    def changes_rss(self, num=10, REQUEST=None):
        Provide an RSS feed showing this wiki's recently edited pages.

        This is not the same as all recent edits.
        pages = self.pages(sort_on='last_edit_time',
        if len(pages) > 0:
            last_mod = pages[0].getObject().lastEditTime()
            last_mod = DateTime()
        if self.handle_modified_headers(last_mod=last_mod, REQUEST=REQUEST):
            return ''
        feedtitle = self.folder().title_or_id() + ' changed pages'
        feeddescription = feedtitle
        feedlanguage = 'en'
        feeddate = self.folder().bobobase_modification_time().rfc822()
        wikiurl = self.wikiUrl()
        REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type','text/xml; charset=utf-8')
        t = """\
<rss version="2.0">
""" % {
        for p in pages:
            pobj = p.getObject()
            t += """\
""" % {
            'title':'[%s] %s' % (self.title_quote(p.Title),self.title_quote(p.last_log)),
            'last_edit_time':pobj.lastEditTime().rfc822(), # be robust here
        t += """\
        return t
    def inputwidget(self, name, value=None, type_=None, class_=None,
                    options=None, **kw):
        """ Return the input part as a chunk of HTML. Most cases it's just an
        <input /> tag but this can be different depending on the value of
        type_. For example, if type_=='textarea' return a <textarea> tags

        unicode_encoding = kw.get('unicode_encoding',
                               getattr(self, 'UNICODE_ENCODING', 'UTF-8'))

        # If the name passed to this function is 'title:latin1:ustring'
        # or 'price:float', create a new variable called name_full and change
        # the original variable name.
        name_full = name
        if name.find(':') > -1:
            name_full = name
            name = name_full.split(':')[0]

        if len(name_full.split(':')) == 2 and name_full.split(':')[1] in ('ustring','utext'):
            # lazy! You didn't include the encoding
            name_full = name_full.split(':')[0] + ':%s:' % unicode_encoding + name_full.split(':')[1]

        # special case magic which saves a lot of typing the template code
        if value is None:
            # assume that they mean the REQUEST object
            value = self.REQUEST

        if hasattr(value, 'has_key') and hasattr(value, 'get'):
            # this means that the actual value wasn't given to us.
            # We were given a dictionary which we can dig through
            # ourselfs. If we end up here, it's quite likely that the
            # user called inputwidget() like this:
            #   here.inputwidget('first_name', request)
            if value.get(name) is not None:
                # I know this looks odd but it makes perfect sense :)
                value = value[name]
                # the variable wasn't available in this dictionary. The
                # default value will now depend on the type_
                if type_ in (None, u'text', u'textarea', u'password', u'file',
                    # assume string
                    value = ''
                elif type_ == 'checkbox':
                    value = False
                elif type_ == 'radio':
                    value = ''
                    raise InputwidgetTypeError, \
                    "Invalid type_. Can't guess default value"

        # Now that we've fixed the value for the lazy people who just
        # send a dict we can do some ...
        # ...some basic validation
        if name.strip() != name:
            raise InputwidgetNameError, "Name not stripped"

        if not name.strip():
            raise InputwidgetNameError, "Name blank"

        if type_ in (u'radio',):
            # the value can't be a list
            if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
                raise InputwidgetValueError, \
                "For radio input you can't make the value a list"

            # you can't have a multiple parameter to these
            if kw.get('multiple'):
                raise InputwidgetTypeError, "Can't have multiple on type_ radio"

        # check that the type_ is a recognized one
        if type_ not in (None, u'text', u'password', u'file', u'hidden', u'radio',
                         u'checkbox', u'textarea', u'select'):
            raise InputwidgetTypeError, "Unrecognized type_ option %r" % type_

        ## Before we start rendering it, we might want to make things
        ## smoother by being clever. Hopefully the code speaks for itself.

        if not kw.has_key(u'size') and not options:
            if type_ in (None, 'text') and len(unicode(value)) < 5:
                if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
                    kw[u'size'] = 5

        if type_ == u'textarea':
            if not kw.has_key(u'rows'):
                kw[u'rows'] = 10
            if not kw.has_key(u'cols'):
                kw[u'cols'] = 70

        if type_ == u'checkbox':
            if niceboolean(value):
                value = "1"
                kw[u'checked'] = u'checked'
                value = "1"

        # Check for submiterrors
        error_message = ''
        if self.REQUEST.get('submiterrors', {}).get(name):
            class_ = u"inputerror"
            message = self.REQUEST.get('submiterrors').get(name)
            error_message = u'<span class="submiterror">%s</span><br/>'%\

        if class_ is not None:
            kw[u'class'] = class_

        if kw.get(u'class') and isinstance(kw.get(u'class'), (list, tuple)):
            kw[u'class'] = ' '.join(kw[u'class'])

        # Decide and populate the right template
        if options and isinstance(options, (list, tuple)) and type_ not in ('radio','checkbox'):
            template = u'<select name="%(name)s" id="%(nameid)s" '
            html = template % dict(name=name_full, nameid=self._name2nameID(name))

        elif type_ == 'checkbox' and options and isinstance(options, (list, tuple)):
            html = ''

        elif type_ in (None, u'text', u'password', u'file', u'hidden', u'checkbox'):
            template = u'<input type="%(type)s" id="%(nameid)s" name="%(name)s" value="%(value)s" '
            if type_ is None:
                type_ = u'text'
            html = template % dict(type=type_, name=name_full, value=value,

        elif type_ == u'textarea':
            template = u'<textarea name="%(name)s" id="%(nameid)s" '
            html = template % dict(name=name_full, nameid=self._name2nameID(name))

        elif type_ == 'radio':
            html = ''

        if kw.get(u'pretext'):
            html = safe_unicode(kw.get(u'pretext')) + html

        if 'readonly' in kw:
            # to allow this to be None which can happen if you do this:
            # <td tal:content="structure python:here.inputwidget(...,
            #                             readonly=test(here.check_readonly()))
            if kw.get('readonly'):
                kw['readonly'] = 'readonly'
                del kw['readonly']

        if type_ != 'radio':
            for key, value_ in kw.items():
                if key.endswith('__'):
                    # special
                if key == u'posttext':
                if key == 'multiple':
                    value_ = 'multiple'
                html += u'%s="%s" ' % (key, value_)

        def isEqual(x, y):
            """ compare x and y and be aware of the careful_int_match__ """
            if x == y:
                return True

            if kw.get('careful_int_match__'):
                    return int(x) == int(y)
                except ValueError, TypeError:

            if kw.get('careful_float_match__'):
                    return float(x) == float(y)
                except ValueError, TypeError:

            if kw.get('careful_float_match__'):
                    return float(x) in [float(e) for e in yyy]
                except ValueError, TypeError:

            return False

        # wrap up

        if type_ == u'textarea':
            html = html.strip()+ u'>'
            html += html_quote(value)
            html += u'</textarea>'
        elif type_ in ('radio','checkbox') and options and isinstance(options, (list, tuple)):
            c = 0
            for option in options:
                valueid = self._name2nameID(name)+'_%s' % c
                c += 1
                if isinstance(option, (tuple, list)):
                    option, label = option
                elif isinstance(option, dict):
                    option, label = option['key'], option['value']
                    option, label = option, option

                if isEqual(option, value):
                    template = u'<input type="%(type_)s" name="%(name)s" id="%(valueid)s" value="%(value)s" checked="checked" '