def station_list(cnn, stations, dates): stations = process_stnlist(cnn, stations) stn_obj = StationCollection() # use the connection to the db to get the stations for Stn in tqdm(sorted(stations, key=lambda s: (s['NetworkCode'], s['StationCode'])), ncols=80, disable=None): NetworkCode = Stn['NetworkCode'] StationCode = Stn['StationCode'] rs = cnn.query( 'SELECT * FROM rinex_proc WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' AND ' '("ObservationYear", "ObservationDOY") BETWEEN (%s) AND (%s)' % (NetworkCode, StationCode, dates[0].yyyy() + ', ' + dates[0].ddd(), dates[1].yyyy() + ', ' + dates[1].ddd())) if rs.ntuples() > 0: tqdm.write(' -- %s -> adding...' % stationID(Stn)) try: stn_obj.append(Station(cnn, NetworkCode, StationCode, dates)) except pyETMException: tqdm.write( ' %s -> station exists, but there was a problem initializing ETM.' % stationID(Stn)) else: tqdm.write(' -- %s -> no data for requested time window' % stationID(Stn)) return stn_obj
def station_list(cnn, NetworkConfig, dates): stations = process_stnlist(cnn, NetworkConfig['stn_list'].split(',')) stn_obj = [] # use the connection to the db to get the stations for Stn in tqdm(sorted(stations), ncols=80): NetworkCode = Stn['NetworkCode'] StationCode = Stn['StationCode'] # apply date -1 and date + 1 to avoid problems with files ending at 00:00 of date + 1 rs = cnn.query( 'SELECT * FROM rinex_proc WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' AND ' '"ObservationSTime" >= \'%s\' AND "ObservationETime" <= \'%s\'' % (NetworkCode, StationCode, (dates[0] - 1).first_epoch(), (dates[1] + 1).last_epoch())) if rs.ntuples() > 0: tqdm.write(' -- %s.%s -> adding...' % (NetworkCode, StationCode)) try: stn_obj.append(Station(cnn, NetworkCode, StationCode, dates)) except pyETMException: tqdm.write(' %s.%s -> station exists, but there was a problem initializing ETM.' % (NetworkCode, StationCode)) else: tqdm.write(' -- %s.%s -> no data for requested time window' % (NetworkCode, StationCode)) # analyze duplicate names in the list of stations stn_obj = check_station_codes(stn_obj) return stn_obj
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GNSS time series stacker') parser.add_argument('project_file', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project cfg file}', help="Project CFG file with all the stations being processed in Parallel.GAMIT") args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") GamitConfig = GamitConfiguration(args.project_file[0], check_config=False) # type: GamitConfiguration stations = process_stnlist(cnn, GamitConfig.NetworkConfig['stn_list'].split(',')) generate_kml(cnn, GamitConfig.NetworkConfig.network_id.lower(), stations)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Plot ETM for stations in the database') parser.add_argument( 'stnlist', type=str, nargs='+', help= "List of networks/stations to plot given in [net].[stnm] format or just [stnm] " "(separated by spaces; if [stnm] is not unique in the database, all stations with that " "name will be plotted). Use keyword 'all' to plot all stations in all networks. " "If [net].all is given, all stations from network [net] will be plotted" ) parser.add_argument('-nop', '--no_plots', action='store_true', help="Do not produce plots", default=False) parser.add_argument('-nom', '--no_missing_data', action='store_true', help="Do not show missing days", default=False) parser.add_argument('-nm', '--no_model', action='store_true', help="Plot time series without fitting a model") parser.add_argument('-r', '--residuals', action='store_true', help="Plot time series residuals", default=False) parser.add_argument( '-dir', '--directory', type=str, help= "Directory to save the resulting PNG files. If not specified, assumed to be the " "production directory") parser.add_argument( '-json', '--json', type=int, help="Export ETM adjustment to JSON. Append '0' to just output " "the ETM parameters, '1' to export time series without " "model and '2' to export both time series and model.") parser.add_argument( '-gui', '--interactive', action='store_true', help="Interactive mode: allows to zoom and view the plot interactively" ) parser.add_argument( '-win', '--time_window', nargs='+', metavar='interval', help= 'Date range to window data. Can be specified in yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy.doy or as a single ' 'integer value (N) which shall be interpreted as last epoch-N') parser.add_argument( '-q', '--query', nargs=2, metavar='{type} {date}', type=str, help= 'Dates to query the ETM. Specify "model" or "solution" to get the ETM value or the value ' 'of the daily solution (if exists). Output is in XYZ.') parser.add_argument( '-gamit', '--gamit', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{stack}', help="Plot the GAMIT time series specifying which stack name to plot.") parser.add_argument( '-lang', '--language', type=str, help="Change the language of the plots. Default is English. " "Use ESP to select Spanish. To add more languages, " "include the ISO 639-1 code in", default='ENG') parser.add_argument('-hist', '--histogram', action='store_true', help="Plot histogram of residuals") parser.add_argument('-file', '--filename', type=str, help="Obtain data from an external source (filename). " "Format should be specified with -format.") parser.add_argument( '-format', '--format', nargs='+', type=str, help= "To be used together with --filename. Specify order of the fields as found in the input " "file. Format strings are gpsWeek, gpsWeekDay, year, doy, fyear, month, day, mjd, " "x, y, z, na. Use 'na' to specify a field that should be ignored. If fields to be ignored " "are at the end of the line, then there is no need to specify those.") parser.add_argument('-outliers', '--plot_outliers', action='store_true', help="Plot an additional panel with the outliers") parser.add_argument('-vel', '--velocity', action='store_true', help="During query, output the velocity in XYZ.") parser.add_argument('-seasonal', '--seasonal_terms', action='store_true', help="During query, output the seasonal terms in NEU.") parser.add_argument('-quiet', '--suppress_messages', action='store_true', help="Quiet mode: suppress information messages") args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') stnlist = process_stnlist(cnn, args.stnlist) # define the language pyETM.LANG = args.language.lower() # set the logging level if not args.suppress_messages: pyETM.logger.setLevel(pyETM.INFO) ##################################### # date filter dates = None if args.time_window is not None: if len(args.time_window) == 1: try: dates = process_date(args.time_window, missing_input=None, allow_days=False) dates = (dates[0].fyear, ) except ValueError: # an integer value dates = float(args.time_window[0]) else: dates = process_date(args.time_window) dates = (dates[0].fyear, dates[1].fyear) if stnlist: # do the thing if if not os.path.exists( os.mkdir( else: if not os.path.exists('production'): os.mkdir('production') = 'production' for stn in stnlist: try: if args.gamit is None and args.filename is None: etm = pyETM.PPPETM(cnn, stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode'], False, args.no_model) elif args.filename is not None: etm = from_file(args, cnn, stn) else: polyhedrons = cnn.query_float( 'SELECT "X", "Y", "Z", "Year", "DOY" FROM stacks ' 'WHERE "name" = \'%s\' AND "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND ' '"StationCode" = \'%s\' ' 'ORDER BY "Year", "DOY", "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (args.gamit[0], stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode'])) soln = pyETM.GamitSoln(cnn, polyhedrons, stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode'], args.gamit[0]) etm = pyETM.GamitETM(cnn, stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode'], False, args.no_model, gamit_soln=soln) # print ' > %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %i %i' % \ # (etm.factor[0]*1000, etm.factor[1]*1000, etm.factor[2]*1000, etm.soln.t.shape[0], # etm.soln.t.shape[0] - # np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(etm.F[0], etm.F[1]), etm.F[2]))) # print two largest outliers if etm.A is not None: lres = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(etm.R), axis=0)) slres = lres[np.argsort(-lres)] print(' >> Two largest residuals:') for i in [0, 1]: print(' %s %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f' % (pyDate.Date(mjd=etm.soln.mjd[ lres == slres[i]]).yyyyddd(), etm.R[0, lres == slres[i]], etm.R[1, lres == slres[i]], etm.R[2, lres == slres[i]])) if args.interactive: xfile = None else: postfix = "gamit" if args.gamit is None: postfix = "ppp" if args.filename is None else "file" xfile = os.path.join(, '%s.%s_%s' % (etm.NetworkCode, etm.StationCode, postfix)) # leave pngfile empty to enter interactive mode (GUI) if not args.no_plots: etm.plot(xfile + '.png', t_win=dates, residuals=args.residuals, plot_missing=not args.no_missing_data, plot_outliers=args.plot_outliers) if args.histogram: etm.plot_hist(xfile + '_hist.png') if args.json is not None: if args.json == 1: obj = etm.todictionary(time_series=True) elif args.json == 2: obj = etm.todictionary(time_series=True, model=True) else: obj = etm.todictionary(False) file_write(xfile + '.json', json.dumps(obj, indent=4, sort_keys=False)) if args.query is not None: model = (args.query[0] == 'model') q_date = pyDate.Date(fyear=float(args.query[1])) xyz, _, _, txt = etm.get_xyz_s(q_date.year, q_date.doy, force_model=model) strp = '' # if user requests velocity too, output it if args.velocity: if etm.A is not None: vxyz = etm.rotate_2xyz(etm.Linear.p.params[:, 1]) strp = '%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f ' \ % (vxyz[0, 0], vxyz[1, 0], vxyz[2, 0]) # also output seasonal terms, if requested if args.seasonal_terms and etm.Periodic.frequency_count > 0: strp += ' '.join([ '%8.5f' % (x * 1000) for x in etm.Periodic.p.params.flatten().tolist() ]) print(' %s.%s %14.5f %14.5f %14.5f %8.3f %s -> %s' \ % (etm.NetworkCode, etm.StationCode, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], q_date.fyear, strp, txt)) print('Successfully plotted ' + stn['NetworkCode'] + '.' + stn['StationCode']) except pyETM.pyETMException as e: print(str(e)) except Exception: print('Error during processing of ' + stn['NetworkCode'] + '.' + stn['StationCode']) print(traceback.format_exc())