def readconfig(section_name, key):
    _file_path = FileLocator.get_file_location('Configurations\')
    _conf_obj = ConfigObj(_file_path)
    _config = _conf_obj.get(section_name)[key]
    return _config
from TestCases.PlaceOrderTest import PlaceOrderTest
from TestCases.NegativeCasesTest import NegativeCasesTest
from Utilities import HTMLTestRunner
from Utilities import FileLocator as FL

# get all test from  HomePageTest and PlaceOrderTest
home_page_tests = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(HomePageTest)
place_order_page_tests = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(PlaceOrderTest)
negative_tests = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(NegativeCasesTest)

# create a test Suite combining the tests
tests = unittest.TestSuite([home_page_tests, place_order_page_tests, negative_tests])

# Create Test Report Name
report_name = 'TestReport_' +"%Y-%m-%d_%H %M %S")

# Set the test report file location
file_location = FL.get_file_location('TestReports')

# Open the report file
outfile = open(file_location + '\\' + report_name + '.html',
# Configure HTMLTestRunner options
runner = HTMLTestRunner.HTMLTestRunner(stream=outfile,
                                       title='Test Report',
                                       description='Test Suite Report'

# run the suite using HTMLTEstRunner