def uninstall(): """uninstall from ~/bin/crashplan""" # uninstall launchd plist file plist = "com.myowncrashplan.plist" launchagents = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], "Library", "LaunchAgents") process("launchctl unload {0!s}".format(os.path.join(launchagents, plist))) os.unlink(os.path.join(launchagents, plist)) inst_dest = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],"bin","crashplan") shutil.rmtree(inst_dest)
def getReleaseMetadata(releaseTopDir): """ getReleaseMetadata: Collects info from scram internal files """ # These are scram hardcoded default paths: envFile = releaseTopDir+'/.SCRAM/Environment' releaseMetadata = {} inputFile = open(envFile, 'r') for line in inputFile.readlines(): process(line, releaseMetadata) return releaseMetadata
def install(): """install in ~/bin/crashplan""" for inst in manifest: if not os.path.exists(inst): print("Cannot find {0!s}. Are you sure you're in the source folder.".format(ins)) sys.exit() inst_dest = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],"bin","crashplan") os.makedirs(inst_dest) for inst in manifest: shutil.copy(inst, inst_dest) # install launchd plist file plist = "com.myowncrashplan.plist" launchagents = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], "Library", "LaunchAgents") shutil.copy(plist, launchagents) process("launchctl load {0!s}".format(os.path.join(launchagents, plist)))
def run2(self): """run the backup command""" self._create_exclude_file() st, rt = process(shlex.split(self.cmd)) self._calculate_size(rt) self._remove_exclude_file()
def remoteCommand(self, command): """perform a remote command on the server and get the response""" remote = ["ssh", "-q", self.settings('server-address')] remote.append(command) st, rt = process(remote) if st != 0: self.log.error(f"(remoteCommand): {command}") self.log.error(f"(remoteCommand): {st:d} {rt}") return st, rt
def run(self): """run the backup command""" self._create_exclude_file() st, rt = process(shlex.split(self.cmd)) if self.dry_run: self._calculate_size(rt) #print("DRY_RUN",st,rt) self._remove_exclude_file() return self._interpretResults(st, rt)
def ping(host): """ Returns True if host (str) responds to a ping request. Remember that a host may not respond to a ping (ICMP) request even if the host name is valid. Note: on Windows this function will still return True if you get a Destination Host Unreachable error. """ # Option for the number of packets as a function of param = '-n' if platform.system().lower() == 'windows' else '-c' # Building the command. Ex: "ping -c 1" command = ['ping', '-q', param, '1', '-W5', host] st, _rt = process(command) return st == 0
def remoteCopy(self, filename, dest=None): """scp file server:/path/to/dir""" if dest: dest_filename = os.path.basename(dest) else: dest_filename = os.path.basename(filename) remote = ["scp", filename, self.settings('server-address')+":"+ os.path.join(self.settings("backup-destination"), self.settings('local-hostname'), dest_filename)] st, rt = process(remote) if st != 0: self.log.error(f"(remoteCommand): {remote}") self.log.error(f"(remoteCommand): {st:d} {rt}") raise CrashPlanError(f"ERROR: remote command failed. ({remote})")
def parseRequest(self,file): # Disable try: if 0 == 0 : #try: f = open(file,'r') input = {} for line in f.readlines(): process(line, input) # Store input values from the request in attributes # (mapping to the RefDB used variable names): self.project = input['Application'] self.release = input['Version' ] # Handle multiple geometry files: if input.has_key("NumberOfGeometryFiles"): self.geomFileNum = int(input['NumberOfGeometryFiles']) for i in range(self.geomFileNum): self.geomFilesList.append(Geometry(input,str(i))) # DO check right away during parsing infoOut("Validating file "+self.geomFilesList[i].filePath +" ...") if not (self.geomFilesList[i]).valid(): self.error("Invalid geometry file: "+self.geomFilesList[i].filePath) # Add paths to multiple Geometry versions. if input.has_key("NumberOfGeometryXMLversions"): self.geompath_num=int(input['NumberOfGeometryXMLversions']) for i in range(self.geompath_num): self.geompath_list.append(GeometryPath(input,str(i))) # Get darfile related info: self.darball=DARball(input) # an object # List of Executables to be searched in runtime PATH: if input.has_key("ExecutablesList"): self.executables=string.split(input['ExecutablesList'],";") # List of applications to be built from sources: if input.has_key("NumberOfExecutables"): self.numExe = int(input['NumberOfExecutables']) for i in range(self.numExe): if input.has_key('Application_'+str(i)): self.applList.append(Application(input,str(i)))# each an object if not self.numExe: raise "zero_num_exe" # Define a few DAR hooks that will extend scram runtime environment # by setting special DAR variables for name in input.keys(): # DAR_PRE_ hook: if name[0:8] == "DAR_PRE_": self.darHooks[name]=input[name] # DAR_POST_ hook: if name[0:9] == "DAR_POST_": self.darHooks[name]=input[name] # DAR_ROOTRC hook: if name=="DAR_ROOTRC": self.darHooks[name]=input[name] # DAR_IGNORE_FILE - a separate hook that helps to pass the file with the # runtime environment variables to be ignored in dar: if name == "DAR_ignore_file": self.DAR_ignore_file = input[name] # get list of tools to be removed from the project # configuration before packaging: if name == "DAR_remove_tools": self.DAR_remove_tools = string.split(input[name],";") # For all SCRAM managed projects use DAR2: self.packager = DAR2Packager(self) self.timingLog('input file processed')
import cv2 from Utils import process, Buffers from brain import CNNModel import torch from torch.autograd import Variable if __name__ == "__main__": device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") model = CNNModel().to(device) model.load_state_dict(torch.load("./weightedmodel.pth")) L = Buffers(12) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: ret, frame = if frame is not None: tframe = process(frame) pframe = tframe.copy() tframe = tframe.reshape(1, 1, 50, 50) tframe = torch.from_numpy(tframe) tframe = tframe.type(torch.FloatTensor) tframe = (Variable(tframe)).to(device) out = model(tframe) L.push(out) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX frame = cv2.putText(frame, str(L.result()), (50, 50), font, 1, (255, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_8) cv2.imshow("HASIYE AAP CAMERE ME HAI!!", frame) cv2.imshow("cool ", pframe) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break