    def exportAction(self, event):
        """Export everything in the table to a file."""
        lastDir = ""
            # load the last used directory
            # this will probably change as we will use a base64 encoded json as the complete config?
            lastDir = self.callbacks.loadExtensionSetting("lastDir")
            # if there is not a last used directory in the settings, continue

        from Utils import saveFileDialog, writeFile
        selectedFile, usedDirectory = saveFileDialog(parent=self.panel,
                                                     title="Export Issues",

        if selectedFile is not None:
            # write to the file

        if usedDirectory is not None:
            # overwrite the last used directory
            self.callbacks.saveExtensionSetting("lastDir", usedDirectory)
def randWeightInitial(Num, FilePath):
    if os.path.exists(FilePath):
    W = dict()
    for i in range(Num):
        W[i + 1] = np.mat(np.diag(np.random.randint(1, 10, i + 1)))
    writeFile(W, FilePath)
    return W
 def Operation(self, file_path=None):
     if self.Encoder:
         if file_path is not None and os.path.exists(file_path):
             self.ASCII_Dict = loadFile(file_path)
         ASCII_List = self._ASCIIEncoder(self.PW)
         HEX_STR = ''
         for ASCII_Num in ASCII_List:
             HEX_STR += self._HexEncoder(ASCII_Num) + '-'
         DES_STR = self._DESEncoder(HEX_STR)
         DES_STR = base64.b64encode(DES_STR).decode()
         while True:
             random_id = random.randint(1000, 9999)
             if str(random_id) not in self.ASCII_Dict.keys():
                 random_id = str(random_id)
         self.ASCII_Dict[random_id] = (DES_STR[:-self.K])
         writeFile(self.ASCII_Dict, file_path)
         ASCII_STR = DES_STR[-self.K:]
         X = np.array([self._ASCIIEncoder(ASCII_STR)])
         Y = self._MatrixEncoder(X, self.W[self.K])
         return self._GenerateGDMM(Y, random_id)
         '''Do Something...'''
         X = self._MatrixDecoder(self.Y, self.W[self.K].I)
         X = X.tolist()[0]
         X = [int(i) for i in X]
         ASCII_STR = self._ASCIIDecoder(X)
         ASCII_Dict = loadFile(file_path)
         DES_STR = ASCII_Dict[self.ID] + ASCII_STR
         DES_STR = base64.b64decode(DES_STR)
         HEX_STR = self._DESDecoder(DES_STR)
         HEX_STR_List = HEX_STR.split('-')[:-1]
         ASCII_List = []
         for hex_str in HEX_STR_List:
         return self._ASCIIDecoder(ASCII_List)
def main(gffPath, gplexPath, nalPath, minCov=0.5, maxDist=0):
    """Generate a GFF file of genes that overlap at least one gplex and at least one non-alignment.
	:param gffPath: path to the GFF3-formatted gene annotation file
	:param gplexPath: path to the GFF3-formatted gplex file
	:param nalPath: path to the GFF3-formatted non-alignment file
	:param minCov: minimum overlap required of non-aligned region (default=0.5)
	:param maxDist: max number of base pairs separating a gplex and gene (default=0)
	:return: filters the three inputted files for entries that overlap each other into separate files
    import os
    from Utils import load, writeFile
    print('\nGenerating gene overlaps...')

    print('Loading files...')
    gplexData = load(gplexPath)[2]
    nalsData = load(nalPath)[2]
    tempGeneData = load(gffPath)
    headers = tempGeneData[0] + tempGeneData[1]
    geneData = []
    for line in tempGeneData[2]:
        if line[2] == 'gene': geneData.append(line)

    # Finds overlaps for each ORF
    print('Calculating overlaps...')
    genes = []
    nals = []
    gplexes = []

    l = len(geneData)
    for i, gene in enumerate(geneData):
        print('\tCalculating ' + str(i + 1) + ' of ' + str(l) + '...')
        tempNals = []
        tempGplexes = []
        sumCov = 0
        gStart = int(gene[3])
        gEnd = int(gene[4])

        # Iterates over each non-alignment
        for nline in nalsData:
            if nline[0] == gene[0]:
                start = max(gStart, int(nline[3]))
                end = min(gEnd, int(nline[4]))
                if end > start:
                    sumCov += (end - start)

        # Iterates over each gplex; gplex is included if its distance to the orf doesn't exceed 'maxDist'
        for gplex in gplexData:
            if gplex[0] == gene[0]:
                start = max(gStart, int(gplex[3]))
                end = min(gEnd, int(gplex[4]))
                if (start - end) <= int(maxDist): tempGplexes.append(gplex)

        # If coverage is at least 'minCov' and there exists at least one gplex, add to data
        if (sumCov /
            (gEnd - gStart) > float(minCov)) and (len(tempGplexes) > 0):

    # Write everything
    print('Writing to output files...')
    output = os.path.dirname(gffPath) + '/overlaps/'
    writeFile(output + 'genes.gff', headers, genes)
    writeFile(output + 'nals.gff', headers, nals)
    writeFile(output + 'gplexes.gff', headers, gplexes)
    print('Finished writing output to ' + output + '\nFinished!')
def getCorr():
    vibName = request.args.get("vibName")
    progress_data['getCorr'] = 0  # 将进度条置零
    # 判断所选择的振动参数是否做过相关性分析
    if vibName + "_FP_col" in os.listdir(
            "Savedfile") and vibName + "_FP_corr" in os.listdir("Savedfile"):
        vib_FP_highCorr_FP = loadFile('Savedfile/' + vibName + '_FP_corr')
        vib_FP_highCol_FP = loadFile('Savedfile/' + vibName + '_FP_col')
        progress_data['getCorr'] = float(100)  # 进度条直接到100%
        repeat = []
        corr_list = []  # 初始化相关性list
        col_list = []  # 初始化变量名list
        zeroCor_191207 = loadFile("Savedfile/zeroCor_191207")
        vibFolder = baseURL + findKey(VIBParamsTrain,
                                      vibName)[0]  # 查找需要做相关性分析的参数所在文件路径
        vibData, vibTime = readData(vibFolder, vibName)  # 读取振动数据及相应时间
        tempFPParams = FPParamsTrain
        # 先遍历一次,统计飞参个数
        FpNumber = 0
        for file in FPParamsTrain.keys():
            FpNumber += len(FPParamsTrain[file])
        i = 1  # 初始化计数器
        for file in tempFPParams.keys():
            df = pd.read_table(baseURL + file, sep='\t')
            time_i = timeProcess(df['TIME'].tolist())
            for FPParam in tempFPParams[file]:
                if (FPParam in zeroCor_191207):  # 如果某个变量在zeroCor_191207中
                    print(FPParam + " Break!")  # 告知并跳过该变量的计算
                elif ("Accel"
                      in FPParam):  # 如果某个变量包括"Accel"在变量名称中,该变量为加速度传感器数据
                    print(FPParam + " Break!")  # 告知并跳过该变量的计算
                elif (FPParam in repeat):  # 如果有重复变量且已经做过相关性分析
                    print(FPParam + " Break!")  # 告知并跳过该变量的计算
                    files = findKey(FPParamsTrain, FPParam)
                    # 如果有重复的飞参,则进行拼接
                    if len(files) > 1:
                        repeat.append(FPParam)  # 记录处理过的重复飞参

                    jCol = df[FPParam].fillna(0, inplace=True).tolist()
                    jCol_matched = matchData(vibTime, time_i,
                                             jCol)  # 将飞参数据与振动数据时间轴匹配
                    corrJ = scs.pearsonr(jCol_matched,
                                         vibData)[0]  # 计算该飞参数据与振动响应数据的相关性
                    corr_list.append(corrJ)  # 将计算的相关性加入corr_list中
                    col_list.append(FPParam)  # 将变量名称加入col_list
                    print("Correlation between " + FPParam + " and " +
                          str(vibName) + " is " + str(corrJ))  # 告知变量名与相关性
                num_progress = round(i * 100 / FpNumber, 2)
                i += 1
                progress_data['getCorr'] = num_progress  # 更新进度条
        print(" Fetching complete!")  # 告知飞参变量的读取完毕
        # 按绝对值从大到小进行排序
        corr = np.array(corr_list)
        col = np.array(col_list)
        vib_FP_highCorr_FP = corr[np.argsort(np.abs(corr))[::-1]].tolist()
        vib_FP_highCol_FP = col[np.argsort(np.abs(corr))[::-1]].tolist()
        # 按绝对值从大到小进行保存
        writeFile("Savedfile/" + vibName + "_FP_corr", vib_FP_highCorr_FP)
        writeFile("Savedfile/" + vibName + "_FP_col", vib_FP_highCol_FP)
    result = {"corr_list": vib_FP_highCorr_FP, "col_list": vib_FP_highCol_FP}
    return Response(json.dumps(result), mimetype='application/json')