gnss = '00' comm_pro = '00' msg_body = terminal_type + maker_id + terminal_model + terminal_id + sim_iccid + num2big(hw_len, 1) + hw + \ num2big(fw_len, 1) + fw + gnss + comm_pro body = '0107' + calc_length_su_ter(msg_body) + communication_id + num2big( get_serial_no()) + msg_body data = '7E' + body + calc_check_code(body) + '7E' send_queue.put(data)
def parse_query_status(data): msg_body = data[12:-1] msg_type = byte2str(msg_body[:1]) log_data.debug('—————— 查询基本信息 ——————') msg_num = big2num(byte2str(msg_body[1:2])) peripheral_id = byte2str(msg_body[2:3]) if msg_type == 'F8': log_data.debug('参数总数 {}'.format(msg_num)) log_data.debug('== 查询信息 ==') company_name_len = 32 company_name = str2hex('Reconova', company_name_len) product_model_len = 32 product_model = str2hex('RN-CA-P500', product_model_len) hw_len = 32 hw = str2hex('This is HardWare.0900', hw_len) sw_len = 32 sw = str2hex('This is SoftWare.', sw_len) device_id_len = 32 device_id = str2hex('123456_F8', device_id_len) client_code_len = 32 client_code = str2hex('ABCDEFG', client_code_len) msg_info = num2big(company_name_len, 1) + company_name + num2big(product_model_len, 1) + product_model + \ num2big(hw_len, 1) + hw + num2big(sw_len, 1) + sw + num2big(device_id_len, 1) + device_id + \ num2big(client_code_len, 1) + client_code msg_body = msg_type + '01' + peripheral_id + num2big( len(msg_info) // 2, 1) + msg_info body = '0900' + calc_length_su_ter( msg_body) + communication_id + num2big(get_serial_no()) + msg_body data = '7E' + body + calc_check_code(body) + '7E' send_queue.put(data) elif msg_type == 'F9': log_data.debug('参数总数 {}'.format(msg_num)) log_data.debug('== 查询硬件信息 ==') msg_info = '00000000' msg_body = msg_type + '01' + peripheral_id + num2big( len(msg_info) // 2, 1) + msg_info body = '0900' + calc_length_su_ter( msg_body) + communication_id + num2big(get_serial_no()) + msg_body data = '7E' + body + calc_check_code(body) + '7E' send_queue.put(data) elif msg_type == 'FA': log_data.debug('参数总数 {}'.format(msg_num)) log_data.debug('== 查询软件信息 ==') terminal_sim_len = 11 terminal_sim = str2hex('13811111111', terminal_sim_len) signal_level = '00' mcu_len = 14 mcu = str2hex('RN-CA-P500-MCU', mcu_len) device_id_len = 32 device_id = str2hex('123456_FA', device_id_len) communicate_id_len = 32 communicate_id = str2hex('123456', communicate_id_len) msg_info = num2big(terminal_sim_len, 1) + terminal_sim + signal_level + num2big(mcu_len, 1) + mcu + \ num2big(device_id_len, 1) + device_id + num2big(communicate_id_len, 1) + communicate_id msg_body = msg_type + '01' + peripheral_id + num2big( len(msg_info) // 2, 1) + msg_info body = '0900' + calc_length_su_ter( msg_body) + communication_id + num2big(get_serial_no()) + msg_body data = '7E' + body + calc_check_code(body) + '7E' send_queue.put(data) log_data.debug('—————— END ——————')
alarm_flag, status, latitude, longitude, height, speed, direction, report_time, alarm_id, alarm_flag_status, \ alarm_type, alarm_level, fatigue_level, retain, alarm_speed, alarm_height, alarm_latitude, alarm_longitude, \ alarm_report_time, car_status, device_id, alarm_report_time2, serial, attachment_num, last_retain = data basic_info = alarm_flag + status + latitude + longitude + height + speed + direction + report_time alarm_flag_no = device_id + alarm_report_time2 + serial + attachment_num + last_retain alarm_flag_alarm_type[alarm_flag_no] = '65' + alarm_type alarm_info = alarm_id + alarm_flag_status + alarm_type + alarm_level + fatigue_level + retain + alarm_speed + \ alarm_height + alarm_latitude + alarm_longitude + alarm_report_time + car_status + alarm_flag_no attach_info = '65' + num2big(int(len(alarm_info) / 2), 1) + alarm_info msg_body = basic_info + attach_info body = '0200' + calc_length_su_ter(msg_body) + communication_id + num2big( get_serial_no()) + msg_body data = '7E' + body + calc_check_code(body) + '7E' # print(data) send_queue.put(data) def send_adas_alarm(): case = r'.\TestData\前向预警.xls' rs = xlrd.open_workbook(case) table = rs.sheets()[0] data_len = table.col_values(1) data_content = table.col_values(2) deal_data = list(map(read_value, data_content)) data = list(map(data2hex, deal_data, data_len)) alarm_flag, status, latitude, longitude, height, speed, direction, report_time, alarm_id, alarm_flag_status, \ alarm_type, alarm_level, front_car_speed, front_car_distance, departure_type, road_identify_type, \