    def insert(self,dict,name=None):
        Insert the dictionary of columns to value into the database

        If the optional argument name is not given uses the tableName set by 
        if name is None:
            name = self.tableName

        columnNames = [sanitizeString(x) for x in dict.keys()]
        values = [sanitizeString(x) if isinstance(x,str) else x for x in dict.values()]

        columns = ', '.join(columnNames)
        placeholders = ', '.join(['?'] * len(dict))
        insertStr = 'INSERT INTO %s ' % name
        insertStr += '(%s) VALUES ( %s )' % (columns,placeholders) 
    def select(self,cols,cond=None,name=None):
        Select an item or set of items from the database 

        The optional parameter cond is a named tuple consisiting of two as arguments
        as strings and a comparison operator to perform on them. if cond is passed in
        the named tuple's strings are sanitized and it's turned into a conditional 
        string to use with "WHERE". See below for a list of 
        valid comparison operators:

        if cond is not given then all of the rows of each column in cols are returned


        If the optional argument name is not given, uses the tableName set by 
        if name is None:
            name = self.tableName

        colNames = [sanitizeString(x) for x in cols]
        selectStr = "SELECT " + ','.join(colNames) + " "
        selectStr += "from " + name + " "

        if cond:
            operand1 = sanitizeString(cond.arg1)
            operand2 = cond.arg2
            if not operand2.isdigit():
                operand2 = sanitizeString(operand2)
                operand2 = "\"" + operand2 + "\""
            op = cond.operator

            selectStr += "where " 
            selectStr += operand1
            selectStr += op
            selectStr += operand2
        return self.execute(selectStr)
    def select_from_last_row(self,cols,name=None):
        Select an item or set of items from the last row in the table

        If the optional argument name is not given, uses the tableName set by 
        if name is None:
            name = self.tableName

        colNames = [sanitizeString(x) for x in cols]
        # In order to support somewhat multi-threaded support get the last
        # row using MAX(rowid) instead of last_insert_rowid()
        lastInsertRow = self.execute("SELECT MAX(rowid) from " + name)[0][0]
        selectStr = "SELECT " + ','.join(colNames) + " "
        selectStr += "from " + name + " "
        selectStr += "WHERE rowid="+ str(lastInsertRow)

        return self.execute(selectStr)
    def create_table(self):
        Create the database if it doesn't not exists using the dictionary in self.schema

        Raises RuntimeError if schema hasn't been loaded
        logger.debug("Creating database")
        if self.schema is None:
            raise RuntimeError("No schema loaded! Can't create table!")
        dbCreateStr = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "
        dbCreateStr+= self.tableName + "("
        for colName in self.schema.keys():
            type = self.schema[colName]
            sanitizedColName = sanitizeString(colName)
            dbCreateStr+= "%s %s," % (sanitizedColName, type)
        dbCreateStr = dbCreateStr[:-1]
        dbCreateStr+= ")"
