def Main(): minR = 6 # Define a constant variable to store the minimum radius required from the user. maxR = 20 # Define a constant variable to store the maximum radius required from the user. r = GetIntInput( "Please enter the radius of the smiley's face (input will be clamped between (%d - %d): " % (minR, maxR)) r = Clamp( minR, maxR, r ) # Clamp the user specified radius between the constant minimum and maximum. print(CreateSmileyStr(r)) # Print the smiley generated to the screen. input("Press any key to continue..." ) # Display an message so the user know what to do next.
def Main(): print("Welcome to the pyramid program.") h = GetIntInput("Please enter the height of the pyramid required: ") print(CreatePyramidStr(h)) input("Press any key to continue...")
def Main(): print("Welcome to the filter numbers program.") n = GetIntInput("Please enter the number you wish to be the divider: ") print(CreateDivisibleStr(n)) input("Press any key to continue...")
def Main(): print("Welcome to the prime number program.") n = GetIntInput("Please enter the number you wish to be examined: ") print("%d is%s a prime number!" % (n, '' if IsPrime(n) else " not")) input("Press any key to continue...")
def Main(): s = GetIntInput("Please specify the size of the rectangular triangle: " ) # Get the size of the triangle from the user. print(GetRectTrglStr(s)) # Print the triangle generated to the screen. input("Press any key to continue..." ) # Display an message so the user know what to do next.
def Main(): h = GetIntInput("Please specify the height of the isosceles triangle: " ) # Get the height of the triangle from the user. print(GetIsoTriangleStr(h)) # Print the triangle generated to the screen. input("Press any key to continue..." ) # Display an message so the user know what to do next.
def Main(): print("Welcome to the ever or odd program.") n = GetIntInput("Please enter a number: ") print("The number %d is %s." % (n, "even" if IsEven(n) else "odd")) input("Press any key to continue...")
def Main(): d = GetIntInput("Please enter the diameter of the circle: " ) # Get the diameter of the circle from the user. print(GetCircleStr(d)) # Print the circle generated to the screen. input("Press any key to continue..." ) # Display an message so the user know what to do next.
def Main(): print("Welcome to the star program.") s = GetIntInput("Please enter the diameter of the star: ") print(CreateStarStr(s)) input("Press any key to continue...")