nWordsShortDocs = 5  # Docs with less than this number of words are discarded
nEdges = 16  # Minimum number of edges per vertex in the graph
distMetric = 'cosine'  # Similarity measure between graph embedded features to
# build the adjacency matrix

nDataSplits = 10  # Number of data realizations
# Obs.: The built graph depends on the split between training and validation.
# Therefore, we will run several of these splits and average across
# them, to obtain some result that is more robust to this split.

#\\\ Save values:
    varsFile, {
        'ratioValid': ratioValid,
        'nWords': nWords,
        'nWordsShortDocs': nWordsShortDocs,
        'nEdges': nEdges,
        'distMetric': distMetric,
        'nDataSplits': nDataSplits,
        'useGPU': useGPU


#\\\ Individual model training options
trainer = 'ADAM'  # Options: 'SGD', 'ADAM', 'RMSprop'
learningRate = 0.001  # In all options
beta1 = 0.9  # beta1 if 'ADAM', alpha if 'RMSprop'
beta2 = 0.999  # ADAM option only
perturbationEpsilon = signalPower * np.arange(
    1, nSimPoints + 1) / float(nSimPoints)
# Value epsilon of the perturbation, it is relative to the signal power
# and it goes from 1/nSimPoints to 1

nPerturbationRealizations = 10  # Number of realizations of the perturbation
# Each perturbation is random, so how many different perturbations we want
# to run before we average the results
nGraphRealizations = 10  # Number of graph realizations
# Each graph is random, so how many graphs to create to average the results
# The randomization of the graphs is the one that is plotted as error bars
# (i.e. how much the performance changes with different graphs within
# the same family)

#\\\ Save values:
writeVarValues(varsFile, {'nNodes': nNodes, 'graphType': graphType})
writeVarValues(varsFile, graphOptions)
    varsFile, {
        'nTest': nTest,
        'nSimPoints': nSimPoints,
        'signalPower': signalPower,
        'nPerturbationRealizations': nPerturbationRealizations,
        'nGraphRealizations': nGraphRealizations


# Select which wavelets to use
forceConnected = False  # If True returns the largest connected component of the
# graph as the main graph ---> TRUE
kNN = 10  # Number of nearest neighbors

maxDataPoints = None  # None to consider all data points

#\\\ Save values:
    varsFile, {
        'labelID': labelID,
        'graphType': graphType,
        'ratioTrain': ratioTrain,
        'ratioValid': ratioValid,
        'maxNodes': maxNodes,
        'minRatings': minRatings,
        'interpolateRatings': interpolateRatings,
        'nDataSplits': nDataSplits,
        'keepIsolatedNodes': keepIsolatedNodes,
        'forceUndirected': forceUndirected,
        'forceConnected': forceConnected,
        'kNN': kNN,
        'maxDataPoints': maxDataPoints,
        'useGPU': useGPU


#\\\ Individual model training options
optimAlg = 'ADAM'  # Options: 'SGD', 'ADAM', 'RMSprop'
# Every training excerpt has a WAN associated to it. We combine all these WANs
# into a single graph to use as the supporting graph for all samples. This
# combination happens under some extra options:
graphNormalizationType = 'rows'  # or 'cols' - Makes all rows add up to 1.
keepIsolatedNodes = False  # If True keeps isolated nodes
forceUndirected = True  # If True forces the graph to be undirected (symmetrizes)
forceConnected = True  # If True removes nodes (from lowest to highest degree)
# until the resulting graph is connected.

# \\\ Save values:
    varsFile, {
        'nClasses': nClasses,
        'ratioTrain': ratioTrain,
        'ratioValid': ratioValid,
        'nDataSplits': nDataSplits,
        'graphNormalizationType': graphNormalizationType,
        'keepIsolatedNodes': keepIsolatedNodes,
        'forceUndirected': forceUndirected,
        'forceConnected': forceConnected


# \\\ Individual model training options
trainer = 'ADAM'  # Options: 'SGD', 'ADAM', 'RMSprop'
learningRate = 0.001  # In all options
beta1 = 0.9  # beta1 if 'ADAM', alpha if 'RMSprop'
beta2 = 0.999  # ADAM option only
# How to process the loaded Facebook graph
keepIsolatedNodes = False  # If True keeps isolated nodes
forceConnected = True  # If True removes nodes (from lowest to highest degree)
# until the resulting graph is connected.
use234 = True  # Use a smaller 234-matrix with 2-communities instead of the full
# graph with around 4k users

#\\\ Save values:
    varsFile, {
        'nClasses': nClasses,
        'beginProbEdgeFailSim': beginProbEdgeFailSim,
        'endProbEdgeFailSim': endProbEdgeFailSim,
        'nSimPoints': nSimPoints,
        'nTrain': nTrain,
        'nValid': nValid,
        'nTest': nTest,
        'nEdgeFailRealizations': nEdgeFailRealizations,
        'keepIsolatedNodes': keepIsolatedNodes,
        'forceConnected': forceConnected,
        'use234': use234,
        'useGPU': useGPU


# Select which wavelets to use
doDiffusion = False  # F. Gama, A. Ribeiro, and J. Bruna, "Diffusion scattering
# transforms on graphs," in 7th Int. Conf. Learning Representations. New
# into a single graph to use as the supporting graph for all samples. This
# combination happens under some extra options:
graphNormalizationType = 'rows'  # or 'cols' - Makes all rows add up to 1.
keepIsolatedNodes = False  # If True keeps isolated nodes
forceUndirected = True  # If True forces the graph to be undirected (symmetrizes)
forceConnected = True  # If True removes nodes (from lowest to highest degree)
# until the resulting graph is connected.

#\\\ Save values:
    varsFile, {
        'authorName': authorName,
        'nClasses': nClasses,
        'ratioTrain': ratioTrain,
        'ratioValid': ratioValid,
        'nDataSplits': nDataSplits,
        'graphNormalizationType': graphNormalizationType,
        'keepIsolatedNodes': keepIsolatedNodes,
        'forceUndirected': forceUndirected,
        'forceConnected': forceConnected,
        'useGPU': useGPU


#\\\ Individual model training options
trainer = 'ADAM'  # Options: 'SGD', 'ADAM', 'RMSprop'
learningRate = 0.005  # In all options
beta1 = 0.9  # beta1 if 'ADAM', alpha if 'RMSprop'
# accounting for random data generation through several nTrain or nTest.

# How to process the loaded Facebook graph
keepIsolatedNodes = False # If True keeps isolated nodes
forceConnected = True # If True removes nodes (from lowest to highest degree)
    # until the resulting graph is connected.
use234 = True # Use a smaller 234-matrix with 2-communities instead of the full
    # graph with around 4k users

#\\\ Save values:
               {'nClasses': nClasses,
                'beginProbEdgeFailSim': beginProbEdgeFailSim,
                'endProbEdgeFailSim': endProbEdgeFailSim,
                'nSimPoints': nSimPoints,
                'nTrain': nTrain,
                'nValid': nValid,
                'nTest': nTest,
                'nEdgeFailRealizations': nEdgeFailRealizations,
                'keepIsolatedNodes': keepIsolatedNodes,
                'forceConnected': forceConnected,
                'use234': use234})

# Select which wavelets to use
doDiffusion = True # F. Gama, A. Ribeiro, and J. Bruna, "Diffusion scattering
    # transforms on graphs,” in Int. Conf. Learning Representations 2019.
    # New Orleans, LA: Assoc. Comput. Linguistics, 6-9 May 2019.
doMonicCubic = True # Eq. (65) in D. K. Hammond, P. Vandergheynst, and
graphOptions = {}  # Dictionary of options to pass to the createGraph function
if graphType == 'SBM':
    graphOptions['nCommunities'] = nClasses  # Number of communities
    graphOptions['probIntra'] = 0.8  # Intracommunity probability
    graphOptions['probInter'] = 0.2  # Intercommunity probability
elif graphType == 'SmallWorld':
    graphOptions['probEdge'] = 0.5  # Edge probability
    graphOptions['probRewiring'] = 0.1  # Probability of rewiring
elif graphType == 'geometric':
    graphOptions['pos'] = [None]
    graphOptions['kernelType'] = 'exponential'
    graphOptions['sparseType'] = 'NN'
    graphOptions['sparseParam'] = 5

#\\\ Save values:
writeVarValues(varsFile, {'nNodes': nNodes, 'graphType': graphType})
writeVarValues(varsFile, graphOptions)
    varsFile, {
        'nTrain': nTrain,
        'nValid': nValid,
        'nTest': nTest,
        'tMax': tMax,
        'nDataRealizations': nDataRealizations,
        'nGraphRealizations': nGraphRealizations,
        'nClasses': nClasses,
        'useGPU': useGPU

# Every training excerpt has a WAN associated to it. We combine all these WANs
# into a single graph to use as the supporting graph for all samples. This
# combination happens under some extra options:
graphNormalizationType = 'rows'  # or 'cols' - Makes all rows add up to 1.
keepIsolatedNodes = False  # If True keeps isolated nodes
forceUndirected = True  # If True forces the graph to be undirected (symmetrizes)
forceConnected = True  # If True keeps the largest connected component

#\\\ Save values:
    varsFile, {
        'authorName': authorName,
        'nClasses': nClasses,
        'beginRatioTrainSim': beginRatioTrainSim,
        'endRatioTrainSim': endRatioTrainSim,
        'nSimPoints': nSimPoints,
        'ratioValid': ratioValid,
        'nDataSplits': nDataSplits,
        'graphNormalizationType': graphNormalizationType,
        'keepIsolatedNodes': keepIsolatedNodes,
        'forceUndirected': forceUndirected,
        'forceConnected': forceConnected


# Select which wavelets to use
doDiffusion = True  # F. Gama, A. Ribeiro, and J. Bruna, "Diffusion scattering
# transforms on graphs,” in Int. Conf. Learning Representations 2019.
# New Orleans, LA: Assoc. Comput. Linguistics, 6-9 May 2019.